From Harford County government:
Harford County Executive Barry Glassman Presents State of the County Address
Shifting Focus from Capital Projects to People; Combatting the Scourge of Heroin
After 64 days in office, Harford County Executive Barry Glassman gave his first State of the County address to the County Council Tuesday, identifying the county’s fiscal constraints and a shift in priorities under his administration to streamline government, promote economic development and improve customer service. Mr. Glassman also provided a model framework for plans to combat the scourge of heroin, in partnership with state and local agencies.
With only modest revenue increases expected next year, and debt that more than doubled under the prior administration, the new county executive said that he would defer major new capital projects for the near term and focus on people.
“I am content with building good fiscal policy and being judged on the number of Harford lives I‘ve touched, and not the number of ribbons I’ve cut,” Mr. Glassman said.
An avid runner, Mr. Glassman said that he would alter the county’s stride to meet future challenges, outlining actions to reduce the size of government and improve efficiency, allowing for a reinvestment in the county workforce. He encouraged outside agencies to make similar changes:
“I am comfortable taking a step back from our capital needs as we focus on jobs, strengthening our communities, and investing in our workforce of county, library, Board of Education and law enforcement employees. I have asked that our partners find efficiencies from within their respective budgets to match our efforts in reorganizing the way we do business. We must come to the realization that the new normal of shrinking enrollments, flat revenues and fewer capital dollars require a fundamental realignment of budgeting, and how services are delivered.”
In addition to scaling back government spending, the county executive cited economic development as a path to a turnaround for Harford County:
“We will continue to grow with our existing small businesses, Aberdeen Proving Ground, our distribution centers, energy projects, manufacturing, farming and cyber/technology. Governor Hogan announced “Maryland is open for business” on inauguration day. My plan is to have Harford County positioned to compete for every new business and every job available.”
The county executive also noted several examples of how his administration was using technology to improve customer service and engage more citizens in local government, including the new online snow plow tracking service and recent virtual town hall meeting.
Finally, Mr. Glassman updated plans first announced at his inauguration to combat the scourge of heroin addiction in Harford County. “Once again in the last seven days I’ve had to console a family devastated by this drug and the loss of a family member… I want to do more than sign an order or appoint another task force,” he said.
Outlining the components of an innovative “Center of Excellence for Heroin Addiction and Overdose Prevention”, Mr. Glassman said that talks were underway with state and local partners for a framework that he hoped would become a model for the state.
Mr. Glassman concluded his address:
“So, for the short term, I am fine with being evaluated on the number of families that I have raised up through new jobs, stronger communities and quality of life, as opposed to the number of steel beams I’ve raised or bricks l lay…So, together, we can keep Harford County poised to be Maryland’s new center of opportunity, where our heritage walks hand in hand with the nation’s new economy.”
The full text of County Executive Glassman’s State of the County address can be found below:
Well said and refreshing. Rough road ahead. I hope you can deliver.
Good for you CE Glassman. How about redistricting the schools and closing down the smaller schools. You will find there is no need for a new school in Havre de Grace. Sell the property Craig rammed up the back side of every taxpayer in the county. Take care of the county work force.
The CE has no power or say over schools decisions on school operations or he they budget their funds. No matter how much it would make sense, the fact is that HCPS shares Harford in name only as they are independent from county government as is the Sheriff’s Office.
Clearly the CE has no say over schools, that’s why he stopped school capitol improvements…..
Jesus some people were just meant for a life of civil service.
My response to none was regarding his comments above. The CE doesn’t have operations control over HCPS. Yes, the CE controls how much HCPS receives according to MD formula. Do I have to explain everything to you? Yes, I do. Dummy!!
Please explain why the School Board always blamed Craig for their funding shortfall?
The CE has to provide funding but doesn’t have any control once the money has been sent over. HCPS hasn’t figured out that asking for more without making any internal changes isn’t helping themselves. They need to reduce schools, layoff staff and cut costs if they want a raise. I have mentioned this before. HCG has had layoffs, cut backs and reduced operating costs and HCPS wants just more money..
HCPS did cut 60-some (67, I think) teaching positions a couple years ago to fund 1 step for everyone else.
Some of those lost positions were teachers retiring and not being replaced, but quite a few teachers got pink slipped.
