From the Maryland Campaign for Liberty:
Harford County residents,
The Harford County Council is going to vote to create a new “hotel tax” for Harford County on this Tuesday night—-unless you act now.
This tax hike proposal is one of the first actions of the newly-elected all-Republican County Council!
Did you know Harford County is the only county for miles that doesn’t have a tax on hotel/motel bookings?
Next Tuesday Harford County politicians are planning to erase Harford’s current tax advantage over other counties in the area.
The newly elected Republican County Executive Barry Glassman and the all-Republican County Council, are keen on hiking taxes and targeting entrepreneurs.
Please contact the below County Councilmen and the County Executive and tell them that taxes kill jobs and we expect more from them:
Council President Richard Slutzky
Councilman Chad Shrodes
Councilman Curtis Beulah
Councilman Joe Woods
Councilman James McMahan
Councilman Patrick Vincenti
County Executive Barry Glassman
Please also call and thank County Councilman Mike Perrone for pledging to vote AGAINST the hotel tax hike:
Councilman Michael Perrone
In this economy, our elected representatives should be making it easier to run a business, not harder. These Republican Councilmen should be working to make Harford County more attractive to visitors and entrepreneurs, not less attractive. Do these Councilmen understand that hotels create jobs in Harford County?
Local businesses should not be looked at as sources of endless tax revenue. Instead they should be valued as job creators and productive units of our economy. What’s next, an ice cream shop tax? A hardware store tax? A beauty salon tax? Should entrepreneurs be targeted based on what type of business they choose to pursue?
This hotel tax bill, introduced by Republican Barry Glassman and Council President Dick Slutzky, is nothing more than a short-sighted money grab. It’s only supported by politicians and special interests who stand to benefit from having more money in the government coffers. We need your help to kill this bill. Please call and email the below Councilmen immediately:
Council President Richard Slutzky
Councilman Chad Shrodes
Councilman Curtis Beulah
Councilman Joe Woods
Councilman James McMahan
Councilman Patrick Vincenti
County Executive Barry Glassman
Please also call and thank County Councilman Mike Perrone for pledging to vote AGAINST the hotel tax hike:
Councilman Michael Perrone
Tell the County Council to protect jobs and support local businesses in Harford County.
Let them know that they are not in office to raise taxes and grow government. They are there to protect our freedoms and vote to expand opportunity in Harford County for all citizens.
In Liberty,
Theodore Patterson
Maryland State Coordinator
Campaign for Liberty
The majority of the business customers renting rooms in Harford County are either civilian Army employees traveling to APG, or their contractor counterparts. Either or has sufficient travel funding to absorb this tax. If they want to do business here, they need to pay the price. This proposed tax will barely dent their travel budgets.
Wow. So by your own admission, charge NON tourists a tax to promote tourism.
Good god don’t they have a dictionary in Selma?
noun: tourist; plural noun: tourists
a person who is traveling
Nearly every other county in Maryland (plus Baltimore City) has this tax, and it has funded many great projects. With the guests being mostly from out of state, there is no harm to business with is tax – they must pay it in all neighboring areas.
This tax is not at all meant to affect local tax-payers. Can’t wait for the tax trolls to wake up and start posting their version of this legislation and what it means. Good going Glassman! Let’s make Harford County better!
Opposition to the Harford County hotel tax is absolutely ludicrous! The tax will in no way effect Harford County residents nor does it harm jobs or entrepreneurs… that is unless you’re a Harford County resident living in a hotel. Harford County is the only county in the State of Maryland who doesn’t have a lodging tax and the influx of money from outside sources will come in handy in promoting this area and helping secure jobs and future entrepreneurial investment.
Is there no tax (fee, toll, revenue producer) that this group supports? Are their members completely blind to the facts? Are they really fearful that travelers will flee to those “who knows where in the world are they”
jurisdictions that have no such tax? Did they read the law and note the exceptions built in to relieve any burden on small businesses. It’s positions like theirs that county delegates have taken in the past that have contributed to Harford’s being a laughing stock in Annapolis. Even Frederick and Carroll County have a motel tax!
How can this not BE GOOD for the County? People who are “passing through” need to sleep, right? Why not sleep in HarCo. Seems like it’s a win/win situation.
This group (MC4L) is more nuts than PETA!
