From Jerome Hersl, Campaign Manager, Harford Campaign 42:
The Mayor & City Council of Havre de Grace, Maryland, is an all white male group in a town that is 52% female and 25% racially & culturally diverse. In order to achieve a better Democracy, political power needs to be shared and shared in a sustained lasting manner. For whatever reason, the sustained sharing of political power among diverse groups in Havre de Grace is being suppressed.
It is without doubt, that diversity is a priority with the current elected officials in Havre de Grace. They are a dedicated group of elected officials, but they are not diverse and thus political power is not inclusive. In order to show their support for diversity, they must make a tough, civil and unselfish decision that will bring forth change. Campaign 42 respectfully requests the current Mayor & City Council members up for reelection, to consider recusing themselves from the upcoming election. In addition, the Mayor and all City Council members should take on pro-active, unprecedented actions to encourage women and minorities to register and run for office in this upcoming election. There are many qualified individuals, both women and minorities, that could do a fine job as Mayor or City Councilperson.
Politicians run for office because they feel that they could “best” serve the people at a particular time. In this particular situation, white male candidates, who represent approximately a third of the population in Havre de Grace, should not say they best serve the people by hoping to keep the status quo of an all white male, Mayor & City Council. A white male running in this election only encourages keeping in place the factors which lead to suppression of diversity. A Mayor or City Councilperson up for re-election, who steps aside for diversity, shows true patriotism and honest concern for woman and minorities.
Jerome Hersl
Campaign Manager
Harford Campaign 42
Background on Campaign 42: Harford Campaign 42, informally known as “Campaign 42” is an independent, non-partisan, grass roots, public awareness campaign that is being conducted in Harford County, Maryland. The mission of the campaign is to make the public aware of the lack of gender, racial and cultural inclusion in our City Halls, and the benefits of having such inclusion. The Campaign will also establish a Commission to encourage, recruit, mentor & sustain candidates that can bring professional leadership and more diversity to the City Halls.
The Campaign has adopted a Branch Rickey/Jackie Robinson theme. Black athlete Jackie Robinson – Number “42” and Brooklyn Dodger President Branch Rickey, a white man, worked together and exemplified superior sustained leadership when breaking the color barrier in baseball. The campaign honors their legacy by following their example and adopting Jackie Robinson’s “42” as a symbol to bring professional inclusiveness to our City Halls. The Commission will be known as the “Rickey Commission”
The Harford Campaign will be centered around the upcoming elections of the three (3) municipalities of Harford County. For the municipality of Havre de Grace, with an election on May 5, 2015, the campaign will be known as “Havre de Grace Campaign 42”. The other two (2) municipalities, Aberdeen and Bel Air, with elections on November 3, 2015, the campaigns will be known as “Aberdeen Campaign 42” and “Bel Air Campaign 42” respectively. Each municipality is unique in its social and political personality in dealing with gender, racial and cultural inclusion. These unique municipal personalities bring a challenge to Campaign 42 and the “Rickey Commission”. At a later date, Campaign 42 will focus on diversity within the “Elected Official Pool” of Harford County Government
The achievements and lessons learned in Harford County will be applied in developing a Campaign 42 National Model. There are 35,000 municipalities and thousands of county councils/commissions in the United States.
So…. don’t have the popular vote winners run? You mean the ones that the constituents elected into office via a Democratic process?
You are saying step aside so that a woman or minority can gave a shot?
That is the dumbest thing… especially in this age of equality. Why would they not run against other hopefuls? I am sure they would rather win in a real election instead of winning in a pseudo-political race. Then they become the “B” Team, and make it easier for everyone to point fingers at when something goes awry.
Wonder what the headline and response would be if I called for the Mayor of Baltimore City to step down because she is black, or because she is a female. How about any black politician for that matter?
Sharpton would lose his sh1t at that!
Gooter… you think we have an age of equality in HdG regarding the Mayor City Council? I don’t think so. That is why I have suggested that the existing Mayor/Council step aside and help solve the problem.* Over the last decade, only about 20% of the candidates have been women and less than 5% have been minority. These statistics reveal women and minority participation is being suppressed – for whatever reason. If we care about our Democracy, this unknown reason needs to be resolved, addressed and corrected – not shoved under the rug. The Mayor/Council can be instrumental, if they wish, in providing encouragement to highly qualified women and minorities, to come forward and be candidates. There may be other candidates running, the elections will be hard fought and no winner will feel like a “B” team. My solution was put out there, being that the status quo isn’t working. It is an attempt to better the current system and more important stimulate public debate. What would your solution be for resolving the lack of diversity in HdG?
