The following letter was written by Omar Simpson to Jansen Robinson, Member of the Harford County Board of Education. A copy was provided to The Dagger for publication:
My kids are mad at me. Why? Because I keep singing that Disney song from “Frozen.” You know the one, “Do You Want to Build A Snowman!” I can’t get it out of my head because it is absolutely frigid outside and, as I look out my window, hundreds of Edgewood High School and Edgewood Middle School kids are walking past my window…many not dressed for the weather. To add to this mess, it snowed the last two days and the roads the kids are forced to walk on to go to school are covered with ice. This is dangerous. Kids that live within 1.5 miles of their middle or high schools must walk to school during extremely dangerous temperatures and icy road conditions. This is a direct result of the decision made by the Harford County Board of Education in June of 2013 to make cutbacks in school bus transportation:
“The system-wide cutbacks in school bus transportation and the new fees for students to participate in extra-curricular activities were approved by the Harford County Board of Education in June as a budget-balancing move for the fiscal year 2014 that began on July 1, 2013.” –
Concerned Citizens Plan Legal Action Against Cuts in School Bus Service and Implementation of Pay-to-Play Fees in Harford County Public Schools
This unwise and dangerous decision has been fought since before it was implemented in 2013. Jansen Robinson, former Edgewood Community Council President and recently elected Harford County Board of Education Member, opposed that decision because he knew that transportation cuts would be harmful to children in Edgewood:
“Edgewood Community Council President Jansen Robinson said on Friday that he is among the leaders in a group of more than 300 parents who believe the transportation cuts will be harmful to children.”
Hopefully, his election will reopen the issues of unwise, unfair, and potentially dangerous policies that disproportionately affect less affluent communities.
So, Mr. Robinson, can you please explain to your constituents how you will deal with the following issues that directly affect my kids’ education:
1. Busing During Frigid Weather.
2. School Start Times.
3. Increasing Parental Participation.
4. B.O.E. Coordination with Public School Administrations.
I’d appreciate it and I’m sure a lot of other parents will too because if I have to hear “Do You Want to Build A Snowman!” one more time I’ll go nuts!!!!
Omar Simpson, Esq
So we walked to school as kids, they walk to school too. We walked in all weather, as do they. Start times? Too early, let’s just give a diploma out for attending school then. You need to start letting these young adults, heck even children if you want to use that term, think for themselves and if they choose to wear poor attire whose fault is that?
Oh yea, the parents or as you so eloquently state, the adults watching the kids walk to school. Man take some responsibility and if you are so concerned then drive them yourself.
Entitlement attitude, geeze.
Wow what a moron, Cheapskates and corrupt politicians is where the fault lay and o btw idiot, the traffic is greater today than it was 10-15-20-25-30-35 yrs ago. So STFU and help find a solution .
With all due respect, is it the school’s responsibility to clear the snow and ice from the sidewalks in the neighborhoods that the students must walk on? No – that obligation falls squarely on the shoulders of the people that own the property the sidewalk is on.
Is it the school’s responsibility to teach children how to properly dress and clothe them for school? No, that is parental responsibility.
I witness the same things you describe in your letter above in areas other than Edgewood.
How about instead of asking what other people are going to do for you, perhaps it should be ‘what can I do for others?’ Such as shoveling/deicing any sidewalks on my property, donating gently used but unwanted coats/clothes to centers to help those that are less fortunate.
Why don’t you call one of the stooges Obama Holder or Sharpton.
Your comment is offensive to the 3 Stooges who were good Americans.
I walked to school at Edgewood from 1st grade through Senior in High School. I lived few houses down from the library. I walked in EVERY weather there was — SNOW, RAIN, HEAT — I walked as my parents didn’t believe in driving us to school when we could walk, and I wasn’t allowed to catch a ride with someone either. I learned to dress properly and if I didn’t, well that was my fault. We didn’t have the fanciest but it worked. It is the PARENTS responsibility to be sure kids have a coat and if the kid chooses not to wear it…so be it. Neighbors are supposed to have their sidewalks shoveled. Many times I walked through the snow cause they werent shoveled. just part of life. It is not the school system responsibility to shovel….it is called each person living there has a PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY … and sadly some don’t do that nor do they respect others. Stop calling race or lack of money into this …. it is called YOU have a PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY as a parent and STOP teaching to rely on govt for everything.
