From Harford County Public Schools:
A brief overview of the Proposed FY 2016 Budget:
The difficult economic times of the past several years have had a significant impact on state and local funding for school systems across the nation. Harford County Public Schools has worked tirelessly to develop a fiscally responsible budget. As experienced in recent years, HCPS continues to face ongoing budget challenges as revenue has failed to keep pace with system demands, legal mandates and cost drivers such as pension and health care for employees and retirees. In addition, HCPS has an ongoing structural deficit created by spending one-time year-end funds (fund balance) for ongoing expenditures.
The fiscal year 2016 unrestricted fund budget includes increases of $16.5 million for wages, $5.5 million for employee benefits, a $3.2 million increase in cost of doing business and a decrease of $ 1.2 million for cost savings and reversals for a total increase of $24.0 million. Combined with a projected decrease in revenue of nearly -$2.3 million, our funding request for fiscal year 2016 from Harford County Government is an increase of $26.3 million over the prior fiscal year. The $26.3 million request includes a $1.3 million increase of teacher pension expense to be transferred from the State of Maryland to the local funding authority for fiscal year 2016.
The proposed increase in salary/wages reflects our goal of maintaining a competitive salary structure within the market, especially with our neighboring counties. As a result of a step increase and 1% Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) once in the past six years, it is our intent with this budget proposal to avoid falling further behind. By law, the Board is required to negotiate with each of the five bargaining units in Harford County to establish salary, wages and other working conditions. As such, in order to bargain in good faith, no outcomes regarding this increase have been defined at this time. The Board will collaborate with the bargaining units to reach such an agreement.
The Board of Education of Harford County met on December 15, 2014 for an open business meeting at 6:30pm in the Board Room of the A. A. Roberty Building and took the following actions and received the following presentations:
– 2014 HCPS Board of Education Holiday Card:
Artwork by Anaiya Watkins, Magnolia Elementary School
Music by Myia Johnson, Patterson Mill High School
– 2015 Maryland Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance Teacher of the Year Award:
Ms. Jessica Willson, Adapted Physical Education, John Archer
– 2014-15 Simon McNeely Award Winners:
Debbie Bosler, Edgewood High School
Brandan Buerhaus, Southampton Middle School
Wendy Feight, North Harford Middle School
Board Comments
Public Comment
– Barbara Durso, Church Creek Elementary School- 1st grade teacher celebrating a student’s perseverance to achieve his goals.
– Ryan Burbey, HCEA- Address student fundraising and the pressures felt by students being asked to do so, the distraction it created for him as a teacher, and his reaction as a parent.
– Rachel Gauthier- Encourage Board to have courageous conversations. Provide steps to teachers.
– Bruce Hoy- Retired community member encouraging Board to provide steps to teachers and ensure teachers stay.
– Louanne Calvin- Teacher feeling discouraged and wants to know that the Board, “has her back.” She is committing to attend County Council meetings and sharing these same sentiments with the County Executive.
Old Business: Consent Agenda
– Minutes of previous Board Meeting: December 8, 2014
– Surplus of Board Property: Maryland Route 462 (Paradise Road) in Aberdeen, MD
– North Harford Elementary School – Baseball Diamond Modification
– Patterson Mill Middle/High School – School Dugouts
– C. Milton Wright High School – Student Memorial
New Business: Presentations
– Presentation on Recruitment and Retention by Mrs. Jean Mantegna
– Presentation of the Superintendent’s Proposed Operating Budget for FY2016, by Superintendent Barbara Canavan and Mr. Jim Jewell
– Presentation – Harford County Education Association (HCEA), by Mr. Ryan Burbey
Superintendent’s Report
– Thank you to administrators in attendance. Provided an opportunity for Mrs. Mantegna and Mr. Snyder to respond to Mr. Burbey’s presentation. Reiterated the purpose of annual school visits, open dialogue and continuous improvement and collaboration. Wishing everyone a wonderful holiday!
