From the Harford County Sheriff’s Office:
On 12/4 at 1:49 a.m. deputies responded to the 800 block of Windstream Way for a reported assault.
Upon arrival, deputies made contact with the 35-year-old female victim who advised she was assaulted by a black male wearing a brown jacket.
Through investigation it was determined the victim was in her home when she heard a noise coming from her living room. When she entered that room, she saw the male suspect. He demanded money and assaulted the victim with a hammer and vacuum from inside the home, in what we believe was an effort to knock her down while he rummaged through her belongings.
The suspect fled the scene and the victim was able to call 911. At this time, it appears the suspect did not taken anything. Investigation by Harford County Sheriff’s Office deputies quickly identified a suspect who was successfully taken into custody and charged. (David Dorsey, 11/1957, Edgewood)
The victim was taken to Johns Hopkins Bayview, where she has been medically released.
Sadly He will give a sob story and get a slap on the wrist. People that do this need to be shot. It’s your home, your castle. Shoot these idiots if they enter your home and cease living in fear
Another product of good parenting.
I feel quite certain that there is some
sort of “social program” to help this young man. Maybe a protest in his honor?
Fux you crackers for keeping a brother down. If you weren’t trying to keep us in chains we would have food for our families and wouldn’t have to go lootin.
Ya’ll white priveledged crackers need to got looted on.
# brown # burnt down #edgewoodisFurgeson
Actually if you get a job you can put food on your table. Come on man you can not blame “CRACKER” for your short comings.
DeQuan, We should sting em up!
Break into my home and you meet my Mossberg, I doubt however you will live to tell about it.
Who takes these pictures? A fine outstanding member of the community and he is leaning over and doesn’t look excited. I’m thinking he was walking down the street and the man stopped him. Lol where is al sharpton on this one?
I see is a place for the klan to vent.
The poor soul didn’t have a adult male role model. If only Obama, Al or Jesse would stop by and give him a free cell phone and a years worth of free food stamps all would be well.
Good work Sheriff’s Deputies. The county should be grateful to have such a good police force. I thank God that Mr. Dorsey did not resist arrest. The likes of our President, Eric Holder, and Al Sharpton have attempted to alter current police techniques. Even though Mr. Dorsey committed a violent home invasion he is still a black man. He is entitled to special considerations. If he resists arrest the police should just walk away and let him go. That way they can not be accused of excessive force if he is injured or dies. Maybe one day the black community will acknowledge that there are bad apples in every racial group instead of indiscriminately defending every black person. Maybe if they were willing to occasionally admit that there is a problem public perception could change for the better. Just saying.
yes, there are bad apples in every batch, why do you think they fire hcso’ers and put the rest in jail? don’t be too surprised, we only fine out when they’re caught and its very hard to catch a theif or perv on the inside. oh no, you didn’t know that bane will hire anyone, as long as they bow down to him or his flunkies, that’s all you have to do, and of course be willing to kill unarmed citizens, oh and you must work well with a small gang of taser crazed pigs
Victoria, the victim, wants to thank everyone for your support. On the other hand , as for myself, I dont understand how my friends tragedy turned into a racist debate? Come on people it’s not the 1900’s when u know better you do better…