By Omar Simpson, Esq.
Special to The Dagger
As an African American man, I’ve often wondered why it seems black men and white people seem to struggle to get along. The events in Ferguson along with the numerous other killings of black men by authorities make me feel like I have a bull’s-eye on my chest every time I step out my door. It further frustrates me because whites often act as if they don’t understand why law abiding black men are upset about black men being killed by cops.
On the November 23rd, 2014 episode of “Meet the Press”, ex-New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani declared, “93% of black are killed by other black!” Giuliani declared over and over again. ( A fact that was never in depate. What was in debate was the killing of unarmed black men by white police officers and white vigilantes.
Well, Mr. Giuliani, nearly 85% of white homicides are committed on white people by white people!
“According to the US Department of Justice, blacks accounted for 52.5% of homicide offenders from 1980 to 2008, with whites 45.3% and Native Americans and Asians 2.2%. The offending rate for blacks was almost 8 times higher than whites, and the victim rate 6 times higher. Most murders were intraracial, with 84% of white homicide victims murdered by whites, and 93% of black victims murdered by blacks.” (Cooper, Alexia (2012). Homicide Trends in the United States, 1980-2008. p. 3. ISBN 1249573246.; Jump up ^ “Homicides Fall to Lowest Rate in Four Decades.”)
Black criminals tend to victimize blacks in their communities and white criminals tend to victimize whites in their own communities. This is nothing new or surprising . Cross-racial crime is not the issue. The issues here are “Why don’t black men and white people get along?” and “What can be done, if anything, to change this dynamic for the better?”
A Few Bad Apples? Could our relationship be a case of a few bad people making life hard for everybody? Where I live, Harford County, Maryland, there are 16 whites to every 1 black male. One evening I was in bed and wondered, “Could the animosity between black men and white people be a result of the numerical disparity between black men and whites in Harford County?” So, I drew up this little matrix to examine the question using the following conditions:
If 20% of ALL people in the groups we are examining, black men and white people, are prejudiced to the point they would take negative action against that person. (i.e. violence, refuse to hire or work with, verbal abuse, etc.) this happens:
1. LARGE NUMERICAL DISPARITY CREATES HOSTILE ENVIRONMENT: for black men – 16 whites to 1 black male in Harford County, MD.
a. If 20% of whites are prejudice and 20% of the black men are also prejudiced, we end up with this situation:
i. ALL black men would on average be affected by 3.20 racist episodes.
ii. One white person would on average be affected by black male on white racist episodes.
iii. 16 to 1 White Racist Interactions to every Black Male Racist Interaction. For each time a white person runs into a racist black, a black man will run into a white racist 16 times.
iv. The Good Element: Whites in this setup will almost always be dealing with the good, non-violent, non-hateful elements of the community. While black men will frequently run into the white element that is unfriendly and hateful.
The result of this ratio is that whites will feel very few racist actions, while black men will feel swamped by them. These negative factors are further magnified by extremely aggressive police tactics… which add fuel to the fire. Not to even mention the natural cultural disparities between black males and white people.
The main cause of this is NOT that whites are bad! I repeat. The main cause of this is NOT that whites are bad! The cause of the tension, I believe, is the numerical disparity between the White community and the Black Male community. Whenever there is a large population difference between two different groups, the “-ism” issue pops up. We often see this when there are racial, cultural and religious differences. If all the people in the study were black, this type of issue can emerge. It happens were in Harford County, but it also takes place around the world. In West Africa, for years, different groups killed each other for a similar reason, but they didn’t call it racism, they called it Tribal Warfare and it still goes on today. Need I even mention World War II?
Ferguson and Baltimore…Could Ferguson Happen In Baltimore? Could our relationship be a case of a few bad people making life hard for everybody? What if I live in Baltimore? According to the 2013 Census for Baltimore, approximately 32% of Baltimoreans are white. Approximately 63% are black. And our focus group, black males, make up about 47% of the black population. Which equals 30%. The result is that the overall White population in Baltimore is 32%. The Black Male population in Baltimore is about 30%. How does this compare to Ferguson? :
According to the 2010 Census for Ferguson, approximately 29% of Ferguson’s population is white. Approximately 67% are black. And our focus group, Ferguson’s black males, make up about 45% of the black population. The result is that the overall White population in Ferguson is 29%. The Black Male population in Ferguson is about 34%. Extremely similar to Baltimore. If riots could break out in Ferguson, th, a town with similar racial tensions, riots could definitely break out in Baltimore and at a larger scale.
