From Harford Campaign for Liberty
February 24, 2015
7 pm – 9 pm
Knights of Columbus Hall
23 Newport Drive
Forest Hill, MD. 21050
This month promises another fantastic lineup of speakers. Our meetings are on the must attend list for all Harford County conservatives and patriots.
Institute on the Constitution – This organization has been on the front lines when it comes to spreading the word about preserving our freedoms and liberty. Karen Delimater, of IOTC, will discuss the Maryland Constitution. Information we all need about if we’re to do battle with the establishment in Annapolis.
The drama continues in Carroll County. Last month Eugene Peterson, 3rd Vice Chair MD GOP, let us know about the abuses of power being played out in Carroll. This month, Christina Trotta, will provide an update. That knowledge of the Maryland Constitution will come in handy for this!
Have you ever wondered how preferential tax treatment for a favored few impacts the overall economic health of a community? Roy Whiteley, founder of Marylanders for Fair Property Taxation, will discuss problems with the current assessment practices as well as the effect of tax give aways on your bill.
What’s up with the Rain Tax? Hard to believe, but a newly elected Harford County Delegate is refusing to support the Rain Tax repeal? Seems like some people weren’t listening in November! Join us and hear more on this topic.
Free Admission.
Cash Bar
Children Welcome – Separate Room in Back
Visit our website
“Liberty” – “Battle” – “Abuses” – “Drama” – “Preferential Treatment” – “Favored Few” – “The Delegate who is Refusing to Vote to Repeal”
These “patriots” are like the old Chesterfield smokers….they’d rather fight than switch (or in most cases, think!).
These patriots are doing as much for the conservative movement as Helton did for the Dems.
Cash bar and bring the kids. WCGW.
I was under the impression in order to serve liquor in harford county you needed to serve food too?
Code enforcement should test one of these events.
Isn’t the Liquor Board a symbol of the totalitarian state? Its only real purpose is to infringe upon liberty. (All said tongue in cheek,)
“preferential tax treatment for a favored few”
Translation: “tax breaks for the other guy”
So, are you ready to get rid of these:
Property tax deduction
Charitable contribution deduction
State tax deduction
Medical expense deduction
I thought not.
It always depends on whose ox is being gored.
I’d love to know how many anti-government “conservatives” that draw government benefits – salaries, civil and military pensions, Social Security, Medicare, or Affordable Care Act-like subsidies (aka untaxed employer health insurance contributions) – could actually justify their hypocrisy.
I just love the if-you-drive-on-a-public-highway then shut up type attitude. Only a real wingnut thinks that the government is not necessary for essential services. But we are way…. way beyond that. At all levels government is bloated and onerous. If you work for government you are now virtually the only middle class. Do you realize the average work week in the country is now only a little over 30 hours a week!! That means that most folks are working part time with no benefits. Translation: unless we cut government and start generating decent full time jobs we will go under.
Respectfully, I don’t believe that the reason the middle class is shrinking is the government. The main factors IMO are automation and a standard of living here that is very high – meaning loss of jobs to cheaper foreign labor (exported as well as illegal aliens),
I agree, but you left out a few things, Bookem. In this county, I think the economy would collapse without the government. Most of the people I know in this county, who have halfway decent paying jobs are either commuting to the city, or working in high tech jobs for APG. Some work for directly for the government, and others work for sub contractors. Take away APG and you would see a lot of shops, eateries and bars disappear. Some people make good money in the medical field. Do away with Medicare and Medicaid and you’ll see the hospitals, doctors, and nurses making a lot less too. On the local level I’ve read numerous articles about teachers making too much money. In Harco, a teacher with 10 years experience and a masters degree makes less than 50K. Some say that is too much, but most of those teachers live here pay taxes here and buy things here.
I grew up in Dundalk, where the cars were all covered in red dust from the steel plant. people used to fuss like crazy about the pollution, but most people in Dundalk made good money, and had bank accounts to prove it. I know because I used to sell real estate, and I saw the numbers. Then Western Electric folded and we didn’t see much difference in Dundalk. Next the Chevrolet plant closed and the shipyard closed. That hurt a little more and some businesses folded because of it. Finally Bethlehem Steel closed. When Bethlehem went down, that was it. Companies that supplied the steel company closed. Specialty metal companies that bought from Bethlehem closed. Many of the bars closed, many of the larger stores closed, Many restaurants closed. At least one new car dealership and several used car lots closed The housing market became non existent other than the folks who pay fifty cents or less on the dollar to buy the house you cant sell. Lawyers moved out, medical facilities shrank or left. If you go there now, most areas look like a bomb hit the place. The percentage of owner occupied homes plummeted. The renters are a nightmare, apparently they don’t own lawnmowers or trashcans. I just read that there are over 150 vacant storefronts within 2 miles of the government center. It’s just a mess.
So lets say the far right gets it’s way and we drastically reduce the federal local and state governments and do away with the “entitlements.” This county would collapse just like Dundalk did. The warehouses in Edgewood and Aberdeen don’t pay much money now, and you can bet that they would pay less if more workers were knocking on their door. Just about all of the other businesses depend on locals who have some money.
Could we avoid that happening? Sure, if we stopped giving builders and developers tax breaks to build developments, shopping centers and warehouses and started luring good paying jobs. It wouldn’t be easy, because many companies are moving overseas where they can use slave labor and child exploitation to produce their goods. It’s not impossible, but it wouldn’t be easy. I haven’t read about our local officials trying to lure that type of business though. Perhaps it would help if we all donated to their election campaigns in the name of a high tech or industrial company?
“So lets say the far right gets it’s way” –
You know, I admit we have already gone so far in ignorance that a collapse is inevitable. But what bugs me is that when it happens the galactically stupid will still not figure out why it happened.
Okay…. So, here is a clue: You have to have private sector generated wealth to tax in order to pay for government. You cannot have government employees and government contracted jobs that tax each other in order to pay for each other.
Now, I know that goes way over your head, but there it is nonetheless.
Actually, Only, it doesn’t go over my head at all. If we tried to only have “government employees and government contracted jobs that tax each other in order to pay for each other,” the law of diminishing returns would crash the economy pretty quickly, wouldn’t it? What I wrote is that is exactly what we have going on here in Harford County. The only reason it hasn’t all come crashing down on us YET is because we get a very large portion of the federal jobs here. So the rest of the country’s money is keeping us afloat here in Harford County. I agree with you, pal! No need for the name calling and offensiveness. I have a feeling that when I said the dreaded “Far Right” you got angry and failed to read the last paragraph. I am more right than left myself, and should have probably known not to put that in there. My point is that we can’t continue to use government to support ourselves, because if the Feds go away, we’ve got nothing. We have some farmers producing. we have some small businesses producing, and we have an over abundance of low paying jobs that sell or transport foreign goods or that sell food and drink. The point I was trying to make is that WE NEED TO ATTRACT INDUSTRY that produces things of value, not more warehouses and certainly not more people.
Always the battle… teabag versus dirtbag.