Tim Impallaria has some splainin’ to do. For those three Dagger readers that weren’t forced to see every crazy accusation and counter-accusation in the Sheriff’s race, Tim Impallaria is the President of the Harford County Sheriff’s Deputy Union. Obviously the campaign made a serious mistake by backing Jesse Bane for re-election in hindsight. The PAC spent a lot on trying to get Bane re-elected. $20,000 on mailings, $1,250 in cash, another $500 to John Ryan during the primary, $800 for Bane t-shirts (I’m really amazed that all the actual expenses for the campaign were even numbers, I’ve never seen that before). It probably comes as no surprise to anybody that on November 7th the Union wrote a $1,500 check to Jeff Gahler. Oh, I hope it makes up for that letter from Impallaria reminding all the voters that correctional deputies aren’t deputies.
But that’s not what interests me. What I find interesting are the donations made in October. See, the Sheriff’s Deputies were very clear with their endorsements, and who wasn’t endorsed. The only state person endorsed was Tim’s brother Rick, and the Union chose not to endorse in Council District E and F. According to their release the process ended October 4th and that deputies had the choice to not endorse.
So why did the Deputies Union PAC write checks to candidates that the Deputies did not endorse?
Curtis Buelah got a $500 check, Patrick Vincenti got a $500 check, Mary Ann Lisanti got $500, Glen Glass got $500, Pat McDonough got $500, and Wayne Norman got $750. None of these people were endorsed, some weren’t even incumbents (luckily for Tim they all won and the only real damage was the Sheriff’s race). Add on top of that $4,000 to Barry Glassman’s Harford Leadership Slate and $6,000 to the mysterious “Deer Creek PAC” (More on that later). But how can the Deputies PAC give money to people that the Deputies didn’t endorse? What was the basis?
Tim, what is going on here?
Silly capitalists. Unions only exist to spread money to politicians you dissaprove of.
Amazing that the people entrusted to enforce the laws, went around them. They didn’t endorse any of these candidates, but still got money. I’m sure Timmy has a lot of explaining. It just ain’t him. There were people who supported these candidates and helped push the money thru. Gonna love to see what Sheriff Gahler does with the deputies. Ya didn’t support him and now you gave him money on the 7th. I’m sure Former Sheriff Bane will write a letter of support to the union. Yeah OK…..Hope Timmy writes another one of his famous letters to explain his actions and only digs his hole deeper. Oh and this deer creek thing. Wanna hear more about that. Should have seen the winds of change in Harford County. But I am sure the thought of being a deputy sheriff clouded your view.
The union members should have a no confidence vote and get this impalaria clown out of office.
I’d like to see what the HCCA deputies spent for Gahler. I’m sure the deputies at the jail voted for change. The same tired leadership would have continued to demoralize the employees. I’m sure hoping the Deer Creek PAC turns out to be a legit PAC and not something the union tried to hide.
Keep digging. They spent more than $50,000 dollars of their membership’s monies on Bane.
I was only pointing out the odd things. If someone wanted to really cause problems they could file a complaint that the PAC is putting false addresses on their reports. When the PAC gets lazy they put down 6600 Main Street for addresses (combining the phone number and street of the Sheriff’s office). This is very illegal and could make the PAC have to pay a big fine.
“YOU get some campaign money, and YOU get some campaign money, and YOU get… Oh wait, my brother doesn’t like you.”
why are police endorsing any candidate?
why are they donating money to any candidate?
why did they spend $37,250 (according to the numbers above)
remember unions are evil mmmmmmkay!
If you need a lawyer, I can recommend a good lawyer. Call 1-800-Skippy. He will look at your case, tell you what he knows and dare you to question him because he is a lawyer. This would be an excellent fit for people on their way out……don’t let the door hit ya on the way out Skippy. How that law degree working for you now? I’m sure Deer Creek PAC will hire you.
This article makes it look as though the Deputies Union leadership decided on their own where and when to spend membership money without the concurrence of the members.
You mean like the membership that endorsed Bane! I’m sure the members fell in lock, stock and barrel.
The HCCA donated $2,500 to Sheriff Gahler’s campaign. For us it wasn’t about buying an election or favor in the future, it was about sending a message that things needed to change. We expect to be treated like equals and like the professionals that we are, hopefully that message was sent to Tim Impallaria, Chris Gibbons (VP), and the members of the HCDSU. We also wanted the public to know that we support the candidate that is best for the citizens of Harford County, not the one that will allow us all to hide for 25 years in cushy specialized positions.