In places like Ferguson and Baltimore, there are more black men that there are white people. One evening I was in bed and wondered, “Could the animosity between black men and white people be a result of the numerical disparity between black men and whites in Baltimore?” So, I drew up this little matrix to examine the question using the following conditions:
If 20% of ALL people in the groups we are examining, black men and white people in Baltimore are prejudiced to the point they would take negative action against that person. (i.e. violence, refuse to hire or work with, verbal abuse, etc.) this happens:
1. NEAR EQUAL NUMERICAL CREATES HOSTILE ENVIRONMENT: for black men and white people – Near Equal Whites population and Black men in Baltimore, MD.
a. If 20% of whites are prejudice and 20% of the black men are also prejudiced, we end up with this situation:
i. ALL black men and All white people would on average be affected by 2 racist episodes.
ii. 1 to 1 White Racist Interactions to every Black Racist Interactions. For each time a white person runs into a racist black person, a black man will run into a white racist 16 times.
This suggests that the animosity we see is independent of race. The main factor is the balance between the number of bad actors in a given area. (“Reds”) Both blacks and whites in this scenario will feel that they have been discriminated against and the overall atmosphere between the groups will probably be fearful, angry, and potentially violent. If this is the case, what is the answer to racial hostility and violence? How can we reduce racial hatred?
· Jobs – improve job related training in black and white communities. Make economic futures interdependent and people will work together to win. Think like a football team. The QB and Wide Receiver may not love each other, but they both understand that they have to work together to win the game! After they start winning, respect and then maybe even friendship can grow. Working together means Winning.
· Focus on the “Red” – Re-educate the Racist/Anti-Social element in White and Black communities. In areas like Harford County where Whites far outnumber black men (16 to 1), a greater effect can be achieved by working on its white anti-social element. In places like Baltimore, where there are large racist elements in both groups, emphasis will be needed in both the black male and white racist elements.
· Balance the Police Force – The police forces in Harford County and Baltimore need to reflect the demographic makeup of its community so that citizens feel comfortable communicating with Law Enforcement. Recruiting, and hiring efforts need to aggressively move forward until a balanced, community friendly police force exists.
· Study – Ask, “What creates this animosity towards one another and how can that animosity be reduced?” “What have other communities don’t that has worked?”
· Remove – remove and jail violent and criminal people from our communities via legal constitutionally sound means.
· Show That Policing Will Be Just – Show us what is being done in Baltimore and Harford County to prove to the public that no one group is being picked on, that policing will be fair and that all bad actors, civilian or cop, will be removed from our communities.
In Closing:
I am not against any person. In fact, I am a champion for ALL people. I pray for each and every one of us several times a day. What I know is that hatred, no matter its reason or source, hurts and diminishes and destroys us all. The enemies of all people are intolerance and hatred. The saviors of all people are empathy, compassion and love. Until we learn this one lesson, preached from the beginning of time, things will get no better for anyone.
Whether black or white, male or female, Christian, Muslim or Jew, it is our flawed human nature that harms us. Whether blacks and whites learn to eventually get along or not, all must understand that black men, like ALL people, have every right to defend our lives and liberty. We’ve slaved for it. We’ve fought wars for it. We’ve died for it. We have a God given right to live free of harassment and the constant threat of death from the authorities and the community at large. After all, freedom to live in peace is what life is all about. Without freedom, we have nothing.
Love one another. Peace.
Omar J. Simpson, Esq.
A full conversation please says
In 2012, 123 African-Americans were shot dead by police. There are currently more than 43 million blacks living in the U.S.A.,” O’Reilly said on his program. “Same year, 326 whites were killed by police bullets. Those are the latest stats available.”
Two dramatically different statistics — and they could both be right.