*(This approach of stepping aside prior to an election isn’t new. LBJ did it as president when he was having trouble addressing the Vietnam War.)
Jerome; help me out here. Are you suggesting that women and African Americans can only function in a world that is tilted by government regulation? Are you telling us that you don’t believe that a black candidate can not get elected unless we lock out all white candidates? If so you are suggesting that women and blacks are inferior to white men and need to be given preferential treatment.
“Over the last decade, only about 20% of the candidates have been women and less than 5% have been minority. These statistics reveal women and minority participation is being suppressed – for whatever reason.”
Someone need to buy a dictionary or learn to use the Google. How is their participation being “suppressed”? Mr. Whitey is locking the door when they try to register to run? Who is stopping them from running? And any new candidates should be discouraged from running if they are unfortunate enough to have white skin and male genitalia, regardless of their experience and desire to build a better city for all?
Stop the race baiting and find something useful to do with your time.
What’s the guarantee that a minority or a woman would be elected to any position in which a white male incumbent stepped aside? By all means, educate the people about the need for diversity. Then run your platform’s candidate(s) and may the best person win.
Barbara – There are no guarantees for women or minorities. The electorate always has the final say. The important thing to address is that statistics show women and minority candidates are being suppressed in HdG for whatever reason. My public awareness campaign is an attempt to correct the flaw.
Total nonsense. What statistics are you referring to? Who compiled the statistics?
Nice words about our politicians! You must be very young to believe that the politicians are in it to best serve the people. They all say that. The reality is that they want control. Control is power. Power brings friends with money who need favors. Friends with money eventually share that money. Have recently heard of a retired politician (even an ineffective one) who didn’t land a nice well paying job after leaving office? And you think they will give this all up like a bus seat for a woman? If you find one, then I will have seen it all.
Yes, I agree completely! Let’s judge people by the color of their skin, not by the content of their charact…
Oh, wait a minute. I think you’ve got it all bass ackwards.
That means 75% are white… 52% women…So the person should be a white woman.. Correct?
How is the Racial card played here?
being the person has to be non-white (25% of population) and a woman (around 50% of population) makes it the only one out eight people fit this criteria.
The Hdg City Council just had two women on the council a year ago…Barbara Wagner and Joe Smith. They won their elections fair and square.
And some people wonder why there is such a big divide among the races, the garbage that Jerome has written here just adds to the divide. Yo Jerome, it’s about the best candidate goof. Oh, what you would like to do is what Baltimore City Police Department did a number of years ago, lower the standards so anyone can join just to make the numbers, well they ended hiring a bunch of thugs that carry guns.
So, it’s OK to be sexist AND racist, as long as it’s against white guys? Idiot.
Only in Md. Reverse racism is alive and well.
What a waste of time and blog space. HdG city council as well as Aberdeen is a do nothing joke anyway. Both Cities are run by by a city manager and the council itself is just a manure spawning ground for idiots like Ruth Elliott and Randolf Craig.Most voters know all this and just stay home.
We live in a democracy (ok, representative democracy). In this system, anyone with the proper age, residency, and clean enough criminal record can run for office. Please, encourage women and minorities to run for these offices. But know that no self-respecting person would want to win an election only because other viable and interested candidates were not allowed to run. To suggest that the incumbents step aside is just ridiculous.
You left out money. You must have money to pay for the campaign. However, I do agree with your assessment of this article. The ideas and concepts of Hersyl are ludicrous……
Concerned teacher…. You are right. Absolutely right. It is not a requirement for the incumbent to step aside. But, they always can, if they so choose. This is a case where the incumbent has to put a “Better Democracy” before himself – a noble deed, indeed.
Shame on Dagger for printing this racist nonsense. I don’t usually criticize freedom of speech, but this is the most racist stupid article I have ever read.
First time here then?
The dagger “prints” everything, and that’s why I love em. Let the reader decide, and leave the censorship to the Sun.
That being said, this article was the funniest I’ve read all week. You want someone else in office, run yourself. Or go knock on a thousand doors for your candidate du jour.
I pity the local candidate who saddles up with this “42 crew”.
Jerome may need to step aside for the future of the city…Why “Urge” people currently in office regardless of gender, race, minority to step aside now…women are strong individuals regardless and if they want to run or have the responsibility they would run for office…you have to want to be in office, it is not just for a pretty face that doesn’t get the job done. Be real here.
