Two months ago–prior to the election–they were eager to shake your hand and meet you, but now some members of the Harford County Council don’t want you calling them, don’t want you talking to them at the grocery store, and don’t want you approaching them to chat before or after the public council meetings.
Citing, among other things, “lone wolf activists” and potential terrorist attacks, Harford County Council President Richard Slutzky detailed a new proposed security plan Tuesday night, aimed at limiting the interaction between members of the county council, their constituents, and the press in the area near the council’s seating dias.
The Dagger broke the news Monday of the proposed security policy and, at the county council legislative session on Tuesday night, Slutzky took the blame for a wave of negative fallout over the proposal, calling it a “blunder.” Slutzky said his mistake was failing to mention that county council members are free to leave the dais at any time to talk with the public–as they always have been–but he reiterated that he wanted to create a “safety zone” around the dais in which the public and press are prohibited.
Blunders aside, Slutzky defended the new security plan, which he said was created with input from the Harford County Sheriff’s Office, adding he felt it was “a little unusual and inappropriate” for members of the public to approach council members on the dais before or after meetings. He continued by mentioning how Baltimore County uses a barrier and gate system to limit the access the public has to their representatives. Without citing specific incidents, Slutzky said there have been times when council members felt unsafe when approached by citizens during council meetings.
“A couple of times it got a little dangerous,” he said, and after the meeting cited a handful of incidents in which persons had to be physically removed from the building.
The crux of Slutzky’s policy is that “we live in a different environment” and that there are “lone wolf activists and many other things out there,” which could potentially seek to harm council members.
“We are still leery about certain citizens approaching the dais,” he added.
At the same time, Slutzky defended another unpopular council action – routing all citizen and media contact with the members of the council through new Harford County Council Director of Communications Sherrie Johnson.
Slutzky said council members are often contacted late at night, while at their full time job, while on vacation, and even stopped in the grocery store, which can become an issue. The intent of hiring a director of communications was to become more efficient in managing requests for information.
Slutzky said some members of the council supported the new policy, others did not, and others could see both sides of the issue. He said that, if directed to reevaluate the policy by members of the council, he would do so, but until that time the council would operate under a policy that neither press nor citizens may approach dais at a council meeting.
“Is the same Harford County that we all grew up in years ago?,” Slutzky asked.
Despite Slutzky’s claim of support among fellow council members for both the security and contact policies, the remaining six councilman wasted little time distancing themselves from them, and several said they were not aware of the “security zone” until The Dagger broke the news.
“None of us knew,” newly seated District E Councilman Patrick Vincenti said.
“In today’s day and age, we’re growing more obsessed with security,” said Councilman Mike Perrone, who added, “There are certain risks that are inherent with holding public office.”
“Council chambers are a public space and I think we need to do everything we can to keep council chambers a public space as much as we can,” he said.
The other members agreed.
Councilman Joe Woods: “It’s going to be business as usual for me.”
Councilman James McMahan: “I’m just as available today as I was yesterday.”
Councilman Chad Shrodes, who said he was unaware about the policy until Tuesday: “I’ll still continue to be available,” but will respect the safety zone.
Councilman Vincenti: “The bottom line is we’re an extension of our constituents, if you need us, you know how to get a hold of us.”
Councilman Curtis Beulah: “I have no boss here, I answer to the citizens. If you want to approach me, you should be able to approach me.”
After the council members spoke, several citizens took issue with the security and communications initiatives.
Vicki Seitzinger of the Harford Campaign for Liberty urged the council to collectively reject the policy. She said constituents would no longer be able to share their opinions and thoughts directly with a council member, but would instead have to deliver them third-hand through the communications director.
Morita Bruce, president of Friends of Harford, said “This meeting is really our time to talk to you and with you on various issues.”
At the conclusion of the meeting, a Dagger reporter gestured to Slutzky whether they could approach the dias to speak with him. Slutzky responded by motioning that he would come to the floor to speak. At the same time, a Harford County Sheriff’s Office corporal took up a position between the tables at the front of the room and the dias, offering an apologetic-seeming shrug to the reporter.
Dagger Contributing Editor Aaron Cahall provided additional reporting for this story.
I think we’re witnessing the beginning of Slutzky’s effort to build himself an “Imperial Presidency.”
I was especially amused by “The President’s” reference to the “Harford County we all grew up in.” Here’s an excerpt from his online biography: “Slutzky was born in St Louis, Missouri, attended elementary school in California, USA, and secondary school in Plainedge, New York. He received his B.S. and M.S. degrees from Syracuse University.” (Wikopedia)
If only we could have the same security used on them when they approach our wallets!