That reality, in part a result of weak local reporting and national data gathering efforts on police homicides, has long frustrated researchers and analysts who say they need to know more about those shootings.
Here’s how the two pundits came to such dramatically different conclusions:
Kristof was citing an analysis by ProPublica, which combed through the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Supplementary Homicide Report.”
I attached the above blurb since statistics are easily manipulated.
I like the idea of your article, in fact it addresses the bigger issue with what is going on in our country with the protests, in that a conversation needs to occur as to what exactly people are mad at.
Is it the police who took action based on the current standard of law that exists via the USSC and/or state/federal law
Is it the racial inequality that is the catalyst for the protests based on the data you mention
Or is it based on the laws that people are more upset with and the way in which they are made in our legal system.
In your first paragraph(s) you group “police officers and vigilantes” together which unfortunately I think sets the tone for your viewpoint whether you want to admit it or not. This thought is flawed as most if not all police officers see what they do as rooted in the laws in which are passed. Contrary to public opinions police do not actively look to kill while on duty, rather that is probably the biggest fear that they have. The biggest difference in police and the military is that all police officers are trained in how to deescalate a situation, to use other means of less lethal than lethal force, to stop a situation, but at the heart police are taught that if a law is broken they are to complete an investigation and if needed make an arrest.
The bigger question that needs to be answered is if a police officer is making an arrest, and the arrestee fails to comply with that decision, what exactly is an officer to do? Should they let the person go? Not make an arrest? Unfortunately this is not solely on the officer’s shoulders, this idea that resisting an officer or fighting with an officer is allowed by our society is what should be addressed and looked at, however it is not. The entitlement idea that persons who commit crimes cannot be held accountable for their actions which directly led to the confrontation (with police) is absurd and that is what needs to be addressed.
But that last thought is not politically correct, and when situations arise in which people are hurt/killed by police it is routinely overlooked.
confused says
I read the response and was confused? You talk about subjects and then go off on a different path. I do agree with the premise of what you wrote, but you talk about the police and military and then don’t follow up. You talk about the police arresting someone, but don’t follow up. Again, I agree, but was confused by your response as the article. There were two police shootings in NYC and Tarpon Springs, Fl. The officer’s were doing their job and were killed. I think society needs to stop making the people hate the police. There are brave men and women who follow the law and don’t break the law. That would be said about the police. We are a nation of laws and need to remember that not all people are bad, but when you find bad people, who do you call? I call 911 and the police show up.
PB says
Respect is never deserved, always earned.
Mike Welsh says
Everyone should be respected until they demonstrate that they don’t deserve respect.
ok dick says
so what, your saying that people do not deserve respect, Are you a maggot in basic training? An old lady would have to earn respect, before you speak to her properly or hold the door open for her, She would have to earn that. How about give everyone respect and you will get respect. It sounds to me like you go around disrespecting people
PB says
You’re mixing courtesy with respect. Of course I’d be courteous to an old lady, a stranger, or even you. But putting someone like, a sports figure or a cop on a pedestal of respect, no way. Nor would I automatically *dis*respect someone because of their looks.
Some people are good, some are bad — I say weigh their actions, then adjust your treatment. That is all. Nobody gets a free pass or an automatic out.
It’s called individual responsibility, and consequences for your behavior.
veteran says
You need to go away. I am totally offended by this article. What gives you the right, and don’t use the first amendment, to tell us about race relations. Apparently you think all African american people cannot get along with white (Caucasian) people. WHO the heck are you? You say your a lawyer…..never heard of you..Oh and your going to say…I am an American.
Get a life says
So you lay in bed thinking about these things. I read the article and you need to become more clear on what you want to say. You quote facts, but don’t give where they come from, You offer solutions, that are very vague. Let me break it down for you. You need to stop thinking that you have a target on your chest. Most people are concerned with how a person acts, instead of what the color of their skin is. The police, in Harford County, is made of of police officers and the only color they see is blue. Don’t try and use the first amendment, when being arrested or talked to by the police, and you won’t cause problems. That is not the time to to agrue with the police. If I was looking for a lawyer……you wouldn’t not be my choice. it seems you have issues with working with white people and have the everyone is out to get me attitude. Please check your facts and try not to paint everyone with the same racist brush.