The next Board of Education business meeting will be held Monday, January 7, 2015 at 6:30pm. All Board meetings are held in the A. A. Roberty Building. To access all future meeting dates and agendas, log onto the school system website at
A couple of points of contrast and perspective here. So, the new CE is offering an inventive to have HCG employees retire and reduce labor costs with the hope of reducing some expenses as HCG and MD government receipts are actually running a lot lower than projected revenues to the tune of over $300 million. HCG is getting ready to deal with the decrease in funding that’s coming–the solution isn’t to increase taxes!
What is the BOE doing other than asking for yet more $$$ to fund operations. Keep in mind that less students are expected next year than this year. I know costs go up on some things and decrease in others (less in gas cost right now), BUT, the school system keeps asking for more. I know teachers haven’t received their contracted steps with the BOE, which isn’t HCG. Is the BOE going to try to offer retirements to top heavy administration? Are the newly elected BOE officials part of the same old culture of give me more $$$ just because or are they about to get real and deal with the fact that it is A FUTILE fight to do the same thing every year and expect a different result.
I AM for teacher raises when the $$$ are there and when the BOE actually trims its own fat to reduce costs. The solution isn’t to just ask for more money and “negotiate” a pay raise with the teachers and then putting the ball on HCG to fund their step increase. The system is insanely stupid! You would think smart people would come together and come up with a better process to determine what the county can do better and what the BOE can do MUCH better in maintaining operations. If there is such a decrease yearly in students, the BOE needs to look at closing and redistricting and stop using schools it doesn’t need to teach the student population.
26.3 million dollar increase. And this doesn’t include $18 million for a new HVAC system at fallston high or an entirely new Youths Benefit for $53 million.
Just the other day I was driving through Baltimore county and my elementary school from the 50’s is still standing and educating children? How is that possible. And how could an old school like Dulaney put out an astronaut that just returned from the ISS?
The reality is there are many people who are getting rich via the HCPS system and they have zero concern for the education of children. And there is a whole class of HCPS workers that do as little as possible in order to keep a paycheck rolling in. It’s pretty much the government worker mentality. Why bust your ass doing a job when you can split it up and get 2 people to do the same job at twice the price.
I’ve served in active duty Air Force, and in the Reserves, and continue to serve in the Maryland Air National Guard. I’ve served in deployments to both Iraq and Afghanistan, among many other trips. I’ve put myself through college, both undergraduate and graduate, all while raising a family and being a contributing member of societey. I AM A GOVERNMENT WORKER. I BUST MY BUTT EVERYDAY AND DO MORE THAN YOU KNOW. I’m sick and tired of this stereotype. Government and Private Sector are very similar. They both have their share of lazy and unmotivated workers so stop being ignorant. Its like me saying that all Jims in HIckory are uniformed and partisan to a particular point of view, despite reality.
As for teachers, they deserve a pay raise. Period. Figure it out Barry, BOE, and the council. Rise above the political excuses and do the right thing.
Actually, Jim in Hickory is blissfully happy in his ignorance. Pay him no mind, let those that feel as he does just live in their imaginary world. The issues with the BOE and their budget making process and tried and true dilemma happens yearly. I was commenting as to the current situation with the budget and what the CE is doing. My point is what is the BOE doing to keep costs down. I could care less what Jim in Hickory sticks thinks, feels or knows. He doesn’t matter because all he cares about is himself and his pocket.
Government workers telling us how hard they work. How cute.
Taxpayers telling us how hard to pay so much in taxes, even if the tax rate hasn’t increased in years. Taxpayers telling us how much gas costs, even though tax is lower now than in years. Tax payers telling us how bad the economy is doing, even though unemployment is below 6% which is near the 5% magic point. Taxpayers whining about government workers and government. Taxpayers wanting the same services for less money so they can go out to eat more often, pay hundreds a month for their smartphones and take nice vacations in the summer. Taxpayers being greedy, business paying less in taxes and ever. Government should go to a fee for service model so no one can get something for next to nothing. Make the water user, sewer and trash pay for the real cost of providing for clean water, disposal of trash and sewer clean up in a fee for service model. Charge real time $$ for inspections and permits. A $35 permit doesn’t cover the time spent by an inspector to complete a required (by law) punch card. Taxpayers should pay full price for police, fire and snow removal…
Get rid of the waste and inefficiency of government and all those prices will come down. Funny how that works, but from the inside you can’t see the reality of the situation. You are convinced you need more to do less.
