From the office of U.S. Sen. Barbara Mikulski:
Today at Henderson’s Wharf Inn in Fells Point, U.S. Senator Barbara A. Mikulski (D-Md.) announced she has decided not to run for re-election. Senator Mikulski, who will complete her 5th term in office in January, 2017, says she wants to focus for the next two years on working for her constituents and for the nation.
“Because every day, I want to wake up thinking about you — the little guys and gals, the watermen, automobile workers, researchers, small business owners and families,” Senator Mikulski said. “I want to give you 120 percent of my time with all of my energy focused on you and your futures. Because it’s always been about you, never about me. That’s what it takes to be a good senator by my expectations and by my standards.”
Senator Mikulski’s prepared statement follows:
“It’s great being here in Fells Point today where I spent a good part of my life and where I learned my values. Growing up in East Baltimore was growing up in an urban village where people lived, worked, shopped and worshipped. But it’s not about what we did, it’s about what we believed.
“It’s the values I learned from my family — my mother and father, from my church – the nuns and priests, and from the people in the neighborhoods themselves. It’s where I learned about patriotism, the love of this country, and that you have to fight for and protect the freedom and opportunity it gives. Where I learned about neighbor helping neighbor through the genuine gestures and actions of people who were looking out for one another every day and in every way. Where I learned that we are all in this together as we witnessed young men and women go off to protect their country and helped care for the families they hoped to come home to.
“And it’s where I learned about service from my mother and father who said, ‘Good morning can I help you?’ every morning when they opened the small neighborhood grocery they owned and ran. I still believe in ‘Good morning can I help you.’ That’s the spirit of East Baltimore. It’s how I was raised and how I still live every day.
“For me, service is about solving problems for my constituents. I could never put you or your needs on a back burner. With my own re-election on the horizon, I thought long and hard about how I want to spend the next two years – what is it I want to campaign for, for you or for me?
“I had to decide whether to spend my time fighting to keep my job or fighting for your job. Do I spend my time raising money or raising hell to meet your day-to-day needs? Do I spend my time focusing on my election or the next generation. Do I spend the next two years making promises about what I will do or making progress on what I can do right now.
“The more I thought about it, the more the answer became really clear – I want to campaign for you. That’s why I’m here to announce I won’t be seeking a 6th term as a United States Senator for Maryland.
“Because every day, I want to wake up thinking about you — the little guys and gals, the watermen, automobile workers, researchers, small business owners and families. I want to give you 120 percent of my time with all of my energy focused on you and your future. Because it’s always been about you, never about me. That’s what it takes to be a good senator by my expectations and by my standards.
“Over the next two years, I’ll be fighting to give families a raise by finishing what we started with the Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act and passing the Paycheck Fairness Act, once and for all guaranteeing equal pay for equal work. I’ll be fighting for a family-friendly tax code with targeted tax breaks, doubling the child care tax credit to make child care more affordable.
“I’ll be fighting for you jobs. Creating jobs today in construction rebuilding America’s roads, bridges and water plants. And creating jobs for tomorrow in the new economy through research and discovery.
“I’ll keep up the charge to make college more affordable with permanent tuition tax breaks and by reforming Pell Grants, making them year round, easier to apply for and increasing them to cover more costs. And families should be able to refinance student loans at lower rates. I’ll also be introducing my new bill, Debt for Duty, providing student loan forgiveness in exchange for time spent volunteering.
“I’ll be making sure promises made are promises kept to our veterans. Because if you’ve been on the frontlines, you shouldn’t have to stand in line for benefits you’ve earned and deserve. And I’ll be protecting the social safety net for seniors, because ‘Honor thy father and mother,’ isn’t just a great commandment to live by, it’s good public policy. That means making sure Social Security remains a guaranteed, lifetime and inflation-proof benefit and that Medicare is there when you need it.
“To the people of Maryland — I thank you. You’ve honored me with your confidence and trust. I’ve tried to live up to it and will continue to do that every day. I pledge, as always, that I will take the values I learned living here in East Baltimore and work as hard as ever, dedicated to you and dedicated to the nation. Thank you and God bless.”
