From the office of U.S. Sen. Barbara Mikulski:
WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Barbara A. Mikulski (D-Md.), Chairwoman of the Senate Appropriations Committee, today praised President Obama’s announcement of a one percent Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA) for civilian federal employees next year.
“This pay increase for federal workers is well deserved and appropriate, and I’m pleased that the President has made good on the plan that we worked out as part of the Omnibus budget,” Senator Mikulski said. “I’ve been Chairwoman of the Appropriations Committee for two years and today’s decision marks two straight years of COLAs for two million federal employees following three prior years of pay freezes. I’ve always been proud to advocate for federal workers, who work on the front line each and every day on behalf of the American people. Federal employees have been undervalued and underappreciated for too long. Each and every day, federal employees stand up for America. That is why I will continue to work to end the era of government shutdown, government on autopilot and pay freezes.”
As Chairwoman of the Senate Appropriations Committee, Senator Mikulski was instrumental in fighting to end the three year pay freeze for federal employees. Since that time, the President has been able to implement his plan for a one-percent COLA for federal employees on the General Schedule (GS) Pay Scale. The COLA will take effect on January 1, 2015.
Last year, Mikulski was able to end the pay freeze for white-collar and blue-collar federal workers. Senator Mikulski has worked consistently to ensure that spending laws written under her watch put funds in the federal checkbook to pay for COLAs.
After the last spending billing you all deserve nothing.
And what exactly is a “spending billing?”
spending billing is a hyperbole and doesn’t confuse most people. Spending is what the government does for the entitled, and billing is a tax they bill you or your employer. I’m certain you are aware of spending billing and knew what the hyperbolic comment means but just wanted to get a clear definition.
Blame that on Congress, not the federal worker.
During Hurricane Sandy and the increasing number of natural disasters, people were glad to see the federal government, to receive help in rebuilding their lives. And before you say, “They should’ve had insurance for their homes and businesses,” we all know that even if you do have it, it doesn’t cover everything.
Thank you, Senator Mikulski.
The Senator is a classic example of of a person who spends other people’s money that they don’t have anymore to redistribute to the so called needy in return for her continued employment in a job of public service she can no longer perform. The senator would not be able to get a job at Walmart in the real world. Fortunately she never has to worry about that with the benefits she voted for herself and her comrades; and as long as her constituents like you continue to drink the koolaid she gives out “for free” and we all smile and burp our way into debt oblivion.
How about SENIORS!!!
She must not be going to the Grocery store.1% cola is a joke
Actually it is 1.7%:
well golly me, you know progressive liberals like Pamela below always round down and don’t deal with any true facts that may not fit into the socialist scheme. What’s another 100 billion in social security costs to a libtard?
You’re right, Baylady, 1% is a joke but it’s better than nothing. I’ve really been sympathizing with seniors for years. My mother, who’s a senior as well, once received a 0.5 percent raise. What is that?
As for you, TEA, you seem to forget that Government workers are also tax paying citizens. And it is you who no doubt drinks the Kool Aid or should I say, the tea — The Tea Party’s Tea. But I won’t get into that debate with you at this time.
Happy Holidays!
And AS FOR YOU, that’s because people like you don’t know how to debate with FACTS. All you know how to do is insult with your slimy careless thoughtless invective against anyone who is not part of your socialist communist liberal agenda. Let me prove my point, Merry CHRISTmas, miss happy holiday!
Ps: fact- your goverment worker comrades, who pay “progressive tax” with excessive benefits, are paid in part by Tea Party members. You exist, because we pay your bills, not your government who functions as a third party thug to take our money and give it to you!
A 1% raise is an excessive benefit? Huh?
yes, 1% is certainly excessive, without any doubt. Look around you and inquire how many Harford citizens have had their incomes reduced more than 1% with increasesd healthcare costs, food costs, utilities, transportation etc! What’s wrong with you? How about a government de-cola of 10% to start whereby you give back 10% of your absurd holiday and time off plans that no one in the real world gets? How about paying regular tolls like the rest of us, vs, getting your government commuter discount? How about agreeing to give some of your personal income back to lower an 18 TRILLON dollar debt with over 100 Trillion in projected liabities we just can’t pay? There’s nothing stopping you from sending in more tax money when you square up at the end of the year. So yes, 1% is excessive because of the entitlement mentality. But, as usual, you expect the rest of us to pitch in, while bab’s feeds you another 1% so she can stay on her throne and the natives will be happy. I suggest you realize that you shouldn’t be willing to sell your vote to her for a 1% insult, if that’s he way you feel!