If taxpayers aren’t paying for state and local government who is footing the bill?
Taxpayers are currently footing most of the bill, but future taxpayers will foot that part of the bill that is over and above the current tax collections. That bill is currently being paid for by investors who buy the bonds and collect interest that is passed along to future taxpayers.
Interesting so the answer to “who’s footing the bill”? is taxpayers.
Always. Current and future, along with consumers who purchase products and services of business who pass along their tax burden to the consumers.
Gas taxes are not lower – consumption is due to increase in fuel efficiency.
B+ is an F-
The employment number you quote has nothing to do with our current misery. There are over 90 million working age people who are not working and have given up trying to find a job. Those folks aren’t in the unemployment figures. Add those folks to those collecting unemployment and you have almost 100 million working age people that can’t find a job. No wonder almost 50 million people are collecting food stamps.
You’re a government clown.
I rarely agree with anything you say, Jim. However you do make a good point. We have become obsessed with new and shiny buildings. If you look at what Baltimore County, and even Cecil County does, they renovate an existing structure and save millions.
Maryland projected revenue down by $271 million, budget shortfall $1.2 Billion (fiscal years 2015 – 2016, as reported by Peter Franchot, MD Comptroller).
There is no money. When you read the BOE request for increases like this it only reinforces the stereotype of government as cynical, selfish and stupid.
Not the government so much; just the BOE and, along with them, the HCEA. Can’t figure out how to make do with what they have; just walk around with their hands out.
And I’ve been out of work for a year and a half thanks to government mishandling of the economy; so I know what it’s like to make do with less — with a LOT less.
I think part of that period of umemployment falls back in you.
There are plenty of good jobs out there, so why so long to get back into the workforce?
Methinks a hint of laziness or stubbornness on your part, eh? You worked at a particular job, got comfortable, and now will not accept anything less? Until then, you are fine on unemployment – the true money for nothing.
You cannot comment on hardship and the fault of the government to keep you employed when it appears that you have not done anything for yourself.
A year and a half? Really? There are Help Wanted signs all over the county. You must be holding out for management.
Sounds like you haven’t been looking too hard.
Stop commenting and get off your lazy butt and find a job. There are plenty of them out there.
I heard they’re building a walmart in bel air apply there.
A lot of people try to compare public education to the private sector but that’s not a realistic comparison. The state constitution requires access to public education so public schools can’t go out of business. Private companies go out of business if they can’t be competitive with other similar business salaries. So what happens when a public school system can’t be competitive with other school systems? Since the schools can’t shut down you get a less competent work force because the best will go where the money is.
Also private companies cut work force and salaries to increase revenue so they can build the company back up again to increase salaries and work force. Public schools do not have a revenue to increase. They are completely dependent on government funds (taxes). Anyone want to share how public schools are anything like the private sector?
For all of you posters who are against increases in funding for government services, you get what you pay for. Scant public transportation, overworked police and fire, unmotivated work force, and less competent teachers. So go ahead and be against the increases and you will see this community continue to crumble as the next generation that has received a lesser education than the previous will leave the county for other places that offer a better way of life. Just remember, you get what you pay for.
Paying lazy people more money in hopes they will magically become competent is just silly.
“you get what you pay for” – the worst of the worst governmental tropes. Cynical, selfish and stupid. Obviously, the declarations of Franchot are beyond your comprehension.
Where are you going to go? What are you going to do? When the only full time, good paying jobs with benefits are the government jobs you already have, again I ask: where will you go and what will you do?
The fatted calf was devoured years ago and the last administration merely picked the bones clean. There isn’t enough money to pay for what we are currently doing let alone give more. The insanity is beyond the pale.
It has actually risen to the level of humor. Hey! Go ahead and get some politician to try and squeeze more money. Good luck. If you do get it, I suggest you save it for the near future when you have no job at all.
Echo of the many faces of egoism,
I detect the scent of familiar tripe from the “meister” of tripe himself.
I agree, that does sound like his drivel.
