Pictured: Armstrong (left); Bogusko (right)
From the Harford County Sheriff’s Office:
[February 27, 2015, Edgewood, MD] On Wednesday, February 25 at approximately 5:30 p.m., Harford County Sheriff’s Office deputies responded to the Motel 6 on Edgewood Road, in Edgewood for a report of a disorderly person. Read our latest blog on how a disorderly conduct can turn into a felony.
Upon arrival, deputies met with the subject who appeared to be breaking into a motel room. The subject identified himself as the occupant of the room and told deputies that he was concerned for the well being of his girlfriend who was inside the room with her baby. Based on the totality of the situation, deputies forced entry to the room.
Once inside, deputies observed the girlfriend unconscious on a bed and her baby in a nearby crib. Initial investigation by patrol deputies at the scene, prompted them to call in the Harford County Narcotics Task Force to assist with the investigation. Together, Task Force detectives and patrol deputies observed illegal drugs, paraphernalia and firearms in plain sight throughout the room. The female and child were evaluated and removed from the room. A search warrant was obtained for further investigation.
Task Force detectives recovered two handguns, a number of long guns, more than $40,000 in US currency, approximately 1.1 lbs of marijuana, two scales, and paraphernalia consistent with drug use during the execution of the search warrant. Both subjects were arrested at the scene and taken to the Harford County Detention Center for processing. The suspects have been identified as Peter D. Bogusko, age 31, and Taylor K. Armstrong, age 27, both with a last known address in the 1700 block of Edgewood Road in Edgewood. At this time, Bogusko is being held on $10,000 bond and Armstrong on a $100,000 bond, and an experienced criminal defense law firm says that the suspects have the right to defend themselves in court.
Armstrong’s 16 month old child was unharmed and subsequently placed with a family member through Child Protective Services. No injuries were reported.
The Harford County Task Force is a highly trained, self-governing, multi-jurisdictional entity with a mission to investigate offenses in the areas of mid to upper level drug trafficking, homeland security, and vice while supporting and facilitating cooperation and coordination among federal, state, and local law enforcement. The Harford County Task Force is comprised of the Harford County Sheriff’s Office, Maryland State Police, Aberdeen Police Department, Bel Air Police Department, Havre de Grace Police Department, Drug Enforcement Administration, and the Harford County States Attorney’s Office, working together to make Harford County a safer place to live.
Great job Sheriff’s Office and Task Force!!!! Get ready for the wrath of SoulCrusher. LOL
One of the occupants clearly invited entry. There is no wrath of the SoulCrusher. Everything was done perfectly as far as I can tell. Not that I really give a crap about the case, but you called me out. I felt the need to respond.
I am sure the States Attorney will sleep better tonight
Cassilly does not sleep at night, he sleeps during the petty trials he prosecutes! How can he do this? Because the disgraceful Judges of Harford County bend to his every whim. Now, back on topic, the police had additional rights to enter the room because of the well being of the child that Dread Head informed them of upon their arrival. The search would have been totally legal without a Search Warrant because of the items of contraband in plain view. Yes, the Search Warrant was unnecessary in this case……kind of overkill for what they were dealing with……
$40,000 in cash living in the motel 6…. where is Mike Perrone helping these poor people out having to pay that darn “sleep tax”?
So glad that Maryland Firearms Safety Act kept those horrible “assault” rifles in check! Oh wait those are probably unregistered rifles and handguns… wonder if they were intended for a possible “assault” of some sorts. But they don’t look like those AR thing-a majiggers! Throws that whole assault rifle thing out the window.. .hmm. I’m sure these two winners have an ATF registration for these weapons.
Sure glad these criminals did their due diligence in registering them!