I am certainly not an advocate for higher or additional taxes; however, Mr. Patterson must be objecting to the word “tax” because he obviously doesn’t understand this legislation. By not having a hotel tax, Harford County was providing the use of roads and other amenities to visitors without them sharing in the cost. I don’t know any place in the world where you can travel that you don’ have to pay a “visitor’s fee”, which is added to the price of the room.
The county has pissed away all of its tourism dollars on some nit wit Winnie making stupid videos. Great so another tax to raise money so that it can gain be wasted on frivolous crap that makes ZERO impact on actual tourism. Cut money from another wasteful department and use that instead.
Want to increase tourism? Stop charging them for everything. You may find more people to visit.
With all of the grandiose improvements supposedly coming to Harford County due to the much ballyhooed BRAC program, the “Where’s Winnie” video segments made sense at the time. People relocating to Harford County due to base realignment was the key demographic at that point in time and these segments were meant as a way to acquaint newcomers to the area but times have changed! Now that page has been turned it is time for this county to start pursuing the people who are merely visiting and not taking up residence. This hotel tax will fund an improved campaign of Harford County tourism that is specifically targeting the TOURIST. You mention the way to increase tourism is to stop charging visitors for everything… so you’re telling me that the family that is in town for the weekend with children playing in the Ripken leagues or at a Cedar Lane soccer tournaments is automatically going to know what Harford County has to offer in ways of tourism? How? By ESP? A new tourism campaign promoting and showcasing just what this area has to offer is exactly what Harford County needs and if it is funded by a lodging tax than so be it! People aren’t coming to this county for sightseeing they are coming for predestined activities and if we can open up their eyes to the wonderful things going on here that may supplement and add some enjoyment to their visit, they will be more willing to return! Showcasing the county is what is needed and if done properly this will benefit the businesses, attractions and people of Harford County more than cutting money from some “wasteful department” and half-assing the whole thing like it has been done in the past.
Mr., Mrs., Ms,, Miss Jack,
Sir, Ma’am
You have articulated the point well.
Your caveat, however, and that of the County Executive when presenting the Bill are cause for concern.
First to your caveat that “if done properly” there will be a benefit. Yes, quite. The very large unknown is how it will be done. The projection is that there will be $3M + available to promote tourism. A small percentage goes to Aberdeen, and Havre de Grace. The rest will be distributed as grants, by the Economic Development Advisory Board. At some point the whole effort will be kicked to another non-governmental agency. Now the question is just exactly, accurately and specifically what will the bulk of the money be used for. Your comment on measures used in the past that may be lacking are acute at this point.
Second to the County Executives comment on the amount. I recall in his comments that he stated that he did not want to approach the County Council again, to raise the tax. Interesting comment. Why would there be a requirement to increase the tax, if it is used soeley to promote tourism.
Maybe both side of the argument should ask for more details on what the program is and how the money will be used, and then everybody can determine whether there is any benefit.
John P. Mallamo
John, what is the down side for Harford county and it’s residents?
Mr., Mrs., Ms, Miss ?
Sir, Ma’am
The down side is what is funded and how it is funded. There are abundant examples of various municipalities who have attempted to boost tourism as a means to expand the local economy, and enhance government revenues. Some of the examples are the old west museum in Harrisburg, PA, the downtown area of Stockton CA, the art museum in Detroit MI, and the multitude of convention centers in the nation. Closer to home would be the Formula 1 racing effort in Baltimore. The one aspect that all of these adventures have in common is that over and above whatever tourism budget the hosting government had, it still cost taxpayers money. Additionally, all three cities were in or close to bankruptcy.
Looking at Harford County, there is not any significant attraction that would support a tourism economy. Ripken stadium may come close, with the 450,000 visitors claimed by the Mayor of Aberdeen. Reading recent comments from the City Manager on the benefit of the lodging tax would lead to a conclusion that the stadium is not self sufficient, is costing the taxpayers of Aberdeen, is 12 years old, and needs TLC. Hardly a recipe for a successful enterprise.
Given the comparison between the benefits claimed by the Department of Economic Development from BRAC, Beechtree TIF, James Run TIF and other adventures, vice the reality, why would it be plausible to believe that tourism is the way forward.
If the County is going to develop a tourism component of the economy, then it would be of great benefit to determine what that is, and focus on aspects that can be successful, before just passing out money and hoping for magic, We have a lot of good people in and out of the government, why can’t we have there ideas before we try to apply money to some undefined project?