Say there Yabba – Dabba – Doo! As a Fred Flintstone intellect wannabe, I gather the democrat Comptroller report goes over your head. But why should you let the facts stand in your way.
BLS statistics show that for US citizens, jobs since 2007 have shrunk by 1.7 million. Whatever jobs that have been created have mostly gone to immigrants legal and illegal. And, those jobs are by and large part time with no benefits.
So, smirk your way along and pretend you’re making a point. It doesn’t change a thing: no jobs, no opportunity and obviously… no money. Keep your government job while you can. Or, don’t keep your job. A bath of reality is coming your way anyhow.
Stick and stones – ouch! Your buffoonery somehow still amuses me. I guess even a broken clock is right a couple times a day.
No doubt, cashing checks for “memorials” is also a big waste of money. Its chump change in comparison but it all adds up.
I await the many thumbs down, insensitive, intolerant, bigot, and various other name calling based on my opinion about a “memorial.” Hah Hah Hah.
Actually, some of the thumbs down you have received are due to your poor comprehension of the text. As stated in the Informational Report accessible by the link in the article:
“The C. Milton Wright High School Class of 2014 would like to memorialize the passing of one of their students, Ms. Taylor Katherine Duff (TK to her friends) by purchasing and installing four benches to be placed near the main entrance to the school.”
Which checks are to be cashed? What adds up? I see no cost to the school system.
Look in the mirror – the chump here has nothing to do with the change.
Say what? You think because you read something on the internet its true? You think because of some random meeting publication thats what they really are gonna do?
You think every penny is accounted for dont’cha? Cheyeah…
Get rid of the Department of Education, keep that money local and pay teachers more.
When I read about new school construction projects and pay increases for teachers, I think of parochial schools whose teaches make far less annually and work in far older buildings. Yet parochial school children are thriving and getting into the high schools and colleges of their choice. The public school system could learn a lesson in budgeting and coming together for the children from private and parochial schools.
Private schools get to pick their kids. Let’s try an experiment. Let’s take all the kids at Joppatowne and put them in John Carroll and vice versa and see the results.
Indeed. But lets go one step further. Lets include in the swap all of the teachers, guidance counselors, and school administration staff. Just place them in a different building. See if the building makes any difference.
That would not be a controlled experiment. The building doesn’t make a difference. I bet the whole faculty and staff of John Carroll would fail miserabley and probably do worse at educating the student body as is of Joppatowne High School.
You want to know why private schools succeed….well first of all parents actually care and are directly involved in their child’s education and do not just assume the school will raise them and educate them….then private schools are not required to follow the nonsense curriculum that comes out every couple of years (common core is a disaster and nothing but a money maker for some) which is shoved down your throat by politicians and department of education….and lastly private schools do not have to put up with out of control kids that cannot behave. they simply kick them out! they don’t have to make special exceptions for poor little johnny that needs to throw temper tantrums because he doesn’t want to take a test. i have direct knowledge of what goes on in a particular elementary school and I know most parents would be horrified to know what happens in regular classrooms without any emotional disturbed kids in it. You don’t have to be rich to send your child to a private school…it depends on how much you value your child’s education? do you have to go on numerous vacations or buy new cars or do you want to give your child the best education you can afford. Remember this comment….Common core will be a disaster!!!! just you wait…
This once proud education system is now 17th or something in the world rankings…behind some south american nations. and Maryland being ranked #1 public schools is a joke! if we’re #1 then the bar is set quite low…most of that ranking is just made up of how much money we throw at the problem….nothing to do with test scores. it’s all smoke and mirrors coupled with the corrupt bureaucrats and administrators making tons of money off the system.
go ahead and give me all the thumbs down you want…truth hurts doesn’t it!
You are obviously unaware that private schools — Catholic schools in particular — take on the students with whom public schools lose their patience and leave by the side of the road (so much for No Child Left Behind). And somehow, Catholic schools manage to turn these kids around and make them successful students where the public schools just threw up their collective hands. But I’m sure that fact escapes you.