Looks like Two shotguns and a 30/30, the revolver and semiauto look fairly new in nice gun cases. Gun control only benefits the thugs, law abiding citizens are not allowed to defend themselves in the great state of Maryland, LOL. So, if you were a law abiding citizen and this wacko gets all F’d up and decides to go on a shooting spree this what you do, tell him to take a time out while you call 911 and than answer a 1/2 questions from the 911 operator than wait for the po po to arrive. Makes sense to me.
Sorry, should be 1/2 dozen questions
All the guns were registered to peter and he legally grew weed in cali love tonsee how it turns out in court in feb.
It’s getting harder and harder to believe the photos in these stories. Like the guy in Darlington or wherever who shot his girlfriend a couple of days ago; straight out of central casting. And these two are just too drug-dealerish to believe. Do only ugly people commit crimes in Harford County?
They look like they could be brother and sister.
They are as hood as it can get. At least they are white. No more trolling on this one about blacks.
I don’t think George Bush would have looked at Mr. Bogusko and said “he could have been my son” and immediately second guess the action of law enforcement.
You’re right. But he looks like he could be Biden’s son.
Mom might not be … but her baby sure is (apparently not the offspring of the current boyfriend)
Central casting??? Ugly? Don’t think so. The look of drug abuse is not pretty. Thank God the baby is okay! Some people cannot get off drugs. So sad..
What are they supposed to look like, Rhodes Scholars?
Clearly these 2 didn’t follow Biggie Small’s commandments…namely “Never get high on your own supply.”
Gun’s and drug’s, in edgewood? Amazing!!!
Any idea why the girlfriend’s bond was 10X as high as the guy’s? ($100,000 vs $10,000). Just curious…
The man probably claimed he had no knowledge that all those drugs, money and guns were in there. After all, they weren’t there when he left!!! Ya think he is Baby’s Daddy??
She probably got stuff with endangering the child too.
That thar’s some hard look’in critters. How can they be armed when the dems and o’malley passed all those gun control laws for OUR SAFETY. Guess it doesn’t apply to criminals. They must be idiots if they have 40 grand in their pockets and are staying at a motel 6. I don’t care if they leave the light on for me or not I wouldn’t board my dog there.
Blame Pennsylvania, if you really want to keep illegal guns out of MD:
“According to researchers at the Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Policy and Research, “research suggests that .?.?. Maryland’s handgun purchaser licensing law will reduce gun trafficking, gun crime, and gun homicides and can serve as a national model for other states.”
The problem is that big states on Maryland’s borders, such as Pennsylvania, retain relatively lax rules for gun buyers. Until that changes, Maryland criminals will still find it too easy to get weapons”
That’s what they always say in the gun grabbing gaggle. Chicago blames its gun crime on somebody else… they bring the guns into Chicago…. blah, blah…. and blah. They never look at the actual violence in gun states where the 2nd amendment is honored. They always say that if everyone were as stupid as they, then everything would be Okay.
How come just across the border in Virginia criminals aren’t using guns so often to commit crimes as they do in the District? We know it is actually because the criminal knows their potential victim might be armed. But the gun grabbers will never recognize that guns are used more often for good than bad. It is just how they are.
Every handgun transfer in PA must be done through a gun dealer or the police, just like in MD. Try again.
I went to high school with that girl. Crazy to find out years later what fellow high school peers have been doing and where they ended up?! Some good and some not so good! LIFE.
C. Milton Wright class of 2004.
Why are both their mouths half open, they are identical.
I call bullshit on that dude being 31. He might be the roughest 31 in the history of mankind.
I call BS on them only being involved in Marijuana. Look at them. If that isn’t straight up tripping, I don’t know what is. You guys sure you didn’t miss some LSD or MDMA in the search? Maybe even some HEROIN, since she was passed out unconscious on the bed….
Look like HCPS teachers.
Look like two teacher bashing Dagger posters.
You don’t think there are any criminals or crimes (past tense) committed by employees of HCPS?
What relevance is my question to the article? Nothing.
I will jump in here and agree with you about your post and add several others – nothing.