John P, Mallamo
Well you certainly went the long way to say there was no down side for Harford county.
It’s Mr. but that’s irrelevant…
Your points are all well spoken and well taken but what I find disturbing is your lack of faith in our elected officials. The minutia involved with implementing and enacting this bill, if passed, is clearly in the court of those in whom we’ve put into office to deal with matters such as this… the people who you’ve entrusted, campaigned for and voted into office. If you believe that these people are incompetent or unable to fulfill their duties in doing what is best for Harford County and its citizens sufficiently or with clarity when it comes to dispersing future grants we’ve got more problems than just a lodging tax. Harford County is not Orlando Florida and though “we don’t have a theme park, a water park or even a house of pleasure,” we do have something to offer visitors besides a sports complex, shopping centers and fast food restaurants and any exposure will greatly benefit the business owners and the livelihood of residents in this area. We have nothing to lose!
Mr, Jack,
It is not that I lack faith. It is more that our officials and theri actions are predictable.
I would rather that they explain the details before they prusue projects with what may seem like a lot of money, never ending money, and nothing of great benefit results, and tax dollars from the general fund are required as a bailout.
Particularly so since there are no theme parks, water parks or houses of pleasure to attract people.
John P. Mallamo
Dear Mr Patterson:
I challenge you to answer a few simple questions
You call this a tax on sleep. As there are 250000 harford county residents who presumably all sleep how much more will they be expected to pay in taxes annually?
If a hotel owner has a room that remains unoccupied for 365 days how much more in taxes will they pay?
What have you done to have the hotel tax repealed in all other counties?
We shall all wait anxiously for your reply.
@Maryland Campaign for Liberty – sorry, the sky is not falling. This is NOT the end of civilization as we know it.This is an additional revenue stream that is being lost and should be captured.
@ Councilman Michael Perrone – wow, that is it about economic development in Harford County that you don’t like? How else do you propose we fund tourism?
Nobody opposes economic development. We could fund tourism by buying tickets to museums, sporting events, etc. If we decide government money should be used to promote tourism, shouldn’t the money be prioritized through the general fund along with all of the county’s other commitments?
“If we decide government money should be used to promote tourism, shouldn’t the money be prioritized through the general fund along with all of the county’s other commitments?”
NO! And the fact you think is should be is disturbing.
Mr. Perrone,
What sense does it make to detract from the general fund to finance tourism if there is an outside revenue source readily available that doesn’t impact government services and the quality of life of those who call Harford County home? Do you have constituents in New Jersey or Pennsylvania that this lodging tax will adversely effect because it is not detrimental to Harford County in the least!
But there is detriment to Harford County residents. There are people living at the Motel 6 in Edgewood and the Super 8 in Joppa. Some probably because they’ve got bad credit, and some because they can’t come up with a month’s rent + security deposit to give to a landlord. They don’t often come up in these discussions though…
So you’re against the tax so poor people can continue to live at the super 8.
Might I suggest if you wish to continue a career in politics most people who are poor don’t want to be and keeping them living in the super 8 isn’t their best pathway to success. Perhaps if we could create some tourism jobs these poor people they could apply for them and not need a motel room for permanent residence.
Here’s an idea why not push to update the antiquated laws holding back wineries, brewers and distillers, Other states have tremendous tourism industries promoting these small business’s who in turn might just hire the people living at the super 8. There is a reason there are many just over the PA line and few in Harford county. Why did DeClaws move their brewing operation to Baltimore county?
Just a suggestion.
Mr.Perrone, So we are supposed to stunt the counties growth potential, because someone may be living in a hotel due to poor credit? Really???
So to pacify this small group of people who have to use Route 40 motels as their primary residence we need to penalize the rest of Harford County’s citizenry by not utilizing this source of additional outside revenue? “If we decide government money should be used to promote tourism, shouldn’t the money be prioritized through the general fund along with all of the county’s other commitments” – with that logic money from the general fund that helps those less fortunate living in motels needs to be curtailed to so we can use that money to fund tourism.
To quote from the movie Billy Madison; Mr. Perrone, “what you have just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul”.
I think its a GOOD IDEA. Who lives in Harford that rents a hotel room in their own county??
Most people staying in hotels are either out of state, or out of county. Harford Co is the only county in MD to my knowledge that does not have this tax. Most of the people that stay here are traveling to APG, So its either tax money getting spent on tax, or business revenue paying per diem…
This post shows that ideological opposition to all business taxation is absurd, and not in the public interest.
