From Friends of Harford:
Traffic problems constitute a large part of the issues local residents have with planned new developments. Many of us believe that local government has a larger role to play in early transportation planning as an integral part of community planning to head off these problems.
Baltimore regional transportation planning, at least for federally funded projects, falls under the purview of the Baltimore Regional Transportation Board, an arm of the Baltimore Metropolitan Council. Harford County is a member. Their newsletter B’More Involved (online link)
” is designed to provide you with helpful information on transportation planning, opportunities for public involvement, and environmental justice. This important information – also posted on Facebook and Twitter – is a great way for you to learn more, stay up-to-date on important events and news, and, of course, let you know how you can B’More Involved!”
We hope you take this opportunity to read this newsletter and get involved.
Also, visit Friends of Harford’s Transportation Planning page to see how this fits with other Maryland transportation planning.
vseitz says
Environmental justice?
Fed up in Harford says
Anytime I see the words “government should play a larger role” I shudder.
Gary Hoskins says
Oh yes,more gov,that is what we all need?lol. Only the prideless gov addicts and entitlement drunks believe that crap now.
BillH says
The link to “Bmore Involved” is great. Too bad their open enrollment to volunteer just closed. Also their interactive maximize 2040 map to add suggestions is great but shocking at how few suggestions there are for harford county.
Pavel314 says
If you’re planning to widen roads and put in new roads to accommodate traffic volume, fine. If you’re planning another public transportation government boondoggle, forget it.
BillH says
Public transportation is the answer. The days of people being able to commute to their jobs 20 miles away, all riding as a single person in their SUV are over. I remember some one at the evamar CIM whining how he and his wife have 6 older children and they have to park their cars on a street that can’t take more traffic. Those are the people who are the problem. Look at all the cars that pour out of CM Wright everyday with 4 kids in them and the buses with no kids on them. Public transportation is the quickest and cheapest solution, not making every road 5 lanes wide.
BillH is a liberal Dick says
BillH move to Russia or Montgomery County. Your whining is tiresome…
BillH says
I never considered myself a liberal but if embracing the reality of the situation make me one than we must assume living in denial makes one conservative.
BillH is a liberal Dick says
BillH, I stand corrected, you are just a dick.
Hedley Lamarr says
I just picked up a Ford Excursion with low miles, cant wait to make my commute by myself, get out of my way, the V10 is coming thru.
Mr. Moderate says
It will be interesting to see what ideas the new Director of the Department of Planning and Zoning brings to the county. His predecessor seemed to be more of a caretaker who let the developers/road builders do what they wanted. The Department has many good people working for it,, but any initiative or innovative ideas they expressed were stifled by their superiors, eager to reap what they considered the benefits–political included–that would supposedly follow in the wake of the Build Now mentality.
the professor says
The new director of planning and zoning is a plans reviewer for the county already, but a friend of CE-elect. He was picked to lead the department over 3 other people what were ahead of him. I don’t think he has any new ideas to fundamentally change the way the department operates. More of the same philosophy just with a different CE.
the professor says
Fun fact, a previous director of planning works for a well known law firm specializing in real estate in Bel Air. This law firm is one of the two or three representing big time developers and landowners in the county. Don’t you know that developers are big time contributors to any CE campaign?? Political influence at its best. It is really like an accounting law firm hiring former IRS officials.
Another fun fact,, The new CE administration already ordered replacing the carpet and new furniture for the CE’s office but heard Craig wouldn’t let them touch it until Barry becomes the boss…
noble says
The people who work in P&Z are professionals, they are doing their jobs like you and me.
The problems come from the top. The director is picked by the CE and CE is picked by… well, we say the people, but it’s a little more complicated than that isn’t it?
Anyone expecting things to be different now are going to very disappointed.