Senator Mikulski was the first Democratic Senator elected in her own right, and was one of only two women Senators serving when she took office in 1987. On January 5, 2011, she became the longest-serving woman in U.S. Senate history when she was sworn in to the 112th Congress, breaking the record previously held by Senator Margaret Chase Smith (R-Maine.) Senator Mikulski has said she shares many things in common with Senator Smith, including a strong belief in constituent service.
On Saturday, March 17, 2012, she surpassed Rep. Edith Nourse Rogers as the longest-serving woman in the U.S. Congress. In 1976, she was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives as the Congresswoman from Maryland’s third district.
Senator Mikulski holds many other “firsts,” including being the first Chairwoman of the Senate Appropriations Committee, a post she took on December 20, 2012.
Throughout her time in elected office, she has fought uphold the values she learned growing up in East Baltimore. She continues to fight for a stronger economy and safer America every day.
Franchot Statement on Sen. Mikulski’s Retirement Announcement
From the office of the Comptroller of Maryland:
Comptroller Peter Franchot’s statement on today’s announcement by Senator Barbara Mikulski that she will retire at the end of her current term in the United States Senate:
“Throughout her trailblazing career in public service, Barbara Mikulski has always been a fierce champion for Maryland’s children, women and working families, and a powerful voice for Americans who otherwise would have been forgotten and left behind. Our state and our country are far better off today because of Senator Mikulski’s leadership. I am grateful for the opportunity to know this extraordinary woman and to have worked with her throughout our years in elected office, and I know that she will continue to fight for those values to which she’s dedicated her life.”
The Road Ahead
From Dan Bongino:
I wish Senator Barbara Mikulski the best in her retirement. Although we have significant policy differences, I always appreciated her commitment to constituent services. During my time knocking on doors and speaking to Marylanders, I heard from many of Senator Mikulski’s political supporters, and opponents, that her commitment to constituent services was unwavering.
Regarding the many inquiries about my political future; I must consider a number of factors before I make a decision about any future run for political office. I must consult with my family, and the members of my team who have faithfully stood by me, and then determine whether I can make a more significant impact in Maryland politics from inside, or outside, the system. I deeply appreciate all of the incredibly supportive emails, social media messages, and other expressions of support both today and throughout my time in politics, it means the world to me.
Very Respectfully,
Harford Resident says
If she really cared about “the little guys and gals,” she would be working to stop the move of all the APG civilian employees to Huntsville, AL. Let’s see what she can do about that in her last days in office.
Mr. Moderate says
I don’t think we have to worry about Senator Mikulski. She was born a “little guy,” figuratively as well as literally, and has worked all her life for the common good, going back to her days as a social worker in Baltimore long before her entering a career in any public office.
Kharn says
She doesn’t care about them, they all still hold NJ driver’s licenses.
BelcampSharon says
If you worked on post, you would know that not all of the people who got jobs at APG were transferred from NJ. I was already living in Maryland when I got hired. There are a lot of us who work on post who are not from NJ. Many are ex-military (like myself) and a lot are from Maryland, PA and Delaware.
APG Move says
APG is moving to Alabama??? Hopefully not the whole post. I do hope they move all those mother f-ers that came down from New Jersey. No one wants there ignorant, obnoxious asses here anyway. Good riddance.
Harford Resident says
NJ and Maryland folks alike are headed to Alabama. Leadership is denying it, but the word is out there pretty clearly.
Kharn says
They just built 2 million square feet of office space, APG isn’t going anywhere.
O’Malley wanted the post closed so he could claim he saved the Bay from the evil military, but now he’s out of office.
robert says
The correct spelling is “their”, not “there”. You see, the NJ people came with an education and they have to deal with idiots like you. And, they came from a great place to live and ended up in a dump.
BelcampSharon says
Thank you Robert.
BelcampSharon says
Enough already with the rumor about moving all the employees to Huntsville. It is not happening. This rumor has been circulating for almost five years along with the rumor that they are going to re-open Ft Monmouth. That isn’t happening either.