There’s at least one convicted felon in the HCPS Hall of Fame…
….. and several served in the US Congress in both major parties, as clergy of almost all faiths,as officers of the law and coaches of major sports teams – so what ‘s your point?
They’re both ex heroin addicts, she was on mmethadone up until now. They just got together recently when he moved here from California or some shit I heard Which was only 2 weeks ago. That didn’t last long. And he’s not the Babys dad. The baby’s dad is black (not that that matters) and apparently isn’t in the picture. It horrifies me to think of the type of situations that this beautiful baby girl was subjected to up to this point. My guess, having a good amount of background information on these people, is that they were holed up in the hotel room shooting up and they got into a fight. She locked him out of the hotel room, gets high passes out on the bed. I would imagine dude was getting pissed about being locked out of the room but after awhile he probably was starting to get worried about the baby. So he attempted to enter the room and bam hotel calls the cops. I’m sure he’s regretting fucking with this girl. They’re both going down, big time.
Seriously, if I drop an F-Bomb on here, my comments don’t even get displayed because I’m censored so bad! DAGGER STAFF, what algorithm are you guys using and how come it only applies to the Crusher of Heads, Holes and Souls?
Pete Bogusko was also a proud graduate of CMW high School I believe class of 2001. CMW was and still is FULL of drugs. There are a whole ton of CMW graduates from 1999-2006 that got caught up in Heroin. Very Sad
…better call Saul!
I personally know both of these people, not on a close social level but I went to school with them.. I couldn’t imagine either of these ppl hostile as they were always “hippies” very peaceful and kept to themselves. The only ppl they have hurt so far are only themselves. Unfortunately drugs have an inevitable impact, weither we stop or continue..eventually the use catches up and the toll it takes on ones body and self image. However, as far as I know..Taylor had been clean, seeking treatment and only smoking pot..and man, we all know how hostile marijuana makes people!! (Sarcasm).
The firearms were probably for thier own safety due to a bad decision of selling drugs,..which appeared only to be marijuana..the least of our worries in the ladder of dealers. But even on drugs..I’m not sure I could honestly say I could ever see Taylor as a threat..and even Pete, who sat in class high on marijuana most of his high school days..never bothering anyone, always so quiet.. unless you tried screwing them over or attacking them, I just dont see them as real threats to soceity.. you want to see real threats? Come to my neighborhood were there are REAL thugs, EVERYONE carries unregistered arms, sells or does drugs.. you know, a life 99% of you high class uppity cmw people have never had to endure. BE GREATFUL.
Did ANY ONE think just for a second giving either of them the benefit of the doubt? Nope..ex herion addict, automatically guilty! And automatically a horrible person, bad mother, and so on.. No one ever considered they were living in a motel trying to save money to give that baby a home? OMG a sleeping mother!? :O Automatically she must of been high, bc no new mother, esp. One whos been a single mother for months, doing it all on her own, could possibly be tired!! You ppl are ridiculous!! Granit selling marijuana isnt the ideal lifestyle to make a living esp. To take care of a child but it happens all the time. Countless parents feel pushed to the wall by our soceities economy, impossibility to get jobs anymore, especially when they have mouths to feed.. Countless times have I watched classmates fall to drugs, stripping, and even prostitution to “make it”, to clothe and feed thier children..is it a lifestyle or choice I condone? NO, its not..but its real life, and it happens every day.
And what about those clean? living honest lives, but hit a rough patch in life.. none of you ppl think anyone deserves welfare, or help..well without it this is what happens and would ALOT more!!! Ppl are forced to steal, do things, the unthinkable..bc they do what they need to survive. Not all of us grew up with ideal parents or lives, some of us were not taught how to survive, to live, or proper right from wrong..alot of the lost younger generations were lead by example..meaning following the footsteps of thier parents, role models.. does it make it any less wrong? Sad? No, this is life..open your eyes people. Instead of standing there staring, doing nothing but snickering under your breath, offer a hand.. advice, friendship..it could save a life. Not every one lost are dangerous criminals, some just need the proper guidance and shown love, support and understanding..something they may of never known which may of lead to thier fall. Unless you personally know whats going on, you really shouldn’t comment.