So it’s better to have a minority, regardless of their qualifications, than a qualified majority candidate ? The last I heard anyone could run for public office. Maybe there are no members of your diverse community who want to run for office. Drop the race theme and work to get the best possible people in office.If I were you I’d call Al or Jesse to help start some protests.
“The Mayor & City Council members up for reelection, to consider recusing themselves from the upcoming election” I agree with this and thats the only part I agree with. They should all step down and never run for any office again. When you have a group od stouges that swoon over a convicted child molester and allow him to use city resources to make a profit, something is wrong. The worse part is one of them is a school teacher.
“None”….raising useless points….again…
Char Baby
I think none is on point.Politics and politicians are a shit storm in Havre de Grace.
I dont really care, dont live there. But none obviously does and should join the shit storm….or maybe he did and is a sore loser.
Hey None, Can you please save me some time going through MD Judicial Case Search and give some names of who you’re referring to. I love HdG and will help drive out anybody with that kind of record. Thanks.
LOL…yeah, because what Harford County needs is minorities championing minority issues rather that what the majority of voters and residents need.
You sure you’re not channeling your inner Kanye???
Ima let you win this election but y’all should respect the political process and step aside and let the minorities have the election.
What’s next?
Only black fire fighters can respond to fire/ems calls in Edgewood?
Affirmative action has helped destroy this country
No one ever encouraged the Beach Boys to add a woman or a minority to the group nor did anyone encourage the Jackson 5 to enlist the help of a female lead singer. Ya’ll are nuts. The race is won already!
Everyone sees the absurdity of this proposal but him. The truly sad fact is that he really thinks this is how the world should be. He is what results when the whole “everybody gets a trophy for showing up” experiment matures. If I can’t get enough votes to be elected, you should just let me be in charge anyway… just ’cause I wanna be…
this has got to be the most idiotic statement I have ever heard. The people elected their candidates what more can you say.
Hersl – how sexist! Come back after you change your name to Itsl.
And itz be cuz of peeple like u. Racizm lives on.
So you demand equality then you want special treatment. Its asses like the author of this piece who give all of us Blacks a bad name. Go away.
What a crock this letter/article is. Perfectly eligible people should recuse themselves? Gimme a break.
Racism is alive and well in our country, including podunk Harford County. I see this proposal in line with a lot of reverse discrimination I have witnessed as well as personally experienced in my organization. The best man or woman for the job should be selected and it should have nothing to do with skin color. Look what voting for a black president got us. We are more divided as a nation than ever. Affirmative action is nonsense, mostly because it is practiced incorrectly in many places.
I agree with a recent poster about the dagger posting such trash. Its insulting.
No one has commented on the post concerning the Council having two women on board last year? Barbara and Joe Smith.
It’s because the dagger Neanderthals thought it was hilarious.
This is the most ridiculous article (Editorial) I have ever have read. Shouldn’t even have been posted.
Voting in a black President twice brought you racist out of the closet. White people have use affirmative action since america was founded.
Do the seven white men, of the all white male, Mayor/City Council in HdG have an obligation to their community to address the lack of diversity within the Mayor/City Council? I think so. I also think they are leaders and they will address it.
What is really causing this lack of diversity?
Diversification of the Mayor/City Council enhances our democracy by providing a broader community voice regarding budgets, public safety, human resources, public works, etc…
Get out of the past and take your racist attitudes somewhere else. Like the majority of citizens, I vote for people, not colors or genders.
what’s next, reparations?
Jerome, Do you know the percentage of black voters to black available voters in HDG? I bet it is very low. First of all, don’t you think you should start with basics? As in, I would start your campaign by trying to encourage more blacks to actually get out and vote. Or do you believe it is the “white man’s” job to handhold them to the polls?
Thats all we need is more blacks running our cities. How is all the major cities in this country running with black mayors? Baltimore City is a prime example. As far as black leadership goes, can this country get anymore screwed up with what we have now??
Did you know Have de Grace budget is in the red and has been for years? White folks doing a pretty good job making the argument for a change. Still I don’t agree with the premise that it is somebody white’s faoult that no blacks are running for office. That’s on the black community to figure out if having representative in the city is worth it. The article blames the community for the current composition but as a black man, I just don’t see it.
