All photos courtesy Joppa-Magnolia VFC
UPDATE – From the Office of the State Fire Marshal:
HARFORD COUNTY, MD (January 30, 2015) – Deputy State Fire Marshals were requested to investigate the origin and cause of a fire that injured a 11 year-old female located inside a 42’ fifth wheel recreational camper at the rear of 1114 Mountain Road in Joppa.
The unconscious victim was located by firefighters in the rear bedroom and quickly transported to Upper Chesapeake Medical Center in critical condition with smoke inhalation injuries. She was subsequently transported to The Johns Hopkins Hospital for continued treatment.
The 12:58 a.m. fire was observed by a passerby whom notified the Harford County Emergency Operations Center. Approximately 25 firefighters responded from Joppa- Magnolia, Abingdon, Aberdeen Proving Grounds, White Marsh and Kingsville Volunteer Fire Departments and quickly placed the fire under control. One firefighter received a hand injury during the incident and was treated and released from Upper Chesapeake Medical Center.
Investigators determined the parents of the youth were both at work at the time the fire occurred. The origin and cause for the fire remain under investigation at this time.
UPDATE – From the Joppa-Magnolia Volunteer Fire Company:
Joppa, Maryland (January 20, 2015) – One civilian was rescued by volunteer firefighters in an early morning recreational camper fire.
At 1:00 am, the Joppa-Magnolia Volunteer Fire Company (JMVFC) was alerted by the Harford County Emergency Operations 911 Center to an unknown fire in the area of Pulaski Highway (US-40) and Mountain Road South (SRT-152). A fire engine responded within 2 minutes, staffed with 6 volunteer firefighters. At 1:05 am, a Harford County Sheriff’s Deputy reported a recreational vehicle on fire in the 1100 block of Mountain Road South, Joppa. A report that there may be trapped occupants was received and additional resources were requested. In addition to more JMVFC apparatus, fire engines from the Kingsville Volunteer Fire Company, White Marsh Volunteer Fire Company (WMVFC), Aberdeen Proving Ground Fire Department and Abingdon Fire Company were sent to assist. Paramedic units from the Abingdon Fire Company and Bel Air Volunteer Fire Company were also sent.
Because the camper was not on a main road, the fire engine could only get within 300 feet. Firefighters used fire hoses and water from the fire engine to start extinguishing the fire while other firefighters began to search for trapped occupants. An unconscious 11 year old female was located in the rear bedroom inside the camper. She was removed by JMVFC firefighters and turned over to waiting JMVFC paramedics. The patient was not breathing. The JMVFC paramedics initiated advanced life support measures which included performing CPR on the patient. She was taken by JMVFC paramedic unit in critical condition to the Upper Chesapeake Medical Center (UCMC) in Bel Air. Firefighters from the WMVFC assisted in the transport.
After being stabilized at UCMC, the patient was transferred to the Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore for continued treatment. One JMVFC firefighter received a minor hand injury. He was treated and released from UCMC. A total of 43 personnel operated at this fire, which was brought under control in about 20 minutes.
The Maryland State Fire Marshal’s Office was responded to determine the fire’s cause and origin, which remains under investigation.
A haz-mat unit from the Harford County Department of Emergency Services was dispatched for firefighters to have a warm place for rehabilitation on the scene. This is typically done in the winter months or during inclement weather.
Over the summer, JMVFC firefighters conducted live fire training on recreational vehicles. That training helped prepare firefighters for this type of incident. The skills they learned were displayed by the positive outcome this morning.
Since when does zoning allow a 5th wheel RV to be a residence?
Just because it’s not allowed doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen, especially in this economy.
Fact is, it isn’t allowed and if the laws were being followed this would never have happened no matter what the economy.
Why was this dear child left alone? Where were the adults/parents? Seems very neglectful. I will adopt this child.
You think
oops……… think leaving an eleven year old home is neglectful? Most 11 year olds are babysitting their siblings, hopefully doing house chores, etc. What were your responsibilities at age 11? Having a pre-teenager at home alone, which both parents are working – give them kudos for that – when it is bedtime is NOT neglect.
You are wrong. Leaving a child alone depends on their age but also the ability to care for self. I work in the field. This child was sleeping in a camper for God’s sake, and in what looks like total squalor. I hope child protective services is all over this situation.
I’m not sure what “field of work” you’re referring to, but apparently, compassion is not part of your job description. By all accounts, this girl was extremely well loved and living in a home that was not fancy but far from squalid. She had two working parents, trying to make ends meet in a tough economy. They provided food, shelter and love in greater amounts than I’ve seen kids in nicer homes receive. You should probably stfu and head on back to your alternate reality where everyone has enough money to live as they’d like and all the free time they’d like to have to spend with their kids. p.s. you needn’t worry about CPS, the child did not survive.