I know Taylor had a herion problem but has been in a methadone treatment clinic for some time and got clean (off herion and hard drugs) after the birth of her child.. just bc she smokes pot omg shes a hard thug criminal? Really ppl? Wow..have ANY of YOU battled herion addiction or ANY addiction or known a loved one who has? I guess everyone who now sells marijuana for the government where its legal are also hard thug life criminals right? Smh. It was just legalized in DC as it will be statewide soon enough.. as it’s been proven now and for years that alcohol is actually far more dangerous than marijuana and definitely causes more hostility BY FAR! but no one wants to talk about all the alcoholics of CMW.. probably at least one of you posting is..
Yes, herion is a horrible epidemic that has spread horribly through our class..& nationwide. In fact I didn’t even get to graduate before classmates and loved ones began the start of our class dropping like flies from over doses..probably why I felt the need to post bc im tired of burying friends..like my best friend who graduated in 04 and was bullied to suicide shortly after. Did any of the classmates realize she had mental illnesses? Probably not.. do they probably care now? Probably not.. bc that’s how heartless and cold we have become..and all you who know her and are assuming the worst, throwing her past and every flaw at her to be slammed in her face upon returning to society..your no better than those who told my friend to go kill herself repeatedly until she finally did. Her younger sister who found her body hanging in the shower fell apart, her death lead to drugs and years of destruction..it has been over 10yrs yet the sister still can’t shake it, blames her addictions, arrests, etc on the event.. regardless of sad, wrong, or what have you.. my point is, something usually leads one to a breaking point, to hit that urge to use..to “escape” what some physically cannot. It is the most devastating tragic decision one could make..but who are any of you to judge??
I was personally thrilled to see her attending the clinic NOT looking drugged out bc she doesn’t look like this on a regular basis.. if the police drug you out of bed and took a snapshot your assured you’d have such a better photo? Granit I do NOT agree with drug use or ESP fire arms around the baby but none of you REALLY know the full story, these “trolls” are someones children too you know..
And for the fellow classmates judging.. how dare you! “HE WITHOUT SIN CAST THE FIRST STONE!” Instead of sitting there gossiping in your paid car, house and college education from mommy and daddy..realize not all of us who attended CMW had the luxurious rich parents and life to send us off well.. what about those who turned to drugs bc they were being molested, beaten.. or bc they were just lost and had no one.. theres usually REASONS people turn to drugs. How about instead of sitting there doing nothing for anyone but yourself, just judging the lives of others.. DO SOMETHING to help this community!
Jesus specifically sought out the sinners, the addicts, the “whores” and lifted them up, showed them a better way.. what are you doing for any of these people? What would you do if this was your child? Instead of praising that she successfully got rid of one demon with some still to work on, instead we assume, judge, and do nothing for them but to harass, make them feel worthless, ashamed, and not worth while. It is ignorance like this that causes addicts in TRUE recovery to relapse.. I’m so tired of attending funnerals bc of drugs/alcohol, and bullying..and yes what some of you are doing is considered bullying.
Yes classmates, lets share this as a status with a witty comment.. SMH, you people make me sick. And I know each and every one of you talking smack.. bc none of you EVER smoked pot or tried ANY drugs right? What a joke. I think it’s sad you woke up today and thought lets bash classmates today so I can make myself look better, look funny and witty.. *applauds* I congradulate you all for being the biggest hyprocrites and I am SO glad that your lives were SO much better. For those who really have never battled any of the troubles that have plagued some of us for far too much of our lives to count, I am very grateful youve never encountered the hell some have had to..so as you sit and pass judgment on someone you know NOTHING about other than ONE bad photo and one bad incident..bc none of you EVER made a mistake in your life.. smh.