I called Mr. Woods today with a question. It sounded like he was working on a fire call or something. I could tell he was very busy but he still took the time to help me. I also asked him about this policy. He didn’t have any information about it however he told me it will not change how he operates.
Joe’s a good guy. He is aways willing to help and talk to people. He was out helping the police with something in Edgewood today.
So, this restriction on speaking to, or even approaching a council member, coupled with the prohibition of interviewing a council member after a meeting, means that they have created their own version of Nazi government. We have no rights, and no voice now.
One step closer to anyone who disagrees with them or expresses opposition to their decisions to be considered and deemed a domestic terrorist or enemy of the state. He is obviously “in fear for his life” in his new position. Next he will demand a security detail with him and the others wherever they go… smh… this is not a good start.
Ridiculous and unnecessary paranoia on the part of the new president. Distancing council members from the very people who put them there, straight out of the gate. Should be an interesting term. Does he think he’s a celebrity or a king?
Prima Donna is more like it!
“Acts of international terrorism”… seriously? I can’t even imagine ISIS wanting to blow up the Harford County Council.
Should have voted Thorton in!
As I said in the past, once elected common sense goes out the window. Some of these clowns are a little to full of themselves, What’s next, state police bodyguards? They hold a very low level political office in a small hick county, these A-holes need to get a grip. Next you see streets closed off and stores emptied out when they need to go shopping.
For anybody who’s followed Butzky’s history on the council this is no surprise. Recall is an option.
If a serious recall effort is begun, I will contribute and support.
To the best of my knowledge, Maryland does not have any recall laws.
So this lone wolf is supposed to make the president of the council require more security. THEN HIRE YOUR OWN PRIVATE ARMY. Don’t say you don’t want to talk to the public and then require them to stand at arms length. Tell it like it is. Your a retired teacher and need to drop the name “coach”! I believe in personal safety, but your an elected official and a PART TIME, REPEAT, PART TIME council member. Drop the air of security and just tell people that you are being a jerk. Oh and if there were numbers of incidents, where are the police reports! What’s the old say, “If it ain’t written down.” So, Mr President, open your books and lets see all the incidents of lowly people bothering the council. I’m sure it’s gonna be a Nixon moment with the lost tapes. I’m sorry I voted for you. Why didn’t you suggest this during the campaign. Oh that’s right, you needed the voters then.
So why to the people of Harford keep re-electing these idiots?
Because there were no other idiots available at the time of election! …and the electorate was too busy at the mall shopping and picking noses while wearing their lighted sneakers and fanny packs to care enough to vote !
The local feeling seems to be that if you elect Democrats, they’ll bring in waves of Section 8 ghetto dwellers and druggy halfway houses to your neighborhood, wiping out the value of the home you’ve spent years paying for. If you elect Republicans, they’ll siphon off millions in public funds for their developer buddies that put them into office. So with the Dems, you lose it all; with the Repubs, your property taxes are maybe $500 per year higher to pay off the developers but your home investment is fairly safe. The Repubs are basically a protection racket against the Dems. Or so many feel. Sad that there is such disenchantment with our elected officials, some of whom may be dedicated public servants.
Now that our County Council member(s) has/have become political targets and fear for their lives, next you’ll see our elected employee delegates bring back HB 1513. If you can’t stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen. What’s wrong with the people who keep electing the same useless politicians over and over and over (with the exception of a few new choices) ?
What a way to start off a new council term. Can we impeach them before they really get started? I was warned about Slutzky
I support and respect the security changes made by the Council. Have a little respect for their position and work space. If you need to speak to a Council member, then do what Slutzky said, ask them to come to the floor. If you need to speak to a judge, do you have the right to just walk up to the bench? If you need to speak to the County Executive, do you just walk into his office? If you need to talk with the President of any business, do you just parade into their office? Obviously the answer is NO.
Some people just have to piss and moan about anything they can.
Omg. It’s a public forum. Not their offices. A courtroom is a different matter. I’m sure the deputies, as always, would stop you. This is the council chambers for a PUBLIC gathering. So common sense when you call people names. I’m sure your related to “coach”. Oh that’s right, imperial president.
Spoken like a true troll Concern Cit. So now we have council critters or their paid troll staffers trying to influence these boards. Too bad they are not as interested in the opinions of their serfs at council meetings as they are on these boards. Recall.
