The Harford County Council is expected to introduce a pair of bills Tuesday night that would repeal one unpopular local tax and create another for which some have long pined. Also, a new security policy, which would prevent constituents from approaching or talking to members of the county council after a meeting, is expected to be discussed.
The agenda for the Tuesday, Dec. 9 session, which begins at 7:30 p.m., includes the introduction of Bill 14-035, which would create a new Hotel Occupancy Tax, and Bill 14-036, which would repeal the Stormwater Remediation Fees – better known derisively as the “rain tax.”
A Harford County hotel tax has been discussed on and off for years. Harford is famously the only remaining county in Maryland that does not impose a lodging surcharge on visits to local hotels/motels. The purpose of such a tax would be to collect a fee from those just passing through the county, yet who use roads and other public utilities and facilities while here. At several points in the last decade, the Maryland General Assembly has come close to approving a hotel tax for Harford, but some stalwart members of the local delegation were always able to stave it off. Recent attempts at passing a lodging surcharge would have allocated a percentage of the fee to the local tourism industry.
Six years ago, then-State Sen. Barry Glassman himself was in a position to finally force movement on the hotel tax, but told The Dagger:
“With the state and local economy going in the tank, I think we should not be increasing any more taxes or adding cost to small business.”
Also Tuesday night, Harford County Council President Richard Slutzky is expected to discuss new security procedures and protocols, which could dramatically impact the way constituents interact with their representatives at the public meetings.
According to Sherrie Johnson, the former public information officer for Harford County government, who started a new position a week ago as Director of Communications for the Harford County Council, constituents and members of the media will no longer be permitted to directly address or contact council members after legislative sessions. Instead, Johnson has asked for inquiries and contact with the council members, including questions from journalists, to be made through her.
It has long been customary for council members to remain in the chambers after the public meeting adjourns to speak with constituents and media.
“No, constituents are not allowed to approach Council members after meetings. This is part of new security procedures that will be put in place for the County Council meetings,” Johnson wrote in an e-mail to The Dagger Monday night.
The full Harford County Council agenda:
3. OPENING PRAYER – Council Member Perrone
a. Resolution 029-14 (Performance and Operational Audits FY2015)10. INTRODUCTION OF BILLS
a. Bill 14-035 (Creation – Hotel Occupancy Tax)
b. Bill 14-036 (Repeal – Stormwater Remediation Fees)11. INTRODUCTION AND CONSIDERATION OF AMENDMENTS
a. Council Appointments
i. Council Attorney – Charlie Kearney
ii. Office on Mental Health Core Service Agency – O’Melia Vanessa James
iii. Appointments to Boards and Commissions16. BUSINESS FROM THE PRESIDENT
So one person knows the position of every council person? I guess it really is one Republican voice.
“No, constituents are not allowed to approach Council members after meetings.” Quite right! We don’t want the common folk to be able to voice their opinions to the lords and ladies of the high council!
Republican mantra– taxes hurt small businesses when proposed by Democrats but never when proposed by Republicans?? Got it now!! Bunch of hypocrites…
How will the hotel tax hurt small business?
Exactly! It never did and it probably won’t. But that was the reason Glassman opposed it when he was in Annapolis, but now it is all good so that he can reward his $$$ supporters.
So now that Barry has come to his senses and thinks like you…, you have a problem with that?
Please explain.
So corporate welfare is good for business but bad for individuals? I thought the Pubs were the party of lower taxes not creating new taxes. Of course the new tax will allow their connected friends to dip their snouts into the trough of all the new cash. Clark Turner & Dixie Construction will be happy snorting up the cash form the contract for a new white elephant cultural arts center this new tax will finance..
The council critters want to insulate themselves from contact their constituents and force it through a gatekeeper like Ms. Johnson, for safety purposes of course. Who do these guys think they are, The Imperial congress?
Local government is supposed to be the level most responsive to their constituents. Looks like the local Pubs are planning a raft of controversial legislation to be pushed downhill from Herr Glassman and rubber stamped by the council and they don’t want to hear the disgust from the voters.
Baarry and the council think the are going to repeal the rain tax? I guess they should all pile into the little clown car to ride down Main Street in Bel Air waiving their constitutions around. The Rain Tax is a state statute and as passed cannot be repealed locally. The time for Glassman to have fought the Rain Tax was when he was a Senator in Annapolis. Of course he did nothing about it. The council could have objected when it was being considered in Annapolis but they also did zero.