Well said! I think the deputies at the jail need just as much respect as everyone else.
Happy Thanksgiving. Hope you enjoy the piece, please send other Harford County Political tips to omalleywatch@gmail.com or you can send hate mail, I promise to respond to all hate mail.
When may we expect to hear more on the Deer Creek PAC?
The Deputy Sheriff Union and the PAC aren’t the same. Not all union members are members of the PAC, therefore the union’s vote doesn’t necessarily determine what PAC members do. Only those who contribute to the PAC do.
What is the process used to determine who the PAC will donate money? Are all members of the PAC asked to vote on each donation?
What is the process used to determine which candidates get money from the PAC. Does the entire PAC membership have a vote of who gets that money and how much?
I find this extremely interesting! Especially when TWO deputies, I repeat TWO deputies who asked for financial help during serious financial hardship were DENIED!! But the best part…BOTH these deputies paid their own money into the Union for years and yet were denied by Tim Impalarria himself!!! I guess he was too busy writing checks to his brother and his buddies and probably himself by the way things look!! I guess paying people off is more important than helping keep a roof over deputies and their families heads!! Bravo Tim Impallaria!!! Way to keep that honesty and integrity going strong!!!! SMH!! I would say this is a huge call for impeachment of you ask me!!!
“Two deputies paying union dues for years”, Ok so we can assume that these deputies have been on the force for quite some time, that being said, their salary would have to be somewhere between 55K and 65K without OT and were never promoted and did nothing on the side. If you add OT, maybe a small promotion, some side work you could be looking at 100K, if the wife or husband worked now were way over 100K. Looks to me they need to review their spending habits instead of asking for a hand out.
Obviously you have never had an unfortunate turn of events in your life hedley. Hope your and your loved ones health holds out because 60% of bankruptcies are a result of healthcare bills.
BillH, I have had some really tragic things happen in my life, but there is something called” planning” for such events, Most people who work don’t have a union to get a handout from.
Just curious how have you planned for your wife going into coma needing round the clock medical care for the next 30 years from an aneurism?
I’m guessing a divorce and remarry rich.
I won’t waste my time trying to explain to someone which such a narrow and feeble mind, but what I will say is that the Union has a Benevolence fund set up just for these purposes! When Deputies have hardships they are supposed to be supported by their union! Part of which is supported by the Deputy to begin with, from dues!! Let’s just say, a certain Deputy in the “in crowd” got their entire mortgage paid for a few times, yet two other Deputies in serious need are denied, all at the same time other money is being thrown at politicians! It’s corruption at its finest!!
Go to http://WWW.harfordsheriff.org/employment/salary/
Tim didn’t deny anyone there is a Board that votes on the benevolent fund requests. There are strict legal guidelines that must be met, like a catastrophic event causing someone to fall behind for example. Then the financial need has to be shown. Taking lavish vacations and not budgeting properly does not qualify. Sorry plan better
Sorry, but you are wrong. Paying for someone’s airfare to visit relatives is not catastrophic. Paying someone’s mortgage is not catastrophic. Not giving money to someone Bane fired and has no health insurance for his/her young children and the kid is sick IS catastrophic but was denied.
Hedley, you are off by tens of thousands of dollars. Base salary for a deputy is in the upper $30K range. Not having any colas or step increases or raises of any kind for almost a decade, a deputy is still making that same salary today. A deputy raising young children on his/her own doesn’t have time to work multiple jobs and with Bane’s rule of 3 promotional process, has no chance for a promotion. It is a disgrace that the Union turned down these deputies in their time of need while lining the pockets of the politicians. Especially a liar like Impallaria who should have been fired for lying on his leave slip. Hopefully Sheriff-Elect Gahler will straighten things out quickly. And thank you Martin Watcher for this interesting article. Keep digging, there is a lot to be found and not just with the union.
I gathered the info from HCSO pay ranges that are posted on their site. Upper 30’s are for 1st year recruit. You need to do a little more research.
Lenny, I need to correct my upper 30’s to mid 40’s for a recruit, check my post above for salaries, I’m pretty much right on.
I had an encounter with Tim Impallaria that convinced me he shouldn’t be a Deputy. His unprofessional, unlawful and threatening behavior was shocking. At the time I was a member of a volunteer fire company. When I relayed my story to Deputies I knew, they said it was normal behavior for him. Sheriff Banes said he’d look into the incident, though, of course, I heard nothing back from him. I was saddened to learn from this article he is the president of the Deputy’s union.