From Harford County government:
Retailers expect a strong holiday shopping season this year. As the malls and stores become packed with shoppers, so will our area parking lots. As we rush and make a mad dash into stores, we must remain aware of where we park. “Handicapped” (accessible) parking spaces are reserved for qualified individuals with special needs. They are reserved for motorists and/or their passengers with disabilities who require those spaces and would not, in many cases, be able to shop otherwise.
The Harford County Commission on Disabilities and the Harford County Sheriff’s Office reminds everyone that people with disabilities face challenges every day, not the least of which is finding adequate parking when they need it. For those with disabilities, the use of “handicapped” parking spaces, correctly known as accessible parking spaces, is not a luxury; it’s a necessity. Yet every day, motorists with disabilities can’t find parking spaces when they need them because their non-disabled counterparts use these spaces as a means of convenience.
During the holiday shopping season, deputies with the Harford County Sheriff’s Office will be checking to make sure that vehicles parked in accessible parking spaces have the parking placard or designated license plate displayed. Failure to do so may result in a fine. It is important to note, in addition to the placard or license plate, drivers are also required to produce their Motor Vehicle Administration (MVA) – issued identification.
The Commission encourages all motorists with disabilities to learn more about parking accommodations for persons with disabilities, the use of special parking placards and registration plates, etc. Accessible parking is critical to many motorists with disabilities. Everyone needs to know all the rules and conditions that apply. For more information visit the MVA’s “Everything You Need to Know” for Maryland motorists with Disabilities.
The following is the link for “Everything You Need to Know”.
For more information and local resources about disability, visit the Harford County Commission on Disabilities’ Facebook page at
vietnam vet says
I Certainly hope the sheriff’s department takes and interest in checking Handicapped parking permit’s there appears to be and amazeing a mount of young people who have them.
Pamela says
It doesn’t matter how young the person is. I was able to get a temporary handicap placard due to ankle surgery and although my ankle is still healing and I’ll have to return the placard soon, it was a Godsend for me.
Miss Gulch says
Same with me, I had shoulder surgery and was so weak and sick with pain. It was a Godsend. What I don’t understand is how being morbidly obese qualifies as disabled because that’s what I notice. Its very upsetting to see a all the spots taken by folks like that, only to see someone on cruthes w a broken leg or an elderly frail person walking from the end of the parking lot.
yvonne says
The obese may have a breathing problem among other things, (not good when you go in walmart the size of a football field) Doctors could be more giving for folks who need the placards. Even if it’s temporary.
Insider says
I agree. Wal-Mart could at least do their part by putting all of the candy shelves up to the front of the store along with the ice cream and potato chips!
yvonne says
Stop, Insider this is serious business to folks, Tee Hee.
Kharn says
But if they have that bad of a breathing problem, they should have an oxygen tank and a mobility scooter. Once they have those, they can park in the back of the lot and do not need the permit.
Concerned Citizen says
I wish the doctors would be less forgiving about giving out the temporary handicap permits. Seems like all you have to do is have minor complaint about your body and the temporary permit is issued. I am all for giving the truly deserving people the permit, but when you see people get out of their cars and walk like there is nothing wrong, then we have abuse issues. Just because a family member has a permit does not entitle all family members to abuse the privilege of having one.
Also, why do people insist on parking along the curb in front of the store while waiting on someone or to just run in for a quick thing or two? That is a “parcel pickup” lane, as well as the fire lane. I wish the store management and police would make these idiots move on to the parking lot.
Nosy Neighbor says
I am curious/amazed how so many folks here are able to tell, at a glace, that someone should not have a disability permit (and have the requisite medical degree to diagnose/substantiate the observations). Amazing! I, for one, can’t tell by looking at someone if he/she has a heart condition (or any other underlying, internal condition).
Don’t judge a book by its cover. Be glad you don’t need any assistance. Maybe there are people who abuse the system, but I’m unwilling to paint everyone I see with that brush.
Big Ron says
I’m homophobic.Imma apply for a disability parking permit. If I get denied, which law office should I call?
Big Ron says
I’m also not white, I have another reason to apply for disability parking permit.
D J Frucks says
a$$holes are allowed to apply. congrats nut job..
Big Ron says
The Police can’t enforce non government traffic control, its a private property issue and only warrants a trespassing call if it goes that far to a property owner/manager to ask the “offender” to leave.
Those “reserved for hybrid” parking spots mean nothing for law enforcement. Wipe ya ass with the sign. lol
Kharn says
I want to find a Nissan Leaf parked in a hybrid spot and then complain to the property manager that it’s not a hybrid (Leaf is 100% electric).