DLW says
Not mentioned :
Looking at communities that are predominantly black vs communities that are predominantly white and of similar economic levels, which one is more prone to violence?
How about the numbers for this?
There’s a story here that the black community would like us to ignore, or worse, be blamed for.
Signal-13 says
YOU feel like you have a target on YOUR chest? Do you think the 2 cops in NYC shared your sentiment? I know I at least share your feelings each day that I go on patrol, but then again I work in a high crime area where black and white thugs are always fighting with the police, or themselves for that matter. But hey, the cops in Harford County have nothing better to do than wait and stalk a two-bit jailhouse lawyer looking for a reason. Get real, tool.
Funny how nobody blames the media for their “unbiased” reporting. In the Ferguson and NYC cases, the media was quick to report “White Cop Kills Unarmed Black Man”. Did they mention anything about the fact that the black guys were criminal s, caught in the middle of illegal activity and decided to try and fight back? No. That doesn’t make headlines, same as when black men rape and kill white girls. Guess that isn’t interesting enough. I guess it isn’t interesting when black men kill each other over “turf” or over a drug deal gone bad, or because they are ripping off a store because they are too lazy to get a real job. Nope, 5 second mention on the news. Yes, i used stereotypes, but are they in fact stereotypes when they are so damn true?
Nah, none of that makes anyone care…but bend the truth and put “White Police Officer Shoots Unarmed Black Teen”, instead of something like “Career Criminal Dead After Resisting Officers”. Or from NYC, “Overweight Criminal Dies From Medical Condition After Resisting Police.”
So how about this weekend, when one of your ‘brothas’ hauled off and shot a BLACK woman, then ambushed two unsuspecting police officers in NYC? Then, out of sheer cowardice, kills himself (the one thing he did right in his life). Did the headline read “Black Male Ambushes Two white Officers”. No, instead they referred to the black guy as the “gunman”. What a joke.
The problem is YOU and people who think like you. Racism is alive because your community keeps adding fuel to the fire, and allows criminals like Al Sharpton to rule everyone up.
OJ, go back to fishing and staring at the stars.
signal 13 fan says
Couldn’t have been said better! I’m sure you, as a police officer, have a bigger target on your chest. He wakes up and goes to work, but you wake up and there are people out there that hate you for just wearing a uniform that protects other people. I would shake your hand and thank you for being a hero! The two police officers in NYC were not white and had families. So I think the protesters need to realize one thing. Two hero’s were murdered because of protesting. May God protect all police.
Joppatowne Resident says
Thank you! You hit the nail right on the head!! The media is at fault for exploiting the issue. The news media does nothing but incite hatred, bigotry, and rioting!!
Concerned Citizen says
Signal – 13 nails the problem. Just go back to basics to determine what the problem is. If a crime wasn’t being committed, then there wouldn’t have been a problem to begin with. Why is only the result being headlined when the cause is what needs to be addressed?
If you want to get along, your attitude plays a basic role on how you are accepted. Be defiant and you will be defied. Did anyone just try to be nice and respectful?
You cannot just play the race card for all your problems. That is not basic human nature.
Get a life and get real!
Bad numbers reach bad conclusions says
Your numbers are erroneous as well as misleading. What we have are 6% of the population (black males) committing over 50% of the violent crime. Also, white on black crime is almost negligible while black on white crime is staggering. And, you cannot arbitrarily extract an unproven number (20% bigots) and draw any conclusions from it whatsoever.
Having stated all that, what is painfully clear is that minority communities – in specific predominantly poor black communities – have suffered the full brunt of everything that is wrong with government. Nobody wants to connect the dots anymore, but the fact remains that the real unemployment for blacks is around 40% while benefits abound for new illegal immigrants.
Get A Grip says
I can’t believe the Dagger has stooped this low to publish an article this racially biased. Get a FREAKING grip! It’s 2014 for God’s sake!
I’m a white male with plenty of black friends and colleagues. We all get along just fine. It’s not just me – it’s all of us. None of us care about the other’s color. Why should we? It’s 2014 for crying out loud!