“All you know how to do is insult ”
Oh my.
umm, Pam none of the above words are insults, in context. I associate with and have many friends who are proud to be progressive liberal socialist communists and they admit the other adjectives too. I like honest people who say what they mean and mean what they do. I think you are the one who is an insult because you want others to pay your way and won’t admit you’re socialist! Oh well.
Just wanted to thank the Dagger editors for the concept of a First Amendment right that only applies to them!
This is funny. Everybody wanted and welcomed with open arms the 1000’s of Federal (and related contractor) jobs when BRAC was in the planning stages. The Government’s $ were sure welcomed then. But the same people are now complaining about a lousy 1% Federal raise. You can’t have it both ways folks.
I assure you “everybody” didn’t. There are plenty of “everybody’s” who didn’t and still don’t want to encourage a bunch of self entitled Jerseyites move here.
Well a majority of Marylander’s must have wanted it, because Barb, and Dutch keep getting elected and BRAC was their baby.
Harford Resident,
You can’t have it both ways either. Make 2014 wages and pay 2001 tax rates. I think self-entitlement runs among Harford County Residents as well. Everything you get in local services needs to be paid for in 2014 dollars.
I don’t understand your point. I and all other Federal employees pay income tax at the current IRS rates. If you are suggesting that we get some kind of discount, please let me know what it is, because no one told me about it.
Are you a complete idiot Mostly Blue?
Tax rates are a percentage.
If wages increase and the amount of people paying taxes does the tax revenues collected go up. And that’s just individuals.
If businesses have greater revenues the taxes paid go up.
If property values increase and the amount of improved properties grow than taxe revenue goes up.
Yes you’re an idiot.
Good old trickle down Reaganomics have been proven wrong over time. Supply side economics ignores simple principles of price, inflation and production gains. It leaves the one’s with money to decide if the one’s on the bottom can get any more wages than they are willing to pay.
Reducing tax rates for a specific period of time can increase private investment but if left at the same level, there would be no reason for a business to invest more. For example, reducing the corporate tax rate to a lower level so companies can bring their profits home may work if the lower rate is set for a period of time, if left permanently low, there isn’t a reason to move the money back home. You may actually get you point across better if you keep the insults to your mother or your tea bagger friends, I understand uncivilized morons like you like it that way. Fight with a pig and lose because the pig likes rolling in shit…
Mostly Blue says –
“Good old trickle down Reaganomics have been proven wrong over time. Supply side economics ignores simple principles of price, inflation and production gains.”
Really you are an idiot. Lower tax rates benefit everyone.
Reagan tax policy was based on John F. Kennedy’s tax plan. In both cases everyone got about the same percentage cut in tax rates.
You are without question progressive pessimist. You believe the pie is finite. And it’s government’s job to cut it up and dole it out.
However the pie is ever growing and over taxation slows growth and deprives everyone except those in government from benefiting.
You hate the successful. You want to punish them. You don’t think they deserve the benefit of their own property. And you want to tax it away from them.
Lower taxes do not translate into higher economic activity which would be the reason you stated, that lower taxes generate more taxes. In a minimalist idea, lower taxes benefit everyone except public services which must be provided for the common good. I wish I could just go to grocery store and tell them to let me pay less for what I need and let them know that they would benefit from my paying less….
Mostly Blue –
You can’t be arguing that high taxation increases economic growth. Can you?
You know, Common Sense, you are only losing this argument worse when you try to insult the person on the other end.
If you presented facts over biased personal opinions, it might help people take you more seriously rather than just looking at you as a bored, uneducated housewife.
