At the end of the State of the State Speech, Governor Larry Hogan pulled the microphone from the podium, turned it sideways, stared straight at Senate President Mike Miller and Speaker Mike Busch, and dropped the mic. The only thing heard for a few seconds as he walked out of the room was the sound of the feedback beginning to squelch before the few Republicans in the room began to clap furiously. It was a great speech.
Democrats instantly pounced. They are holding up the nominations for several of Hogan’s people, Insurance Commissioner Al Redmer will probably not get through now. Democrats will say it’s because of his handling of Hurricane Isabel, but the real reason is because Hogan called out their policies and how they’ve run the state into the ground, and because Al Redmer was the main cheerleader during the campaign, the smiling face on election night that introduced the new Governor that will forever be burned into their mind, the guy that helped get Baltimore County there which was the County that cemented Hogan as Governor. This will be the opportunity to hurt Hogan the most by targeting the cabinet member that means the most to Hogan.
Republicans for their part also started jumping up and down saying that this showed the Democrats weren’t going to be bipartisan. It’s a shame that tax cuts are a partisan issue, but Republicans have worked for the past thirty years to make that connection in everyone’s minds.
Democrats have one poll tested shot at attacking Hogan and it’s through the education “cuts”. Hogan “cut” education by not fully funding the Geographic Educational Cost Index which would pump added money to Prince George’s, Montgomery, and Baltimore City. Education will receive more money than ever, and there is no true cut, but because you’re not spending as much as a formula said you should, then you are cutting education. There’s a little bit of grumbling on Hogan cancelling the 2% raise for State Employees, but Hogan could fix that by repealing O’Malley’s legislation that required non-union State Employees to pay into the state employees union.
The honeymoon didn’t last long, but Hogan did call his new bride fat in the limo on the way from the reception, so it’s no surprise that this reaction happened. The question will be whether Hogan apologizes, or declares himself the man of the house and, if my married life is any indication, finds himself sleeping on the couch for the next four years.
Typical childish behavior. Does he think he is in the schoolyard or a dance-off? 4 years of this idiot, good grief. Maybe he should spend some of his precious mic time trying to remove the 300.00 a year LLC “fee” his buddy Ehrlich put in to impact small business or his other “fee”, the flush tax for us septic tank owners. Remove those and maybe I’ll listen, otherwise he’s a typical politician.
Governor Hogan stacked his papers and left the podium, the mic drop was metaphorical.
That would be sort of like you putting horses in your party barn and calling it an equine center, right…,a metaphor…lol..,or getting notice from the engineer that the cost to pump sewage from your catering hall was exorbitant and you need to scale down while telling the neighbors you listened to them and reduced (while secretly increasing the scope)? Or perhaps paying a few people to publicly support your plans while the entire road is against bringing the Richlin Ballroom to Glenville Road. Or, showing up at political fundraisers greasing the politicians with donations while they make fun of you after you leave. All metaphorical hyperbole; got it, thanks but no thanks.
I feel like such a victim and my other neighbor wants a freakin ski slope.
I support Governor Hogan’s action 100%. Maryland Voters, were tired of the same old, same old, democrats ruining the Free-State, by voting for Hogan….now, let all of us, give him, their opportunity of putting Maryland back, into being the great state, it once was..
Oh, come on! You should know that something like that would happen. The poor guy has hardly gotten his office chair broken in and the lefties are already sticking thumbtacks into it! “Sore losers” doesn’t even begin to describe it. What a bunch of cry-babies! Suck it up, take your “it’s not fair” pills, and give the guy a chance to GOVERN! You just might learn something about “The will of the people”!
The Gov can ride out these sore losing entitled Liberals. The freeloaders are threatened by a real manager in our state government. Talk about childish, let’s talk two about of the biggest hypocrites in the history of MD government…..Busch and Miller. When Ehrlich was governor he and his staff proposed casino gambling as one solution to a poor finical situation. Miller and Busch painted a picture that he was the anti-Christ. O’Malley gets elected and the dynamic duo is all for it. Unfortunately by the time it was finally implemented MD was way behind the 8 ball in comparison to our adjacent states. It is really too bad that Busch and Miller are so out of touch with reality with regard to waste and abuse spending going on every day in our state. They need to get out of their offices and see first hand how so many of our citizens are abusing the system. Maybe if they went to a convenience store that sells alcohol and drug paraphernalia in the Rt. 40 area during evening hours they could witness the abuse as it is occurring. Then they might wish to possibly re-evaluate the system. Oh that’s right, that is the system that keeps democrats in office. I guess that will never happen.
You have to remember that the freeloaders are a major voting block in Maryland. They’ll keep voting for the politicians who keep the hand outs coming.
Everyone knew Miller, Busch and the dems would stare whining, the only question was how long would it take. These morons hated slots and casinos when Ehrlich proposed them but loved them as soon as O’Malley got in.Now instead of working for a better Md they’re doing all they can to keep us a broke, tax and spend state. Maybe if we vote these goofs out of office we can finally make some progress.
Job#1- Democrats will work to make sure Hogan is a one term Governor, a direct blue print from Senator Reed famous edict which didn’t work. Job#2-Make sure hogan and his band of heroes gets as much heck as can be drummed up such as refusing to accept any secretaries that are from the old gop regime and pass numerous laws that will be vetoed but will blame Hogan ala our Congress… Job#3- opppsse any cuts to the rich and cuts to services that only mean the rich get richer…
@ mostly blue 2.0
Are you a member of the conceptual democratic party that believes that everyone deserves a fair shake or are you one of the modern day democrats that embrace and accept any freeloading bum who is looking for a handout and feels that the government owes them something? It makes a big difference in the way I will respond to your post.