Well, I went to catholic school and by no means do they “take people in”…it’s not a charity. Public schools don’t throw their hands up as you put it…they pass them through. You are so wrong with your assumption. My wife works in the school system here so I actually have first hand knowledge of how those kids are treated. They get bounced from class to suspension to the psychologist office to home schooling and then back to the classroom. It’s a revolving door because the teachers and school cannot get rid of a student. Every child in the county is entitled to a public education. My school didn’t take on projects like troubled students. They would never compromise the classroom with an out of control child. That’s if the child even tests to get in since private schools are typically at least one grade ahead of public schools at any given grade. public schools are full of kids that they cannot get rid of….but by law they are allowed to stay and staff simply puts up with their behavior because mommy might get a lawyer! The teacher simply rides out the year knowing they won’t have to deal with little Johnny anymore.
Are you kidding? Catholic schools “take in” those who can’t hack it in public schools? That is one of the most unintelligent things I have seen on the Dagger, and there have been a lot of them. Catholic schools take in people who can pass the entrance exams and pay the tuition. What part of that says “public school failure”?
What crack you smoking? I am sure LBA and Calvert Hall and IND and Notre Dame Prep are taking these throw away students!
What are you talking about? Public schools can’t just kick kids out and Catholic (or any other type of private school) doesn’t just take in whoever does manage to be such a problem that they get expelled from a public school.
Typically in Harford County the real problem kids end up at daytime alt-ed at Aberdeen. If they can’t hack it there then they end up in night time alt-ed and have to spend a whole 2-3 hours a day in school and the rest of the day a lot of them just screw around. Public schools are required to provide an education to every student and it’s only in very extreme cases where one gets completely expelled (and those kids are most definitely not ending up at private schools…they end up slinging dope, committing robberies, etc full time.)
You want to know why most private schools usually have more successful students? It’s because they can pick and choose who they let in to begin with and if you aren’t up to snuff academically or cause too many disruptions once you manage to get in then you get booted back to public school. It makes a big difference if your typical student comes from a stable household with parents who are actively involved in their children’s success instead of students who are allowed to run wild at home and never do any of their schoolwork.
The reason that private schools are “thriving”, as you put it, is because by and large those students come from families on the right side of the economic divide whose parents value education. Many public school students could be capable of great things were they afforded the same opportunities and had positive support from their families.
Which is exactly why there are success stories that come out of even the most sorry or schools when you look at the overall record. The education opportunity is there if the child and parent(s) really want it.
Old schools do not have the ability to produce intelligent people that’s why harford county is knocking them down and building new ones. Or is it keeping old schools does not produce rich friends who get the contracts to build new ones?
if you look at some of the contracts, why are they replacing HVAC, chillers, boilers all the time, invest in preventive maintenance and start saving money
A lot of the HVAC work has been in schools which were open space and than closed off. Magnolia Middle used to have climate zones. One room was 90 and another room was 65 and a third was 60. The new system is more energy efficient and saves money. When they do HVAC work they are also fixing lighting etc!
There are some schools that have been around for a while. A commercial HVAC system has a shelf life. I don’t know what it is, but it is definitely not “life of the building”.
Which is precisely why paying teachers more and constructing beautiful modern buildings doesn’t improve academic success. Before pursuing those avenues, demonstrate how to improve academic success — that’s worth throwing money at!
Actually, paying teachers more is directly correlated to better schools. In some cases it is because better school districts have more money so they can pay their teachers more, but in other cases is it necessary to pay teachers more to keep them in poorer school districts (or poorer schools in mixed districts like Harford County).
At this point, there is no valid way to prove that any one thing will improve student success. There is no way to quantify all of the subjective reasons that impact a student’s success, from home environment to school environment to teacher quality to student engagement and a multitude of other, less obvious impacts.
Interestingly enough, I read an article last week about how educators in China, the #1 school system in the world according to the test taking measures, are now bemoaning how their education system has gotten those #1 rankings by stifling all individualism and creativity in exchange for emphasizing all those skills that lead to greater ability to take standardized tests. Be careful, America. You might get what you want at the expense of what you should value.
The ask for more $$$ every year without make any changes structurally to reduce their expenses. State pushed down teacher pension costs to the counties and HCG has to pay yet more towards those pensions until we cover 100% of the cost. BOE keeps supporting democrats for elected officials and the teachers union works under the old model of us vs. them.