What exactly is a COLA? Is that something like a raise? Those of us who are not getting paid by a government entity go through an annual evaluation cycle, and based on the result get a significant pay raise for exceptional performance or no pay raise at all for “getting by”. The single most rediculous and specious argument of all is the theory that they should get a COLA because they pay into the tax system as well. If you are way up there in pay grade you end up paying 28% tax on your taxanle income just like we do. The problem resides with the other 72%. Where does that come from? Let’s take it from the rich SOBs who make more than $250K per year. Sorry Charlie, folks with that kind of money have terrific shelters and won’t pay in one red cent more no matter what laws are passed. We all konow about Mrs. Thatcher’s famous quote, and folks it grows more true every day. I guess that lots of folks don’t understand simple economics when it comes down to “redistributing the wealth. Professor Walter Williams uses the example; “It’s like havin you go to the deep end of a pool and taking out a bucket of water. Now run like hell and dump what ever didn’t spill out into the shallow end.” Now just hold your breath while the water redistrubutes itself.
Have a merry Christmas and make a resolution to read the Constitution during 2015.
COLA- Cost of living adjustment–Since the private market pays according to profits and governments aren’t a profit entity, the COLA ensures wages keep up with a percentage of inflation.
Private market doesn’t pay based on profits it pays based on ability, unlike the government where you can get a raise if you can fog a mirror.
I guess teachers and employees in Harford County can’t fog the mirror then. Your myopic view of things is very predictable. I checked with my wife who happens to own a successful business in HC and she told me that ability to pay depends on profits and willingness to share those profits with employees. Most of corporate America cares only about the bottom line and higher stock prices.
Public employees don’t have the measuring stick of company profit or ability since the ability to offer a raise is met with invariable opposition from the taxpayer. In the private sector, how much you make is between you and your employer and the customer only cares to get the service for a price their are willing to pay. Public service doesn’t depend on your wanting or needing the services, as it is just there when you need it.
“I guess employees in Harford County can’t fog the mirror then. ”
Not even on a good day.
And another fine example of government waste, Why is the county closed on the 26th? Who decided to take the taxpayers money and redistribute it to county employees? It’s not a holiday it’s a gift they gave themselves kinda like getting a cola.
Lazy people rewarding themselves to do less for more. It’s sickening.
Who do you think let county employees off by administrative leave? Many would have been off anyway because you must use or leave or lose it prior by Jan 1st,
Many are still at work such as emergency services, prison and Sheriff. County never actually closes, but general business is closed on those designated days.
Well the other surrounding counties and the federal government along with independent business’s seem to be operating just fine today.
But in Harford county if you need an inspection, want to pay your tax bill or get rid of that holiday trash you will have to wait, the county decided to give themselves a 4 day paid weekend off that the rest of us get to fund..
I sure hope Barry brings back the forced days off with no pay,. you guys really deserve it..
You can pay your tax bill online and HC doesn’t pick up trash. Police, water and sewer public works and prison are always open. Thanks for “funding” my paid day off. Which I would have taken off anyway from my earned leave. Merry Christmas Grinch! See ya at Wawa..
@Jim – The federal offices are closed today.
Waste industries can’t pick up trash today because they have no where to dump it. Way to go harford county! Killing small business one at a time.
And Keith I’ll let my mail lady know she has the day off today.
My trash got picked up today. Maybe they are dumping it at your place since you reek of discontent. My brother in law’s private employer is also closed today and my son’s employer closed until Jan 2nd. A lot of people are off except hospitals, malls and service oriented companies.
And there is the beauty of capitalism and private enterprise, they have the right to open and close when the owner decides. Tell us blue does your wife’s employees decide what paid holidays they get? do they give themselves paid time off with out her consent? Do they decide when and how to spend her money? Perhaps you should educate her in the finer points of how to run a business.
You truly are a classic example of greed and self interest and wouldn’t last a day outside of your cozy giverment job.
@Jim – As you are well aware, the Postal Service is a semi-private industry, like Amtrak, and not a part of the civil service. The federal government is closed. There was an executive order and everything.
A Nasty,
When your sponging off the taxpayer drawing that Social Security, if you are not already, please don’t accept that COLA next time.
Well . . . so much for a 1% increase:
“The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) announced yesterday the overall average premium increase for employee health benefits provided through the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program (FEHB) will be 3.2 percent for 2015.”
More like a 2.2 decrease.