Its just like people who want to talk about Methadone clinics..I get completely that there will always be addicts and those who have to ruin it for everyone, but what about those who are really trying to change thier life? Those whove acknowledged thier faults, been powerless and sought to better thier lives, for themselves and thier families.. why be so ignorant and cruel to someone truly trying to right thier wrongs and who is anyone to decide weither they deserve a second chance? But no, typical CMW..judging, bullying, and snobbery since Day1.. that’s Belair for ya!
…And dont think sending your child to John Carroll is going to prevent the drug epidemic as the students attending a $40,000 high school (@$10,000/yr tuition) are just as bad if not worse in fact they are the ones with rich parents, usually gone working all the time, constantly shoving money in thier child’s hand to make up for thier abstinence, and they are usually the ones on cocaine, herion, oxys, and harder drugs bc they can so easily afford it..dont believe me? I have watched it first hand, from generation to generation.
All of you really ought to educate yourself before opening your mouths, and those who feel they know the facts and still want to judge.. glad you think your such a A class role model to our soceity and so perfect..it must be nice living such a straight and narrow life with no flaws..no mistakes and probably no friends or close ones, bc no one obviously compares to your greatness..snickers. #PeopleMakeMeSICK
Actually I am an ex heroin addict too. I didn’t say that made her a bad person. I too am on methadone. The only thing I really was like eff about is the fact that there were firearms laying around as of they were candy. Thank god the child was in a pack n play god forbid she got a hold of one of those guns. Her parents would never let that baby go without so I’m sorry I’m not buying the she was selling drugs to feed her child. Any who I’m not judgemental but the fact that she had the child around that is what saddens me.
All that and then you are going to throw all John Carroll students under the bus? Your high horse just threw you off…
Just another crack head, I mean, cmwclassmate. Sounds like you are #butthurt.
Hey, hit “reply” and “tell me how it is.” I look forward to seeing your next worthless time wasted rant.
I personally know both of these people, not on a close social level but I went to school with them.. I couldn’t imagine either of these ppl hostile as they were always “hippies” very peaceful and kept to themselves. The only ppl they have hurt so far are only themselves. Unfortunately drugs have an inevitable impact, weither we stop or continue..eventually the use catches up and the toll it takes on ones body and self image. However, as far as I know..Taylor had been clean, seeking treatment and only smoking pot..and man, we all know how hostile marijuana makes people!! (Sarcasm).
The firearms were probably for thier own safety due to a bad decision of selling drugs,..which appeared only to be marijuana..the least of our worries in the ladder of dealers. But even on drugs..I’m not sure I could honestly say I could ever see Taylor as a threat..and even Pete, who sat in class high on marijuana most of his high school days..never bothering anyone, always so quiet.. unless you tried screwing them over or attacking them, I just dont see them as real threats to soceity.. you want to see real threats? Come to my neighborhood were there are REAL thugs, EVERYONE carries unregistered arms, sells or does drugs.. you know, a life 99% of you high class uppity cmw people have never had to endure. BE GREATFUL.
Did ANY ONE think just for a second giving either of them the benefit of the doubt? Nope..ex herion addict, automatically guilty! And automatically a horrible person, bad mother, and so on.. No one ever considered they were living in a motel trying to save money to give that baby a home? OMG a sleeping mother!? :O Automatically she must of been high, bc no new mother, esp. One whos been a single mother for months, doing it all on her own, could possibly be tired!! You ppl are ridiculous!! Granit selling marijuana isnt the ideal lifestyle to make a living esp. To take care of a child but it happens all the time. Countless parents feel pushed to the wall by our soceities economy, impossibility to get jobs anymore, especially when they have mouths to feed.. Countless times have I watched classmates fall to drugs, stripping, and even prostitution to “make it”, to clothe and feed thier children..is it a lifestyle or choice I condone? NO, its not..but its real life, and it happens every day.