The only thing the people of Harford County have to look forward to from this collection of council critters is boatloads of disappointment.
Actually, the state legislation required each county to draft their own LOCAL legislation implementing the rain tax. In Harford County, it was Bill 13-12, which can be repealed by the county council. Just a minor correction.
What a bunch of losers.
You can’t interact with citizens? Who do you think you are?
What are you going to do run from people when they see you in the supermarket, at Burger King or Walmart.
Don’t be surprised when you get an earful from the people you are shutting out.
Not surprisingly, this is what happens when Democrats don’t come out to vote. Routing all communication through one person is CLEARLY democracy in action… :/
“…constituents and members of the media will no longer be permitted to directly address or contact council members after legislative sessions.” Because, you know, that’s what we all voted for, right?
Whenever you have one party rule; whether all dems or reps you end up with folly. The idea our local representatives would be shielded from citizen contact is absurd and that absurdity would have been checked if they didn’t live in a one party echo chamber. If they’re concerned about security then beef up entrance criteria not suspend citizen contact. Which of these fools thought up that one? Bet it was Slutzky. You fools were so interested in party you chose a slug as council president.
Yeah, funny how Slutkowski is worried about security. Isn’t he the big, bad wrestling coach?
Just like his son and daughter in law, thinking he is better than everyone. Way to go, Dick. First meeting, and this is your revelation to the voters?
Oh Lord, what the hell did we do?
If this Johnson chick is in charge of communication, she should be reading this and relaying the disgust.
First you complain about under the table off the record shady deals, now you complain all interaction must be official.
In Slutzky’s defense, it is more than possible that someone could smuggle in some law firm letterhead into the council chambers. We all know how intimidating he finds letterhead.
So this is the NEW Council. Really? We ARE the reason they are there in the firdst place. To NOT be able to talk after a meeting is rediculous! What is SECURITY anyway? You are in the Chambers with armed Police!! Coach, you blew it in your first meeting as President.
Who the hell are they trying to kid with the excuse of “S, I an sure that would have Policy”. What a bunch of horse sh1$! NOT a great first move from the newly elected council.
All inquiries go through the “Director”?
Why? So we can get a canned response from her instead of directly from the elected officials WE put into office?
Have there been any incidents in the recent past that would cause such a drastic change in “security policy”? Any threats to the elected officials?
So I am guessing our public officials need not be bothered interacting with the general public. We all know another public official like that…that a55hole Ob@
No surprise the apple didn’t fall far from the tree. 5 of them are former Democrats anyway.
Who made up this stupid rule! This is a part time council and some of them interact in the community. I’m sure hoping, and she needs to retract, the article, she made the press release without the knowledge of the council. This is such a stupid rule. It’s not like they are so important that you cannot talk to them after a council meeting. The security concerns are null and void.The sheriff’s office provides deputies for security. It’s not like the members have secret service details. I’m laughing in my recliner about this one. The only important item in the release is the repeal of the rain tax, but I am sure the hotel/motel tax will offset the tax. I sure hope the council speaks up and says that they will be able to talk after council meetings. The craig administration lives on in the press. She gotta change with the times,,,,,It ain’t the imperial council!
You have to know the council was aware. No way this woman came up with it on her own without discussing it with at least the council president. Somebody had to at least tell the council members that moving forward they should not avail themselves to citizens while in council chambers. The fact that nobody on the council particularly the new council president expressed resistance is disturbing.
The message came from Pesident Slutsky. This is HIS rule. Now you know what we (the constituents) are in for, for the next four years. We voted them in, we can vote them out next election. REMEMBER THEIR NAMES!
Anybody know if there’s an available provision in Harford County rules for recall elections?
I think the council needs to make the meetings like the APGFCU. Remember a couple of years ago, they decided to put phones in and you could talk with a teller, via video. Then they had a customer service rep out front. How may I help you. This would eliminate the need for deputies. The security concerns would be addressed and the council members could stay at home, and address the lowly citizens of Harford County. The press lady could act like she is all important. Voters, Who needs Voters. Say hello the the little person…LOL Oh and the rain tax could be repealed and she can address the responses of the council members. Don’t be concerned about contacting a council member, after hours, it’s not like they are business owners, teachers, and have full time jobs outside of the meeting. Do we have to not talk to them if they are attending another meeting or some function in the county.
Makes one kind of wonder what horrendous plans they may have if the think they need a physical buffer away from the taxpayers. Protection from us? Truth is it’s always been the taxpayers that need protection from politicians rather than vice versa.