Try paying for your own healthcare insurance like millions do everyday.
All Federal employees do pay for their health plans. See the non-postal premiums summary chart at this link:
See the column that says “total premium” ? Get back to me when you start writing a check for that amount.
Yup employee pays approximately 1/3, employer pays 2/3. That’s a pretty standard split in corporate America also. So we’re no different than industry.
Yea the largest employer in America… Walmart pays 2/3’s of their employees healthcare……
The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) data (March 2014) at the following link validates my statement:
Look at the numbers and you’ll see that for both private industry and Government employers, the average is “about” 1/3 employee paid and 2/3 employer paid.
Little Willie,
After reading most of your posts, I am proclaiming you a marvel of “human” evolution. Simply using your brain and fingers, I believe you must expel more pure waste product than any human on Earth. It truly is a miracle in the season of miracles.
Not really true, the percentage increase is based on your premium not on your salary. Harford County tea bagging dummies… the % is not based on your salary but on the premium you pay. Just in case you can’t get the math done the first way…
What most people in this county don’t realize is that the county employees who arbitrarily “give themselves a four day weekend” on the backs of taxpayers according to Jim in Hickory are also severely underpaid. So my base salary should be $15, 000 more a year Jim I will give my four day weekend back in exchange for my true base salary! Until then I’m spending the holiday with my family…. oh and I will continue to pay taxes…just like you. Mostly Blue I replied to your post because Jim’s reply button was not available!
If you are so underpaid quit your job, there are plenty of people who would love to have it.
Jim why would I do that and make people suffer, I donate far too many hours to the county and work far too hard. Harder than the average person, so I wouldn’t want a tax payer like yourself to suffer from the mediocrity of my replacement. My underpaid self will continue to work my tail off for you while you bash the county and those that serve it. Merry belated Christmas buddy, and a safe new year!
Anyone who works a job for $15000 less than the going rate is an idiot.
Jim from Hickory
My wife’s business actually is closed today as well. Some business opening today are just a complete waste of $$$. Employees have off to spend time with their families and things slow down a little bit during the last few weeks of the year. She doesn’t own a retail store so she really isn’t losing business as her business depends on others being open and full staffed as well.
I don’t know that your beef is about employees having off. A good portion would have taken off today and make a long weekend of it but the new CE thought since many other employers in the government field are closed, county administrative activities are also down because our business partners, contractors and non-profits also slow down. It just happens that it bothers you that you have to pay taxes but I don’t know why since you maintain we do nothing anyway when on the clock. You must be some miserable guy!!. But listen to this, since the county employees that can’t take off work, the county will pay them time and a half and the kicker is that they still will take an administrative day off (paid by the county) another time. That should keep your blood boiling for the next few days. Oh, and those employees working more than 8 hours today will get double pay. Happy New Year, miserable loser
Mostly Blue –
Jim has a legitimate concern about Harford County being fiscally responsible.
Taxpayers should be concerned about the cost of giving county personnel extra pay in the form of a day off.
Some businesses may choose to close today and if they want to pay all their hourly and salaried employees they certainly can do what they want with their money.
You are wasting your time trying to tell the hog at the trough he is full.
The same rationale applies to government giving employees a day off as private. None of his or your business since your tax bill hasn’t increased to fund it and you haven’t been asked for anymore money to pay for it. Jim has a right to either pay his taxes or move if the cost is too high for his liking. This is a free country, stay or go and be happy… Did you know that the county has over $100 million in reserves? I think the county is very responsible and we employees do provide a great service to the county and its residents, no matter what Jim in Hickory has to say about it. Happy New Year!!!
Mostly B –
You don’t seem to get that anything the government spends money on or does is the public’s business.
It’s not your money.
its the government’s money since it was taxed already. You have no say over it and how it gets spent, saved, invested or wasted. You matter only at voting time and after that only big time donors to campaigns matter. Government business relies on you the taxpayer for funding and to obtain a general consensus but not much more is needed from you once people have been elected to office. The same type of relationship happens with a corporation as the consumer of the product has no say over the affairs of the corporation and the shareholders actually don’t have a say as to how the board of directors runs its business. Donors, people in the circle of influence make the decisions going forward. It is like a football game, you get to cheer or jeer, that’s all the power you have. Just make sure when you do you taxes, that you pay the least possible as once it leaves your wallet, it doesn’t belong to you.
