From the office of Congressman Andy Harris:
Congressman Andy Harris, M.D. (MD-01) condemned findings from a recent U.S. Government Accountability Office report that revealed millions of federal taxpayer dollars are indeed going to fund abortion advocacy organizations. In February of 2013, Congressman Harris and several of his colleagues in the House urged the GAO to investigate how much federal funding went to several abortion advocacy organizations, such as Planned Parenthood. The report found that from 2010 to 2012, the six abortion advocacy groups received $481 million in federal funding, in addition to $1.2 billion in combined federal and state funds within federal health programs that call for shared funding.
“This new report clearly shows that we are in violation of the Hyde Amendment, giving federal taxpayer funds to organizations that perform abortion procedures. As a physician, I find it hard to believe that Planned Parenthood, an organization where 94% of their services are made up of abortions, is not using any of their federal funding for these procedures,” said Congressman Harris.
Under the Hyde Amendment, no federal dollars are to be used to fund abortions, except for in cases of rape and incest. Planned Parenthood performed 327,653 abortions in 2013, yet they only provided 1,880 adoption referrals and 18,684 prenatal services in the same time. They are the largest abortion provider in the United States, and the GAO report found that, despite the Hyde Amendment, they receive more than $500 million a year in federal funding.
Since coming to Congress in 2010, Congressman Harris has fought for pro-life issues, including ensuring that taxpayer dollars are not used to fund abortions, a position shared by a majority of Americans.
SoulCrusher says
Hey Andy, Planned Parenthood is a non-profit organization. Our government gives billions every year to such entities. Planned Parenthood does a lot more than being a Pro-Abortionist Advocate. Who are you kidding? Please read their website Andy and give the public all the facts, not just what you want the facts to be.
The Money Tree says
As a physician it should be no surprise to you that Harris supports life. Having read a litany of your very angry posts it’s no surprise to me that you do not.
SoulCrusher says
He is not telling the whole story. That is what I just said. There is nothing angry in the above comment. Just the truth. I support a woman’s right to choose her own path. That’s all, nothing else. You’re barking up the wrong tree. Politicians lie and tell half truths. That’s what he is doing here. Maybe, you should read the info on the above posted link or maybe you’re just not interested in the truth either……
h says
Andy is this really the most pressing business at hand? How about you spend taxpayers money on something other than your personal witch hunts.
SEA says
Rep. Harris – Please stop spending time on hot-button issues that divide the residents of our state. Voters like me want to see our government use cooperation and bipartisanship to work on tough issues like clean energy, effective transportation, and health care for all.
Chinpokoman says
Explain to me the logic of the Democrats again…….. criminals should not and will not be killed for heinous crimes but innocent babies can be slaughtered at will.
Now it makes sense.
henry says
While conservatives want every baby to be born but don’t want to take care of it after the birth. And they support the death penalty and endless wars for profit.
you a mo ron says
I support the right to choose and the death penality and I am a conservative.
SoulCrusher says
The organizations that are being demonized in this article do more than provide services so that “innocent babies can be slaughtered at will”. The majority of their services deal in contraception and I think you will agree that if contraception is used then those innocent babies won’t be “slaughtered” at all. Planned Parenthood does cancer screenings and promotes the prevention of communicable diseases also. However, abortion is available to those who choose to do so, if done within an appropriate term of gestation that the law allows. I do believe in freedom of a woman to choose her own path. After all, it is the woman who has to live with her choice, whether you or I agree with it at all.
The Money Tree says
That’s all well and good although we could argue the phoney breast cancer screening claim. To provide a referral is not to screen. Planned Parenthood was and is first a source for birth control followed very closely by being an abortion provider and that’s the money maker – that and federal subsidies and therein lies the rub. Have your abortion – it’s legal but don’t ask the taxpayers to support it thereby become active participants in what many view as an abhorant process. It’s just that simple.
SoulCrusher says
You have your opinion and I have mine. I just find it ironic that you don’t support a woman’s choice to bring or not bring life into this world, yet you would be the first to complain about the costs of having to provide for another impoverished soul in this world. I have nothing further to say………
The Money Tree says
That’s what the birth control is for. The vast majority of abortions could be easily avoided w a simple act of responsibility. That tired talking point suggesting conservatives don’t want to pay for babies after birth is directed to the largely ignorant seals who flap their flippers in support. It assumes that simple act of taking a pill or keeping your pants on doesn’t exist. Yes you can avoid both unwanted pregnancy and abortion by taking responsibility for you own behavior. I know that seems freakish to liberals.
hmmm... says
Sure, I believe in a woman’s right to choose, but even more than that I believe in self responsibility. Unless she’s been raped, if she can’t afford a child, an abortion, or contraceptives, she needs to find a girlfriend. I see no reason why I should be paying for any worry free good time other than my own.
W.T.F.? says
Andy, once again, you are wasting your time AND our money on a hot button issue that will never be resolved to where everyone is happy. That being said, besides all of the other pro-choice points already articulated above, why is it that you “conservatives” always want to advocate for smaller, less invasive “big gubmint”, EXCEPT for when it doesn’t fit your own narrow minded hypocritical agenda?
(BTW, the preceding was a rhetorical question, and doesn’t invite an answer).
Finally, (regarding the dollars given to the various organizations) your math does not add up….but that’s on par for your usual propaganda.