Yea, I am on their payroll alright. How many of the Council meetings do you attend? I am in attendance more times than not and I see how the Council members gets treated sometimes at the end of the meetings. Yes they are elected by us, but they aren’t elected to take abuse, be called names, or to be disrespected. I don’t care for Slutzky either, but that doesn’t mean I will disrespect him or his position.
I would still bet you voted for him. I didn’t.
“Slutzky said council members are often contacted late at night, while at their full time job, while on vacation, and even stopped in the grocery store, which can become an issue. The intent of hiring a director of communications was to become more efficient in managing requests for information.”
Oh, gasp! You are a public SERVANT. That’s in your job description, you arrogant fool. I work in the private sector and that stuff happens to me all the time. Do you think I have the wherewithal or even the desire to hire a director of communications? No. I do my JOB. The same should apply even more to a person who serves every voter (and non-voter) of Harford County. And people like “Concerned Citizen” are worse– they are the sycophants and enablers of the ruling class cabal and this notion that they are somehow above us.
Just like Slutsky, I too am a former Harford County teacher. I taught the educationally and emotionally challenged high school kids. Some of them had 150 pounds and 10 inches on me, and had chips on their shoulders the size of a cinder block. They approached me all the time and occasionally threatened me. some of my fellow teachers were actually assaulted and knocked to the floor I didn’t get a cop to protect me! Student’s parents would call me late at night, while I was on vacation, while I was on my lunch break, and even during class. I considered it part of the job. I’m sure if I had approached Mr. Slutsky back when he was a commoner, he would have told me that it was part of the job and that I should grow a pair. I would suggest to Mr Slutsky that this is part of his job, plus he has his whole council posse with him AND a cop. He needs to grow a pair! After all, he got a promotion and a raise. I didn’t get those either, which is why I am now in the private sector. Maybe Mr Slutsky should join me if his stress is too great
Considering what those nutbag citizens against evamar publicly posted about Slutski it’s no wonder he’s afraid. I am surprised he didn’t take legal action against them.
Legal action based on what? His finance records? His record at the council meetings?
Henry – So what part of our postings warrant legal action? The part about Slutzky accepting $13,000 in campaign contributions from entities related to Dixie Construction the president of whom is on the board of the retirement community proposed at Eva Mar. The part about Joe Snee and his firm contributing hundreds of dollars to Slutzky? The part about Michael Charlton of Elm Street Developers contributing a few hundred dollars to Slutzky? The part about MRA contributing hundreds of dollars to Slutzky? All of which is a matter of public record and 100% factual. Or is it the part about Slutzky refusing to talk to his constituents claiming a non-existent conflict of interest at the same time accepting campaign contributions from the developers? Do you see theme with Slutzky and not wanting to talk to constituents? You can draw your own conclusions. But the pattern is becoming more and more evident. Even if you assume Slutzky is well-intentioned and not influenced by campaign contributions, what we are seeing is a consistent pattern of poor judgment on his part.
This boils down to one thing for Slutzky – he does not want to be bothered by his constituents. Period. And it is clear that where ever he can build a wall he will do it to insulate himself. That is probably a good thing for him because the more he talks the deeper of a hole he digs himself. As it was with his fictional conflict of interest, the rest of the council clearly disagrees with him on these procedures. He is the lone wolf in this scenario.
In any event, as much as we disagree with Slutzky’s positions, we have never gone so far as to so much as even imply that Slutzy or any member of the Council should be harmed or threatened, etc. In all the council sessions that we have attended over the past year, we have never seen anybody for that matter act in a threatening manner toward the council. Maybe disrespectful, but far from threatening.
If was more the comments alleging illegal activities and the off color remarks about him and his family.
What comments were made about his family? Nothing that was not true…
I don’t have too much of a problem with the meeting protocols.
I have a major problem with requiring all contact through a media contact.
Agreed – most agregious idea is to force citizens and members of the press to speak to this non-elected administrator for any questions. No doubt this position is to spout of a series of rehearsed and vetted talking points and nothing more. This is a local council for god’s sake…I do wonder what Mr. Slutzky has in store for us if he feels like he needs protection and physical separation from citizens. Are his plans so onorous that even he recognizes he’ll need protection? It is glaring and obvious nobody on the council agrees with or supports this idea beyond Slutzky.
