From the Harford County Sheriff’s Office:
Deputies are looking for information regarding the strong armed robbery of a 7-Eleven in the 1500 block of Rock Spring Road in Bel Air.
The robbery occurred shortly before 3 a.m. on February 24. The suspect is described as a black male, approximately 35-40 years old, 5’11”, weighing 200 pounds. He was wearing a grey hooded jacket, dark pants and shoes, a black hat with a mask partially covering his face.
Anyone having information is asked to please call Detective Chris Maddox at 443-409-3551. To be eligible for a reward, you must use one the Tiplines listed below.
Anyone with information regarding the crime who wishes to remain anonymous may report their information through the following methods listed below. If the information you provide leads to the arrest and indictment of the individuals responsible for this crime, you may be eligible for a cash reward up to $2,000.00.
Website/Email: Submit a tip online at
Text message: Metro Crime Stoppers: Text “CRIMES” (274637)
Begin the message “MCS,” then add the information.
Phone: Harford Crime Solvers: Call 1-888-540-8477
hadenough says
Black guy did this? I find this
PissedOfRepublican says
How POTUS would say,, “This guy, could be my son”. LOL
Donald Duck says
Gee…and they wonder why they are sibled out for a majority of the crime that
happens in the world.
Open your eyes says
The big rub with many people is that too many of the leaders of the black community will indiscriminately align themselves with any black person who comes in to contact with law enforcement. Without knowing the facts they will claim foul. The fact is there are bad folks of all races. As a white person I can without reservation confirm that there are some very bad white people. Why do blacks have a problem in identifying bad apples in there race. Instead you get ring dings the likes of Sharpton, Holder, and that guy that was elected president defending or at least trying to rationalize the likes of Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, and Eric Garner to name a few. These guys all felt that they were entitled to do what they wanted and felt that the police had no right to request that they act in a lawful and civil manner. Maybe these guys were senselessly killed because leaders of the black community didn’t call upon them to be good citizens instead of not holding them accountable for their actions. ……just a thought
SoulCrusher says
Trayvon Martin was murdered by a coward. Not a police officer. As a matter of fact, there was absolutely no police involvement whatsoever in his slaying. Just because George Zimmerman was the son of a court official and a community watch coward, doesn’t mean he was law enforcement in any way shape or form. Zimmerman is a coward who should not have a carry permit……..
Soul Crusher 2 says
Well, we know your race.
He was shot and killed after beating the guy senseless. If there were more of that in Baltimore and the areas criminals spread to, then there would be less a-holes stealing your lunch money.
SoulCrusher says
He was harassed by a community watch coward, that lead to the altercation. George Zimmerman is a murderer, regardless of what the Florida courts say. He cornered that boy and got messed up. In return, he executed Martin, plain and simple. Just for the record, I am as white as the snow on your lawn…..
j d frucks says
White guys have committed more atrocities than any other race such as slavery, crusades, Inquisition, wi5ch hunts, nazys, KKK,, plus most mass shootings in recent times. Black crime happens too but I don’t blame all white people for criminals acts. Perhaps you should be more concerned about all crime victims and less about the race.
Open your eyes says
Spoken like a true Obama liberal ring ding who believes “the biggest threat America faces is from Right Wing Extremists”. Crusades, Inquisitions, Nazis, Klan come on silly. The Klan is virtually nonexistent. When was the last recent atrocity those idiots were involved with? Can you say the same about Bloods and Crypts who number over 100,000 in this country and are responsible or hundreds if not thousands of deaths (mostly of young black men) but no one wants to hold them accountable. Lack of accountability which reduces credibility was my message. Let’s keep it real Bro.
Would be a lovely planet says
There is a certain religion that for the last 1400 years has murdered more people, sold more people into slavery and committed more atrocities than any other collection of human beings… and they generally ain’t quite whitey-white either. I am sure you know which religion that is.
And, black males make up 6% of the population and commit 75% of the violent crime. So, over all I guess if white, christian males disappeared this would be a lovely planet.
Would be a lovely planet says
In case you are struggling with determining the group committing the most atrocities… here is a hint: it ain’t white Christians.
mostly blah bro says
White folks get their panties in a bunch when their areas have some petty criminals, meanwhile they would give a rats ass what happens in other areas.crime happens deal with it. Don’t blame all blacks for the crimes committed by some. Most white and black folks I know aren’t criminals even if they live in more mixed communities. You always point race first when the criminal behavior has little to do with race. That’s why I pointed out some common white crimes over time. The police do not treat all suspects the same. There is plenty of evidence of it.
mostly blah bro says
Crime happens by all races. Certainly most shootings in schools are done by whites. What say you?
mostly blah bro says
Is you speak of Muslims, they happen to be white. Unless you think white is exclusive to English speaking…
Would be a lovely planet says
blah de blah, blah…
“Is you speak of Muslims, they happen to be white” – I guess those hooded masks they wear for the noggin recalls are to hide those White European faces. Not. Virtually all Muslims are not White European – you know, the folks you think I “is you speak of.”
