From the office of Congressman Andy Harris:
WASHINGTON, DC: Congressman Andy Harris, M.D. (MD-01) released the following statement in response to President Obama’s State of the Union tonight:
“Tonight, we heard the President outline his plan for the country and unfortunately we have heard it all before. More taxes, more spending. President Obama claims to want to help hard-working taxpayers, yet he continues to advocate for the failing policies that have hampered job creation and growth in the economy. He made it clear that he wants to raise taxes again, while continuing to spend even more money we do not have.
“Republicans will continue to focus on legislation that will help hard-working taxpayers and improve the economic environment for job creators, such as moving forward and building the Keystone Pipeline, and dialing back government overregulation.”
Mr. Moderate says
Taxes and spending, I might suggest to Mr. Harris, are not inherently bad: what gives or deprives them of value is on what the taxes are spent.
“We” may have heard all these ideas before because many, or even most of them, have been articulated by the American people.
Are members of Congress not supposed to listen to the expressions of their constituents? Were none of the President’s statements regards domestic policy worthy of consideration?
SoulCrusher says
What I read in his final paragraph is, We as Republicans will continue to introduce legislation that will never be made into law, will continue to try and pass legislation that will utterly destroy the environment and will continue to try and deregulate so the rich owners of corporations can make more money and enslave the population with demeaning jobs that lead to nowhere.
h says
Andy unemployment is down, the deficit is down, healthcare is working and gas is less expensive. The only thing we have heard before is you claiming the president is destroying this country.
If we ask nicely will you please stop embarrassing the people of Maryland that you represent?
only in government says
h hath no sense,
Lies, lies and damn lies. Only in government can you increase debt, raise the debt ceiling and still claim to decrease the debt by merely slowing the rate of indebtedness. Only in government can you push the unemployed into giving up hope and then reduce the unemployment percentage by counting them as nonpersons. Only in government can you have more businesses failing than starting up and claim an improved economy. Only in government can you dump the cost of Obamacare into the 3rd quarter and claim a huge jump in GDP.
But when your constituencies are government employees and those who live off of government you are preaching to the ignorant and the I-don’t-care crowd. Fact is, they lower the percent of unemployed by not counting the percentage of people not receiving unemployment benefits. A record of almost 93 million working age people do not have a job – explaining the almost 50 million receiving foodstamps. Family income has shrunk by over $4 thousand dollars because the jobs created are mostly burger-flipping jobs. And lastly, Obamacare is a massive failure as ‘big democrat’ Chuck Schumer recently admitted – soon to see the real pain arrive this year. Even lower gas prices resulting from the glut of oil in a dead economy will not provide financial relief.
Finally, the paid for 2 year college suggestion will be another ‘government lunch program’ turning junior colleges into the 13th and 14th grade for our newly minted illegal beneficiaries and will crush 4 year state colleges. Only the elite private colleges will survive. And the earned income checks to be issued to single males will be a payoff off to illegal gang members who do not declare their income while encouraging every male youth in Mexico to run across the border for their check.
Government obfuscation and stipulation is endless.
beaches n bikini's in January says
ACA or Obama Care hasn’t been fully implemented nor has it been a failure. Millions are now insured and costs are lower for consumers. Next is reduce pharma costs to make it stick! I can understand that you are incapable of giving the Lotus any credit but are quick to blame for job losses? Sorry that coin has two sides and the Prez is doing it without your party,’s help..bug off..
beaches n bikini's in January says
Potus, auto-correct???? He won twice and Romney wants to run again? Can you even stand to see Hillary in there?? Got to love it!!!
only in government says
Say there BB ‘n J,
“Millions are now insured and costs are lower for consumers” – No. 85% of the folks were already insured and happy with their policies: now they are screwed having lost their doctors, hospitals and their deductibles and premiums skyrocketed. I am still waiting for the guaranteed $2,400 savings we were promised along with all the other promises. We were supposed to cover 30 million uninsured – in reality we have the same number of uninsured we had before.
You’re probably dumb enough to believe that the lady introduced in the gallery last night was actually a struggling mother, when in reality she was a democrat plant that was a paid staffer from Patty Murry’s campaign.
call them like I see them says
If you want to see the root cause of the political dysfunction in this country, I suggest you look in the mirror.
noble says
Speaking of hearing it all before… The PR monkey hath spoken.
