(Photo courtesy/Abingdon Volunteer Fire Company)
An Edgewood man sustained severe smoke inhalation in a fire at his home Tuesday afternoon, fire officials said.
The fire broke out shortly after 3 p.m. Tuesday in the rear sun porch of a two-story home in the 400 block of Winterberry Drive in Edgewood, according to a release from the Office of the State Fire Marshal. The home’s owner, William Becker, was alerted to the blaze by a smoke alarm and a monitoring company and fled, but sustained “extensive” smoke inhalation, the State Fire Marshal’s Office said. A neighbor attempted to extinguish the fire with a hand-held extinguisher.
A total of 61 firefighters from the Abingdon, Joppa-Magnolia, Aberdeen Proving Ground, and Bel Air fire companies as well as the Harford County Hazmat team responded and brought the fire under control in approximately 30 minutes.
Becker was transported to the Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center, where he was listed in stable condition Wednesday morning and is expected to make a full recovery. The homeowners’ two cats have not been accounted for.
Damage to the home is estimated at $90,000, while damages to its contents are estimated at $60,000, according to the State Fire Marshal’s Office. The cause of the fire remains under investigation.
Is Bel Air Fire Company still refusing to allow Joppa Magnolia Fire Company to respond to calls in the Bel Air area? What will it take to resolve this so people wont get hurt due to lack of response or poor response times? This is about the community right not fire company Egos???????
This was either Abingdon’s or Joppa-Magnolia’s “first due” and had nothing to do with going into ‘Bel Air’
Go troll on Teacher article’s
Hey Helmet Polisher- I think your missing the point of Tricky Davis Left Hooks post. The post is asking why Joppa is Banned from Bel Air. Yes that didn’t affect the outcome of this fire but what about the next one? I think its forgotten sometimes that even though we are volunteer the citizens still deserve the best possible fire protection. This county is a joke and each chief usually has their own political agenda. Ed Hopkins has a conflict of interest so he isn’t going to do anything about it.
Seriously, the Fire Chief’s have political agendas? Please explain the agendas…..I gotta hear this…..
Are you serious? NO protection is hurting.
The problem is no one can trust the joppa Firefighter anymore. The do nothing but free lance and wont follow directions.
Actually they do follow directions and they don’t go to fast food restaurants demanding discounts in exchange for response to fires
Do the fires go out?
Joppa does indeed follow directions. Joppa is also the only department in the county with Standard Operating Procedures or SOP’s. They have been distributed to all surrounding companies to include APG and Balto Co departments. SOP’s are very important when it comes to operating at structural fires. All career dept’s and all large department’s throughout the nation depend on SOP’s while operating on most incidents to include structural fires. These SOP’s also outline OSHA mandates for Rapid Intervention Crews and the 2in-2out law. If only the rest of the county would adopt such procedures, we could eliminate freelancing across the board. As of now, crews under the command of other department’s officer’s and chief’s have to follow a different set of procedures on every different fire they go on. They could respond on a townhouse fire in Abingdon on a fire engine and be told to help extinguish the fire. And 2 hours late respond on a similar structure in Fallston also on a fire engine and be told to do roof top venting. This is unsafe practice for any fire dept! Why hasnt any of the ‘Fire Study’ recommendations been adhered to? Elected officials? Time to put your foot down!
You are correct John but Chiefs are reluctant to do that because it will limit their control. They are more worried about making sure donations and funding are piling in.
Guess what your WRONG. Almost all companies in Harford work under a SOP or a SOG. Stop acting like an idiot. You really think Joppa is the only company in the county that can put out a fire? Listen dummy, If you want to talk about Joppa tell everyone what happened on New Year’s eve. The real story is that Joppa had some cry babies that were upset because someone from Joppa may have been called an arsonist on Facebook. Joppa then took an engine company and a truck company to Belair fire station to start a fight. One chief of the department went on the equipment to Belair. So, Joppa took two pieces of equipment out of service to go to Belair. What would have happened if their was a fire with rescue in Joppa? I guess you have a SOP to act like kids. Belair fire company placed charges on Joppa with the chiefs association. And Joppa was found guilty by the assoc. I will admit Joppa fights fire and they take care of most of Abingdon’s boxes. But, don’t come on here talking crap you know nothing aboout. Please give the people the truth. Who has SOP or SOG, how many calls do they have and what are their ISO Class rating. Until then, only talk about what you know and not what you think.
Abingdon takes care of their own fire response.
Cite examples of where Joppa handles the amount you allude to.
Until you learn to speak and type in complete and understandable sentences, I think you should stick to playing with hoses and polishing chrome in the firehouse.
You are obviously a firefighter with one of those massive ego’s…the one’s who think that by wearing their “*VFD” shirts or jackets everywhere, everyday, people are supposed to be in awe.
Get a grip –
It’s “Bel Air”, not “Belair”.