Harford Resident says
Not happening? Army Materiel Command, CECOM’s Major Command HQ moved to Huntsville simultaneously to the Ft Monmouth move to APG in the last BRAC. There have been various plans over many years to consolidate AMC operations down there, The HQ was a big step, and you can mark my words, if not through a BRAC, they will use other administrative tools available to them, to move CECOM employees down also. The Army has plenty of excess space and related employees that the new APG buildings could absorb. The CECOM move to Huntsville is not a matter of if, but when, it will occur.
Arturro Nasney says
AMC headquarters was in extremely expensive leased offices just outside the DC beltway. They could have moved to Fort Belvoir in years past, but resisted any change for the sake of resisting change. When the BRAC commission targeted the expensive leases occupied by DOD activities, the Fort Belvoir option was no longer available and Fort Mead could not have accommodated the move. APG was already set to receive Fort Monmouth, putting three major commands of AMC at APG. APG was passed over for AMC headquarters due to that. The rumor mill at APG has always been skewed but the rumor of relocating CECOM to Redstone is simply bizarre and anyone stupid enough to repeat it deserves to be spanked. Get your big girl panties on!
Harford Resident says
OK – believe what you want. You’ll see in a few years when everyone is crying about losing CECOM to Huntsville. If the MD politicians don’t pay attention to this one, they’ll be caught short just like the Jersey politicians. You heard it here first.
KottaMan says
Well, her remarks exhibit some varnishing of the truth, to wit: “It’s the values I learned from my family — my mother and father, from my church – the nuns and priests, and from the people in the neighborhoods themselves. It’s where I learned about patriotism, the love of this country, and that you have to fight for and protect the freedom and opportunity it gives.” The day, Babs, that you supported NoBama, the Communist-in-Chief, is the day you left your ‘patriotism” et. al. at the door. In the end, it was all about PARTY to the exclusion of “love of country.” You, Babs, have certainly done your heavy lifting to enable the Regime in D.C. and its Socialism to NOT ‘protect the freedom.’
Original Observer says
To say nothing of leaving her Catholicism behind when she charged forward championing the slaughter of the innocents. Frankly, she’d be better off raising flowers.
CoughCough says
What this county has done to teachers over the past 5 years is a joke. Time to catch some colds next year.
Patty says
While I admire her “spunk”, I think her efforts are misdirected. I wish she would spend her energy talking about personal responsibility instead of handouts. If people are not taught how to rely on themselves, they will always look to someone else (the government and all the tax dollars) to support them.
Yup says
But that doesn’t serve in the government’s best interest!
WELL..............BYE says
You are an embarrassment to the State and to the working tax payers of Maryland. You and your
party have put Illegal Aliens priorities above that of the US Citizen. Where do you get the balls to give illegal aliens tax refund checks! You are stealing our money. We do not want you and we do not want your 15 million illegal aliens sucking off the government teat. How about you move down to ol mexico and apply for some benefits.
McGee says
So much for “Beech creek estates” or whatever the hell its called. Bunch of cookie cutter single family homes sitting around with no buyers.
Kinda resembles that big multi story brick and glass window eyesoar with no tenants next to Target in Aberdeen.
Personally, Id much rather have kept the Golf Course. At least it’s generating revenue for multiple parties.
BelcampSharon says
You can thank the ex county executive for Beech Tree. Funny how that development was approved on a Tuesday night and on Thursday a big wooden sign was already up announcing the development. Didn’t that developer go to school with Craig?.
WHAT says
Belcamp? What’s it like living on top of a dump?
The Money Tree says
Let’s not forget right past the big empty building are the now empty lots on either side that cost the taxpayers millions of dollars leveling homes and supposedly to add one additional lane on each side so that the little darlings wouldn’t have to wait in traffic like the rest of us. Truth is that stretch of road at it’s peak is no worse than the 95/695 interchange, Mountain Rd anytime in the mornings and afternoons, the beltline anywhere near Reistertown Rd and almost any time of day, and/or 83 with the tiniest fender benders off to the side and not to mention it’s less than a mile to 95 either direction. It’s absurd how much money has been spent coddling a bunch of spoiled “civilian” gov’mnt workers who’ve done nothing but complain since they got here. Go away – we’d all be better off today if BRAC had never happened. Enjoy your time in Alabama.
honorable mention says
Let us not forget the GM auto plant closure that was traded for the now vacant transmission plant on Philadelphia road. All the democrat idiots out there with their golden shovels on ground breaking day. GM employed about 3,000 workers with great wages and now Allison employees what 6 full time security guards.
