From the New Harford Democratic Club:
Meeting Reminder
Wednesday March 4th, 2015- 7:00pm
* Aberdeen Holiday Inn Express*
1007 Beards Hill Rd
Aberdeen, MD 21001
At the March Meeting, the agenda includes:
Guest speaker Ryan Burbey, President of Harford County Education Association speaking on the status of Harford County Education, it’s funding and the ability to hire and retain top notch educators.
Say It Ain't So says
Burbey should stop talking. Everyone has had enough. There has to be someone else in HCEA who can represent the organization in public events. Burbey is killing HCEA.
time for change says
Since the overall situation has changed, I would suggest that you may now be in the minority view.
Kharn says
Burbey can’t even represent HCEA in public, he’s managed to get himself banned from HCPS property.
Just sayin says
He has his loyal opposition, and you have always been one on this board. Then again, we might consider measuring the man against who his enemies are.
cheap seats says
Hey, you may have something there.
Proud Not To Be Liberal says
Most young people get employed here just to get experience and move on to something else… “Just a job.”
The area is nice, not much crime but more and more I’m seeing young people in the obituary and being arrested for drugs.
Hey, Drugs Inc had about 10 minute coverage in Harford County in their Heroin episode.
Rockfish says
and how does this relate?
Proud Not To Be Liberal says
It doesn’t. Other than the fact the schools can’t keep teachers, and an explanation everyone knows and doesn’t want to hear.
Who isn't really listening says
The teachers are the ones not listening. As long as they carry signs suggesting that the taxpayers are at fault for not paying more money then we will forever be stuck in our MD money problem. They need to carry signs in front of the BOE demanding that they cut the admin bloat. Then, they need to go to Annapolis and demand they cut the state bloat.
This will free up some money for teachers. But the ultimate problem will not be faced until good paying private sector jobs come back to this state.
Really??? says
Or more of the community starts demanding transparency from the Board of Education and starts to demand cutting administrative bloat.
Let’s be honest – no one will listen to teachers any more, both because the profession has been much maligned by society in general and some teachers have given the profession a bad reputation. If a teacher finds something wrong with the system, and tries to change it from within, they are quickly shown the door. If more parents started to get involved, change would happen.
Citizen says
Facts….there isn’t enough “administrative bloat” to eliminate that would free enough money to even begin to make a difference for salaries.
Who isn't really listening says
I understand what you say. But until – and only until – those who are in the system organize for change nothing will change. Unity between parents and teachers would be a strong force – a huge voting block. But now the teachers align themselves with the BOE and simply campaign generally for more money for education. When – oh when – will they organize to change the system. The money gets sucked up by system bloat, and in this state its more than just education bloat. We need to cut taxes generally to invite private investment.
I hear how the teachers are micro managed by a bloated admin. But all they ask for is higher pay to tolerate the admin abuse. Why can’t they campaign to get rid of the bloated admin to free the money for salaries while letting education improve. Fact is, only the teachers can correct the mess they find themselves in. And, blaming the entire thing on greedy parents only isolates a potential ally.
WHAT says
The President of the teacher’s “union” is banned from county school property? Explain that?
Smarter than an AOWD says
What are your thoughts?
improving myself says
We were just discussing this tactic in my Labor and Employment relations class. It is not that uncommon.
Kharn says
He was accused of using profanity at an HCPS staff member, so HCPS limited his access to the administration building and threatened trespassing charges for any other facility.
smoke and mirrors says
It is alleged that Walt Disney is cryogenically frozen. It is alleged that Elvis is working undercover for the DEA. It is alleged that the polar ice isn’t really melting. It is alleged that Common Core is good for all students. How I do I know so you ask? I read this information online from several “credible” sources and a couple of those were government agencies that would never have any reason to be less than fully 100% truthful.
Mr. Moderate says
In the vein of M/M Smoke and Mirrors, please identify, specifically, where are the personnel “bloat” is after eight years of reductions at both state and county levels. As Yogi says, you can look it up.
Has everyone enjoyed and appreciated the Public Works employees who have been caring for the roads this winter?