I would like to see some accountability from the BOE instead of dumping their failure to plan and become more efficient on the teachers whom do deserve their raises. You can’t have the best teachers solely on the fact that Harford County is such a great place to live and work. Next to no raises in 8 years do not spell a WIN for our students.
Finally, someone with a post worth reading. Well stated.
Who did the BOE support for any office?
There will not be room in the budget for raises if HCPS doesn’t stop the bleeding throughout the system.
Schools need to be closed. Reduction in force must occur; mainly at the administration building. One example is at the very largely over- staffed and highly ineffective human resources department.
Reduce the facilities department. Eliminate travel allowances. Stop hiring. Don’t build Havre de Grace. Close Norrisville and Darlington.
Until they make drastic changes, no one gets a penny. I guarantee it!!!!!
Actually close Havre de Grace Middle and High and push them to Aberdeen and North Harford. Than move the overflow at Aberdeen to Edgewood and Patterson Mill and push outward to fill up Fallston. Some of the Edgewood kids can go to Fallston!
Actually close Joppatowne HS and Magnolia MS and shift to FHS, FMS, EHS and EMS. Then shift north.
I would agree except that the BOE just sunk money into both schools to fix HVAC and add facilties. The other plan would eliminate the need to build a new Havre de Grace High Middle!
Peeps dug in deep in well compensated, non school jobs in HCPS. Gonna’ be an effort to get a lot of the well paid, bi-annual leather chain replacement ass riders out of the system
Chair, not chain.
The bloat will be the last to go. What the government always does is cut things first that give the most pain to the public. In the private sector fat goes first, because otherwise the business suffers. In government nobody cares if it works or not. So, the lard-asses will sit at their desks while trucks are parked and potholes aren’t filled. Same too with education – expect classrooms to swell and activities to go. But don’t expect to lose one lazy-ass administrator.
Argueably athletics and activities are fat. They are not the main mission of schools!
All of you bring up great points. I wonder how it is that every county is feeling this budget crunch, yet Harford is the only county in our area that seems to bave a BOE that can’t make due with the money given. I am sure that Baltimore and Cecil would like more money than they receive from their respective counties, yet their BOEs can give teachers raises AND take care of the daily expenses of running a school system. My question is what is HCPS doing wrong?
Baltimore County government gave $1,000 of local funds per student!!!!!
It is interesting that the folks from central office seem to go to conferences a few times a month. Where does that money come from? Do teachers or students really ever see the benefit of these lavish trips?
Waste exudes from the Harford County Public School……..from focusing on bricks and mortar……to paying administrators a salary while they are placed on indefinite leave… paying administrators salary to administrators that have been reassigned as a teacher…… spending thousands completing a comprehensive wage/salary study which everyone already knew……to paying thousands to incompetent lawyers….and on and on. Each act of 1,000’s of dollars adds up. Also, HCPS is one of the few districts that has Instructional Facilitators, that receive an administrators pay mind you. Cutting them alone would save approximately $1,000,000.
A lot of waste, causing lots of teacher strife, but nobody in the BOE wants to hear it. You speak up and you get land blasted and threatened by either central office staff and/or local administration. It’s a lose-lose situation for all involved……..but the finger pointing needs to end!!
keeping it real,
You are the one pointing fingers. There are many issues with the BOE and the process and HCG is part of the problem as well. Fact, is that HCG hasn’t approached giving a step raise to teachers in 5 years. It needs to end, BOE needs to close a couple of schools and achieve some savings that way, increase class sizes and take away preferential school boundaries that cost HCPS money. Once you shake the status quo then the parents will be upset enough to demand sufficient funding to pay the teachers and staff their earned steps. Until that happens the BOE and HCG will keep playing the same game of please give me raise? and No we can’t afford it!! Cecil County pays their teachers more than Harford County, that’s a fact and Harford County is quickly becoming a school of last resort
Mostly Blue,
I agree that HCG is also part of the problem!! However, I also agree that bricks and mortar, new buildings and renovations appear to be more of a priority than the human capital. I, too, agree that low capacity schools need to be closed and program offers need to be limited in order to decrease spending. Those are several options that the BOE refuses to attempt and instead balances the budget on the teachers and students backs.