Here’s the problem with city manager government; The City manager runs all phases of city government but still serves at the will of the council.All the council wants is to be re-elected. So if the city manager truely balances the budget it might just require a raise in taxes or a raise in water rates. If the taxes raise or the water bills go up the voters get pissed and the council is vulnerable at the next election. So the city manager increases the long term debt to balance the budget and to keep his job. Havre de Grace is the model for continously running in the red.
AJ Thong – Havre de Grace used to have a City Manager but changed at least 10 years ago to a “Strong” Mayor-Council model.
The problem in cities has nothing to do with the color of the mayors’ skin. These mayors are all liberal politicians who follow the same basic playbook and are unable or unwilling to do what is necessary to save the cities.
Where is Al Jolsen for Mr. Jerome Hersl?
By Patrick J. Buchanan
Barack says we need to have a conversation about race in America .. Fair enough. But this time, it has to be a two-way conversation. White America needs to be heard from, not just lectured to… This time, the Silent Majority needs to have its convictions, grievances, and demands heard. And among them are these:
First, America has been the best country on earth for black folks. It was here that 600,000 black people, brought from Africa in slave ships, grew into a community of 40 million, were introduced to Christian salvation, and reached the greatest levels of freedom and prosperity blacks have ever known. Jeremiah Wright ought to go down on his knees and thank God he is an American.
Second, no people anywhere has done more to lift up blacks than white Americans. Untold trillions have been spent since the ’60s on welfare, food stamps, rent supplements, Section 8 housing, Pell grants, student loans, legal services, Medicaid, Earned Income Tax Credits and poverty programs designed to bring the African-American community into the mainstream. Governments, businesses and colleges have engaged in discrimination against white folks — with affirmative action, contract set-asides and quotas — to advance black applicants over white applicants. Churches, foundations, civic groups, schools and individuals all over America have donated their time and money to support soup kitchens, adult education, day care, retirement and nursing homes for blacks.
We hear the grievances. Where is the gratitude??
Barack talks about new ‘ladders of opportunity’ for blacks. Let him go to Altoona? And Johnstown, and ask the white kids in Catholic schools how many were visited lately by Ivy League recruiters handing out scholarships for ‘deserving’ white kids…? Is white America really responsible for the fact that the crime and incarceration rates for African-Americans are seven times those of white America? Is it really white America’s fault that illegitimacy in the African-American community has hit 70 percent and the black dropout rate from high schools in some cities has reached 50 percent?
Is that the fault of white America or, first and foremost, a failure of the black community itself?
As for racism, its ugliest manifestation is in interracial crime, and especially interracial crimes of violence. Is Barack Obama aware that while white criminals choose black victims 3 percent of the time, black criminals choose white victims 45 percent of the time?
Is Barack aware that black-on-white rapes are 100 times more common than the reverse, that black-on-white robberies were 139 times as common in the first three years of this decade as the reverse?
We have all heard ad nauseam from the Rev. Al about Tawana Brawley, the Duke rape case and Jena. And all turned out to be hoaxes. But about the epidemic of black assaults on whites that are real, we hear nothing.
Sorry, Barack, some of us have heard it all before, about 40 years and 40 trillion tax dollars ago. This needs to be passed around because, this is a message everyone needs to hear!!!
OK………..will you pass it on?
YES. I did but will you?
Because I’m for a better America
I am
Not racist,
Not violent,
Just not silent anymore.
Patrick J. Buchanan
“In God We Trust
One Nation Under God”
Great post! Pat nailed it but somehow I don’t think j d frucks will agree.
I don’t agree with it. I find it to be nothing but a bunch a racist white supremacist propaganda and I am whiter than you!
These findings totally contradict the BS that Mr. Hamilton and MONSTER are promoting. Who do you believe, a racist on the Dagger or the Huffington Post?
More info that contradicts Mr. Buchanan! Yes, I know I referred to him as Mr. Hamilton in the previous post, but I meant Mr. Buchanan. Sue me!
