From Harford Campaign for Liberty:
March 24, 2015
7 pm – 9 pm
Knights of Columbus Hall
23 Newport Drive
Forest Hill, MD 21050
Make sure that you’re on hand to hear this month’s lineup of speakers.
Sheriff Gahler will bring us up to date on legislation to roll back SB 281.
Remember the O’Malley, Miller, Busch gun grab of 2013? We are fighting back with legislation. Find out where we stand and how you can help.
Bill Wehland will bring us the latest on Walmart.
Citizen activists in Bel Air and Abingdon have been putting pressure on the retail giant and Harford County government to maintain a livable environment in their communities. Mr. Weyland will provide the latest information on this ongoing battle.
Bob Phillips will discuss the APG Blimp.
The giant balloon over the Proving Grounds has a lot of folks asking questions. We’ll certainly get some answers about these devices and their capabilities from Mr. Phillips.
Free Admission
Cash Bar Available
The big blimps in the sky are a missile defense system.
Yeah, for all those missiles we tend to get…
You can bet there’s more to it than that. The early news articles about them talked about downward-facing cameras that could track cars for hundreds of miles. Odd that you don’t hear that in the articles any more.
I’m not a conspiracy theorist, but come on – there’s no way that’s only a missile tracking unit.
Yes. that’s exactly what it is….a missle detection device.
“early news articles…..downward facing cameras” Really?
Take off your tin foil hat and join reality you f-ing idiot!
So what happens if it detects a missile?
Why, they’ll make sure our fearless community organizer in chief is safely ensconced in his hidey-hole where he can think to himself… wow, sucks to be the rest of you.
All of the BGE Smart Meters will rise up as one and vaporize the inbound bogey.
It beeps
Here is the website to the company that makes all the “Sensors” that are attached to the blimp. They have in the last year, just before deployment, removed the video which showed their blimp system tracking every car, person, and animal from an imaginary Iraqi “city” But none the less you can still see it has very little to do with missiles, and very much to do with tracking ground targets. But hey, keep believing otherwise.
The blimps were originally used along the Mexican border for border security and yes those blimps have some pretty high tech surveillance gear that can see cars and people from many, many miles away as clear as a bell. The particular model JLENS that is floating at APG is not being used for these purposes. It is actually being tested for missile defense. It can scan from Boston all the way to SC and searches for low level cruise missiles. I hope they are testing these devices for use over seas in battle and not because they fear a missile attack is eminent from perhaps an enemy sub in the Atlantic.
All of you conspiracy nuts worrying if they (Army) are watching you should be more concerned about the Sherriff’s Department helicopter that just drones on and on all night long above Bel Air and it actually IS spying on you. Biggest waste of money on the planet.
Couldn’t have said it better myself……
Is C4L now for government intervention and control of private business’s? I would have thought they would support WalMart or any business acting within the current framework of rules and regulations.
They probably going to be discussing the traffic mitigation issue, which is in the parameters of current rules and regulations. The outcome of traffic remediation issues will affect other property owners as well, both now and in the future.
Interesting I just never thought of C4L as an advocate of big government intervention.
Honestly, I never thought of conforming to traffic mitigation rules and regulations as big government intervention.
Traffic mitigation rules are made up by the government. Just look what they made Wal Mart do in falston for no reason at all.
Pretty much all of the laws and regulations we live by “are made up by the government”, In this case, a combination of state and local governments.
If Walmart, or any other business, has found or finds our local rules unfair or excessive, the don’t have to abide by them. They have the power to set up shop in a more friendly location any time they choose.
Campaign for liberty is now supporting an over reaching local government enforcing arbitrary rules on tax paying citizens and corporations. My how things have changed.
Ladies, don’t get your panties in a bunch. Walmart is getting its store, we will get our low-end jobs and consumer goods, and the traffic pattern, with Walmart’s improvements, won’t get any worse than it is presently.
The only question left to answer is what percentage the taxpayer is paying for the Walmart’s traffic mitigation. This is what may be concerning the C4L,
Regarding traffic mitigation and the proposed Walmart–please be aware that even if the state and county require the developer to make road improvements they don’t actually have to do them. If they make their “best effort” to acquire easements and cannot then they have to post a bond and it become the counties problem. So yes, the traffic will get worse. There are most certainly sections of road where they will not be able to acquire easements. The road improvements requested/suggested are not physically possible due to already existing buildings and structures. This will impact all property owners and taxpayers $$. Devil is in the details, as always.
good info
Hey W.T.F.? Have you seen the link below……Gee, maybe you can’t read!?!?!?!?
Looks like the only mentality you have is to come up with childish responses.
Grow up and get lost!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Notice that you can only see one side of the blimp? On the other side it says “Walmart just rolled back prices on tin foil!”
Good one.
Are tin foil hats available at the door or do you have to bring your own.
I have read some of the previous comments from some folks apparently not in the know. Walmart is not acting within the current framework of established rules and regulations as some think. Walmart does does not want be responsible for all of the road improvements required by the law (Adequate Public Facilities Ordnance) to mitigate their traffic which they admit will be close to 10,000 trips per day. Other businesses abide by the same rules in order to obtain site approval to build. I do not believe anyone desires the County to lessen the road improvements and than be forced to do them on the taxpayer’s money. If Walmart claims our laws are unfair, excessive, and costly to them, they can walk away from the site and look elsewhere. This Walmart is unnecessary given the close proximity to their super center in Fallston from the proposed site. The Constant Friendship store can be easily expanded, contrary to their claims, at a fraction of the cost for the off-site improvements, land and building of a new store. Walmart claims they are doing what is best for the customer. Really! Walmart claims they are being treated unfair. How fair is it affect the quality of life for residents in the area by increased traffic, large trucks, safety of our school children and the driving public, environmental issues, security, and the daily lives of people and property living in the neighborhood. There are going to some people not living in the immediate vicinity that are for this Walmart location but I wonder if it were to be built in their neck of the woods or back yard how they would like it and support the move. From what I know there are far more people against this location than for it. So Walmart do what is best for the customer and build somewhere else.
Since Gahler will be at this meeting maybe someone can ask him the prospects of the county taking the walmart property and building a new detention center there, since the current location is no longer expandable and capacity is projected to be reached in the near future.
Why don’t you attend the meeting and ask him rather than suggesting someone else!
Your comment is rather odd. Crime has been touted as down in almost all categories so you would think that the numbers in the HCDC would also be down. A significant expansion was completed over four years ago with most of the new space still unused. Why would we build another Detention Center? Should we build it because it’s not a Walmart?
Webster you do realize the 10000 number has been disqualified by all parties involved. It is now down to at peak 400 cars/hour in and out meaning each minute 3 go in and 3 come out. I would think McDonalds Burger king Arbies and Sonic do way more than that at peak times. At 10,000 that would mean 12% of the citizens are going to 1 of the counties three Wal Marts every day which is absurd and no doubt why campain for liberty is having Bill Wehland talk, most of their meetings are tinfoil hat wearing lunatic fests.
Having been to a WalMart I find it very hard to believe they can check out 3 customers in 1 minute much less 10000 in a single day.
Oh, come on now. They could do 10000 if they checked out every customer in one minute, were open 24 hours a day and had seven registers open at all times. Just sayin! 🙂
But BigD, Webster is “in the know” hehehehe 😉