MC4L just jumped the shark.
I think C4L did that when they put out their first press statement.
Of course, the “New” Democratic club just keeps digging the hole after it has gotten to the bottom.
I like how they managed to fit the word Republican into the article 5 times. Very subtle. I’m ok with the tax since Heaven knows the folks that will benefit from tourism are too lazy, stupid or greedy to pool their resources to advertize on their own like every other business on Earth and therefore need a Socialist approach to support them. The earlier poster that stated “what I find disturbing is your lack of faith in our elected officials” is mindboggling… where have you been? I grew up in the time of Vietnam and Watergate, so you won’t be finding any trust in politicians here… that and where the “amateur-in-chief” has gotten us. Or don’t pass it… I don’t need tourism and there are too many people here already.
Mr., Mrs., Ms., Miss ?
Sir, Ma’am
Perhaps you could take just a moment on your shortcut to a better financial future for the county to consider how tax funding has been applied in the past, and determine whether there is no down side to the undefiined programs from the lodging tax. Please consider the reality of the other economic miracles in Harford County proposed as economic development.
John P. Mallamo
Because the programs are undefined today isn’t a reason the tax should not be collected. In comparison using your logic I should not earn a dollar today because I don’t know what to spend it on.
You are being argumentative and not logical.
If there is no definition to a program or narrow, specific plan then why not collect the money and spend it on another contaminated lot in Havre de Grace…personally when I pay a tax, or when my fellow citizens wherever they may be from pay a tax I’d like to think we use those funds for the best possible purposes and without a plan, without some form of restriction in use believe me government will spend it on crap because that is what government does best.
It is to be used for tourism. Are you stupid or just mad your hourly room rates are going to be taxed ?
So the Citizens of Harford County shouldn’t support legislation that creates incremental income because the administration may not spend the money wisely? Let me think about that for a minute…NOT!
Mr., Mrs.,Ms., Miss, ?
Mr. Mrs., Ms., Miss BillyVan
Gentlemen, Ladies
I recall logic similar to yours expressed on a previous piece of legislation.
My phrasing may be rough, but see if you can recall.
“We have to pass the bill to know what is in it,”
I would guess that the country is still learning what is in that legislation. I would furhter guess that not even the authors, nor the legislators that passed the bill fully comprehend what is in it.
John P. Mallamo
What part of the hotel tax don’t you understand?
Why do we want any more people coming into Harford County? The roads are already crowded and we don’t need additional people coming in and out of the county.
Mr., Mrs., Ms., Miss, ?
Sir, Ma’am
If you could just explain what the tax revenue would be used for, please be specific, along with a cost benefit analysis, with sufficient detail so that the average person could understand how any revenues used to boost tourism will benefit the county. Please include the number of additional jobs provided by the boost in tourism, include those jobs associated with the economic development department, Finally, please let me know how much money that is currently used to boost tourism will be turned back to the General fund to be used for other purposes.
John P. Mallamo
Aren’t you a retired government employee with a retirement pension? That may explain your inability to understand that this is incremental income.
John…. John…. John….
Your tactics are so predictable. How about we switch places and you tell me exactly how many jobs will be lost because of this tax. Exactly what will people who do not pay this tax, spend their saved money on? See John being the party of NO does not come without consequences. If this tax creates 1 job or starts 1 new small business in Harford county without costing it’s residents it is not a good thing, it’s a great thing. So come on John, it’s cold and lonely out their being an obstructionist, Join the winning team and lets get this done.
Or you could come up with some facts and change all our minds, but that’s not how you guys work is it John…
I believe the $$ collected will be passed along tobnon-profts working for tourism, arts, recreation and amenities that would enhance the quality of life, family and community. Not very specific, but that’s all I got. Of course you would need more specificity and for that need to contact council or CE. I support the notion that outsiders paying is better than insiders paying. I a perfect world everyone should pay less and tax revenues just grow like pimples and wrinkles. Sadly, that’s not how it works Mr. Mallamo.
Regardless of what the money raised is spent on, at least it won’t be coming out of our pockets as county residents. Without this 3m in additional revenue, it would no doubt be imposed on us in some way, shape or form.
