From Harford County Government:
BEL AIR, Md., (Feb. 11, 2015) – County Executive Barry Glassman issued the following statement on the Facilities Master Plan report prepared for Harford County government by Jacobs Engineering, Inc. in association with DeJong Richter and Grimm+Parker Architects:
“I welcome this comprehensive, independent analysis of the state of our county facilities. Although this report was commissioned during the prior administration, it was initiated to improve decision-making in the future. Both the analysis and related recommendations will help my administration use taxpayer dollars wisely as we prioritize projects and implement cost savings in next year’s budget and beyond.”
The county executive also publicly released the report, which is now published on the county website. Please follow this link to access the report:
The report also appears in its entirety below:
Page 29 is an interesting page. The Forest Hill Air Park owned by the Martins is getting 325,000.00 a year from HCSO and another almost 125,000.00 from the board of elections for office space. That’s 450,000.00 a year that could be going to fund county owned construction projects. Those offices have been in place there since before 2005 so over 5 million dollars has been spent on rent.
Yep, those leases and those deals were cut in meetings so tight that air couldn’t get in without an invitation.
Time to start selling off all the property Craig accumulated from his friends, too bad most of it isn’t worth near what we paid for it.
Right, the same friends Barry Glassman now has.
What does that have to do with needing money to pay for repairs and paying for repairs on property the county does not use?
People on here are such idiots.
I think taxpayers who tend to be more fiscally conservative in this county just assumed if you vote republican leadership will be responsible with your tax monies – big fat wrong. Craig should have been run out of town on a rail a long time ago. Case in point – Craig touts his new $35M emergency services center that’s only 10% filled and claims we’ll grow into it in 20 years like we’ve been done a favor. This report claims and it seems to hold true that these civic buildings are considered obsolete in 40 years. So we pay continuing maintenance on a 35M dollar building only fractionally filled with a level/flat population projection, that soon after it’s filled is half way to being considered ready for demolition. You can spell corrupt or stupid with the same letters – C-R-A-I-G.
Ooops correction. It’s not $35M it’s $50M. $50M bucks for a building even in far distant projections like a decade or more isn’t intended to be in full use. I promise you the taxpayer will be heating the entire structure even if there’s only 2 people in it and it will require maintenance on 100% of the building.
Oh there are many properties the county owns and maintains under the radar that are the real money troubles. Why does the county own a 25 acre farm at 3889 Norrisville rd that we paid 1.3 million for and nothing happens there? 4 Years prior to the purchase that property was valued at $290,000, 1.1 million less than we paid.
Think this is out of the ordinary? Think again.
Purchased with MD DNR Program Open Space grant $$$$. Can only be used for public outdoor recreation w/o approval from DNR. Use it or Lose it mentality and we need to stockpile more ground for future soccer fields. After all, its for the Children….
You should see what they paid for the house John Wilkes Booth grew up in. Wowzahhh. Bow chicka wowow.
Sounds like the Sheriffs Office Multi Million Dollar Vietnam Era Chopper is the least of this county’s problems. Baaaaaary needs to have a county yard sale and auction.
Multi Million dollar Helicopter???? If that was true than the HCSO made out sweet getting it free. You have zero clue about anything you write here…..
Agreed, that chopper isn’t worth that much. They are even trying to sell off bits from the parts chopper and there wasn’t much interest. Look for yourself….
Oh and I know that there is backdoor meetings going on with the teachers union and deputy’s union. ALL county employees need a raise not just select ones ALL, got it Baaaaarry
Maybe that’s why Mr Burbey has been so quiet lately…
Wait a second…there are backdoor meetings going on? Well, I’m a teacher…why didn’t anyone tell me? I asked several of the people I work with about this, and they haven’t been told either! Then I asked a friend of mine who teaches at another school, and he hadn’t heard about it either! His wife is a teacher at an elementary school, and she also didn’t hear about them! No wonder the union is so unsuccessful in getting solidarity among the ranks! They’re having backdoor meetings and the only person who knows about it is Money Pit 1!
we don’t need a raise we had one eight years ago.