From SARC:
Men, women and children of all ages are invited to participate in SARC’s 7th annual Walk a Mile in Her Shoes®: International Men’s March to Stop Rape, Sexual Assault & Gender Violence, taking place on Saturday, April 25, 2015 in downtown Bel Air, Maryland. Organizations around the world are hosting Walk a Mile in Her Shoes® events throughout April to mark Sexual Assault Awareness Month. SARC’s goal is to raise $50,000; funds will be used to provide free life saving resources for victims of domestic violence, sexual violence and stalking within the community. To sign up or sponsor a walker, visit the event page at email
SARC’s Walk a Mile in Her Shoes® event begins at 9:30 a.m. with onsite registration at 10 a.m. Kickoff announcements and fundraising awards will begin at 10:30 a.m. The actual walk begins at 11 a.m. in downtown Bel Air.
The event is a light-hearted way for men to take part in raising awareness about the very serious causes, effects and remedies for sexualized violence against women. Many of the men wear ladies’ high heels as a way of demonstrating the old saying, “You can’t understand someone until you’ve walked a mile in her shoes.” Male walkers will be provided with shoes while supplies last. Each walker is encouraged to raise sponsorship funds. Individuals who raise more than $500 and teams that raise more than $1,000 will be presented with comfortable slippers, in lieu of high heels, to walk their mile.
In the words of County Executive Barry Glassman who is serving as the event’s Honorary Chair, “I believe that men make an important statement about ending violence against women by participating in the Walk A Mile in Her Shoes® event. Having been involved since the event first came to Harford County, I am proud to be this year’s honorary chair because I believe that the community has a responsibility to raise awareness about this very serious issue. I encourage others to take a stand against violence and come walk with me on April 25th.”
Joker says
Yeah, because everyone knows only women are victims of domestic violence. SARC is nothing more than a man haters club. This is a great way to they should be calling this “The Emasculated Parade”!
Devil Dog says
Domestic Violence happens to both men and women, however most often it is against women. SARC has saved lives and provided a safe place for victims and their children. Far from a “man haters club.” More like the first step in a victim taking their life back and saying, “Enough is enough” or “Never again.” I applaud any man, woman or child willing to take a stand against Domestic Violence – especially men who are brave enough to do it in high heels. You should be ashamed of yourself for such insensitive, hateful and unintelligent commentary. Please go back to your cave and never contaminate this world with your offspring.
Toot says
How can you tell someone they should be ashamed of themselves and then in the same paragraph tell them to go back into their cave and never contaminate the world their offspring?
Can you get your butt hurt reply off without insulting?
Please, hit “reply” and “tell me how it is. ” I really care, poser.
Devil Dog says
I can tell someone they should be ashamed of themselves and then in the same paragraph tell them to go back to their cave and never contaminate the world with their offspring because their commentary has a Neanderthal quality to it. Simple as that. FYI I can assure you that my “butt hurt” is nonexistent. My reply had everything to do with the domestic violence I’ve seen first-hand as well as the aftermath with various victims. It is truly appalling and no, I do not work at SARC. What’s insulting is making men feel like they’re doing something wrong by supporting victims of domestic violence in any way they can. The article also says they are definitely not required to walk in high heels. If there were a “Walk A Mile in Men’s Work Boots” event for domestic violence, I assure you I would walk to support men who are victims as well and I know plenty of other people who would do the same. The fact that you called me a “poser” after complaining that I couldn’t simply respond without throwing insults around, completely invalidates your statement and makes you a hypocrite.
citizen says
A light hearted way for men to see the violence that women go through. Excuse me, but violence goes both ways. There are men who are victims of domestic violence. SARC does a great service to help women and makes sure the violence doesn’t continue. BUT I am totally offended that it is a “light hearted” way. Who writes these press releases. Just remember that perception is reality and you only get one chance to make a good impression. You blew it on this article. This is so a one sided article. Go into the police stations and jails and you will see male victims. Too offer men to wear women’s shoes is so offensive. Can you see how discriminatory that is. You wouldn’t to that with women wearing men’s shoes. Just another way for society to get it wrong and make a statement that is so offensive. What are you people thinking? Yes, women make up a good majority of victims, but, again, so are men. I will not be participating is this event because it makes too much fun at a very serious issue. Before you haters, hate, just remember that I have seen the violence of both men and women and how the courts and SARC react to situations and for the most part, I applaud the actions of all involved. Makes me feel proud that there are people who want to take this issue serious!
Joker says
This article is a great example of how SARC hates men. Great comment Citizen. Imagine if it were “walk in men’s work boots” to get a mans perspective. There would be uproar!
I stand by by comment. I pity any man who thinks they are supporting women victims by participating in this! Might as well cut your balls off and carry a purse while your at it!