Keith Gabel says
This one closed?
Harford Resident says
Your Maryland friends will be joining them in Alabama. All of CECOM is headed there eventually.
Yup says
Just get the h*ll out you blowhard hag!
Walter Mhellon says
Still hard to believe they closed down a Maryland top rated golf course and decided to build a bunch of houses on the land.
I’d like to know what the plan is for the former property of Beechtree golf? You can’t tell me they are just going to keep building homes and let them all sit until the end of time, waiting for someome to buy them, one by one?
What is the plan? Its been a few years and its obviously there isn’t much interest in living there.
Harford Resident says
Even more interesting is how Bulle Rock pulled in, and then lost, the LPGA. What’s up with that? A championship golf course and they couldn’t manage to keep the LPGA coming back? Mismanagement?
dcfattboy says
money! there just wasn’t any; rich guys in harf are cheaper than the ones in, say, howard or mont. county
Harford Resident says
Beech Tree builders did a poor job of analyzing the NJ residents demographic who moved down. Those BRAC movers wanted to send their kids to schools like Patterson Mill, Ring Factory, etc. That’s why most moved to the Bel Air area. They also miscalculated that many would not move, but rather, commute from NJ so their kids could stay in the Jersey schools. If they talked to people in advance, they would have understood their potential customer base much better, and planned far fewer houses.
Practical Guy says
Her quote is the best argument ever for Term Limits…”Do I spend my time raising money or raising hell..”?
Get outa Town says
Good riddance to this carpet muncher..
Christopher Boardman says
What a bunch of nasty comments. She was elected by majorities of the voters. I think she served perhaps two senate terms too many, but the campaign finance situation and the complacence of Maryland voters are just as much to blame. At least now we will have a new contest where a new senator and not just the same old incumbent will be elected. This has to be good for the state. Shame on those who will not pay attention or participate as voters in the election.
Kudos to Mikulski for not voting for the Iraq War authorization vote in 2002. We have seen what a terrible mess that war has created.
A Mikulski vote I did not agree with was her opposition to new CAFE standards for new and better auto fuel economy standards. She should not have opposed that law and supposedly was supporting the Broening Highway Saturn plant, which closed anyway. Her statement that she was “an industrial strength environmentalist” was nonsense and political grandstanding. Kowtowing to Detroit automakers who have made more than their share of mistakes including bankrupting Detroit and Michigan generally was definitely a good thing.
It’s time for a change and she made this right decision this time, but she still shouldn’t be abused by nasty people.
SoulCrusher says
Its the universal attitude of Republicans vs. Democrats. Its the same way Republicans show absolutely no respect for Democrats in office, yet they expect everyone to support a Republican elected to office. I believe that she should introduce legislation that would limit terms in the Senate to 2 or 3 terms, that would be a lasting legacy. It would also be the right thing to do. The Senate is dominated by incumbents that seem to keep their office for many years beyond their intellectual capacity. Even at 3 terms, at 6 years per term, that’s 18 years in office. Do the holders of office, for such a long period of time, really truly understand the voters they represent? I think not. She is a good woman and a good Democrat, however, she has remained there to long and can make a lasting impression by introducing term limit legislation to keep government up to par with their constituents. Just one man’s opinion………
Christopher Boardman says
Oops! I left out the “not” in “kowtowing to Detroit automakers…was definitely not a good thing.”
Alex R says
Babs is retiring?
Our long national nightmare is coming to an end. It is like a birthday present, a Christmas present and answered prayer all rolled in to one.
Alex R says
Goodbye and good riddance. Our long national nightmare is coming to an end.
Arturro Nasney says
Where oh where can we find another Marxist who is so committed to the revolution?