When I travel, I pay a hotel tax. It is just a fact. Why shouldn’t we have a hotel tax here? Is the lack of a hotel tax attracting people who would otherwise get a hotel in Baltimore County or Cecil County? Would the hotel tax chase away patrons? NO!
Please name ANY impact this will have in a detrimental way to our local economy?
These dumb MCFL ass-clowns just complain whenever they hear the word “tax.” Where they make good arguments in some cases, they completely undermine any credibility by stances like the one on the hotel tax. Well, if they are anything, at least they are consistently off the map of common sense.
“It’s only supported by politicians and special interests who stand to benefit from having more money in the government coffers.”
Well, if the Dagger is representative of the county (and it is not), this new tax has a lot of support. So if this conservative site supports it, the overall support throughout the county must be through the roof.
Try again Theodore Patterson, you are off base on this one. This tax is in no way a disadvantage. The lack of a small tax per night is not going to make someone drive out of their way to stay in Harford County.
Mr., Mrs.,Ms., Miss, ?
Mr., Mrs., Ms., Miss, Billy Van
Gentlemen, Ladies
Let’s just review the whole concept here, and then perhaps you two can demonstrate just how this scheme will work, and make me a believer..
First to the revenue stream from the tax. From an earlier posting on this thread, the source of revenue will be the lodging tax collected from military and DOD personnel traveling to APG on business. Please consider that DOD is currently working with a reduced budget, and that people and programs are being reduced. The personnel numbers at APG lbeing advertised are 1500, program numbers will vary from year to year, but may not go up in the near future. Additionally, consider that Military and DOD personnel may be exempted from the lodging tax while on official travel. Finally consider that personnel who are on official travel, to include government contractors travelling on project related business, do not use their personal funds to travel. They use government money. You and I are the source of that money. Concluding, Whenever DOD gets money conscience, travel is one of the first items cut, the tax does cost Harford County Taxpayers, and the funding stream is not guaranteed.
Next let’s determine the projected benefit from the tax to Harford County. How many jobs will be created? How many new businesses? How much will this cost the taxpayers? I don’t know either because none of the details have been provided. What I can point to is the Ripken Stadium experience. No doubt it was pitched as a money maker, no cost to the taxpayer. That has not proven to be the case. There is an annual bill for maintenance, which will no doubt increase as the facility ages, and more maintenance and equipment replacement is required. Likewise some of the other projects pitched to Harford County as deadbet money machines. The question that should be asked is whether the revenue from visitors is greater than the expense to fund and operate the attraction. Concluding, we now have a tax that will be used to support a nascent tourism industry. We have not identified the attractions, have no business plans, nor any idea how the revenues will be administered. Nor do we have any projections of the revenues that the tourism industry will generate. If the best purpose for the tax is to prop up marginal ventures, then there will never be enough money available. There are, after all more bad deals chasing good money than there is money available.
Finally, your opportunity to make me and perhaps others, a believer. There is a big weekend coming up, Valentine’s day. Perfect opportunity for enterprising individuals such as yourselves, and others who support this tax and the whole concept of the tourism industry to demonstrate the viability of the scheme. The challenge for you, and all other true believers is to put together a package for a couple to come to Harford County for the weekend. At the end of the weekend, they should have so enjoyed their experience that they will make reservations to return next year, and in the intervening time come back again to enjoy the Harford County experience.
You have 24 hours to present your concept. More time for details if the concept is passable. First rule, no cost to Harford County taxpayers.
Best of success.
John P. Mallamo
John, I would love to come up with a Valentines romantic package but the problem is…. there is no tax being collected so the county can’t pay me or anyone else for their time to put it together.
Funny how that work isn’t it…..
Your arguments are always very predictable and always void of credible facts; however, never short of your opinion (something you think very highly of, I might add).
Please, please tell us all why Harford County should not be charging a “fee” for visitors like everywhere else in Maryland; and the world, quite frankly. Are you saying that if the county imposes this “fee”, APG will shut down? Are you saying Federal employees and contractors will not be able to afford the “fee”? Are you saying the county will “implode” because of this “fee”?
I ask because nothing you have said makes sense. It seems to me that you would really like to say, the “fee” is in itself a good idea, but my objection is where the money is going. I could respect that, but you seem to be incapable or unwilling to support anything and would just rather, to use a popular idiom, “throw the baby out with the bath water”. It makes no sense to be the only county that doesn’t capture this incremental revenue.
