From the Harford Campaign for Liberty:
Dick Slutzky thinks you are dangerous.
He thinks he needs laws to insulate himself from YOU.
That’s right — he wants to restrict your ability to talk to him at County Council meetings. And not only that, he wants to prohibit you from talking with other County Council members as well.
Slutzky has rammed through a rule that will prohibit ANY member of the public from addressing their member of the Harford County Council at a public Council meeting — inserting bureaucrats between Harford Citizens and their County Councilman.
Slutzky cited “threats of lone terrorists” and “international terrorism” in his excuse for why nobody will be allowed to talk to their duly-elected County Councilman at public meetings.
All this in spite of not a single threat or disturbance at any Council meetings in recent history.
Even though every person who enters the Harford County Taxpayer-owned structure for a Council meeting must undergo a metal detector scan, Slutzky has ruled that the politicians need to be protected from very dangerous people — people like YOU!
Call Council President Slutzky at 410-638-3532 and then click here to email Council President Slutzy and tell him to stand up for the citizens of Harford County. Tell him to encourage citizen participation in government instead of stifling it!
A local news source reported “Slutzky said he understands that people might want to interact with elected officials and is giving thought to allowing council members to leave the dais after meetings to talk to the public and the press.”
Doesn’t President Slutzky understand that he owes his position and his paycheck to that same public?
Call Council President Slutzky right now at 410-638-3532 and tell him not to build walls of bureaucracy between citizens and their representatives. You can also email him at
Council President Slutzky didn’t stop with banning citizens from approaching the politicians in the name of security — he also announced a new policy that bans Harford Citizens from directly addressing their own elected official.
The newly created “Spokesperson” position means that communication to your Councilman is intercepted by a career bureaucrat in order to ‘control the messaging.’
Friends, if you want to be silenced for the next four years, go ahead and do nothing.
But if you want to continue to have access to your locally elected officials, make your voice heard NOW before it is too late.
In Liberty,
The Harford County Campaign for Liberty Steering Committee
It takes a special kind of idiot to claim :
“Slutzky has rammed through a rule that will prohibit ANY member of the public from addressing their member of the Harford County Council ”
Then give out his publicly known email and phone number where you can get in touch with him.
What is wrong with you people?
Bill H,
Maybe you like being a ring-kissing slave and not being able to hold your publicly elected officials accountable. Elected officials are supposed to work for us, not the other way around. “Terrorism” is a bull$hit blanket excuse for the gov. to do anything they want. If Tricky Dicky is so afraid of citizens speaking their mind against his agenda then maybe he shouldn’t have ran for office and become a public figure.
This “rule” is in direct violation of the first amendment. Tricky Dicky Slutzky should be impeached for violating the basic principle of freedom of speech and charged with a civil liberties violation.
Well TPP I would suggest you take your first amendment rights and use the numbers provided by the liberty morons who say you can’t talk to him and express your displeasure of not being able to express your first amendment rights.
Somehow I guess you will not see the irony.
I think dick can handle himself, he is a Marine, a wrestling champion, and skilled in martial arts!
Dick is a vet?
Then why did he run for a seat on the council? You know what folks, don’t vote for him again. I am so tired of the idiots that run for government offices that have no more clue as to their role than a 2 year old child. Fed up.
See Dick run for office, See Dick get elected by the tea baggers and campaign for themselves (or Liberty, or freedom from paying taxes?) and see Dick run as fast as he can. Memo to the hazard county voters, just because you vote them in, doesn’t mean that they need to talk to you. Did you think you were electing an advocate? Nope, his job is to govern and vote on legislation before the council. His job isn’t to interfere on your behalf before zoning decisions. Keep voting republican or one party system and you will get a sense of entitlement, not on their behalf but on yours.
Ditto on the hidden comment. hazard county folks don’t like being told they got punked by the system.
God you’re stupid.
“Steering Committee” when will these cowards stop hiding behind their fake steering committee? Come on McGrady and DeLong, grow a pair….
… Says the dude who calls himself JP. Lol.
Still no public word from the Dick on this issue. No press release?
There was a statement from Slutzky on the Dagger about this, in which he sheepishly said he went about the entire debacle the wrong way.
WBAL covered the walk back this morning. Guess Slutzky got a ton of negative responses. And rightfully so.
The whole “Terrorism” thing is a joke. Does anybody really think a terrorist is going to attack a Harford County Council member? No. As far as the lone wolf thing, if you stop screwing people over you don’t have anything to worry about! Nothing but more fear tactics to get a selfish agenda passed. I fail to see how citing international terrorism or a lone wolf as a legitimate excuse for this nonsense. If you are afraid of the public, you probably shouldn’t have run for a public office.
What I’m sick of is the whole “terrorist”, “lone wolf” talk… any time someone blows up or shoots up a market or public gathering the evening news should be “another gullible halfwit took his own life to harm others in a misguided and ultimately ineffectual attempt to promote his lunatic belief system”. Why feed into the ego that wants the attention and moniker “terrorist”? “Lone wolf”… seriously? Why feed into some pathetic loser’s psychosis to have him believe he’ll be remembered as a “lone wolf”? All these monsters should have their identities completely wiped from the public record and their names never spoke again. There should be a campaign to educate these idiots that just because some old man that can’t even read the Koran in it’s original form says you’ll go to Paradise… well, maybe he’s really full of $hit.
“Slutzky has rammed through a rule that will prohibit ANY member of the public from addressing their member of the Harford County Council at a public Council meeting” — Can anyone possibly provide the link to the documentation for this rule? I checked the Council website but was unable to locate it.
according to the Sun On-Line this morning, Slutzky has rescinded the order.
I found the video of the latest council meeting. Around the 25 minute mark of the video they discuss security concerns:
He seems a little uncomfortable talking about it and it seems as if the suggestions were made by law enforcement and not himself (my interpretation).
Also, the council members are free to leave the dais to talk to citizens, the press, etc., after council meetings.
Welp the approach rule has been abandoned. So I guess this now makes Slutsky a wonderful politician.
Well done at making yourselves look foolish, you people are just too easy.
Actually, there was nothing “foolish” about pointing out a dumb rule. Its gone now, then good. The Slutster heard the people’s outrage and did away with it. That’s called serving the people correctly and there is nothing foolish about that……
You must have missed the outrage that he didn’t listen to the people.
Slutsky played them like a cheap violin, the man is a genius.