And I quote:
>>> “No, constituents are not allowed to approach Council members after meetings. This is part of new security procedures that will be put in place for the County Council meetings,” Johnson wrote in an e-mail to The Dagger Monday night.” <<<<
So now, even our local politicians (who I thought were better than this) want to be insulated from those they represen…. uh, I mean… rule?
This is how we go from having a County Council to having a Politburo.
If you want to “stir up” the Public – this new “security measure” should do it !!!!
Didn’t realize we were such a threat.
i voted for the new council and just hope they can pass more state tax laws. lol but I’m concerned that the pio is attempting to do an end run around contact with the voters. She must think she is still working in the CE office. Guess we should start bowing and curtsy when addressing part time workers.
can you imagine the fallout from a citizen being arrested. I’d love to be there and see how the council reacts to a deputy placing someone under arrest. The deputy would do his job and the council would react with indignation. Who would be charging the citizen for talking with an elected official? Way to go “coach”! Im sure the county would think of something to make up!
Maybe the majority of the council members did NOT know about the change. After all it is Coach’s directive. I would call your councilmen and find out their stance on this before jumping to conclusions.
So iIcalled the county council office and I was told the story is being misreported by the press. i ask what thier side of the story was.I was informed to attend the council meeting tonight and to hear first hand What President Slutsky wants to propose.
I asked her what is the intent of the new proposal and all she said was to attened tonight as the story is being misreported.
I asked again to clairfy the proposal and got the same repsones. Seems to me she doesn’t know what’s going on.
I also took some initiative and read about the “terms” of this new policy beyond Dagger. If you move beyond the baffle em with bs and just concentrate on the basic facts – they don’t want any direct contact between any council representative, the citizens or the press at anytime before, during or after council sessions. Butzky made some comment about guarding against terrorism…but the fact is with proper screening in advance of the mtg shutting down interaction with the public serves nothing other than to channel questions or conversation through a non-elected administrator whose purpose in this is to make sure nobody says anything that’s not been approved and vetted. They want to give us the talking points and we’re to sit down, shut up and listen.
here we go. just listen to what the average person has to say. the harford co counsel, the hcso, the harford co detention ctr. and all those fat assed sanctimonious hypocrites who fill it and get rich off its ill. you can go anywhere on the dagger and you will find the same thing. these so called leaders couldn’t lead their way out of a defective rubber. actually if you would all were giant rubbers over your head, that would be fantastic. we wouldn’t be able to hear you, or smell you…,.because you stink@#$%&
What can one say to this? How sad that someone would run for elected office, get elected to serve the people and then in the very forum for discourse and exchange of ideas that defines Democracy, they limit their constituents access to them. It is shameful that a law such as this would even be considered. I voted for and supported these folks. I, like many voters, am truly saddened by this move. If the Republicans wish to enhance the future outlook for Democrats in Harford County just keep it up. Power abused is Power lost!
What law are you referring to? All this conversation sure sounds funny to me. More like a policy than a law. At any rate, seems the council is going to be more specific tonight regarding this issue.
i think “coach” should be named deer creek then he and the DSU can say how they pulled the wool over the publics eyes. When is the dagger going to tell us more about these stories. Not everyone works part-time and gets all the perks of being a county employee. Maybe the sheriffs Union should hire the same communication director. The news would be clear mud.
Dear Former Coach,
I would hope that you and the other members of the council read the comments posted by your constituents.
Seems you have really caused a stir, haven’t you? When you were actually a coach, did you do the same thing to your teams?
Let me ask the people who have known you longer. What terrorist threat has he ever faced in his guilded, protected life? I am sure he is facing such a terrible threat from haji at a meeting…in Harford County. Yes, the jihadists really have it in for you up here where nothing matters. Nothing of intelligence value…but hey, suck your thumb, crying scared in the corner if you want. Harford County, watch out…we are not safe by proclamation of the newly elected council president!
Yes, “B’llaiirrre”, the hotbed of criminal activity.
I believe we can drop his nickname of Coach to Joke. First proclamation, and already people are in fear of what crap you politicians will pull for your own benefit.
Bring on the new Walmart, Retirement Homes, and taxes! Bad traffic doesn’t matter when they have their new Mercedes, and front row parking.
Here’s how it went down at the county council meeting a couple hours ago:
Harford County Council Considers New Security Policy; “We are Still Leery about Certain Citizens Approaching the Dais”