But for some reason, the author of this “article” (and I use the word loosely) is too worried about his FREAKING SKIN COLOR to realize the following:
If a man (and I don’t give a you-know-what if he’s white, black, Asian or Martian for that fact) attacks someone he KNOWS HAS A GUN – HE’S PROBABLY GOING TO GET SHOT!!!!!!!!!
So, let me ask all of you racists (and you’re a racist if you care about your color or anyone else’s) what do you think about this?
Anyone remember it? A white man shot by a white cop. BECAUSE HE ATTACKED THE COP! And nobody raised a fuss, there was no police indictment – and there were no riots.
Why? Because he ATTACKED A COP!!!!!!!!! If you don’t want to be shot by a cop – then I strongly suggest you DON’T ATTACK THEM!!!!!!!!!
Again, this site has gotten ridiculous over the last year. It’s no longer providing relevant news. It’s just publishing crap meant to stir the pot and cause problems in our society.
Signal-13 says
Freakin’ A!
NotPC says
It’s not racism but common sense. In the past year in Harford County we’ve had black men murder someone in a home invasion. We’ve had black men ask for help a WalMart then steal credit cards from a purse when their victim is trying to help them. When you see a black man you don’t know if he’s one of the bad ones so you take precautions.
Cheese Patrol says
Not PC, I agree, when it looks like cheese, smells like cheese, and acts like cheese, it is probably CHEESE.
ALEX R says
Omar, The stats are open to question as far as valid conclusions which can be drawn from them.
Personally I have made one observation as I go thru life daily. The situation in this country is now at the place where I, a white male, just don’t know how any attempt to have a meaningful conversation with a black person will be received. So I am not likely to try. That’s a huge shame but it is the cultural climate today. Is it the fault of whites? No. Of blacks? No. It is the fault of those in the political arena, the media, cultural action organizations, and other well known figures who want to sensationalize every incident for their own selfish gain. The President. The national media. The local media. National and local politicians. And on and on. And they have ruined the opportunity for well meaning black people and well meaning white people to have a respectful dialogue with each other about the causes and the potential solutions.
In fact the vast majorities of both the black and the white communities know wrong when they see it. But this gulf between us won’t allow us to say ‘sometimes whites do and say things that are wrong and sometimes blacks do and say things that are wrong’ and we need to address the wrong without fear of being called racist..
Mike says
Nothing but trying to incite people. Where did the lone New York gunman ( “lone gunman” – not condemning a race) get his line : 2 of yours for 1 of ours” – from all the so-called “community leaders” like you probably attain to be. Your information, whether fact or fiction does nothing but continue to drive a wedge in whatever perceived divide there is.
Concerned Teacher says
As someone who teaches statistics, this is a prime example of a person trying to use meaningful sounding statistics to mislead or misrepresent a position. Your statistics clearly attempt to compare the interactions between “black males” and “white people”. This is a misleading comparison, as you are completely ignoring any interactions between black females and white “people”, as well as interactions between people of other races. What about between Hispanics and blacks? What about Asians? It is not surprising that a lawyer would cherry pick statistics to support his position. It would not surprise me to find out that they teach classes in this at law school. You are not lying, but you are not presenting the entire argument. In a court of law, this is telling the truth. In the court of the public, this is a lie by omission. If you are going to continue to come here to this forum and proselytize, then you need to quit talking like a lawyer and start talking like a human being.
Practical Guy says
Hey Stat Teacher,
You’re right about stats being abused. “There are lies, damn lies, and …Statistics.” Reality (for most people) is usually perceived, not proved.