And I’m certainly not saying that they can’t make other changes to improve efficiency, but they have cut some positions. I think they need to do a thorough evaluation of every aspect of the school system and any position that does not directly impact their primary mission (educating our children) needs a legitimate justification as to why they’re needed. I don’t believe that they have ever done this, and certainly not at the central office.
There are 3 high schools alone that are around 70% or below capacity. A reduction in force is a must to stop the death spiral.
…and all the surrounding counties are finding a way to get it done year after year. Go figure.
A good number of those were rehired,some retired and others found employment in NJ and PA as well as other MD counties. HCPS still living in 2007 before the real estate crash when tax revenues increased exponentially. HCPS needs to close some schools and layoff staff. Less students and the funding formula tells HCG what the maintenance of effort line should be. HCPS needs to become leaner.
I’m eating the WAWA turkey sizzli every morning and a WAWA salad for lunch every day how the hell am I supposed to get leaner than that?
So Harford County is the only county in the state that has to lay off teachers in order to fund steps? LMFAO. The “pass the buck” game is on in harco!!!
If I hear one more politician or bill refer to a “Center of Excellence,” I’m going to hang a sign on the bathrooms in my house proclaiming each one to be a “Waste Disposal Center of Excellence.”
Mr. Glassman you ended your fine Address (the slides were especially helpful in explaining the facts) with:
“God bless our great county and may He guide us in our decisions.”
Does “He” refer to Billy Boniface? The letterhead shown above looks like we have two CE’s. That’s pretty weak looking Mr. Glassman.
I only voted for you.
@Practical Guy
“He” refers to God, mentioned earlier in the sentence and also why it was capitalized…
It clearly denotes “Billy Boniface – Director of Administration” and “Barry Glassman – Harford County Executive”
You actually did vote for him, you see when you vote for County Executive you must then accept who he appoints as his Directors and/or Cabinet whether you like it or not.
Unless your whole statement was sarcastic, in which case I didn’t pick up on it…
It was a little sarcastic. My point is that only Mr. Glassman’s name should be on the letterhead for something as important a State of the County Address (not sarcastic). He needs to stand alone as our leader.
Some might get the impression that Mr. Boniface is calling the shots (others can decide if that’s sarcastic). I’m just trying to see if we have a Level playing field (sarcastic)!
Oh, and sorry God for dragging you into this (definitely not sarcastic).
Not impressed at all. Reminded me of a high school senior government project. Ugh.
CE Glassman is a smoke show. His presentation was showy and I’m not even certain that half of what he said was helpful. Definitely agree with Char, not impressed!!!!
Also, who exactly is our CE? It’s as though Boniface is just as high ranking as Glassman by putting his name on the county letterhead. Guess we know who’s running the show now; it seems quite clear! #bonifacenextCE #lordhelpus
CE Glassman is a smoke show. His presentation was showy and I’m not even certain that half of what he said was true. Definitely agree with Char, not impressed!!!!
Also, who exactly IS our CE? Having Boniface in line with Glassman on the County letterhead seems a bit presumptuous. We know who’s running the show now #bonifacenextCE #lordhelpus
It pains me to see the criticism of tiny details that literally have NO significance when discussing this story. CE Glassman has put himself out there and accepted this position after years and years of damage caused by proverbial FIRES set by our previous CE. You all see “smoke,” but what I see is a man who has the guts to ADMIT that there are problems, and to at least ATTEMPT to make drastic changes needed to address the real issues that HarCo is facing. In my opinion, that’s more than our “Previous CE” ever did. And furthermore, with the state that our county is in, (“Stable” is a generous word) I feel more confident knowing that there are 2-men taking on the job. Let Boniface join the ranks, and welcome the willingness of both parties to change HarCo for the better.
Obvious that you work in the CE’s office for the CE!! Little sensitive. Get use to it. Four more years…
What really needs to be changed is Harford County’s and the State of Maryland charters. The School system should not be an independent, 400+ million dollar entity with little oversight from the county’s elected officials. It would be better to have a school superintendent sitting on an oversight committee on education and eliminate the bureaucracy that exists at 102 Hickory avenue now.
Can someone explain to me why the Harford County Government Website has been down all morning? Would be nice to be able to check the conditions of the roads. I suppose this is one way to cut costs!
Verizon n ISP working on this issue. County connection has been down due to some issue at their facility in Baltimore City according to email to employees.
I was just on the Harford County web site so it is now working.