I have complained to the board, to the school administration and even on here. When I was a kid in school, just 20 years ago, there was a policy, a good policy – Students were not permitted to wear shorts unless it was 90 degrees or hotter.
This taught me a few things.
A. To deal with it!
B. To be responsible when it comes to changing weather conditions.
C. To Know that the world does not revolve around me
D. To not be a cry baby.
Now, today, students can wear whatever the hell they want, and parents don’t stop them, why? because the school system permits it! I see these “Young adults” wearing shorts that are too short even for school policy, flip flops and a t-shirt and its 20 degrees out. YOU STUPID PARENTS ARE YOU READING THIS?? A YOU CHILD LOOK LIKE A SLUT WITH PARENTS THAT DON’T CARE! And that is exactly what I think when I see them. One of my kids would be like “Dad, thats so and so” I would say, tell them I think they have stupid parents, so invite them over I will tell them myself. and once I did! that kid never came back to my house again.
I am pretty sure poor people can afford warm clothes to. I am not poor, but I still shop at the Edgewood thrift store, why? well, for as much destruction I can do to a pair of pants in my job, why pay full price when I can pay $2.00 for a pair of jeans, the money goes to a non-profit charity (American Veterans) and the pants are already broken in! so quit complaining you have access to good quality clothing for a low price. and I would much rather walk on a snow covered sidewalk then an icey sidewalk, at least with snow you get traction.
Quit whining you sissys. how the hell did any of you ever survive? did you parents all cry for you too? I bet not, now that we have a world of entitlements everyone wants a trophy…
I agree with most of what you’re saying, but I call bs on the not being allowed to wear shorts unless it was over 90 degrees 20 years ago unless you went to school somewhere else.
I did, it was Middle River.Middle school.
Who cares if you call BS. i graduated from a Harford County high school in 1992 and we weren’t allowed to wear shorts to school if it wasn’t above 90 degrees either. Some of the students my senior year decided to start a protest, then the school changed the policy but the temp only came down 5 degrees and the shorts couldn’t be more that 3 inches above the knee.
Omar, why don’t you and rest of your entitlement crowd grab some one way tickets back to your homeland and you can do things as you like.
End of the world imminent!
Minorities severely impacted!
Decisions will impact somebody. Everyone will adapt. Get over yourself!
I forgot how to breathe air
I forgot how to work
Yo Omar, why don’t you tell your brothers that wearing jeans down around their knees to pull them up and it may help keep them warm and help them to walk better on icy sidewalks that homeowners are to lazy to clean. You are a freakin joke.
Another case of Kracker holding me down.
I believe the correct term is Saltine-American. 🙂
When I think of HCPS teachers. This is what I think of,
Pig boy,
It is rather obvious that your parents didn’t make any effort with you. You are truly a product of PC liberal parenting doctrine. Perhaps serving your country rather than serving yourself might have helped. I guess sitting in your parent’s basement playing video games until your 30 is about all the game you got.
Its funny you still watched the video. Its the internet and you say you didn’t and it will turn into a pissing match, but we know you really watched it.
Its also funny and typical that a person gets A. butthurt, and B. Has to type up some complete nonsense.
Hit “reply” again and “tell me how it is” I really care.
Oink oink,
Ouch? Pain?
over privileged white people, always the first to resort to name calling, finger pointing, and all the above.
Jack A,
This “ain’t” no multiple guess test.
I have complained to the board, to the school administration and even on here. When I was a kid in school, just 20 years ago, there was a policy, a good policy – Students were not permitted to wear shorts unless it was 90 degrees or hotter.
