From the Harford County Sheriff’s Office:
The Harford County Sheriff’s Office is proud to announce that two members of the sniper team took first place in a national sniper competition. Deputy First Class Greg Jordan and Deputy First Class Tom Wehrle won the Fort Meade Sniper Competition in early June.
The competition involved ten events across five days that included an obstacle course, a gas mask shoot, and various target shoots. Wehrle and Jordan placed in the top three of all the events, except one. Involved in the competition were 30, two person teams of snipers from other local jurisdictions, Maryland State Police, the FBI, NSA and the Army Special Forces. Jordan was also ranked the top shooter for the entire competition.
Wehrle has been with the Harford County Sheriff’s Office since 2008, with eight years of prior law enforcement experience with another local jurisdiction. He is the Sniper Team leader and is also a member of the Harford County Sheriff’s Office’s Community Action Response Team.
Jordan has been with the Harford County Sheriff’s Office since 2006. He is the Assistant Team Leader of the Harford County Sheriff’s Office’s Special Response Team. He is also a member of the Community Action Response Team.
This was the second year the pair competed together in the Fort Meade Sniper Competition. In 2013 they placed second.
Way to go guys!!! Congrats!
Congrats! Very proud to heard this news. I hope these comments stay positive and dont turn into a political fight. Lets just praise these officers for a job well done.
Good job. Now to protect the county council from the terrorists that seem to hang around there!
The “lone wolf” types!
I imagine a sniper team would definitely keep citizens away from the DAIS…..That would be an interesting Council Meeting wouldn’t it!
Where did the Vietnam era uniforms come from, is sunny surplus still around.
For everybody giving me thumbs down I’m going to quote a very tough guy “Lay Off and Back Off”
too bad it wasn’t a taser competition. seven of you could have ganged up on one target and made national news?…, but seriously boys, try to remember, unarmed citizens can’t shoot back.
It is not these talented young men you should concern yourself with. They are well trained, patient shooters. They actually get the bad guy. Congrats to them.
It is the guy/gal who only marginally qualifies at 10 yards and can’t physically defend themselves who are the danger. The minute they ‘feel threatened’ – Bang! Bang! Bang! …. until they empty the magazine.
Lay off !!! They are two fine officers who don’t get involved in office politics and do not get citizen complaints. I am going to guess that you would not know what is is like to be a police officer for a number of reasons. Could one of the reasons be you that your background would not permit it, you are not smart enough, or are you just a couch potato puss. What ever the reason back off!!!
106, you are very scary, I’m sure dissenter is really shaking in his boots. You are the true definition of a tough guy.
LOl yeah he is… ask his many wives or girlfriends or things on the side…. he’s the epitome of integrity and a man’s role model
Seriously, congrats Deputies for the fine job and representing the HCSO. Both the members of the department and the public are proud of you. Please be safe in your duties.
Things on the side sound interesting, So, 106 tell us about things on the side.
I guess Jeff will take credit for this since it was awarded on his watch.
I don’t see jeffs name there anywhere. If he wanted credit don’t you think his name would have been included somewhere? The question I have is why didn’t L.Jesse make sure these guys were recognized for such an accomplishment back in June??? Maybe because it involved scary guns???
My guess is that it was sent to Bane’s desk for approval first and it just sat there. Sheriff Gahler has only just now been able to dig deep enough into the pile of papers left behind by Bane to get to this now.
I would hope that Jordan and Wehrle would take credit for the win. After all, they pulled the trigger. They honor your Sheriff’s Office but the credit is solely theirs…..
Good job! Congrats.
Scary to think harford county needs a sniper team.
They practice at the shooting gallery on the boardwalk in OC.
Tough competition and impressive win. Should give potential hostage takers something to think about.
Republican voters are the only thing scarier than a sniper team because, everyone knows the first thing that happens to a hostage taker is a bullet to the head.
Actually that’s the second thing. The first thing that happens is a request to the hostage taker to release the hostage and you will not be harmed if you cooperate. When you don’t release the hostage and cooperate, then we shoot you in the head.
May be, but a republican voter thinks the real deterrent is getting shot by the cops.
For the most part, getting shot in the head by a police sniper will deter you from further hostage taking. 🙂