From the New Harford Democratic Club:
Meeting Reminder
Wednesday February 4 ,2015- 7:00pm
* Aberdeen Holiday Inn Express*
1007 Beards Hill Rd
Aberdeen, MD 21001
At the February Meeting, the agenda includes:
*Swearing in of new Board of Directors
* Continued discussion for 2015 programs, projects and action items.
* Bring your ideas and suggestions to the meeting so your voice is heard.
*Speaker : Rachel Gauthier, newly elected School Board Member, Harford District E
Why is this called the “new” Democratic Club?
Billy Van, you ask a good question. Hell, the vast majority of the meeting attendees are in their 70’s.
Shouldn’t it be called the “Old Washed-Up, Has-Beens Democratic Club”?
And with Steve Johnson being sworn in as their “New” president, shouldn’t it be called the “Art Helton Anti-Democratic Club and Associated Clones”? What a sad display of morons (it’s embarassing!) 🙁
Stop using my moniker and use your real one: Mike Hiob.
Hey “Loyal Harford Dem” (the REAL one) aka Art Helton, aka Washed up Has Been, aka King of Fraud, aka Lying Old Bastard, aka Democrat In Name Only:
Why don’t you quit wasting your time (and others time) trolling The Dagger and attempting to be clairvoyant, claiming to know who “Loyal Harford Dem” is? In reality, you have been hurting members of the Democrat party in Harford County for many a long year! You are a sick, pathetic old geezer who is trying your damndest to remain relevant. Of course, you’ve been irrelevant for a loooooog time. And whether you realize this or not, even your most loyal of minions have finally seen the light regarding your lack of importance and sphere of influence.
Sadly, you probably don’t even realize how bad you really are. Oh well, some folks will probably “chalk it up” to senility or dementia. But I know better….I know the real Art Helton…..the one who’s own ego would NEVER allow the self stroking to end. Goodbye old man….. 🙂
Pootie Tang will draw you a picture of how he gonna kick your ass, then mail it to you 10 days in advance. The picture gets to you, right? You’re goin’, “What the hell is this?” and then Pootie Tang knocks on your door, Promptly kicks your ass and you still won’t know what happenned to you!
Now dats funny Poo Poo Tang
Got that right. Councilman Hipster is an ass kickin’ artiste. Know what I’m sayin? He like the Da Vinci of ass kickin.