Government has no money.
The government only has taxpayer money.
Government must always account to the taxpayers.
“Some business opening today are just a complete waste of $$$”
As usual you make no sense. The tax payers paid you for the day to stay home and paid time and a half to those who worked. There for this gift from us working folks actually cost us more than if you would have gone to work, which is actually an incorrect term. Because if you were arrested and charged with the crime of “working for a living” there wouldn’t be enough evidence to convict you.
Oh and mostly Blue thanks for being the typical government employee, I emailed a link to this article and comments to Barry in case he missed it.
You can contact your friend Barry all you want. I got the day off because my employer gave me the freaking day off. It has nothing to do with you. You got off cheap, we employees have gone without raises for a few years.
Barry or any other elected official puts up with the likes of you everyday and twice on Tuesdays. It matters not one bit what you think. If you don’t like HC you can move…
It makes you an ass.
Sticks and stones…, If you don’t the way the county is run, become the CE or move. That simple!
Mostly Blue Ass
No I can stay here and express my opinions and exert my influence.
And you can go ef yourself. You dumb m’erFer
Jim in hickory,
How my employer rewards me and compensates me is none of your business. The only thing you should be concerned about is getting the standard of care when in need of fire, police, water, roads, courts, safety or having your civil and public issues taken care of when any other public service provided. I will provide it with care and professional demeanor. I will get paid for my work at a wage and benefits that the county is willing to pay and I am willing to work for. Other than the fact that you pay taxes, it really isn’t any of your business how my employer and I choose to determine our relationship just as much as I don’t get into the middle of how you get paid by your employer. If you don’t like it, you can move or run for office and change it. You are a pathetic person running to the CE when the Administrative Leave Policy isn’t a secret for a few to know. Google it, I am sure after a few links, you can find it. In fact, it is posted on the website. HCG is very transparent. I don’t think you will find a person objecting to my comments and even if so, I do have the right to free speech as much as you do. What’s next? You gonna put in a Freedom of Information request and find me? Get a life or a job!
Mostly Blue Ass
I get it that you want to bully Jim in Hickory.
You suck on the government teet.
You’re a deplorable reprobate who has no standing.
Now go ef yourself you dumb m’erFering leach.
You are not fit to lick the scum off the sole of my shoe or the end off a condom.
Mostly Blue I could care less who you are as an individual. Your perceived personal self importance you constantly need to project is probably why you failed in life but that’s a whole topic to itself. All county employees right up to the CE work for the taxpayers. You are nothing more than the ugly public face of a county worker and you do a great job of projecting the stereotypical fat lazy government employee with an entitlement chip on his shoulder. The great part of this wonderful country is we all have the government grated freedom to speak which makes it my civic duty as a voting taxpayer to explain to the CE why spending extra money the county doesn’t have to reward people for under achievement is just a bad decision on his part.
Thank God the days of this county getting less while paying more are finally over, you sir have killed your golden goose. Congratulations.
Thank you so much for the compliments. You are quite a ham and I am so lucky that am not good enough to lick your condom!!! Best news I had all day..
Hickory bum,
I don’t work for the taxpayer, the CE and elected officials do however, I work for Harford county residents be it taxpayers or not, other citizens of the United States or people passing through our jurisdiction. The taxpayer owes me nothing and I owe them just as much. I contract with the county for a set number of hours per day and they pay me to do work they consider necessary. I get it that you think you have some power over me, but in reality in the course of my work, I have power over others whom sometimes think they too are my bosses but quickly realize they aren’t my boss but my clients, customers or just the general public.
Mostly B
You are the worst kind of employee there could be.
You have so much power do you? You are imbued with so much confidence.
And yet you are a coward who cannot use his real name because you know that your Harford County bosses would discipline you for your despicable words.
You are disgrace to the hardworking County employees and you are not fit to be in their company.