And what about those clean? living honest lives, but hit a rough patch in life.. none of you ppl think anyone deserves welfare, or help..well without it this is what happens and would ALOT more!!! Ppl are forced to steal, do things, the unthinkable..bc they do what they need to survive. Not all of us grew up with ideal parents or lives, some of us were not taught how to survive, to live, or proper right from wrong..alot of the lost younger generations were lead by example..meaning following the footsteps of thier parents, role models.. does it make it any less wrong? Sad? No, this is life..open your eyes people. Instead of standing there staring, doing nothing but snickering under your breath, offer a hand.. advice, friendship..it could save a life. Not every one lost are dangerous criminals, some just need the proper guidance and shown love, support and understanding..something they may of never known which may of lead to thier fall. Unless you personally know whats going on, you really shouldn’t comment.
I know Taylor had a herion problem but has been in a methadone treatment clinic for some time and got clean (off herion and hard drugs) after the birth of her child.. just bc she smokes pot omg shes a hard thug criminal? Really ppl? Wow..have ANY of YOU battled herion addiction or ANY addiction or known a loved one who has? I guess everyone who now sells marijuana for the government where its legal are also hard thug life criminals right? Smh. It was just legalized in DC as it will be statewide soon enough.. as it’s been proven now and for years that alcohol is actually far more dangerous than marijuana and definitely causes more hostility BY FAR! but no one wants to talk about all the alcoholics of CMW.. probably at least one of you posting is..
Yes, herion is a horrible epidemic that has spread horribly through our class..& nationwide. In fact I didn’t even get to graduate before classmates and loved ones began the start of our class dropping like flies from over doses..probably why I felt the need to post bc im tired of burying friends..like my best friend who graduated in 04 and was bullied to suicide shortly after. Did any of the classmates realize she had mental illnesses? Probably not.. do they probably care now? Probably not.. bc that’s how heartless and cold we have become..and all you who know her and are assuming the worst, throwing her past and every flaw at her to be slammed in her face upon returning to society..your no better than those who told my friend to go kill herself repeatedly until she finally did. Her younger sister who found her body hanging in the shower fell apart, her death lead to drugs and years of destruction..it has been over 10yrs yet the sister still can’t shake it, blames her addictions, arrests, etc on the event.. regardless of sad, wrong, or what have you.. my point is, something usually leads one to a breaking point, to hit that urge to use..to “escape” what some physically cannot. It is the most devastating tragic decision one could make..but who are any of you to judge??
I was personally thrilled to see her attending the clinic NOT looking drugged out bc she doesn’t look like this on a regular basis.. if the police drug you out of bed and took a snapshot your assured you’d have such a better photo? Granit I do NOT agree with drug use or ESP fire arms around the baby but none of you REALLY know the full story, these “trolls” are someones children too you know..
And for the fellow classmates judging.. how dare you! “HE WITHOUT SIN CAST THE FIRST STONE!” Instead of sitting there gossiping in your paid car, house and college education from mommy and daddy..realize not all of us who attended CMW had the luxurious rich parents and life to send us off well.. what about those who turned to drugs bc they were being molested, beaten.. or bc they were just lost and had no one.. theres usually REASONS people turn to drugs. How about instead of sitting there doing nothing for anyone but yourself, just judging the lives of others.. DO SOMETHING to help this community!
I have no idea what HERION is. Do you? Anyway, Methadone is not a solution. Those clinics are supposed to wean you off of the garbage, but they don’t. Furthermore, if they start trying to wean the addicts off, the addicts simply drop out of the program and get their fix another way. Methadone is nothing but a BS government sponsored solution that wastes tax money and does nothing more than give the addicts their fix in a supposed lawful fashion. There should be nothing LAWFUL about keeping a person addicted, even if its supplied by government. I hear that Methadone withdraw is much worse than Heroin withdraw, so I have to ask, What good is it? Anybody else want to weigh in???????