D J Frucks says
People need to treat people equally. The police haven’t ever treated minorities the same way as the majority. The fact statistics paint the picture you want to see. How do you know a black law abiding men from those who aren’t? The same way you can’t assume because you are white that you won’t commit the same type of crime. During the Oklahoma City bombings they kept looking for the Arab looking men as prime suspects, and they turned out to be white. The problem with the recent events in Ferguson and NY is that the prime suspects where thugs and didn’t have a leg to stand on. Cries from the NAACP fall on deaf ears and closed eyes when you are defending criminals and thugs. Try defending the innocent and those mistreated by the police who are not criminals!! I am a black man, not a freaking African American. I am a Black Man in America.
hmmm.... says
I got a couple paragraphs into your diatribe and realized I was wasting my time. It’s absurd. Why are you harping on Ferguson when the whole “hands up don’t shoot” has been proven to be fantasy? All those idiots (sports idiots to elected idiots) running around putting their hands up in protest are buying into the false invective of the accompanying felon – who incidentally should be in prison for a false police report as well as inciting rioting. I do believe there should have been an indictment in New York even though he would have been found innocent in the end. While you’re lying awake some night wondering why we all don’t get along better, why not turn on the TV and check out Miss White America, or White Entertainment TV or maybe the White Essence Awards. Sadly most of the worst racists I see are African Americans.
D J Frucks says
It ain’t no fantasy, Ferguson is a nightmare and NY even worse. When white America values Black boys lives as much as they value whitey then we’ll have equality until then, black people will just have to defend theys against the system of whitey’s until get it right. Lynching black men in broad day light days are over. Blacks will overcome these afraid whitey’s police officers. Train them better or civil lawsuits will rain upon police departments until there isn’t anything else but comply. Maybe police should try to make a better effort in recruiting blacks into their departments..
NotYourScapegoat says
Well, if their grammar is as point as yours is, they wouldn’t make it very far in the application process. You are not helping the black man’s quest for equality — you are the problem. I have black male friends and coworkers that are ashamed of people like you. You need to lose the “It’s a thug-life” mentality and make something of yourself.
DLW says
Black America doesn’t value black lives. There is abundant proof they value white lives even less.
Look at ANY media source and you can witness with your own eyes where this is demonstrated every day.
You “whitey” comment is picture perfect proof of what is wrong with race relations and the problem is on the black side….not “whitey’s”.
NotYourScapegoat says
It’s very simple. Don’t break laws. Respect Authority. Use common sense. And did you ever think that maybe your behavior was making you a target…not your color? Instead of crying about how you are treated when you approached by law enforcement, don’t break laws!!!!!! I for one have the utmost respect for all law enforcement. I know they are there to help and protect me from the very people who have no regard for the law.
Daggerblows says
Tired of being blamed for being white. Reverse racism. I have to deal with that everyday. Tippy toeing around every interaction with someone black because there is going to be a problem if you say or do the wrong thing. Getting sick of that. You don’t like Harford? Go back to Park Heights or Archentroly Terrace and see how you do there.
Justice was served says
Micheal Brown attacked a cop, he was shot. As he should have been. No hands up, no back turned. sorry folks. Stop believing what Al Sharpton spews at you.
Raise your kids right, teach them self respect, teach them self reliance. Teach them the government is not the answer to all of your “oppression” Perhaps then people will open businesses in your area and not have to worry about dipshits robbing it.
Not so fast says
Actually, the data dump on the grand jury did not verify what you say. The published testimony indicates:
Officer Wilson was allowed an unheard of 28 days to give a sworn statement – which permitted him to review all the evidence. He was contradicted by his superiors. He refused to carry a taser or use mace. His injuries did not match an altercation with a 300 lb. individual who supposedly struck him numerous times. He was allowed to leave the scene unescorted and to bag his own evidence. And, two white witnesses testified that Brown had his hands up and was giving up.
Prosecutors dumped everything said by everybody on the grand jury and did not direct or summarize for them the testimonies or the evidence. No wonder there was no indictment. It is quite evident why they did not want this to go to trial.
AppliedTactical says
Your reply did not address the basis of your first sentence. You did nothing to dispute the fact that MB attacked Officer Wilson, and was a general douche in the community.
OC and Tazers are not mandatory carry. So what if he was not carrying them; would it have stopped MB from punching him?
Another Sharpton in the midst
Practical Guy says
Someone posted that the Dagger should not have posted this article. Most have been respectful of him. I don’t agree with the data, the findings, or the recommendations. I do, however, applaud Mr. Simpson for having the balls to make his case. But, please don’t squash attempts at dialogue because he’s wrong (IMHO). After all folks, he did end with the word Peace.