This taught me a few things.
A. To deal with it!
B. To be responsible when it comes to changing weather conditions.
C. To Know that the world does not revolve around me
D. To not be a cry baby.
Now, today, students can wear whatever the hell they want, and parents don’t stop them, why? because the school system permits it! I see these “Young adults” wearing shorts that are too short even for school policy, flip flops and a t-shirt and its 20 degrees out. YOU STUPID PARENTS ARE YOU READING THIS?? A YOU CHILD LOOK LIKE A SLUT WITH PARENTS THAT DON’T CARE! And that is exactly what I think when I see them. One of my kids would be like “Dad, thats so and so” I would say, tell them I think they have stupid parents, so invite them over I will tell them myself. and once I did! that kid never came back to my house again.
I am pretty sure poor people can afford warm clothes to. I am not poor, but I still shop at the Edgewood thrift store, why? well, for as much destruction I can do to a pair of pants in my job, why pay full price when I can pay $2.00 for a pair of jeans, the money goes to a non-profit charity (American Veterans) and the pants are already broken in! so quit complaining you have access to good quality clothing for a low price. and I would much rather walk on a snow covered sidewalk then an icey sidewalk, at least with snow you get traction.
Quit whining you sissys. how the hell did any of you ever survive? did you parents all cry for you too? I bet not, now that we have a world of entitlements everyone wants a trophy…
It’s not HCPS’s fault that your neighbors are:
1) Crappy parents for not providing winter gear for their kids, and
2), Crappy neighbors for not shoveling their sidewalks.
How can you improve parental participation when 82% of African
American kids are born out of wedlock and 76% of them will never know the name of their father? Go ahead take your time…think hard!!
“Hopefully, his election will reopen the issues of unwise, unfair, and potentially dangerous policies that disproportionately affect less affluent communities.”
Ommar there is nothing disproportionate about the policy, if you are rich and live within a mile of school no bus for you, If you are poor and live 2 miles from school get on the bus. The rules are not based on income they are based on distance.
Your recurring theme of wanting special treatment because of poor life choices grows tiresome. No one wakes up in the morning wondering what they can do for poor Omarr and his underprivileged kids, we don’t care. Want a better life? Want to make a difference? Well put your big boy pants on and go do it for yourself and stop asking for a handout or trying to take it from those who take personal responsibility seriously.
If Harford County sucks so badly, you can always move back to Baltimore City.
I grew up in a nice development in the town of Bel Air and walked to school in the 60’s and 70’s every day in all weather in middle school and high school. If it was really rainy we got a ride from a parent. Otherwise, we walked. Oh, and girls were not allowed to wear pants to school back then until our senior year.
I can`t believe some of the enableing going on!! We live in North Dakota and as I put out the garbage can this AM, it is 14 below zero and I saw 3 kids heading for school and they were walking!! We live 8 city blocks from the school. No bus service here but yes some parents do take their kids to school but most will walk home after school as both their parents are WORKING.
I was reading an article on MSN today, I forgot which country it is, but school does not close unless its -50…
Hey Omar, if you really want to do something organize the 300 people and start a ride program for the kids. Or better yet teach these kids how to dress and walk safely. I lived in the city as a kid and walked to elementary, middle and high school and am still here. I’ll bet these same kids who are whinning when they have to walk to school will play outside for hours when they get home. Man up Omar.
Please help the kids, spend this energy teaching your neighbors that they are suppose to shovel sidewalks. I know it is a somewhat awkward conversation, but it needs to happen. I just had it with on the the three houses on my block that did not shovel this last snow. I was not surprised when they did not know as a homeowner/renter they were suppose to clean the sidewalk.
School start times might be a concern and should be discussed. But Parental Participation can be increased again by talking to your neighbors. It is not the BOE that needs to reach out to people, but communities together who reach out to the BOE. Meetings are required to be open to the public, but not attended; That is a choice. Help people discover the best choice for them
“Call them like I see them”, are you some kind of social defunct person? Someone posted a video of a person farting and you go on a personal insult charade talking about ” liberals” ?
