From the Harford County Public Library:
Join Hall of Fame baseball player Cal Ripken, Jr., at a book discussion and signing on Monday, March 9, at 6:30 p.m. at the Abingdon Library, 2510 Tollgate Road in Abingdon.
He will discuss and sign copies of “Out At Home,” his latest children’s book. Joining Ripken will be the book’s co-author, Kevin Cowherd. Ripken will sign copies of “Out at Home” and be available for photos with guests. Please note that the signing will include just the book, “Out At Home.”
The March 9 event will be Ripken’s only appearance and book signing for “Out At Home” in Harford County.
Single tickets to the event cost $50 per person and include a copy of the book and a voucher for a ticket to a 2015 Aberdeen IronBirds game. A Double Play ticket for $90 includes two tickets to the March 9 event, two copies of the book and two vouchers to an IronBirds game in 2015. Only a limited number of tickets are available, so purchase your tickets now at
A raffle for a special pre-event reception with Ripken the evening of March 9 is being held. The winner and up to seven family members/guests will meet Ripken in a one-on-one, 15-minute reception before the main event. Ripken will sign eight copies of “Out At Home” and one other item (ball, bat, etc.) provided by the winner.
Raffle tickets cost $10 each or three for $25 and are available online at or at a Harford County Public Library branch. The deadline to purchase raffle tickets is Saturday, February 28, and the winning raffle ticket will be drawn on Tuesday, March 3. Only a limited number of raffle tickets will be sold.
Proceeds from the event benefit Harford County Public Library. Harford County Public Library operates 11 branches located throughout the county. The library serves more than 187,000 registered borrowers of all ages and has an annual circulation of more than 4.4 million. Harford County Public Library is committed to connecting people with information and promoting the love of reading within the community. More information may be found at
I am so tired of hearing about Hall of Famer. Does he ever do anything without making a buck. I know people need jobs, but has he done anything for helping without making a buck. He went to work and played baseball. How about all the people, who go to school and work, and never miss a day. Do ya see them getting the “status” that he got. I read the article and figured there would be a “fee”. Gotta love this Hall of Famer….Does anyone know where Harford County is, outside of Hazzard County? Probally NOT.
Exactly! All he has to do is show up at any fundraiser in (his beloved) Harford County and the money would pour in, but instead he mainly limits himself to fundraisers for The Cal Fund, his personal retirement account. He’s charging $50 for this: his book ($12.68 on Amazon), the thrill of having him write his name in it, and a ticket to a minor league baseball game four levels below the majors (where he profits from any food or merchandise you purchase). The man is a $aint.
I had perfect attendance, at work, where do I get in the Hall of Fame. He didn’t even right the book and is taking credit. Gotta love how he is a $aint. What has he done for the community and not taken money? Oh that’s right…He gave us Ripken Statium and Aberdeen still got stiffed for the bill. Way to Go…….
Wow… only amongst you cynical bunch of Neanderthals could someone get raked over the coals for doing a fundraiser. Did you miss the last paragraph where it said all proceeds go to the Harford County Library? If you need to be angry at everything in the world, you need therapy.
If Cal donated the Ironbirds tickets and the books (or at least provided then at wholesale price), and if ALL of the money taken in for the raffle and the book signing goes to the Harford County Public Library Summer Reading Program, then i apologize for my earlier comment.
However, if any proceeds beyond the wholesale price of the books go anywhere but the library, I stand by my previous comment.
Again, I quote from the last paragraph of the press release. “Proceeds from the event benefit Harford County Public Library.” That’s pretty straightforward. Your apology is accepted.
Besides having every Sunday off and at least a few weeks during the summer where you don’t worry about ‘work’, what makes a teacher get up, everyday and work for scraps? Scraps, in this county, at least.
Is it ‘1st shift’? If you want to make a difference and help people (and get paid) there are many more high paying jobs available.
In a honesty, 2015, why says they want a career in Hazard County? Come on, all that drivel I read; it seems the only good ones left are people close to riding out their retirement and setting sail for Florida, or somewhere not in this state. Others, they seem to seek employment here just as a “job” while they look for somewhere else.
Just to be clear, I was apologizing in the case that my statement was in error, not apologizing to you specifically, so your acceptance is meaningless. The statement that you quoted does not make it clear if ALL proceeds go to the library or whatever proceeds are left after expenses.
I make more money than teachers. Why does that matter? It doesnt, it was just an irrelevant insert of information I decided to talk about.
Cal should take out his check book and sign a check to pay off the stadium with his name on it.
When Cal set the record Aberdeen had a parade and Cal posted no runs, no hits, no show.