John, I bet your last name starts with a “T”, you’re as egotistical and full of sh*t as your father WAS
Actually this want me.. I’m not a coward and don’t mind posting my name unlike you, since you decided to make a dumbass comment about my father that’s been dead for less then 7 months. I’m sure you are such a stellar human being that we should all look up to…
When you did the live fire burn on Rt. 40 and dumped 8-10 calls in a two week time. How many times does Joppa’s show up with an engine and truck before Abington?? Saw a house fire last summer where Joppa, Aberdeen, Aberdeen Proving Ground, before Abingdon’s first piece of equipment. This was in Riverside. Shall I go on?
Yep, keep going on. You must be the same person who had to mention the house fire in Riverside in another article a few months ago under another name.
Sounds like you are butthurt, to me.
Slanky, Just saying the truth. It looks like your the one with the butthurt. Try getting out for EVERY call and have enough manpower for EVERY call. Then you will not have to be crying
It’s “Abingdon”, not “Abington”.
I never knew that firefighters were such divas and drama queens.
Yep, unfortunately there still are very few that think putting on turn out gear and having quasi-authroity to bark orders at people during the scene of a fire makes them holier than thou.
Credit where its due. Joppa Magnolia has a great new number of members who are there fast and get it done.
Unfortunately again, this is used against everyone by a few because 1 fire company is much faster than everyone else, responding to incidents in half the County.
Why can’t we just be humble and happy we have such a great volunteers in our fire protection?
Riverside could use a two bay sub station.
It was nice to see Abingdon reopening Long Bar Harbor but with the auto auction coming, industry and develpment the area could benefit.
The ego problems comes from the fact that people compare themselves amongst one another with the stupid system we have setup in here. The thin red line keeps getting thinner.
Stupid system? One company “first due” is this area, the other’s is this area but you guys are slow so we’ll take your call while you show up 15 minutes later.
Paid “Harford County Fire Dept” is not necessarily the answer but getting all these little company numbered
Glorified garages that have fire apparatus to rid themselves of the HOA type ego people is hard.
Riverside needs a substation but it can’t be an Amish built pole barn. Modern age fire stations need a lot of stuff, and provably carries a 3 million dollar price. If Patterson Mill has a sub station under Bel Air, Riverside could definitely use one.
Will the County fully fund a station in Riverside as they did for the Patterson Mill Station? I highly doubt it. BAVFC should have funded the station with the millions of dollars in their account.
Let me know when you want to come see a real firehouse
I am not a volunteer, nor do I know any. I have to say after reading all of this crap, we really need a paid professional fire department in harford county. It disgust me that my tax money supports all of this garbage.
I am not a volunteer, nor do I know any. I have to say after reading all of this crap, we really need a paid professional fire department in harford county. It disgust me that my tax money supports all of this garbage. Wow.
I completely agree with the conclusion you have came to based on these posts.. but all i will say is do not take any of these into consideration, most are false and fueled by jealousy and rumors they heard. Only thing is this kind of behavior is not only limited to a volunteer fire department. Whereever there are people someone will find something to bitch about and make up some reason to hate someone. Putting a career department in the county will not fix the issue of arguing amongst houses. Every career department you go to has similar discussions of who runs more fires or who’s a better fire fighter or this or that. No matter what industry you’re in someone is going to be jealous of another or make up lies or start drama. Sad thing about this society that people can’t put their issues or past behind them, but instead create more hatred and it just goes in a circle and continues on and on.
There is one difference and I know this first hand. Professional paid firefighters are held to a much higher standard and are accountable to the mayor and city council. Firemen would get fired for doing some of the stuff that goes on with these volunteers. I recall a big stink about Bel Air and Sonic. That situation would not happen in a paid fire department.
Oh my God, y’all should be embarrassed. You sound like a bunch of idiots…..seriously. God help the county if there’s a huge disaster and y’all are sitting around comparing dicks instead of doing some work.
I completely agree. Only thing is this kind of behavior is not only limited to a volunteer fire department. Whereever there are people someone will find something to bitch about and make up some reason to hate someone.
It’s a dam shame David Craig didn’t follow through on the Fire Study and kept it hidden so he would get reelected. There is no accountability with the tax payer funded fire company’s in this county. That’s why Joppa can take three pieces of equipment to another company fire house on new years and try to start a fight. Everyone involved should be removed from the fire service, including the chief officer that went along with the Juvenal delinquents.
FYI no chief officer was on board.. also there was no intent what so ever to start a fight it was just to be funny, which yes it was a poor decision but nothing wrong was done since not one person got off the rig nor did anyone say anything out the window,, all it was was driving by the station, which last time I checked is legal and nothing saying a vehicle can’t drive on a public road. All this is doing is fueling hate between people and also giving other people false information. This whole post is childish and so is talking about things like this at all on social media. If there is an issue between a fire company or individuals involved with fire companies then it should be settled face to face and hashed out then and there. Also not saying Joppa’s actions weren’t childish, but nothing wrong was down “by law.” Please stop posting false things that are negative. I don’t understand just because one person might not like a particular fire department or one person involved in that department does not mean you should hate everyone associated. I have never came to a conclusion to hate someone due to their association or friends, or color, or looks, and that is exactly what is being done. For the record Joppa was staffed a truck and two engines in our first due even with two pieces being in a mutual aid box.
ALL Friendly
It’s a shame “none” of you know what you are talking about.