Sounds like you are suffering undiagnosed and untreated mental illness, seek help, and please seek it soon.
J corn nuts
A different name but your comments are still just as lame. I figure that you might just understand this one. Probably not.
It is time to cut off the Black Community until they start proving that they are worth the trouble. All I ever hear is that its not enough.
Come on, people! Don’t you know that the more affluent communities have shorter miles installed in their neighborhoods so their children don’t have to walk as far! Also, the parents can afford more nutritious food so their children grow up with longer legs, enabling them to go much further with each step.
Rise up, people! Demand equal miles for all!
Not only do we have shorter miles but we pay quite a bit extra to have extra snow and ice dumped on the less affluent.
It’s the only way to make them neighborhoods whiter, so they can blame it on whitey!
This is a great way to help the children with their physical fitness.
It may be time to sell off those iphones, air jordans, and beats headphones and start investing in some winter coats, gloves, wool hat, and a snow shovel.
” issues of unwise, unfair, and potentially dangerous policies that disproportionately affect less affluent communities.”
These would be extremely important issues, to be sure. Perhaps there are some.
Unfortunately, “the author” of the above letter makes no logical, factual, tenuous, or even remotely rational leap between those issues and the one addressed in the letter, thus rendering the entire letter meaningless and pointless.
Even more unfortunately, I observe it is a common error (read:tactic) of this “author” to insert completely irrelevant factual information and make virtually no link between the facts and the other assertions posed. It’s an attempt to distract the reader with facts and appear to make a legitimate argument when none is present. They teach this stuff in high school, or maybe 8th grade– or at least they used to.
Normally, I would say this is an offensive waste of the reader’s time, but actually it serves to inform and remind us of the kind of nonsense that the “author” is apparently only capable of writing.
Omar, you are a glutten for punishment. Don’t you realize that you will never make head way with the racist *** that read the Dagger? I feel for you……..
Make an argument why walking to school in Edgewood is different than walking to school in Bel Air, especially as it is controlled by the Board of Education. Can you? I will give you that school times need to be discussed, but in light of how is effects less effluent areas of the county more than others? Cause I don’t think I am racist… show me the error of my ways. Your choice of words for Republican is repulsive by the way. You should find something more Mark Twain and less Larry Flynt.
Was really just commenting on all the racist comments on here bashing Omar. That’s all. If you can’t find the racism in most of the “well loved” comments on here, then you’re blind. Now as far as how I refer to the republicans in your area, that’s my prerogative. Don’t like it, don’t read it. The republican party is exactly what I say they are in my opinion. Don’t like it, don’t be a ***. I don’t recall saying that you specifically are a ***, but since you are repulsed at the term I used, then you must be a ***. Quite frankly I don’t comment on here to be a nice guy. As for the bus issue, I really don’t give two squirts about it.
Please don’t bait him, all he will do is start some lame rant about how corrupt the system is, and how he is completely innocent of all charges and the cops made everything up to keep a brother down.
You might become party to his frivolous lawsuit.
First off, I’m whiter than you. Second, I am not involved in any lawsuits, period. I am questioning the constitutionality of what I believe is an illegal and unconstitutional conviction. Third, the only frivolous lawsuit I’ve ever been involved in was the one my former lawyer, E. Thomas Maxwell Jr filed against me and I had it dismissed for improper service of the suit. Mr. Maxwell never pursued any further action because of damning interrogatory questions I asked in turn. Don’t like, learn learn to love it, because it is the truth. Period……
Blah blah blah
i don’t know why I am surprised at the racist comments, but I haven’t visited in awhile and it is shocking.
What happened to compassion? if you’re so concerned about personal responsibility why don’t you get off social security? Why don’t you go salt your own roads why am I paying for that?
He is concerned for these kids and is that a crime?