So, if your objection is where the money goes, why don’t you come up with some creative suggestions? Do something positive, Mr. Malanmo; it will really make your life much more enjoyable. Keep in mind, the first word children usually learn is “no”; however, over time they learn other words, including the word “yes”, which may result in greater joy. Try it sometime; you just may like it!
John, you aren’t making any real argument AGAINST it. You are basically describing why you don’t like the idea.
Also, learn the economy of words. Your long rambling posts make it hard to pull out any real salient points.
Almost midpoint review/update
Mr., Mrs.,Ms., Miss ?
Sir, Ma’am
You quit. Your efforts are unsatisfactory. You failed to make me a believer.
As a short aside, please review the Harford County 2015 budget to determine funding levels for the office of tourism. It is always a good idea to make sure ones facts are correct when attempting to speak with authority.
Thank you and good evening.
Mr., Mrs., Ms., Miss Bill Van
Mr., Mrs., Ms., Miss Say What?
Gentlemen, Ladies
Not too late for each or both of you to meet the challenge, make me a believer.
Some quick points.
1. You have a little more than half the time left. Don’t waste it, avoid distractions. Your last post’s were devoid of any facts, and not persuasive.
2. Using derisive, condescending, patronizing or otherwise insulting language is not a persuasive technique. That approach invariably turns people against you personally. Regardless of how valid your points may be, they will go unheard.
3. Bald assertions about the validity, or the lack thereof, of another’s facts or statements do not make your statements valid. Particularly so when writing anonymously. If you believe that the facts presented by another are invalid, present the evidence.
4. Life is not always simple. There are some events that cannot be adequately described by simple sentences, constructed with single syllable words. Develop the ability to concentrate on complex topics, and the cognitive ability to understand them. It is a skill that will serve you well.
5. Finally, and simply, quoting the movie Jerry Maguire “Show me the money” or in this case convince me. Sorry for using a multi-syllable word.
Again, best of success.
John P. Mallamo
Good God John give it up, you can’t even master the Dagger reply button.
Clueless is no way to go through life and publicly displaying your cluelessness is making the rest of us cringe at your responses.
Please stop.
Mr., Mrs., Ms., Miss Helen Hunt
Sir, Ma’am
A button on the Dagger? Does that make it a switchblade?
How does that work? Is it legal in Maryland
Please advise soonest.
John P. Mallamo
Wow, I apologize. All this time, I just thought you were odd, but after reading your last post I see that there is really something wrong! You should seek professional help!
Mr., Mrs., Ms., Miss Billy Van
Mr., Mrs., Ms., Miss Say What?
Time is up. I am not a believer.
Time to review.
Mr., Mrs., Ms., Miss ? Offered an excuse for unsatisfactory performance, failed and ignominiously withdrew. Still able to return to future issues, but without authority.
Mr., Mrs., Ms., Miss Say What? Observing one of the laws of Guerilla warfare, Avoid decisive engagement, break contact as soon as possible, and the principle rule of an ambush i.e. the most important part of an ambush is the escape route. He/She retreated with some dignity still intact and will be able to return to other issues with some authority.
Mr., Mrs., Ms., Miss Billy Van. Stayed to the very end, failing to take advantage of the opportunity to make believers. Total effort Mr., Mrs., Ms., Miss Billy Van involved attempts to denigrate the thoughts of the opposing side. Truthfully, Mr., Mrs., Ms., Miss Billy Van, you were baited into a discussion in which you could not prevail. You failed to recognize that, and continued forward without any strategy of your own. Very foolish with all of the classic elements for personal failure. Change your pseudonym if you return or risk embarrassment.
Salient points for this entire effort follow.
1. When proper preparation meets opportunity success will follow.
2. Failure to recognize opportunity will not always lead to defeat; victory however will be more expensive.
3. Without proper preparation, opportunity will turn to adversity, chaos will dominate, and defeat will follow.
4. Never underestimate your opponent.
Hopefully none of you are, or will be involved in any way with economic development in Harford County. If you are, it is highly unlikely, that any efforts in that regard will be successful, regardless of how much money is infused.
Good Day.
John P. Mallamo
Keep in mind, you’re not the class professor here; although you act like it.
You have presented no rational thought or idea in any of your post, which is part of your MO. You have not expressed one good reason why Harford County should be one of the few places in the world that doesn’t charge a hotel tax.
