From Omar J. Simpson, Esq.:
Shocking…But Not So Shocking
As a longtime, Edgewood, Aberdeen and Joppa residents have often been treated in a dismissive manner by local politicians. It is no surprise to me that the new Harford Council security policy was never discussed.
Edgewood residents are often ignored and have policies acted upon them with little or no say or warning. This is the new reality for those who put this new Council in power…no say before it does what it wants to do.
I don’t know about you, but I for one want my Council members to talk to the public and Council Members before and after meetings. How can you serve us when we cant talk to you? Ridiculous!
Talking to our Council:
– Creates Connection and Trust
– Ensures citizens is heard and understood.
– Shows representative is willing to take the time to listen and foster the relationship.
How can you represent someone you are not willing to talk to face-to-face at meetings?
I for one believe Sheriff Bane. I have dealt with him for years and, though we occasionally clashed, he has always been a man of integrity. I do not know the new Sheriff nearly as well, but the fact that he is willing to put his life on the line for others says multitudes. I believe him as well.
You cant be afraid of the people you claim to represent! That is impossible. We have knowledgeable Sheriffs who have successfully protected the Council for years, we should not put additional barriers between the people and their chosen representatives!
Get rid of this nonsensical rule. If the Councilman is too frightened to talk directly to the people, he or she should resign from office and let someone with a little more intestinal fortitude serve.
I recall a time when the late Roni Chenoweth was a member of the council and her constituents routinely came to her home if there was an issue that they really needed help with. She never turned them away or hid behind a black curtain. I’m not saying that council members must invite the public to their homes. However, they should very clearly understand who it is they work for…the very people who believed in them enough to vote for them. If the public want to talk to a council person after the meeting, what is the problem with that? If security is such an issue, what corrective action have they taken with the Sheriff’s office to resolve it?
I didn’t vote for Slutzky because I do not approve of his politics. The way he has handled some issues I find very disturbing, such as strong arming the county to build Red Pump Elem instead of near Rt. 22 where it is sorely needed. I am also disturbed about the way he has handled the Eva Mar debacle. I was surprised, quite frankly, that he won, given his many antics.
I agree with you, Slutzky should not be the council president. If you watched the meeting on TV Wednesday night, you can see the antics that are going on, it was almost like they or he did not acknowledge Curtis sitting there at the end of the table. They are there for us, not for thier benefit. Or maybe some of them are only there for politcal gain. If I can’t talk to my rep, why do I need them.
I have met with the Council President and the other Council Members and we are working to straighten this out. After Council meetings I will be on the floor regardless to talk to people; anyone and everyone is welcome to approach me.
Mike Perrone Jr.
Council Member for District A
(410) 638-3521 (office)
(443) 963-9554 (cell)
I think Diogenes can put out his lantern, we’ve found an honest man in Harford County government.
Don’t let them corrupt you, Mr. Perrone!
Nice posting a general email to you office Mr. Perrone that no doubt your personal assistant would be checking for you.
I got a suggestion, why don’t you post your direct Harford county email so you us the taxpayers can get in touch with you directly!!! what say you??? Since I am a rank and file member, Can I do it for you? it isn’t like classified information, is it??
Nice job Rank n file!!!
What don’t you like about it? Hands off the republican council? I don’t think so! These guys need to be exposed for what they are which is nothing but show and no action. Mike Jr, if you are going to be so forthcoming and sincere about it back it up with your own email…
Here’s my additional contact info:
direct county e-mail:
personal e-mail:
county cell: don’t have yet
personal cell: 443 963 9554
I give out the DistrictA email address because both I and my legislative aide check it, but anyone is welcome to reach me via any of the above.
Thank you Mr. Perrone! Hope the rest of the council is just as forthcoming about their contact information.
Well, the District A Representative pretty much just took the throw-down by ‘rank and file’, and made it his b1tch.
Awesome! LOL
It’s all in the name
Council – the representatives of a government who guard the welfare of its citizens not who guard against its citizens. .
When will the signs be erected when you enter the county that read.
Welcome Comrade to Harford County where we violated you constitutional right and will punish you if you talk to our elected officials
Presented by Comrade Dick Slutzky and the rest of poltiburo.
Constitutional Rights have been a myth in Harford County for as long as I can remember. When you are in the jurisdiction of a corrupt Sheriff’s Department, State’s Attorney Office and Court system, what do you expect? Your local politicians are just following the same Nazi ideology that is already established within the rest of the county. When you have police breaking the law and not being held accountable for their actions, what do you expect? When you have a State’s Attorney Office that persecutes using perjury as a weapon of justice, what do you expect? When you have a Court system that is more interested in using the Constitution and the Bill of Rights as a means of wiping their buttocks instead of protecting the citizens against the persecution of the aforementioned, what do you expect? I think everyone’s expectations of change are completely and utterly laughable. Almost as laughable as the mere thought that there is any semblance of Constitutional Rights in Harford County. Really, what did you all expect?
Just because YOU had a bad experience, does not mean the entire county is corrupt.
If your appeal gets overturned, then you have NO REASON TO GRIPE, WHINE and COMPLAIN INCESSANTLY!