Apparently, you and I are the only ones that are seeing the racism. Most of the commenters on here must consider racism to be the norm, as they don’t see it the way we do…….
@ Soul Crusher
I know we have had a difference of opinion in the past but I hope you realize there is a large difference between a racist and a realist. My family is from the east Baltimore/Dundalk area. They worked for GM, Beth Steele, etc. Everyone of them were democrats. If you labeled yourself as Republican you would have been run out of town on a rail. The D party was for the average person who just wanted a fair shake. The concept was good. Through the years, the D party started to fill their ranks with people who were looking for a free ride or a handout. The big hero of the D party JFK once said “ask not what your country can do for you ask what you can do for your country.” There are far too many democrats that don’t follow that creed. Republicans are for less government and more accountability. Asking some one to do their share and stop exploiting the system does not make one a racist. Don’t forget that Ronald Reagan once said ” I didn’t leave the democratic party it left me”.
I disagree with your assessments of republicans. I view them as the new Nazis. They try to take away one liberty after the other on a small scale basis, until before long you don’t have any rights left and you never saw it coming. Its all outlined in “Mein Kampf”, which was authored by Adolph Hitler. That’s my opinion. Don’t like it, don’t read it. As for Reagan, I liked him when I was a kid because I was taught to like him by my grandfather. In hind sight, he was responsible for the largest war America ever lost, the Drug War. Billions of dollars and countless ruined and extinguished lives later, drugs are still a booming and nothing can stop it. That’s my opinion on Reagan. Take it for what it is, I don’t care….
Omar, I live in Edgewood, and I think your complaints are a bit over the top. The school board says that ALL students living less than a mile and a half from the school have to walk or their parents must provide transportation. You are not being discriminated against if both the kid in Edgewood and the kid in Fallston are playing by the same rules. Actually, the opposite might be true. In Edgewood, nearly every road has sidewalks which, by law, are supposed to be shoveled by their owners within a few hours of the end of the snow. The kids in the more affluent areas have to forge across snow and ice because they don’t have sidewalks to shovel out there. They also get a heck of a lot more snow as you move away from the Bay and to the higher altitudes in the western parts of Harford County. Further, I can’t remember in the nearly 40 years I’ve lived in this county a time when schools were open at a time when there was enough fresh snow to make foot passage difficult here in Edgewood. Yes, it gets a little cold in the winter. It gets cold in Fallston too! As someone who used to walk to school myself, I can tell you for certain that no properly dressed kid is going to freeze or develop frostbite while walking to school, especially when they are canceling school when the wind chill gets too low. They didn’t ever cancel school due to hot or cold temps when I was a walker in the 50’s and 60’s! Your argument simply does not make any sense. if you want to make an argument that will stand on its own, complain because it is not safe to walk through many areas of Edgewood. I think just about any of the readers of this rag would have to agree with that. I don’t think that is a school board problem to fix though. If you want that fixed, you need to talk to the sheriff’s department, or maybe, just maybe your 300 parents might try to work on that themselves. It isn’t outsiders that cause parts of Edgewood to be dangerous! It is mostly the self raised kids who live here who cause that problem. (especially at the time the kids go to school, as the problem adults aren’t awake that early!) In fact, why not try to force the school board to pick up every kid at his door. That way they wouldn’t have the danger of standing at the bus stop either. Grow a pair, Omar and go after the real problem. The kids may hate you for it, but they will certainly be better off.
I think you all should be ashamed of u ourselves. All omar is trying to do is make life easier for this kids. I mean its not like they already get everything else they want, video games, ipods, cell phones, expensive and impractical clothing (meant to look good not keep you warm). These parent work hard to get their food stamps and sell them for cash so they can buy their kids everything. This is an issue not only in edgewood issue but it is everywhere. Parents need to be parents not friends, not sperm or egg donars but parents that actually teach their kids the fundimentals of life and the value of a dollar. You know parents like we had.