Dear “DICK” Slutzky,
I can definitely see your point. Next to the great satan Obama, the U.S. military, Nato, the European Community, and Santa Claus, you are definitely next in line to be OFFed by a powerful international terrorist group such as ISIS (assuming they have ever even heard of Harford County – the world hotspot of international intrigue and mischief.) To play devil’s advocate here (no pun intended!) I was just wondering … since most county council meetings are usually half to two thirds empty on the average AND since outside of this po-dink county, no one knows who the hell you are (trust me when I say those people are extremely fortunate) just who do you think is going to attempt to knock you off? Granted, your past actions (and inactions) as a member of the County Council have managed to piss off just about every police officer, teacher, librarian, and local government employee in this county but do you really think they are going to come in packing heat and blow you away? Well rest assured DICK, since most of these hard working citizens have not received a pay raise in the last six years (going on seven) they probably can’t afford to purchase a weapon to do you in. Sleep easy, think happy thoughts, and try not to introduce any other stupid ideas or legislation that might encourage said employees to pool their resources in an attempt to “get you!”
P.S. If citizens do decide to attend a County Council meeting, have the good sense and taste to hear them out before you try and tase them!
You get what you voted for.
Where did this new position of Director of Communications come from and exactly when was it advertised? Sounds like the council is off to a roaring start!
It was in the help wanted section right next to all the new jobs Gahler created,
So you bring up a good point. Since she is now in a public position, and “we” the taxpayers are responsible for her salary, does anyone know what she is being paid for this laugh riot?
Was it something she was doing before, and she merely received a new title? A new position created by this new council? Would seem in poor taste to create a new job in this, the era of fiscal constraint.
I think she used to be on Channel 2 News… Then she worked for David Craig.
Considering Slutzky’s tough guy act when he was a wrestling coach, I find it funny that he now needs to hide behind a gate and a sherrif’s deputy just so he doesn’t have to be bothered with talking to the commoners.
Well, dude did take 4th in the NCAA Tournament one year, and the next finished 2nd.
Seeing as how that was in 1963, I can see some sort of ultra-modern tough guy image…but 40 years later? Come on man…
Don’t forget he also has his posse up there with him on the dais in case his deputy is overpowered.
To the best of my knowledge, Maryland does not have any recall laws.
If he’s the only one concerned let’s build a suitable cage for him. Harford County, let’s put our Dick in a box!
The only problem with that, is that you will be apprehended if you bring a knife into a council meeting. You know, security protocols and all.
How are we supposed to cut a hole in the box now, thereby completing Step 1?
Priceless! Both of you!
For those of you that Didn’t vote shut the Hell up and for you that voted for the Coach you voted for this, suck it up. There is more sh!t to come.
First, thanks to the Dagger for following up on the recent article which prompted a ton of citizen backlash. Many bring up some valid points here, and while I agree that the council – while in chambers – should have a modicum of increased security, I cannot recall any incidents that would prompt a terrorism scare for the county council. Anyone? Anyone? Bueller….
“Two months ago–prior to the election–they were eager to shake your hand and meet you.” – Yes, indeed they were! In fact, I remember several of them walking through neighborhoods, knocking on doors, and speaking to people on their property…I guess during active campaigning, the fear of terrorism is non-existent. During these meet and greets, I don’t recall seeing any HCSO Deputies assigned to protect the party, no plain-clothes providing personal security, and no black-limo waiting to whisk him away at the slightest hint of trouble. So County Council President, Herr Slutzky, where do you get off in telling us that we cannot approach YOU – yet YOU can approach us and ruin our days?
“lone wolf activists” and potential terrorist attacks,” Yes, Harford County is the hub for organized sleeper cells of terrorist activity. We thought it was crimes against persons that kept occurring in Edgewood…how silly we were to keep assuming that! Lone Wolf? Really? Will you be installing metal detectors, searching bags and persons entering the facility? What about a full-body scanner? Besides, those “lone wolf” types only live in Cecil County.
“Slutzky took the blame for a wave of negative fallout over the proposal, calling it a “blunder.”” Blunder, eh? The first of many from what I hear.
“Without citing specific incidents, Slutzky said there have been times when council members felt unsafe when approached by citizens during council meetings.” I think it would have been more beneficial had he cited specific incidents…and why none of them made The Dagger pages.
“Slutzky said council members are often contacted late at night” – How is that going to stop now? Turn your phones off, don’t answer…or better yet, don’t run for public office if you don’t want to be bothered by your constituents.
“while at their full time job” – Again, turn your phones off. No real threat here…still not seeing the thought process.
“while on vacation” Easy – then don’t answer – don’t respond?!