Monkey 2 says
Andy Harris cried and screamed about getting his health insurance when he went into office, and he has spent the rest of his time whining and complaining about health care and everything else that people with common sense don’t believe. Gas at an all time low. Stock market up. Unemployement down. That wasn’t because of Andy Harris.
The same socialist claptrap we’ve heard before. More free stuff and wealth distribution for the poor/semi poor and downtrodden. Wan’t to go to community college, make a decent wage, have a cell phone, buy a house? WORK for it. America is the land of opportunity not free stuff. It used to be that being on welfare and accepting government handouts was a stigma, now it’s the norm.
Fed up with Fed says
My spouse & I now must have 4 individual policies for medical and drug coverage after losing just one policy for all since ACA thus resulting in higher costs to us. And, our son, employed by an American oil company has received a severe cutback because of the glut of oil coming from overseas.
noble says
Really? Watch the live news, not the recorded news from 15 years ago.
Next year the US will be the world’s #1 oil producer.
The “glut” isn’t the problem. Look deeper.
only in government says
How does one deal with your comment? What does being #1 have to do with overall demand? We have been exporting refined oil products for years because our economy is so bad we cannot use it all here. Saudi Arabia isn’t increasing production, they are simply not cutting production when demand is tanking. There never was a demand for $100 per barrel oil. It has slowed the world economy and our part time job economy could not afford it.
You claim to be the factotum of information. So, if you are watching whatever news you are watching, then state your case. What is going on? If you cast an aspersion then back it up. If no glut, then what?
noble says
There are two points to consider here.
First, we can’t blame an oil glut on oil from “overseas” on other countries not cutting production when we are actively producing more oil all the time– we are as guilty for the glut as anybody else. That’s primarily the assertion I was referring to in the original statement.
Second, the primary reason there is a “glut” at all has everything to do with three things… 1- Russia and 2- China, and 3- ISIL/ISIS et al. China needs lots and lots of oil, and Russia was getting rich on oil, so we produce more, OPEC doesn’t, and who wins? We do. Russia goes broke or spends themselves broke, and China buys our oil. OPEC/Saudi Arabia preserves their position in the market and chokes a revenue stream of mutual enemies in the Gulf, which helps both of us.
There’s been plenty of news talk on the subject, and there’s no way to substantiate it (there never could be), but the logic is very sound.
Basically there’s a handshake deal out there. It’s unfortunate for workers in the oil industry, but it’s just like 1980, we can either fight Russia in the markets, or in the field.
I know which one I prefer.
only in government says
Nice post and well reasoned. I still contend that the glut of oil is not from over production but rather from price and demand. In mid December the International Energy Agency projected a 20% decline in the growth of demand for oil in 2015. World economies are down for various reasons and one of the key factors has been $100 per barrel oil.
Sure, oil futures traders have drive oil prices up to where fracking became highly profitable but that is picking pockets of the common folk on the way to the gallows. Worldwide economies cannot sustain $100 per barrel price and grow. Look what $4 dollar gas does here.
Typical says
And there you have it. Typical fat American who’s only concern is their personal greed and self interest.
There are good reasons you now need 4 policies and your son is soon to be out of work, tell him Wal Mart is hiring 30 hours a week at 8 bucks an hour. He’ll be rich in no time.
Mike Welsh says
“There are good reasons why you now need 4 policies and your son is soon to be out of work…”
Help us out here Typical, exactly what are those “good” reasons?
only in government says
Call them,
Never fails. Hit ’em with the facts and they become wallpaper.
Orton Brown says
Congressman Harris, real conservatives will never forgive your vote for the 1.1 trillion dollar Cromnibus Bill, thus clearly supporting the bank lobbyists over working Americans . Camouflaged in this bill was also a reduction in the raise our military service members were to receive, 1.8 percent, reducing it to 1%. The law also sets the stage for members of the military and their families to pay more for prescription drugs and for a decrease in their housing allowances, according to the The Fiscal Times.
Worse, as a member of the Appropriations Committee you were an integral part of the construction of this monstrosity, 1,603 pages, which took what should have been 11 separate appropriations bills and rolled it into a single piece of catch-all legislation which everyone is still trying to dissect, daily finding new surprises.
This Cromnibus vote, combined with your firm support for John Boehner as House speaker (whom grassroots Republicans despise) has this writer hoping that you get a decent primary challenger in 2016.