There is no way any of the commenters here should be the lest bit ashamed of their response to Omar. It is a race baiting article and every knows it. He complains of a less affluent area where the average citizen pays zero in taxes both income and property yet these people enjoy the same exact benefits as the rest of the county. But wait! oh no… that’s not good enough for Omar he wants special treatment for being less affluent.
This is like being invited up to eat dinner in the big house. Boss man feeds you like his own wife and kids and you complain about the food and request something special be cooked just for you.
Well Omar it just don’t work that way. You either eat whats on your plate or you can go hungry. because you chose to be less affluent doesn’t mean I have to work harder to please you.
Even if this article is “Race Baiting”, the comments by the racist *** that responded are quite staggering. I don’t think it is just black people living in Edgewood, its a mixture of whites, blacks and latinos that are hovering just above or below the poverty level. That’s what Omar was getting at. The racist *** are the ones that truly made this a racism revival, not Omar. You should all think with your head instead of your ass, because this article smells of the racist *** and Nazis that have commented in tow……
That’s the reaction you get when you race bait.
Hope that helps.
You know what’s racist– assuming that he is poor and has to ask “the boss man” anything. Have you ever been to Edgewood? there are a lot of middle class people there of all races. Maybe he is concerned about his poorer neighbors– something the “compassionate conservatives” on this site never do. If you do not see how racist this comment is I guess you will never understand racism. When people told me we were moving to Hazzard County I couldn’t believe it. But what did i expect from the home of John Wilkes Booth!
I used to live in Edgewood. There is 100 times more poverty stricken people living there than any middle classed people. The problem is, you all see yourself as middle classed, when in fact you’re just above the poverty level. Most of what you call Edgewood’s Middle Classed could not miss one or two paychecks and not be another poverty stricken statistic. If you are not a business owner or are not making $250,000.00 a year, then you’re not middle classed. Get it through your thick skulls….. : )
Edgewood gets their Christmas trees picked up before Baldwin does. The trash company is racist.
Why is it bad when the Republicans control the House, the Senate, Supreme Court, the White House? Because they only have themselves to blame.
In 1850, Democrats passed the Fugitive Slave Law. If merely accused of being a slave, even if the person enjoyed freedom all of his or her life (as approximately 11 percent of blacks did just before the Civil War), the person lost the right to representation by an attorney, the right to trial by jury, and the right to habeas corpus.
Yeah, well in 2012, that same Republican Party tried to stifle the vote of those same African Americans in many states. Whats your point?
oh you mean like when democrats sent out the mailers claiming that voting for Larry Hogan was going to bring back Jim Crow laws and with imagery from the 1960’s implying that a vote for Hogan reverse 60 years of racial progress.
Yeah, and you guys said Obama would become a dictator and never step down from the presidency. Whats your point?
What do Republicans and porn stars have in common? They are experts in switching positions in front of a camera.
Republican President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation during the Civil War. In 1865, the 13th Amendment emancipating the slaves was passed with 100 percent of Republicans (88 of 88 in the House, 30 of 30 in the Senate) voting for it. Only 23 percent of Democrats (16 of 66 in the House, 3 of 8 in the Senate) voted for it.
In modern times, Lincoln would’ve been chastised and forced out of the current Republican rabble. You can roll a turd in powdered sugar, still doesn’t make it a Jelly Dough Nut…..
The elephant is the perfect symbol for Republicans: they never forget, lead
each other around by the tail, and think everyone should work for peanuts.
In 1868, the 14th Amendment was passed giving the newly emancipated blacks full civil rights and federal guarantee of those rights, superseding any state laws. Every single voting Republican (128 of 134 — with 6 not voting — in the House, and 30 of 32 — with 2 not voting — in the Senate) voted for the 14th Amendment. Not a single Democrat (zero of 36 in the House, zero of 6 in the Senate) voted for it.
That was a completely different Republican Party in 1868. Quite frankly, Lincoln would be a Democrat in modern politics. The Republican Party has become a vessel of hate, tyranny and greed. Now I can add Censorship to the growing list of modern Republican ideals. The Dagger is a perfect example of what I’m talking about.