To Irritated,
You have the right to free speech as do I. You have no idea what “alternate reality” I am in as it is none of your concern. My heart goes out to this little girl. I have cared for many children and families throughout my career, some in the worst of circumstances. You have no idea what you are talking about and resorting to rudeness shows your ignorance.
“…sleeping in a camper for God’s sake, and in what looks like total squalor” <- all your words. If you know this family and have been inside their home, just say so. Otherwise, you're making a whole lot of assumptions!
Is it true that Bel Air Fire Company Chief Ricky Davis will not allow Joppa Magnolia Fire apparatus or crews to respond to any calls in the Bel Air Area,
Yes it is true Chief Ricky Davis will not allow Joppa equipment on any calls in Bel Air. But Joppa still allows Bel Air on their boxes. Coward move by Bel Air VFC
Word on the street is you can’t trust the Fire fighters from Joppa. Pretty bad when the Joppa Chief and his henchmen took fire trucks to Bel Air to start a fight. Bel Air should release the video.
What video fool? Word on the Street is Bel Air Member’s were running their mouth on New Years.
Before we start blaming anyone let’s just grieve for the families that are affected. The Joppa Volunteer FD responded in 2 mins. They pulled a young lady from that fire. Heroes!
Sonic FF Sticks and Stones. Just because there was a suspicious dumpster fire on New Years eve and someone commented on it is no reason to mount up on your County paid for firetrucks and drive twenty miles and circle the fire house with lights and sirens. Besides everyone knows Bel Air Firehouse is completely wired. There are more cameras there then at the White House.
I call BS on a couple of things. No Chief from Joppa took part in this incident, also if you have video then post it but I doubt you do. This is about Bel Air VFC Chief Ricky Davis and his big ego.
Video does exist and will only be released on a need to know basis. Joppa should not have done what they did it was childish
You know what’s childish? You people having a “my manhood is bigger than your manhood” fight on a news site on a post about a fire WHERE AN 11 YEAR OLD GIRL DIED. You all need to take your whiny butt hurt selves and crawl back into that neanderthal hole you crawled out of until you gain some perspective about what’s important. Your lack of respect for the people who are truly hurt by this incident is appalling and embarrassing, and if you are connected to either FD in any way then they should be embarrassed by your behavior.
My heart goes out to this family and I pray the little girl will be ok. People should refrain from speaking ill of the parents, that is just wrong, imagine what they must be going through right now. I have no idea why this family was living in a camper, but maybe they lost their home to foreclosure and had nowhere else to go. Fannie Mae….eroding land records across the country. Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac in cahoots with the likes of Bank of america, aka BANA, aka BAC, they prefer fka Countrywide, along with GreenTree, Everbank, Ocwen , Nationstar, etc with the help of their “trusty” substitute trustee” lawyers, aka foreclosure mills, who should all be disbarred, committing felonies– submitting FORGED mortgage notes. FORGING owners names, and then adding “ta-da” phony endorsements, notary fraud, all to fraudulently foreclose on homeowners. Lies about modifications, fraud at the inception, fraud, redacting MERS account numbers to hide the double, triple-dealing scam, forgery,wire fraud, felony , racketeering etc etc, even hiding loan apps that had been changed prior to settlement to pass the loan through. Meanwhile, the judges turn a blind eye because “otherwise the “floodgates” would open”, spoken by a practicing attorney. When that is what is needed , a flood.
Yea that’s it…. It’s everyone elses fault.
My post was not placing blame on anyone for what happened, just pointing out on how they may have ended up living in a camper.
So speaking ill of the parents is wrong
Speaking ill of :
Fannie Mae
Freddie Mac
Bank of america
Is good….
Jake you should have just stopped at “My heart goes out to this family”
Next time take a minute reread your comments and start deleting the BS.
.Not one thing in my post was BS. I don’t want to argue with you. I stand for truth and truth only. I detest all fraud and deception. Only the truth can set you free.
And speaking ill of a grieving family vs gold collared criminals. is not comparable.
I rented to this family in the past the parents were loving and cared for there daughter more than alot of couples out there now days and provided for emma in every way. they also keep a neat and clean home. As for living in a trailer I think the economy had alot to do with it. Put yourself in their shoes and think about losing your only child. Unless you know them you really have no right to comment on them or how they live. Greg O