And Glassman needs to man up and pay teachers and employees raises even it means raising taxes! Harford County taxpayers have gotten away with highway robbery the past few years thanks to the great recession. HCG actually has a fund reserve over $100 million, to keep our stellar bond rating so they can borrow more money to build more stuff, meanwhile the employees should just be thankful to have a job!!! Give me my dam raise.
Numbers of $95 million reserve fund as of 2012 and I don’t believe that the county has tapped into the fund at all, in fact the fund has increased year to year for the past 10 years. The last time income tax piggyback taxes were increased was in 2001 and are still below the state’s average.. HGC has the funds to pay teachers and employees and I would venture to say even refund some of this huge pile of cash to the taxpayer. The county is advised to keep 5% in rainy day fund to remain stable. This amount is over 25% or five times more than required.
Lets make sure we have the facts before everyone throws a bunch of ideas out that aren’t possible. First something like 80% of hcps’s budget is for payroll and benefits. If you think that other 20% hasn’t been cut to the bone then you are misinformed. Also things like technology, fuel, and energy costs continue to go up. A budget in all areas should at least cover the rate of inflation.
Second most buildings are at 75% capacity or higher. Moving kids to the other schools, with longer drives isn’t just going to happen. Especially when some of the schools listed are already at a high capacity rate.
If you think understaffed buildings with high student numbers is a successful strategy then you are misinformed again.
Tough decisions need to be made by both hcps, and hcg. The only way I see raises coming to hcps is thru staffing cuts. More teachers will leave this year, probably close to last years numbers if not higher. Remember some schools started with long term subs, not a good thing. Lastly it might be time for hcg to look at some type of tax increase. Property taxes haven’t changed in a long time.
Some of those vacancies are still filled by long term subs and a few have even had multiple people in that position.
The teachers who are performing should get a salary increase. I do disagree that all areas of the budget should get at least a COLA increase. There is stuff that is being done that needs to stop being done or it needs to be scaled back. That is true in every organization and it is true in HCPS. Other things need to be expanded. But in a n environment where the total public school enrollment is falling the budget must inevitably do likewise.
Where’s Burbey? No, wait, who cares?
How do you measure if a teacher is performing? Also which things do you think need to stop?
Employee performance reviews? Those are internal, private HR related issues, grievances, personal problems, other various things that lead to termination, tranfers, written up, etc.
You measure teacher performance based on student performance and parental feedback.
Politically correct. Its also demographic related too, if you are a teacher with a majority poor performing students in a Northern Harford County School, you have problems.
That work?
If not, then I will assume every harford county teacher is perfect, and there are no bad apples.
You do realize that there are plenty of bad apples in every school…even the “northern” ones. You are very naive to think even the best schools don’t have emotionaly disturbed kids…that are not in special classes. They are right in with the regular classroom. You also don’t have a clue into what exactly happens in classrooms’. Teachers have no control over some of the out of control kids they are forced to educate.
Guess you never heard of tongue in cheek, rick? My comment went way over your head into left field.
You don’t have much of a clue about anything either.
The question is are you going to come back and reply and “tell me how it is”?
LOL….who the hell can tell if you are stating something “tongue in cheek” with text! who even says that but an old person or some lonely twat that doesn’t get laid very much….I’m not going to argue with a d-bag such as yourself. continue to live that sad and pathetic life of yours….. I’m out!
Rick, its pretty hilarious and shows your lack of character you stoop to personal insults and name calling.
The teachers deserve a raise and are not the problem. The problem is there is 1 HCPS employee for every 6 students, enrollment is dropping and job positions are growing.
This isn’t tough math people.
The real problem is HC doesn’t value education, teachers or public service enough. With a reserve fund of over $100 million, the county can’t say it can’t afford to pay its teachers or employees. It wouldn’t even require a tax increase… go figure..
Its obvious “rick” is your typical bigot Harford county white male. Restoring to childish insults and overall poor people skills.