The Republican National Committee has announced it’s changing the emblem of
the Republican Party – from an elephant to a condom. The Republican National
Chairman explained that the condom more clearly reflects the Party’s current
stance… owing to the fact that a condom accepts inflation, halts
production, destroys the next generation, protects a bunch of pricks, and
gives you a sense of security while you’re actually being screwed. Please make
certain your Republican friends make the appropriate changes on any of their
campaign literature
In 1872 congressional investigations, Democrats admitted beginning the Klan as an effort to stop the spread of the Republican Party and to re-establish Democratic control in Southern states. As PBS’ “American Experience” notes, “In outright defiance of the Republican-led federal government, Southern Democrats formed organizations that violently intimidated blacks and Republicans who tried to win political power. The most prominent of these, the Ku Klux Klan, was formed in Pulaski, Tenn., in 1865.” Blacks, who were all Republican at that time, became the primary targets of violence.
Yeah, in 2010, the Tea Party held a rally in Washington DC chanting the word, “N_gger, N_gger, N_gger”. Whats your point? That Republican Party is dead. They are now the National Socialist Republican Party……
Little kid got on the school bus today wearing a T-shirt with the slogan
“Proud to be a Democrat.” Bus driver asked why he was a Democrat and the kid
said “Because my parents are Democrats.” “So,” said the bus driver, “What if
your parents were lying, biblethumping, perverted hypocrites? Then what?” The
kid replied: “Then we’d be Republicans.”
Between 1870 and 1875, the Republican Congress passed many pro-black civil rights laws. But in 1876, Democrats took control of the House, and no further race-based civil rights laws passed until 1957. In 1892, Democrats gained control of the House, the Senate and the White House, and repealed all the Republican-passed civil rights laws. That enabled the Southern Democrats to pass the Jim Crow laws, poll taxes, literacy tests, and so on, in their individual states.
In present times, many Republicans, wish the African American Communities would travel back to Africa and live there. Where do I get my info, right here on the Dagger. As a matter of fact right here in this article. Look at Cheese Patrols comment from January 11th right here in this article. 33 thumbs up for his racist remarks that did not get censored by the Dagger Staff…….
If the Republicans will stop telling lies about the Democrats, we will stop
telling the truth about them.
Only 64 percent of Democrats in Congress voted for the 1964 Civil Rights Act (153 for, 91 against in the House; and 46 for, 21 against in the Senate). But 80 percent of Republicans (136 for, 35 against in the House; and 27 for, 6 against in the Senate) voted for the 1964 Act.
Yeah, what have they done lately?
The Republican Convention opened with a prayer. If the Lord can see his way
to bless the Republican Party the way it’s been carrying on, the the rest of
us ought to get it without asking.
You might be John McCain if…
You refer to your own urine as Truth Juice.
Why do Republicans love doing laundry? They’re naturals at separating the whites from the colors
Why do Republicans never worry about using up all the world’s fossil fuels? Because they’re only a few years from becoming more of it themselves.
Why do Republicans always love when a baseball pitcher throws a perfect game? Because they get an excuse to write KKK all over their programs.
What do Republicans call a ream of blank paper? The Bill of Rights.
What do Republicans call a place you send talented black children? A maximum security penitentiary.
What do you call a Republican who makes their money honestly? Broke.
What do you call a Republican politician who hasn’t been connected to a gay sex scandal? Due.
What’s the difference between a Republican and a toilet? The toilet’s only full of crap until you pull the handle.
What’s the difference between a Republican and a Klan member? The Republican forgot to cut eye holes in his hood.
What’s the difference between a Democrat and a pile of crap? The pile of crap is smarter.
Seriously, that’s the best you got?
Apparently along with a drug problem Soul crusher has a closing time drinking problem too.
Dude get help, that’s not normal.
I would rather be a pot smoking drunk than a racist republican like you.