From the Harford County Health Department:
Bel Air, MD – December 18, 2014 – The first Maryland deaths related to hypothermia this season have been reported, according to the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DHMH) and the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner (OCME). Among the five cases, none have, as yet, occurred in Harford County. However, with the worst of winter conditions yet to be seen, the Harford County Health Department urges precautions and provides recommendations for health and safety.
Harford County Health Officer, Susan Kelly, reminds the public that, “Taking extra measures to prevent exposure to colder temperatures can mean the difference between enjoyment of winter activities and serious injury or even death. Prolonged exposure to the cold can drain your strength and rob you of the ability to make sound judgments regarding your health and safety. Preparedness is crucial does not need to be expensive.”
Cold temperatures can cause a person’s body to lose heat faster than it is produced, causing hypothermia, or a dangerously low body temperature. Symptoms include shivering, exhaustion, confusion, fumbling hands, memory loss, slurred speech, and drowsiness and danger increases when individuals become wet. Babies with hypothermia have bright red, cold skin, and very low energy.
Frostbite, another cold-weather concern, refers to damage caused when body tissue becomes frozen. This can occur any time skin temperature gets much below 32ºF. Areas of the body most likely to freeze are toes, fingers, ears, cheeks and the tip of the nose.
Persons at greatest risk for both conditions include those with impaired circulation, the elderly, the very young and anyone who remains in cold conditions for prolonged periods, whether outside or indoors. Individuals experiencing any of these symptoms should seek prompt medical attention.
The Health Department recommends the following for dressing to stay warm and to remain safe:
Dress In Layers:
–Wear a base layer of “wicking” fabric that keeps your skin dry and prevents a clammy feeling.
–Wear an insulating layer such as a vest or shirt made of fleece or wool
–When outdoors, add an outer layer that is windproof and water-resistant
–Wear briefs made of synthetic fabric, preferably nylon or polyester since cotton-blended fabrics hold moisture and do not dry quickly.
–Wear tights, winter-weight hose or long thermals made of silk or polypropylene when temperatures are below 30 degrees Fahrenheit or when windy.
Keep Your Hands and Feet Warm
–Wear thermal mittens or gloves.
–Wear boots or shoes that are waterproof, have a flexible sole and that do not pinch your feet.
–Consider wearing a hiking sock offering a wicking polypropylene liner underneath a wool oversock and be careful not to wear sox so padded and bulky that they crowd your toes in your shoes, cutting off circulation.
Protect Your Head, Eyes, Lips, Skin, Neck and Face.
–Wear hats, hoods and scarfs that can be used to cover your mouth and nose to prevent warmth leaving the body from the head
–Wear sunglasses that will protect eyes from wind and sun glare.
–Use lip balm, skin lotion and sunscreen to protect your skin from chapping and sun damage
The Health Department also urges families to review emergency preparedness and communications plans and to have emergency supply kits in their homes and vehicles. Each family member should know what to do and how to contact others should an emergency arise. Home emergency supply kits should include unexpired food items, bottled drinking water, medical supplies and batteries. Vehicles should contain items such as heavy blankets, water, nonperishable food, a flashlight and a snow shovel. More information on emergency preparedness is available at
From December through March, MD DHMH monitors temperature conditions and incidences of cold related illnesses and deaths. To see the weekly reports, visit This site also includes the State Cold Weather Emergency Plan and fact sheets on cold weather health issues, carbon monoxide, driving tips for extreme cold weather and the warning signs of a heart attack. These fact sheets are available for download in English and eight other languages.
Additional information also is available at or by visiting the Harford County Health department website at
Seems to me that they just gave us a bunch of common sense?
you should always wear underwear after November 1
Are we going to have a white Christmas