Truth be told, Council President Slutzky is being a gentleman in this matter. There problem is the truth, most likely, won’t be revealed.
Oops, meant to write the problem is…..
So how exactly is he being a “gentleman” in this matter? By hiding behind a new security rule and using the terrorism card to an extreme?
I can’t believe they have taken away the right of the people to speak during the council meetings. We have the right to freedom of speech
You mean, you thought you had the Right to Freedom of Speech. I guess you don’t anymore, at least not during County Council meetings. Why would the County Council want to listen to its constituents during its meetings? What real good would the opinions of the citizens of Harford County mean to them anyway? You all voted and that’s all they really wanted from you! Once their in its their job to sin. Sad but true…..
Brother, you have it wrong. Voting is not all that they want from you…
They want you to pay your taxes too.
I could have sworn that the rule was that citizens could no longer approach the dais after meetings, not that they could not stand at the microphone and speak during the open comment portion of the meetings like they always have. You may disagree with the new policy (and I do as well) but it is disingenuous to state that the policy bans something that it does not.
Wait, are you saying the Council will allow us to speak directly to “DEEZ”?
What the frick is a dais anyway? dais / deez, either way you look at it, there is a Dick at the center.
Is this the same BillH that wants the county to simply seize people’s lands to widen roads, the same BillH that made ridicule of citizens concerns who live in and around Eva Mar, the same BillH that has repeatedly suggested that we, the citizens have no say in development or planning beyond it’s legality…that same BillH is now twisted over his rights to speak to his representative at a meeting? Wow…that’s weird. It’s protocol Bill and it’s legal so suck it up roach – it’s no different. I’d congratulate you for joining the thinking people but it’s clear when you’re all over the map like that it’s just about contrarianship.
Good god Dummy tree you are the one who get all hysterical about back room deals and now are all upset every thing must be on the record during the council meetings? WTF! . Try reading it again. No ones right has been taken away to speak “DURING THE MEETING” It merely points out how people like you and your inbred harford county morons have no clue what you are becoming indignant about.
Back to your ironing.
Only the second post I have read from the Honorable OJ Simpson, Esq.
The first, was one of the dumbest and most racially biased things I have read in The Dagger, but this one has a tone that you cannot argue with.
Well, unless you are Dick, then you can argue all you want about how much safer he is. With the threat of terrorism now facing the part-time Harford County Council, are we – the taxypayers – going to fund the overtime to station off-duty HCSO Deputies at the council members homes? You know, so that they can be afforded the protection from the “lone ranger” citizens? If so, then why? Dick is clearly stating that he does not trust the HCSO to protect the council during meetings by implementing the new rule.
I know, he is going to hire Blackwater to come in, right?
Also, I find it very refreshing that members of the council not only read The Dagger – but also take time to reply. Even more amusing is the fact that not one has come out in support of Dick’s new security guidelines. Mr. Perrone – THANKS!
Now if we could only get a meaningful press release from the Council President, that may go along way.
Thank you Mike Perrone for your fortitude to step forward with an honest and straight forward response.
I believe you will be an excellent Councilman for your district and Harford County.
Hey Omar, for once I agree w/u. If Mr. Slutzky is so afraid of the citizens of Har. Co. he should resign or be recalled. Mike Perrone Jr. for Council President.
Slutzky is paranoid and such people are frequently either making very bad decisions or are too risk-averse to make correct decisions. This is a dangerous set of qualities in any Council President. In case he missed it, there are two Deputies assigned to provide security at every Council meeting. They screen everyone at the entrance with a metal detector and have you empty your pockets as well. You can’t even bring a small penknife into Chambers. What is this Bad-A “Coach” so concerned about? Methinks he is blowing smoke about ‘personal safety’ and using that as a weak-kneed excuse for the real issue here: He doesn’t want us Commoners approaching the Elitist Dias.
The voters think these guys represent them and are their advocates. Not so! They were elected to govern and they need to make choices so they can become impartial to the needs and wants of individual militant voters. I think getting rid of the district system and the council presidency would actually make them represent the whole county instead of portions of it. I see it all the time when a call from a taxpayer, voter or resident is followed, I know my council person and I can call them. As if I base my decisions on government work on what some council person chump thinks of feels should be done. The council persons are now feeling the heat of being at the Dias, if you can’t stand the heat, get of the Dias!!!.
Don’t blame me, I voted for Jim Thornton. Most of you that are screaming and yelling about Slutzsky right now probably voted for him in the election.
I know a couple of these people did. I remember them posting how wonderful Dick was. I voted for Thornton. If Thornton had an R after his name, he would have won hands down against their guy Dick.
Then he should wise up and become a Republican.
Why wasn’t this revealed during the campaign to become council president?
Frankly, I’m disgusted by this action.
I have lost all respect for these so-called public servants.
Slutsky should most definitely resign.
There is no need for Slutsky to resign. Also, there is no need for you to pay any attention to some silly procedural rule about talking to council members.
Correct, don’t be concerned about the rule. Just remember to bow down and avert your eyes if you ever pass od buck-tooth in the supermarket.