The reason why Joppa took their engines to Bel Air is because Bel Air members like running their mouths. Bel Air cant even get two pieces out the door half the time but they want to run their mouths. Now Bel Air bans Joppa from entering town, grow up Chief
You take engines out of your stations to Bel Air and leave your area short handed? WHO needs to grow up?
FYI no chief officer was on board.. also there was no intent what so ever to start a fight it was just to be funny, which yes it was a poor decision but nothing wrong was done since not one person got off the rig nor did anyone say anything out the window,, all it was was driving by the station, which last time I checked is legal and nothing saying a vehicle can’t drive on a public road. All this is doing is fueling hate between people and also giving other people false information. This whole post is childish and so is talking about things like this at all on social media. If there is an issue between a fire company or individuals involved with fire companies then it should be settled face to face and hashed out then and there. Also not saying Joppa’s actions weren’t childish, but nothing wrong was down “by law.” Please stop posting false things that are negative. I don’t understand just because one person might not like a particular fire department or one person involved in that department does not mean you should hate everyone associated. I have never came to a conclusion to hate someone due to their association or friends, or color, or looks, and that is exactly what is being done. For the record Joppa was staffed a truck and two engines in our first due even with two pieces being in a mutual aid box.
Believe me “none” of us know what we are talking about.just ask Barrrrrrry. Someone posted on Facebook about a suspicious dumpster fire in behind the Hanson Road fire house and Joppa acts like little cry baby’s and want to go to Bel Air and beat everyone up.
FYI no chief officer was on board.. also there was no intent what so ever to start a fight it was just to be funny, which yes it was a poor decision but nothing wrong was done since not one person got off the rig nor did anyone say anything out the window,, all it was was driving by the station, which last time I checked is legal and nothing saying a vehicle can’t drive on a public road. All this is doing is fueling hate between people and also giving other people false information. This whole post is childish and so is talking about things like this at all on social media. If there is an issue between a fire company or individuals involved with fire companies then it should be settled face to face and hashed out then and there. Also not saying Joppa’s actions weren’t childish, but nothing wrong was down “by law.” Please stop posting false things that are negative. I don’t understand just because one person might not like a particular fire department or one person involved in that department does not mean you should hate everyone associated. I have never came to a conclusion to hate someone due to their association or friends, or color, or looks, and that is exactly what is being done. For the record Joppa was staffed a truck and two engines in our first due even with two pieces being in a mutual aid box.
Yeah, driving Fire Apparatus +10 miles out of the way to “be funny” is totally “legal” because people have the right to travel on a road with a drivers license. Driving your company car “to be funny,” what a goof. No wonder we have such squirrels in our fire protection services.
Maybe I’m out of touch, is it normal practice”to be funny” and drive around another’s main station when someone gets butthurt? Spin it however you want, someome did something they weren’t supposed to.
Look forward to hearing about the next Fireman’s discount.
We heard the chief drove the chiefs vehicle, so your right he was not on board.
I don’t get it. Regardless of “intentions” and debating the legality of driving on city, county and state roads as a first responder, a public servant, you are held to higher standards.
It’s obvious you don’t take yourselves seriously
I’m not apart of the “thin red line” but your arugements are moot. Spin it to your agenda however you want.
“Being funny” can be just as funny if you had used your own personally owned automobiles instead of Fire trucks.
A paid fire department would solve a lot of these problems. Yes paid departments still have problems but they are held to higher standards and there is accountability. You clowns running around tooting horns, banning or changing box assignments? Really you all are a joke. Problem with an all Volly department is that even if a department suspends or terminates a member they just go on to the next station and are welcome with open arms. What in the sam hell ever happened to the county fire study?? THIS IS ONE OF THE MOST DISFUNCTIONAL FIRE SERVICE ORGANIZATIONS OUT THERE.
I agree but its not going to happen. First Money and second chiefs are reluctant to give up control to paid personnel. All they are worried about is donations and how big the next banquet can be. Its going to take a major disaster to occur for changes to be made. This is a safety issue for firefighters and citizens right now.
What a bunch of idiots. I pray that I never need any of you. It seems like every house that catches fire in this county burns to the ground anyway. I would happily pay an extra few hundred dollars in taxes to get rid of all of you and get a professional fire department like I had where I grew up. .
Where exactly is this wonderful place that you come from with a “professional” fire department that has never had a house fire? If you read the article this house didn’t burn to the ground. Please give us locations in Harford County where someones house has burned to the ground. Also do not paint all the volunteer fire departments and their members with the same brush, because they absolutely are not the same, nor are all Career fire departments.
Great, on top of all your other issues, you have reading comprehension problems too. I stated that we had a professional paid fire depsrtment that didn’t have all of the drama and unprofessional actors that has been described throughout this thread. Daggar is littered with house fire photos of total losses. My small city had professionals with an average response time of less than four minutes. These men were true inside firefighters who aggressively attacked fires and limited property danage.
This county does have a lot of complete loss fires. No one seems to care that not one station is required by the county to be staffed. Several have response issues and have 2nd and 3rd due companies easily beating them to calls. So don’t sit here and feed me BS and tell me its not a problem because you know it is.