Pat and your buddy reality,
Not going to refute all you said except, if america has been so great for blacks it has been better for all other immigrants legal and illegal over the years. All those programs you mentioned are not exclusive to blacks. I would have rather had the opportunity to work, live, study, preach, that everyone had without having to prove my intellectual capacity as most other groups didn’t have go do. Imagine working your whole life as a laborer at Bethlahem Steel while your new master tech is whiteandis 3 yes out of highschool? That happened because black were not allowed to climb the arbritary white work is just one rpexampleand if you read the national history you will find many more examples of economic oppression but you can just turn a blind eye to it and pretend none of it happened. Opportunity for blacks still way less than for whites. Jews, Greeks and others were given the opportunity to participate in the labor market and no barriers were in the way of their ambition. Welfare and section 8 aren’t tools to get out of poverty but more designed to keep you content. The black community has to ts own share of the faults in our perpetual economic futitlity. Broken families and a circle of dependence upon social services is still prevalent but much less so from year to year. Black middle class is bigger than ever and blacks today have more opportunity than before. I am proof thatwe can depend on our own abilities as long as the barriers to opportunity are equal or more even. My friend in the IT field had to hire a Jewish and white pitch men to push his software product because people couldn’t either conceive he owned the company and is his product as good as any. These beliefs apply to many but many more are in the way of blacks than any other group. Explain why black college graduates make about the same $$ as white high school graduates? There are many other signs of economic inequality too, but that’s a good one since the preaching says go to school to gain better opportunity in the market. The economic market is still subject to bias and prejudiy. I think your view is obscured by what you don’t know, so I encourage you to learn about it before you make asanine assumptions.
@ Frucky,
On the 26th of February I sent you a post and to date you haven’t responded. I took the liberty of attaching a copy……It has been one week since I asked you to keep track of the killings in the top 10 US cities. By my unofficial calculations I can say the number in one week was 42. There may have been many more. Guess what, I could find no evidence of any of the murders being committed by right wing extremist/terrorists. I will let you deduce what group committed the majority of the murders. There is a huge problem which needs to be fixed immediately. The leaders of the group responsible needs go hold their members accountable and stop making excuses. Maybe if someone would step up to the plate and say “we have a problem” some of he useless senseless killing will stop. Step one is for people to act in a lawful manner and stop feeling that the laws do not apply to them…..I am interested in your comment
I didn’t think I had to respond to every idiotic thing you post about blacks. Your racial bias is evident and clear and your posts prove it. I am willing to concede black crime if you are also willing to do the same about lynchings, slavery, pedophilic activity in white populations and mass murder of your colonial buddies/ancestors. Thriught the years of history, shoes committed genocide and even tried to eliminate the Jews from the face of Earth. You have way more sins to apologizeabout than blacks have about ghetto murders.
JD Frucks, you really are a biased racist calling all who disagree with you the same. You need to read about how slavery developed and who profited by it, cooperated with it, and hid behind it. I could be racist if I suggested that the NBA should have an affirmative action program because there aren’t enough white players. But, I am smarter than you, Jesse, and Al and know better.
Unfortunately j d frucks appears to be a very angry person who seems to care more about making a point than contributing to the solution of a huge problem. That problem is the senseless deaths of many people on a regular basis in this country. Awareness, accountability, and dialogue rather than excuses is the solution to the problem. He appears to have blind racial hatred about past issues that neither he nor I can change. The secret is to reflect on the past to make a better future not to blindly live in the past.
You perpetual ignorance of blacks and barriers to minorities only proves your racist bias. Let me guess, we should be glad our women were raped and sold, lynchings and segregation were good for America and racism happened so long ago that it shouldn’t have an impact today? Are you an idiot or are you a just stupid white angry man that blames your failure to succeed on blacks and other minorities? We would be happy our ancestors were sold like cattle and our children toyed around like monkeys? You are pathetic!
What a sad and pathetic figure you are to carry around such a self made hell.
I am pretty content and happy actually. Haters will hate and ain’ters will ain’t. Hypocritical whites pointing out others perceiced defects while minimizing or ignoring their own are not to be taken seriously and their opinion doesn’t bring solutions but just more noise. Don’t be throwing stones when you house is made of glass. Weak attempts to actually fix anything, but that’s never their intent. Divide and destroy is more like it.
JD Frucks is that white guy who deep-down is afraid of black people, and he thinks by being their “friend” they’ll like him. He’s afraid to admit his own racism so he calls others that. I think they call that deflection.
So I can be labeled racist because I counter pointed white racist comments? Me no think so! I have felt racism in my life and call it out when I see it. Jewish friends remind everyone of the Holocaust and I do the same about white racist comments on this site. If you can play in the NBA and you are white then the more power to you. Whish our private market was as triue as sports can be when people are judgeton talent, production and ability. Sadly our economy still doesn’t tray all the same. There isn’t enough affirmative action either. .. We need the same advantage that white privileged kids get.