Ugh, understand that 6% (black males) commit 75% of the VIOLENT CRIME. And, school shootings – encouraged by being gun free zones – are statistically nonexistent are far as murder is concerned. Why, all the school shootings over the last 10 years would not make a good afternoon’s worth of death from black drug crime in Chicago.
j d frucks says
Thank for explaining what a white was.I thought it was Caucasian from Europe, north Africa and middle east at least that’s the correct way but you can make subgroups all you want, still white just not your kind of white, I see. Did you know that Spanish, Italian or Mediterranean subgroups are also from Europe originally. If you go back a few decades, Russians (Caucasian, more than anyone) weren’t considered white and neither were Nordic folks, they were called whitish because their language wasn’t anglosaxon or germanic.
j d frucks says
Lovely world
It would be if you weren’t in it.
h says
Geez had he been an unarmed white guy and broken into the snowball shed across the street with out a gun things would have been different.
And WTF this is a brand new store and that’s the best picture they could get?
al sharpton is that you says
or is that rerun form what’s happening
AlSharptonsDaddy says
No,,,, Its Fat Albert !!!! Hay Hay Hay!!!
word on street says
No, it’s your moma doing her shopping.
word on street says
Go to Cecil county and you will find the KKK, and the bloods and the crypts have white folks as member too.
Reality hurts says
Let’s not add to the hysteria. The Klan is virtually done in the U.S.. As for Cecil County yes they once had an affiliated Klan membership in the 50’s, 60’s, and early 70’s. Nothing recent and certainly no recent atrocities as J.D posts. In Cecil County you will see an occasional redneck flying a confederated flag or maybe some drunken nut bag who wears a sheet that looks like his mom tried to make him a Casper costume for halloween but no card carrying members. The bloods are almost 100% black and the crypts will on rare circumstances take in white splinter group members. It is a very safe assessment to say that both groups are very predominately comprised of African Americans and they are a huge problem. I hear the the Prez speaking about the threats from right wing extremists but never addresses black on black violence, black gangs, and disproportionate black crime rates. Could the Prez be a racist? Say it’s not so.
j d frucks says
Don’t forget skinheads, ultra right wing nut jobs and old fashion white collar crime mostly by whites. Most mass shootings and serial killers are white as well as child molesters. The hypocrisy of white folks never ceases to amaze and bewilder my senses. Whites are the reason this world is so unjust. White guy goes into a theater in Colorado, shoots the joint and kills a bunch of people and gets arrested peacefully. A black guy peddles cigarettes in NYandis choked to death in the process. It makes no sense..
Reality hurts says
Hey Fruck Buddy,
How about a little sociology test? You obviously have a computer. Log on to the major news networks of the ten largest cities in America. For one week keep a log of who commits the most murders. I am going out on a limb and say it won’t be skinheads, “white child” molesters, or right wing terrorists. I bet you it will be the folks that voted over 80% for the guy they got elected president. The numbers will blow away all other groups combined.
SoulCrusher says
That’s because the African American communities are the poorest in the nation. The poor will do what they have to, their survival is dependant upon it. Why don’t you stop trying to inflame racial tensions on the dagger? You do it all the time. You are the biggest baiter on here…..
Barbara says
Why are African American communities the poorest in the nation? Why is it necessary to revert to crime because you are poor? Don’t the people who live in these poor communities by and large not commit crimes? How do the people who are poor and live in poor communities get by without committing crimes? Is it your belief that all people who live in poor communities are committing crimes?
By most standards relating to poverty, a young lower grade military member with a wife and one child would qualify as below the poverty line. Most of these folks are not committing crimes because they are poor.
SoulCrusher says
Sometimes people commit crime because there is no other way to pay the bills. Its impossible to live without money, period. If you have no way to earn a living, you do what you got to do. Reality is harsh…..
Barbara says
Correct, sometimes they do, but not often. More often the crimes are being committed by those who are just too lazy to gain the resources for living through legal means, like most of their neighbors.
Reality hurts says
@ j d frucks
Have you been watching the news like I suggested.The stats are rolling in. Quadruple shooting in Baltimore this weekend. I guess it was some of those people “who had no other way of paying their bills doing what they have to do to survive”. What a sad justification or rationalization for hurting or taking peoples lives.
j d frucks says
I never have justified crime. Soul was the one that brought up poverty. Learn to read and follow along.