Merry Christmas Everyone!
Factchecker says
Hustleman ……lol
A Realist says
Hustle_ Nomics? Seriously?!?! Get a freaking life…
Al Sharpton's a Spook says
Al Sharpton’s a spook, plain and simple!
melvin says
Overprivileged white people.
melvin says
White people tripping on fire depts not driving someone dressed up as Santa down their block. Got dayum, son.
SoSoWrong says
Another way to look at this is that the single black racist will encounter 16 times more of the other race than the white racists, which gives him 16 times the opportunity to spew his racist drivel.
You know what they say about statistics – 64% of them are made up, like this one.
Original Observer says
I’m reminded of the observation in my statistics text from college: Most people use statistics the way a drunk uses a light pole: More for support than illumination.
We have heard this before says
b- with the con,
Typical government logic. Drain the fund and then raise taxes to replenish the fund. Gee! You don’t suppose that is what the state did with the highway fund? Like, steal the highway money then hit us with a gas tax to replenish the fund.
You know, people are so stupid they might get away with in the county. Wolves don’t go away as long as there is one sheep left.
Practical Guy says
Unless I missed it, O J SImpson has never followed up on his own post. Was this all just an increase ratings hoax by the Dagger. LOL
Merry Christmas Everyone!
Arturro Nasney says
I just came across a transcript of a case from June of 2015;
Victim: Officer, officer! That man just stole my purse!
Officer: Good morning ma’m, or does that pronoun offend you. f so, please advise me of the correct pronoun I may use in order to not….
Victim: Officer, you’re not listening to me! That man stole my purse.
Officer: That gentleman across the street?
Victim: Yeah, that’s him.
Officer: Okay, let me go talk to him.
Victim: He’s a big guy, don’t you want some help?
Officer: Oh no, anything that might give theappearance of a show of force isn’t allowed.
Officer leaves to talk to the alleged suspect and then returns:
Officer: Is it a red purse with black trim and brass colored clasp with the initials MS on the side?
Victim: That’s it, my name is Mary Smith and those are my initials. That’s my purse.
Officer: I figured it was yours, he doesn’t look like the purse type. The problem is he doesn’t want to give it back.
Victim: Well, arrest him, he robbed me of that purse. He punched me, knocked me down and then took my purse. Look at this bruise on my arm, and I’m bleeding from my forehead.
Officer: I’m afraid I can’t do that. He said he wouldn’t allow me to arrest him. I can call the EMS folks though to treat you for your injuries. There will be a fee of course.
Victim: What??!! You have to arrest him. He committed a robbery and I’m the victim. I demand you arrest him.
Officer: I’m afraid I can’t do that. He said he would fight if I tried to arrest him and our new Rules Of Engagement don’t allow us to confront a hostile suspect.
Victim: Rules Of Engagement? What the hell is that?Officer: Basically it means if the alleged suspect offers any resistance, or even says he will resist, our Rules Of Engagement say we shall not “engage”. It’s really quite simple and it makes our job much simpler. No more fights, no violence involved and everyone is much safer that way aren’t they?
Victim: But he robbed me and he’s standing right there, you mean you can’t do anything?
Officer: Oh, whether or not I could do something doesn’t matter. I’m not allowed to confront a possibly hostile suspect. Perhaps you could talk to him and see if he will come down to the precinct house and turn himself in.
Victim: That’s it? That’s all you can do?
Officer: Well, I can give you our website and you can make a report of this alleged crime. It’s a really neat website, designed by the same folks that did that Affordable Care site And I’d be glad to give you the office phone numbers for Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and the Attorney General.
Victim: Will they do anything?
Officer: Not really, they’re only interested if I do something.
Victim: Well did you at least get his name so I know who the bad guy is when I make this report?
Officer: No, he didn’t want to give me his name, and gosh, all I can do is ask.
Victim: This is incredible. He’s just standing over there like he knows nothing will be done about this.
Officer: I know. Happens all the time now. Well, have a nice day and call any time, we’re here to help.
Victim: But officer.
Officer: You’ll have to excuse me, I have to go apologize to that gentlemen for disrupting his day.
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