I can assure you that I am not a disgrace to the county or fellow employees. Why don’t you use your real name? My freedom of speech comes with my name or my handle. I don’t care what HCG bosses have to say about it, but keeping my real name out of it gives me the power to say it without recourse. After all, hazard county is full of rednecks and hillbillies and my safety, my job and family are my most important concern. My email address is also fake as I suspect yours is as well. why don’t you be a big guy and post your address so that we county employees can pay you the respect you deserve when the next big snow storm happens???
Mostly B
No you’re just a coward.
You know if you used your real name you’d be up for disciplinary action.
You despise your co-workers and the people of Harford County.
You’re a disgrace.
How do you know this person(s) is even a Harford County employee?
Are we believing everything we read on the interweb these days?
Pot, meet the kettle.
If you are working as a subcontractor you cannot be an employee and you don’t get vacation or paid days off.
You really don’t know who you work for do you?
The county has over $100 million in reserves which makes me think that the Golden Goose is doing quite well but isn’t really sharing the fat with the county employees and you rail because county employees got a paid day off??? It just really proves how small minded the taxpayer and general public is about the state of affairs of the county coffers.
From Routers:
The general paid day off doesn’t come off this fund but from the operating budget since it isn’t a day extra being paid, it would have been paid anyway as a working day, now it is being paid as a day off. There isn’t anything extra involved.
With all that being said, I think Mostly Blue needs to mostly shut up. Some taxpayers are just generally against government because they are forced to pay taxes. Paying taxes isn’t fun times for the family and give no joy or pleasure. Most people, even government employees try to pay less in taxes, not more. Some folks like Jim in Hickory and others also think they are owed something more because they pay taxes. They are owed respect as county citizens and your diatribes about how powerful you are isn’t really the best way to portrait general county employees. I get what you are saying, you just need to calm down and go to Wawa. Happy New Year!!!
Mostly B
People like you get found out.
You can’t help yourself. You’ll need to tell people how you fixed Jim et al on The Dagger and that will be your undoing.
“it would have been paid anyway as a working day, now it is being paid as a day off. There isn’t anything extra involved”
That is failed logic since all days are paid why actually work any of them? The additional cost is nothing was accomplish for the same price, the loss of productivity must be recouped.
Have any of you people ever run a successful business?
Mostly Blue
Why don’t you stop by my office.
You seem to have a great deal to say about how Harford County is run.
and if that doesn’t work for you, I can call Brian and get the IP address of where your fake email originates from so we can both pay you some special respect and talk more about your wonderful ideas as to how to run county government.
And, what office would that be? Care to give more information?
The real Barry knows he wouldn’t approach a county employee and try to quiet my right or anyone’s right to Freedom of Speech. I haven’t ever spoken to the man, nor do I think he really cares about what employees think. It is his job to man the ship now and he needs sailors to actually do the work. He already picked an able cabinet to advise him on matters of government..
Billy (bonifarce?)
You can try getting my email address but my IP address is also fake. TOR is a web browser that fakes IP address as well. I think Edward Snowden uses TOR as well. You guys are just so naïve.., what part of encryption and deception don’t you get. If I wanted to expose true county waste, it would not be that difficult… Barry won’t do anything because he knows that employees know more about where the waste goes and it isn’t going into employee’s paychecks! You pathetic little Dagger dissenters are just a pawn in their game. As long as you bitch about me and county employees at Wawa, they are actually happy because you aren’t looking at them.
Knows where the waste is, not will to do anything about it.
Classic government worker.
The teachers thank you for your support.
Looks like mostly blue is mostly IT stupid about TOR…lol
On the contrary: When you use TOR it is even more important to use HTTPS, because otherwise the exit node can eavesdrop on your traffic in clear-text. Consider also that it is possible for a server to know your IP even when using TOR i.e: using javascript to gather it. That’s the reason for TorBrowser desabling javascript by default. It is highly important to know what you are doing and to set up your applications correctly. Something “mostly blue” seems to have failed to do in this case, but what more can you expect from a flamer with his head up his butt.
Blue you have told us all you work for the department of giving away taxpayer monies to stupid people. You retired once from the military after a career of doing nothing and receiving a paycheck. You drive around the county in a supplied vehicle accessing internet sites banned to regular county employees. Your wife owns a business in harford county.
And you claim to be the harford county James Bond of internet secrecy…..
Bawahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa…. You would be as hard to find as a gallon of milk in the dairy section of the local shoprite. Personally I could care less who you are but it seems others might just want to meet you in person.
Good luck with that.
I drive my own vehicle and use my cell. I haven’t ever been on the dagger while on the clock. Stop making shit up! County’s web traffic is filtered and monitored.
Hey James Bond, your narcissism negates any of your attempts to remain harford county governments internet man of mystery. It takes little effort to get you to reveal all the secrets of your pathetic life. You may want to reconsider if the internet is really for you.
Trolling you up and getting you to spill the beans isn’t even a challenge any more.
Yawn! I haven’t spilled anything. Threw you a bone since its public knowledge. You are just too stupid to think, it maybe be, like a secret. See ya at Wawa tomorrow..
I’m not hard to find, as I go to Wawa while you count county vehicles
Mostly Blue
You have every right to say what you want.
Your freedom of speech is not being impeded by government.
What you don’t understand is that what you say is what you have to worry about.
Your words have consequences.
How so? The new CE would really go with the headlines that he is going after county employees for speaking their mind?
Makes great fodder for the dagger, and the voters.
Mostly Blue has some very interesting comments and positions. We should take steps to do something and address them.
Hey bud, I noticed you neglected to answer my question about which office you were referring to.
You keep using innuendo’s and suggestive words to insinuate that you are some way affiliated with Harford County.
Is it just a coincidence that someone named “Billy” posted right after you, earlier in the comments here? Or is “Billy,” actually, just you? I’d assume the latter.
good comment Jim. Hey Blue, stop by the Court House on Monday and see Jim Reilly, an elected County employee and former Baltimore County Detective who spent his cop career tracking perv’s and perp’s like you. Ask him how easy it is to break TOR protocol if you’re so confident that you’re such a stealth mole that can’t be tagged. Good luck with that.
TOR is used in conjunction with something else. I am not as stupid as you think.
Mostly Blue
You not as stupid as most think. You’re incredibly stupid.
Apparently not stupid enough for you guys. Bunch of losers…
Mostly B
You are so caustic and condescending. You are dishonoring your co-workers and offending taxpayers.
You work for the people whether you like it or not. And sticking people in the eye with your comments and disregard for the public’s legitimate concerns about how taxpayer money is spent will come back on you sooner or later.
Hey Common Sense, at least he is not one of Harford’s Sheriff Department on here sticking it to the public on the taxpayers dime….
I work for the people and tell them what to do, yes! We all have customers, clients, duties to do, however the taxpayer may pay the bill but they aren’t bosses to me. Glassman works for you and I work for the county. You don’t have a say or vote over me. What part of that dynamic don’t you understand??
James Bond, you might want to pen a memo to the big Kahuna about this government organization chart and who you think you work for. He could use a good laugh like the rest of us.
The famous flow chart… lol,
It shows a chain of command for departments and agencies in Harford County, and I am under one of those departments. It doesn’t mean that I answer to the citizens. Tell me you aren’t that naïve and simple minded!!!.
I saw an article today on The Verge talking about NSA unable to crack simple TOR protocols, whoever posted that your friend can crack it, tell him that NSA needs him more that the county does.
Mostly B
Of course you do not take direction or report to taxpayers. Pretty sure no one has said that you did.
You work for the people of Harford County and you have no respect for them. In fact you’ve shown a contempt for taxpayers and citizens.
You have a very bad and hostile attitude.
Common sense, I agree with you. Reading Mostly B’s posts over time, I get the impression that he is a lonely, bitter man. You are absolutely right that he works for the citizens of this county. I am embarrassed and ashamed that we have people like this working in local government. They are supposed to be stewards of the people and I would hardly characterize him as such.
He’s a narcissist, he will be by shortly to tell you how wrong you are, he can’t help himself. It’s what narcissism does to a person. The poor man is a hot mess.