“and even stopped in the grocery store, which can become an issue.” – How exactly can this become an issue? Are you afraid to get into a fight with a person in the dairy aisle over the last container of milk? You do realize that you are a public figure as a result of YOU choosing to run for public office. What are your ideas here, that we all just bow our heads and refuse eye contact when passing you in Safeway or Wegmans? Should we just give up the last candy bar in the box just because you want it, and you feel that you deserve it over anyone else because you are on the council? Should we turn and just walk away from the cereal aisle because you happen to be shopping there at the time? Should we steer clear of family and friends too; are they under a specific threat because of your highly prolific position on the Harford County Council now?
“Slutzky said some members of the council supported the new policy, others did not, and others could see both sides of the issue.” – So, what you are saying is that you acted as a “lone wolf” without taking it to a council vote? Isn’t that what a Democracy does? Hmmm…
“neither press nor citizens may approach dais at a council meeting.” – not sure what this means, but I really don’t want to approach “DEEZ” anything. Perhaps the council can sit comfortably on “DEEZ” while in chambers, in doing so I would imagine that they would not want to be bothered. I, personally, would have never gone so far as to have a police officer protect “DEEZ”, but he is the elected official and has a right to control “DEEZ” however he wants. I wonder if his wife is allowed onto “DEEZ”.
“Is the same Harford County that we all grew up in years ago?,” – Dick, you didn’t grow up here. Really? You said this in public….really?
Councilman Curtis Beulah: “I have no boss here, I answer to the citizens. If you want to approach me, you should be able to approach me.” – See, even Beulah agrees that you can approach “DEEZ” at any time.
“At the conclusion of the meeting, a Dagger reporter gestured to Slutzky whether they could approach the dias to speak with him. Slutzky responded by motioning that he would come to the floor to speak. At the same time, a Harford County Sheriff’s Office corporal took up a position between the tables at the front of the room and the dias, offering an apologetic-seeming shrug to the reporter.” – Does that mean that Dick used the cop-block technique to protect “DEEZ”?
Other than the Cecil County crack I would agree. We will never top your entry in the “lone wolf terrorist” category.- John Wilkes Booth.
DAMMIT! Forgot about him!
Good catch.
Even JWB didn’t act alone that night. They were more of a “sleeper cell” – each with a different target. JWB being the most effective/successful in his mission.
Sorry, bit of a dork here.
They must still be around – now they are after more Dick.
Did Aberdeen’s water supply from its administration building somehow find its way to Bel Air’s council chamber?
I begged everyone not to vote for him. We must move the conservative movement forward, and deal with all sort of issues. Coach is a issue all to himself! I worry about him.
I’m sure that the new security regulations do not apply to developers who want to approach the council members to drop off envelopes of campaign contributions after the meetings.
“Is the same Harford County that we all grew up in years ago?,” Slutzky asked
Good thing for him that it’s not. In an earlier Harford County, anyone pulling this crap would be leaving town on a rail.
Slutzky is a legend in his own mind. Apparently he is of the same cloth as the fake messiah Communist in the WH. Arrogant, condescending, and self-absorbed. Dick, you can stuff routing all citizen and media contact with the members of the council through new Harford County Council Director of Communications Sherrie Johnson. I did not vote for her nor did anyone else. Public contact comes with the turf, Dick. Stop throwing out the bogus narrative of “lone wolves” and ‘there have been times,’ Name them. We can only expect continual whining and problems from you, Dick. A recall IS in order.
You are all missing the point. It’s not about security. Slutzky is a wrestling hall of famer, a national champion. He could throw down anyone that comes up to him faster than a police officer could. The issue is two fold. One, Slutzky fears being asked a question by the media that he doesn’t know the answer to, and second, since he usually angers the public on nearly every stance he takes, he’s tired of being gang rushed by angry constituents. I’ve seen it a thousand times after a meeting. People rush over to him to complain. That’s pretty much the entire reason. Simple.
Than maybe he should put his leotard back on and go back to wrestling guys.
I think I can hear what they’re saying…I swear to take everything I can, to spend all you give me and more, to act like I care and to lock your ass up if you get in my way. perfect politicians, they should be in wash dc
I voted for the other guy…guess I was right
I don’t see how this rule would do anything to stop anyone from attacking the council is they wanted to. It’s not like there’s any sort of physical wall between the audience and the council seats. Someone takes a couple of steps and they’re at the dais.
I also don’t see how this will do anything about his “concerns” regarding citizens calling council members at work, at home, or approaching them in the grocery store. If anything, this rule would make those encounters much more likely.
Ultimately, I don’t really have a problem with this rule if council members are going to be available to speak with citizens individually before and/or after meetings. There’s not really much difference between talking to a council member sitting on the dais and talking to them standing on the floor with you. If council members are going to cut and run on a regular basis as soon as the meeting ends then that’s a different story.