No, you aren’t prejudiced. I don’t care what kind of boat you and I came to America in, we are in the same boat now. Let’s act and speak that way.
Bias and prejudice are a fact of life. Whites are cool with it as long others do the suffering and have to put up with it. Once the tables are turned however, they are all sensitive about it and cry like only whites can. If police was shooting up white boys, they’d have a hizzy fit about it it but as kind and others are profiled and stopped for no reason they will shoot first and justify it as they were in fear for their lives or some other nonsense. If you can’t be a cop and deal with people then you need to move on and work for a bank or insurance and make a living ripping everyone off. That’s good because white collar crime hurts no one unlike smoking weed or peddling cigarettes. Peace out!!
Your vernacular and diction were atrocious. I won’t even comment on your use of the English language. Enjoy your protests!
Your response is completely devoid of facts and understanding. When blacks stop defying legitinate police orders, they won’t be accosted. You should be more concerned about teaching your children respect for the law and the officers who enforce it. Instead, you look for reasons that this can’t happen. You are simply a bigot.
You accept that when whites can play basketball as well as blacks, they should be in the NBA. Yet, you don’t accept that in other areas and think that affirmative action is correct. I can give many examples of “reverse discrimination” , but the point is; DISCRIMINATION IS WRONG IN ANY FORM. CHOOSE THE RIGHT PEOPLE BASED ON THEIR ABILITY AND CONTENT OF THEIR CHARACTER. Why is this hard for you to understand?
So, discrimination is wrong now but it wasn’t before? Would reparations be a better tool to correct past discrimination? Guess neither one would be equitable to you, but a messy past can’t be cleanly fixed.
You can always go to Africa and live in one of those great nations. I would bet you wouldn’t last a week. You want to live in the past, let me help you move to that great democratic continent. START LIVING TODAY IN THE REAL WORLD AND APPRECIATE BEING AN AMERICAN. And while you are at it, look around at all you have here and stop using the past as an excuse for your present and future.
The proper tool to correct past discrimination is to stop discriminating in the present and the future. Reparations and reverse discrimination are crutches used by the lazy and greedy to profit from the misfortunes of ancestors.
I am American and I love my country. I am not going anywhere and I belong nowhere else. That being said, the wrongs of past and present are part of our nation and doesn’t mean I have to love it blindly. I live and function in the white world just fine and I am successful, never been in trouble with the law but have been stopped plenty of times and harassed plenty. All it takes is for a person to call 911and report a person acting suspiciously by being black in the park or being black with a white girl. You have no clue the trials of being a normal citizen while being black.
No, affirmative action actually gives blacks a forever chance to assume positions of economic power that wouldn’t otherwise be extended. There would be mandated in the public field and encouraged in the private market.
I am glad you love your country, we all should. As far as loving it blindly, I have no problem with that either. However, your prejudice to white people is where I have my problem. It was white people who helped the blacks get out of slavery, end Jim Crow laws, end segregation, etc. Blacks did not do this themselves, but through whites who knew that discrimination was wrong. Yet, you want to advocate that affirmative action, a form of discrimination, is good and correct. As far as being harassed when criminals are being looked for, I am sorry for that. However, let’s look at crime in this country and be honest. Blacks more often tend to be lawless, defiant to authority and don’t hesitate to express their disdain about and to police. To me this is black prejudice in teaching young black children that it is okayt to be that way. Instead of yelling white prejudice, why don’t you start talking about black prejudice. Better yet, stop talking about prejudice and dumb solutions to it.
Being black doesn’t equal being a criminal, that’s lazy police work and profiling. Cops need to police properly as being black isnt an automatic reason to feel threatened. Cops need to be less trigger happy and be as conscious of black lives as much they are with unruly white kids. Black people do talk to their kids about cops, but cops are given a blanket excuse when they shoot first and ask questions later. Body cameras hopefully can be used to record police behavior and reduce shootings. Black youth get stopped constantly and whites are not stopped very often. My nephew is stopped all the time because his little stepsister is white and of course police are on the lookout for “suspicious” activity. That’s just one example and in our daily lives it it is par for the course. But it isn’t equitable, fair or just. Quite frankly I am surprised more shooting by police don’t happen.
Hell yes. Let’s pass an ordinance in Havre de Grace that limits elected office to blacks and females only. In fact let’s kick all white men totally out of Havre de Grace. What about Hispanics? And Muslims. Let’s banish them as well. Asians? Yep, them too.
Would the last person to leave Havre de Grace please turn off the lights?