Your calls about killing the golden goose as you called it ring pretty hollow when the county has a reserve fund of over $95 million. The riches that the county workers have receive are pretty paltry and on top of that, you complain about a paid day off. I think mostly is wrong in attacking you personally but you aren’t absolved from your own personal attacks to this fellow or county workers in general. I think you and mostly makes for 2 bumbling idiots with one talking about power of the people and the other about power by himself. Both of you couldn’t be more wrong in how you treat each other. I know that you aren’t a reflection of the voters or taxpayers and I hope mostly isn’t a reflection of most other county employees. I do comment from time to time on the Dagger but it is really tiring to read the rude and obnoxious words from both of you. Handles like Barry and Billy aren’t no more than an attempt to intimidate a person’s livelihood or safety. Give it a rest and hope mostly just stays mostly shut up for his own safety. There is a lot to be learnt from listening to each other instead of insulting each other as each word is more wrong than the previous.
It’s pretty clear Fish that Mostly B is a irredeemably misanthropic contemptuous dolt.
He’s an embarrassment to Harford County.
I think when Reagan spoke the famous line:
“Government is not the solution to our problem, government is the problem.”
…he had all the “mostly blue’s” in mind!
Harford County folks think they can govern without government! Which is a moronic statement on its own. I admire Reagan on many levels, he indeed was a Governor and a President of a government and he actually grew government. His build up of Army and military brought down the Soviet Union by having a strong government not a smaller one. Reagan spoke of having less government in our lives for some things but not for all. I don’t know what part of local government is too big for ya but you all seem to scream at zoning hearings because Walmart wants to build a store in Bel Air? I think you only want government that’s big and responsive when it is convenient to you. Starve the beast mode never works and ultimately it will require more government action. Example, the financial crisis created by unabashed Wall Street abandon in giving out mortgages and selling those notes as derivatives and default swap notes that weren’t regulated so each bank sold/swapped notes and assumed none of the risk until the whole thing crashed.
Reagan also said something like,… all the nuclear waste for a year can be stored under a desk. And, who can forget “Trees cause more pollution than automobiles” I think he also slept through the Iran-Contra and let Ollie North run things with Admiral Poindexter. All this from memory if it serves me right. I don’t wikepedia things I am familiar about. Did you now he was an actor? I am sure he knew how to fake stuff up and sound good. Take his words as they come, makes for funny reading. He also declared USSR illegal and bombing would begin in 5 minutes. A complete quack..
Enough Blue. The example of the derivatives is a piss poor one t best. The banks were getting to do that after the Government made it possible. It was congressional action years before that led up to the crash. When the few smart people in DC stareted to warn of the impending disaster, two distinguished New England so called lawmakers did everything in their power to stop anything getting in the way of their buddies. Now go check a few facts and tell me which parties the culprits came from. It won’t make much difference since all of the folks there are beyond corrupt.
We’ve sunk to a new low in the comments.
Who else can make an internet appearance on first name basis and insinuate who they really aren’t? LOL
Please let me know which part of local government should be abolished? Keep in mind that our Charter with Maryland requires that HCG have some departments as required by the Maryland Constitution.
Go ahead and check which party is against any type of regulatory framework to keep derivatives manageable and at a lower risk. Republicans have attempted to weaken or eliminate Dodd-Frank, the only meaningful attempt to regulate the banks. Calling for the elimination of Fannie and Freddie is a poorly thought out way to move forward. if Fannie and Freddie aren’t available the fact is that banks rather not lend money for 30 year fixed rates, as too many things can happen to default on loans with events such as divorce, illness, death, unemployment which are things than happen frequently in a 30 year span. The only solution would be adjustable short term rates which would grind real estate and economic development to a halt. Financial liquidity is needed in the market, but it can’t be without unchecked risk. Tell me, did FHA,VA and RHS loans default at the same rates as Wall Street loans? I don’t think these programs have required a bail out as FHA remains as viable as ever with some increases in mortgage insurance to keep it solvent, but not a penny from the taxpayer has been needed to make it whole. CRA loans are also blamed for the mess but CRA never required a lender to loan to unqualified candidates and interestingly enough, their default rate is lower than all other types of loans.
Republicans have as much fault in the mortgage mess as the Democrats and it is pretty naïve of you to actually say that two congressman from New England are responsible for the mess. Yeah, I do agree that changes that allowed Wall Street to loan money started the problem but it wasn’t the only reason. Republicans protected big business and Democrats protected their notion that everyone should be a homeowner.