From the Bel Air Lions Club:
The Bel Air Lions Club is proud to sponsor the Harford County Teen Court juror/mentor training session scheduled for January 15. The club has been involved with the Teen Court program since its implementation, assisting with guiding the teen juries in their deliberations and now subsidizing the orientation/training program as part of the Bel Air Lions youth activities committee.
The Harford County Teen Court is managed by the Harford County Sheriff’s Office Youth Services Division and the Harford County Office of Drug Prevention. It is a voluntary diversion program that is used to resolve misdemeanor offenses without requiring intervention by the Department of Juvenile Services. Youth who successfully complete the Harford County Teen Court program avoid a juvenile record for their offense.
Cases are referred to Teen Court by local law enforcement agencies, school systems, and the Maryland Department of Juvenile Services. In order to be eligible for the program, youth must be between the ages of 11-17, first time offenders, Harford County residents, and admit their guilt. In addition, every participant is required to have an alcohol/drug assessment and screening.
District Court Judges volunteer their time to preside over all Teen Court cases. The jury consists of Harford County high school students. Adult volunteers act as guides for the jury. For the jurors, this is a volunteer experience and a chance to see firsthand how the criminal justice system works. They determine the fate of the offending youth, such as writing an apology letter, performing community service, attending educational programs or serving on a future teen jury.
To learn more about volunteering to serve as a jury member for Teen Court, please contact the Office of Drug Control Policy at 410-638-3333 or email
The Bel Air Lions Club is part of Lions Clubs International, the world’s largest service club organization with more than 1.3 million members in approximately 45,000 clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas around the world. Since 1917, Lions clubs have aided the blind and visually impaired and made a strong commitment to community service and serving youth throughout the world. The Bel Air club has supported the community for over 70 years. For information about the club, go to or call 410-879-2914.
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