Reality hurts says
@ j d frucks
It has been one week since I asked you to keep track of the killings in the top 10 US cities. By my unofficial calculations I can say the number in one week was 42. There may have been many more. Guess what, I could find no evidence of any of the murders being committed by right wing extremist/terrorists. I will let you deduce what group committed the majority of the murders. There is a huge problem which needs to be fixed immediately. The leaders of the group responsible needs go hold their members accountable and stop making excuses. Maybe if someone would step up to the plate and say “we have a problem” some of he useless senseless killing will stop. Step one is for people to act in a lawful manner and stop feeling that the laws do not apply to them.
Harford Resident says
I work with a few guys who were born and raised in Cecil County and even they refer to it as “Ceciltucky.”
lived over 20 years both sides of the mighty susky says
He who listens to street BS and knows little,
Never seen either claiming to be in Cecil but have in good old Harford – home of John Wilkes Booth and the hood called Edgewood.
word on street says
They go by a new brand in Cecil white knights, the fact about gangs they come in all colors and they kill and steal. How bout those white men in Cecil that kill and do harm to there onw, mass killings by mostly white. There are bad apples in Every barrel, don’t you agree. Lincoln free the slave only to save the nation, do get it twisted, he had slave too.
Reality hurts says
I have been following the Dagger for several weeks now and though I do not always agree with him I do have some respect for the intellect of the poster SoulCrusher. I hope the message from his last post wasn’t that people have the right to rob, victimize, and murder at disproportionate rate ( or at all) because they are poor. My grandmother had a second grade education and grew up in New York during the depression. She raised children and instilled morals and ethical thinking into her children and they grew up to be good law following citizens. Why, because she held them accountable to God, their community, and themselves. To many excuses and not enough accountability. No race baiting about it. If people want to keep making excuses instead of coming up with solutions there will continue to be a lot of senseless deaths of young black people.
SoulCrusher says
First of all, the Law doesn’t follow the Law, I am living proof of that. Second, I don’t want your respect, I am hatred incarnate. I was made this way by Harford County’s corrupt Justice System. Third, People do what they have to do to live. Fourth, there is no message I have tried to lay upon you, just the reality of the world. I am sure your Grandmother was a wonderful person, but that was in another time, place and reality. Last, people should be more concerned with the killing of unarmed human beings by Law Enforcement, not just black people. There was a time when you were taught to fire if your life was threatened. That used to mean a gun in hand or something of a similar nature. Nowadays, people are being executed for not following orders or directions. This is ridiculous and I don’t condone this behavior from any legitimate Law Enforcement officer. Thumbs down me until the cows come home, I really don’t care…..
Would be a lovely planet says
In one instance I agree with you. I just read recently that relatives called the police to check on their elderly relative because they hadn’t heard from him and could not get him on the phone. When the officers went to the house and got no response, they broke in the door. The noise roused the elderly relative and he came out of the bedroom with a handgun. You guessed it. The police shot him dead. Grand jury hearing…. justified shooting.
The situation has gone from ‘reasonable person’ fearing for their life or great bodily harm to merely ‘fearing’ harm under any and all circumstances. It used to be that to qualify for police work you had to whip your weight in alligators. Now all you need is sensitivity training that defines all circumstances in your favor.
SoulCrusher says
Would be a lovely planet says
I think the term is ‘swarthy’, and in case you are unaware the government determines some folks as white for one statistic and non-white for others. But still, my point remains… 6% of the population commits 75% of the violent crime. Learn it. Live it. Love it.
“White guys have committed more atrocities than any other race such as slavery, crusades, Inquisition, wi5ch hunts, nazys, KKK,, plus most mass shootings in recent times.” – Your racist, ignorant and outright lying crap started the discourse. The truth is apparently not in your DNA.
mostly blue 2.0 says
90% of all blacks haven’t committed any crimes. Stop blaming a whole race for crimes committed by criminals. Only a racist sees the world from the lenses of race first. You suck!
would it not be true says
Man are you consistently uninformed. DOJ published stats show that through the 1990’s almost one in three (32.2%) young black men in the age group 20-29 was under criminal justice supervision on any given day — in prison or jail, on probation or parole.
j d frucks says
Probation is a,catch all for anything from disorderly conduct to a traffic ticket, not a feloniuos activity. Even assuming a third of black males under that 20-29 age group, my 90% statement is closer to the truth than your slanted number. Throw out drug offenses for which blacks go to jail and whites go to drug rehab and our numbers are closer than you can imagine. We know the justice system is slanted towards those that can afford a good attorney too.