Finally, for some reason, you believe that the way to debate is to continually ask questions while failing to provide one point to support your position. This entire chain of posts were the result of your unsubstantiated ramblings; which you, erroneously and conveniently, present as facts.
Your entire approach here is to try and be the “bully”! That usually indicates that someone really doesn’t understand what they’re talking about and it only works at the C4L meetings because, although the attendees are well intentioned, most of them are uninformed. On many occasions I’ve spoken to others who heard you present and when I presented them with the real facts, they had an entirely different opinion of the subject.
Just a word of advice; in the future you should always have both sides of the story presented and then tell your audience why you prefer the side you’re supporting. To do anything else is a dangerous practice; however, I think you fully understand what you are doing. That is the saddest part of all.
Class dismissed
Assignments are due at our next meeting, 0950. No excuses.
Mr., Mrs., Ms., Miss Billy Van
Sir, Ma’am
You are dismissed. Please do not return. Your demonstrated substandard performance, your tendency to place blame on others for that performance, and your inability to grasp materiel presented are all predictors of future failure.
You may do well at some other level more suited to your capabilities. Seek out that level.
I will not discuss this matter with you further. Doing so would cause me to question who would look more the fool, you for expressing more foolishness, or me for listening.
Sir, Ma’am, good day.
John P. Mallamo
Thanks so much for proving my point, LOL!
While this is a little late, I think there are two issues on the hotel tax:
1. Should the hotel tax be passed at all? That is a no brainer – yes.
2. If passed, how should the money be spent? That is not so easy. The knee jerk reaction is to say “Well the money is coming from hotels, and tourists usually stay in hotels, therefore, it should be spent on tourism.” The Council last Tuesday threw around a couple of figures on how much each dollar spent on tourism the county would get back. I think they settled on $5 or so for every dollar they spent on tourism.
What I think they forget is the law of diminishing returns. If you spend $100,000 you might get $500,000 back. But if you $10 million you are not necessarily going to get $50 million back. If that were the case, then why aren’t we dumping everything we got into tourism?
The fact is that Harford County really is not a destination for tourists. We simply do not have the attractions. Go visit and see for yourself. Nobody is going to drive from New York to see the Steppingstone Museum. Not that it isn’t nice. We do have some nice places but they are not true destinations.
The people who stop at hotels are predominantly here on business, passing through on their way to north or south, or spending the night for a kids sports tournament at Ripken Stadium or Cedar Lane. They are here because the have to be not because they want to be. You might be able to spend more money to get those people out of their hotels. But at some point your return on investment plateaus. In other words, $100,000 of brochures might do just as good as a $1 million of brochures. There is only so much additional revenue you can suck out of those people given the attractions we have in Harford County.
My point is that spending $3 million on tourism for the sake of spending $3 million is not necessarily the best use of our funds. Especially given all of the other budget issues we have. From what I saw at the council on Tuesday we do not have any clue how to spend the revenue, any kind of analysis that shows what we will get for the money spent. etc. We heard three wildly different numbers on the return on investment expected each dollar spent. There is no plan for the money. It needs to be spent wisely.
The fact Harford county currently lacks in the tourism category is where the county council should be focused. Like I stated before to Mike Perrone Jr. ( who disappeared) that instead of keeping people in motel 6 tax free, create tourism jobs, ideas are not really that hard to come by. Gee the renaissance festival is looking for a new home, how many millions of dollars does it generate in the 20 days it operates every year?
The fact that Harford counties hotels and motels are in the flat out worst sections of the county should be the number one indication people come here not because they want to but only because they have too. Just Google Harford county if you want a laugh, Schools and universities, the International Beauty School- Bel Air…. Yea that’ll bring them in from across the globe…. Ugh.
It is so refreshing to see people debate where the money should be allocated instead of Mr., Mrs., Ms., John Mallamo who doesn’t really understand the subject.
This debate proved one important thing; that John Mallamo is incapable of an intelligent debate and for some reason thinks he is in charge. That may explain his attire when he shows up at a meeting with is blue jeans and blue sports coat, which has, quite frankly, gone out of style years ago. He also fails to disclose that he is a retired federal employee who worked in an accounting capacity. So he’s living off a government pension and now feels “guilty’ about how government works. He is a “joke” and then tries to dismiss me; what an ego!
John you are the one that is dismissed as a very bad debater.
End of debate; you lose!