As long as the hogan and glass man am are given free reign they will enrich the rich and cut education, jobs and human services. The only people gaining are rich already and any tax relief for the middle class will be irrelevant.
To your question, I believe everyone should pay according to their income. The poor should pay less and, the richest pay the most.
mostly blue 2.0: can you explain why you desire the rich to pay more and the poor pay less? Also, can you explain why around half of the people pay “zero” in Federal Tax?
Progressive taxing is, the law of the land. Flat tax only works if there are other affluent sources of tax such as, oil, gambling or royalties which some states could pull off such as, TX or Nevada
That’s not true, anyone that works pays social security tax unless you are self employed then you can deduct everything from your tax bill. Business self employed are, the biggest tax cheats
“Work” is the operative word there Blue. Why should those rich people or for that matter anyone continue paying over and over for those same people who have no desire to seek or obtain a job? Sadly, I don’t think you have any idea of the waste and abuse of the system which takes place every day. Government keeps going to the well to pay for these bums. You need to be out there to see what is going on….Save your breath, some people legitimately need help and they should get it. I’m talking about bums that are using their family’s assistance money to get high, drunk, or party. I’m talking about the bums who shop for a doctor and get pain pills on the governments dime and then sell them for one or two bucks a mg to buy other types of drugs. Then they go to the police and file erroneous theft reports to get free replacements. And the cycle continues…Those rich people you keep talking about probably didn’t mind being excessively taxed the first ten times knowing that the money was continually being used to pay for these mutts.
What an appropriate name for you?
Just call it by calling it as I see it. Not a member of any party. Hogan will be at one term governor. How you respond to it does doesn’t matter. You are part of the problem.
U are part of the reason Hogan will be 1 term govbernor. Once you get inthere
blue, Why is there a “progressive” tax as the law of the land whereby the high earners pay more of a percentage than the low earners? Why do about half of us effectively pay no “Federal Witholding Tax” (not Social Security or Medicare or Futa or Suta)?
Your understanding of the tax code is incorrect. People working have taxes withheld and tax credits make their refund higher than _iuiyiyqere payment. Your orwn tax rate is lower due your reduction deductions. Are you ,not taking tax credits and reductions that lower your bill?: do you think businesses leave deductions in order to pay more?
Let’s try again for a third time. Why is the law of the land such that the rich are demanded to pay more of a percentage of tax and the poor either less of a percentage or no tax below the progressive level? Secondly, why is it that nearly 50% of earners, effectively with credits, deductions etc., the poor and the super rich, do not pay any Witholding tax?
The rich pay more because they have the money to take without creating a burden upon their lifestyle. If you take money from the poor, you are essentially creating a burden upon their life that not only effects the pauper, but also the pauper’s entire family. This leads us to eternal poverty among those whom were born to it. This leads us to jealousy and other wicked aspects of mental health. The poor, tend to have more children, who are born to poverty. Eventually, this lead to an unbalanced population of many paupers and very few of the rich. The masses of poor will resent the rich, leading to many undesired effects upon everyone and everything. Your ideas will eventually lead to crime, despair and possibly even revolution. Take a step back and think, what is it that you are really after?
If the government takes it and gives it too you, it is easier to pretend it isn’t stealing….
And besides, someone has to pay for soulcrushers suite in the pen.
I never took unemployment. I don’t have an EBT Card. I don’t take hand outs from anyone. Since I don’t live in Harford County anymore, I’ll never have a suite at the Pen, as you put it. Only the corruption of Harford County and its Criminal Justice System jailed me. It would have never had happened in another county, as it has not happened since I left your little Nazi domain. “B”, if you wanna start, we can do this the old SoulCrusher way. I’ve been behaving here on the Dagger, so I’ll let you slide, again…..
@Soul Man
You were growing weed (which under MD law is a felony). You got caught. Bottom line. Growing weed is a crime in every MD county. Stop being a hater. You know the police had to have a good reason to start looking at you. You must have been sloppy or, and say it ain’t so, your arrogant know it all attitude probably caused someone to put you in. Whatever, stop whining.
Whatever, in any other county it would have been an illegal search. Stop acting like you know what your talking about and go grab case file 12K09002034 at the Circuit Court. Oh and by the way, I’m not done with you guys yet. I’m just getting started…..
I agree. If a poor person has only $20,000 income, pays out 10% in taxes the state gets $2,000. If a person gets $200,000 at 10 % pays $20,000. Ergo the poor pay less and the rich pay more. The problem today is that the person making $2,000,000 ends up sheltering the entire thing because it isn’t earned income and is now off shore. No gummint weenie has the cajones to touch that issue. Raising the tax rate to $90% on the rich will still result in no money for the state. Knock off the divisive nonsense about income equality and fix a vey badly broken tax code.
Just wondering if people retired on government pensions can be Republicans.
I know a few hundreds well to do that are employees with a pension, they are, called military. The rich don’t have pension income but stock options, offshore accounts and imputed income not taxed at near the level of pensions. Just ask Romney how it works.
Because there’s little risk in a pension, but significant risk in capital gains.
Dividends are also taxed once on the corporation’s books, and then taxed again against the recipient.
Harford’s own candidate for governor (a Republican) campaigned as anti-big government, yet worked for and draws a pension from the public education system, which many consider to be bloated and a drain on the state budget. Pretty hypocritical. I see the same rhetoric from others on the government dole (and maybe from some of the posters here).
And you saw what the voters did to Craig in the primaries.
I give up. No more attempts at having an intelligent discussion or debate with mostly blue. Sadly blue don’t have a clue.
Hope your boy Hogan does his best Bush administration impression and sends rebates back to taxpayers except MD has a balanced budget and he can’t just borrow more to make up the reduced tax receipts by borrowing to pay the bills.