From the New Harford Democratic Club:
General Membership Meeting
November 5, 2014
Meeting called to order at 7:03pm by President Ann Helton.
Pledge of Allegiance
A motion to approve minutes of the October 1 meeting was made by Joe Smith, seconded by Pam Dahmer. The motion was approved unanimously.
Treasurer’s Report (George Harrison)
Account: $8,084.49. There is no money in the PAC account, as it was spent during the campaign.
A motion to approve the Treasurer’s report was made by Wendy Sawyer, seconded by Bob Greene. The motion was approved unanimously.
Tom Myers mentioned that the Central Committee will meet on Tuesday, November 25th at the Southern Precinct of the Harford County Sheriff’s Office in Edgewood.
The Main Street Dems will meet on Monday, November 10th at Bellissimos in Bel Air.
No report from the African-American Democratic Club.
No reports from Young Dems.
Recognition of 2014 Candidates
Cassandra Beverley, Board of Education, District B; Candidate for House of Delegates, District 34B
Art Kaff, Member and Candidate; Board of Education, District E
Bridget Kelly, Candidate for State Senate, District 35
Joe Smith, Candidate for Harford County Council, District F
Steve Trostle, Candidate for State’s Attorney
Manley Calhoun, Representative for Mary Ann Lisanti, Councilwoman and Delegate-Elect
Ina Taylor, Treasurer for the Campaign of Sheriff Jesse Bane.
For the program, Treasurer George Harrison gave the autopsy for the Democrats in the previous night’s election. The reason the Democrats were not successful this year in Harford County was that voter turnout was lower than it was in 2010. Mr. Harrison acknowledged that four major points led to a Hogan victory on Election night. His four points were (1) the failure of the Brown campaign to acknowledge the jurisdiction outside of Baltimore City and County, the DC Counties and Howard County, (2) Larry Hogan framed a message and told it over and over again, (3) Hogan kept hammering Brown with the so-called “failures” of the O’Malley administration, and (4) the Brown campaign had no presence in Harford County.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:17pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Thomas C. Myers, Secretary
He won because he was the better canidate.
I mean really, framed a message and ran it over and over? For weeks I kept seeing gun control ads being used against Hogan.
“(3) Hogan kept hammering Brown with the so-called “failures” of the O’Malley administration”
So-called failures? George, can you say “denial” and “out of touch”?
Thanks for the update, Secretary Myers. What time was the Slurpee break?
Tom Myers and Terrance back on the Dagger? Is it my birthday already? Feels like old times.
Get your head out of the sand George…..the loss occurred because you and folks like you are out of touch, and don’t speak the truth, as evident in this article. This is why voters such as myself turned away from you….keep pushing your unconstitutional agenda’s and taking from the working class. As Harford Countys America moves forward, we’ll be stepping over you
“Tom Myers mentioned that the Central Committee will meet on Tuesday, November 25th at the Southern Precinct of the Harford County Sheriff’s Office in Edgewood.”
Dress code is business, booking photos look best with a tie.
I think its time form The New, New, Dem Club. Its what they do when they don’t want to admit their failures.In the primaries it was the fault of Blacks and women. This time it was lower turnout. With a near two to one advantage over the republicans allot of dems had to cross the line to have Hogan win.
So, are you new Harford dems blaming Guthrie, Bane and James’ loss on Anthony Brown then? What’s the autopsy look like?
Cheer up, with the $8,000 you sat on you’ll have one hell of a Christmas party.
Sorry, Holiday seasonal event.
Bane lost because the public realized he supported the likes of Forwood Visnaw Pressberry Moore impallaria and was involved with Peck. Bad Sheriff lost election.
Every time I paid a huge toll ( and the roads still suck), every time I paid 9% tax on a glass of beer, every time it rained, every time I thought about my deteriorating gun rights and every time I thought being taxed to support noncitizens I thought about O’Malley and Brown. That’s why the dems lost and good riddance.
People, can’t we all just get along?
“Dems lost because of low voter turnout……or because of voter suppression….or because of the “war on women” (whatever the hell that means)…..or because Hogan had a consistent message…..or maybe it was George Bush’s fault…..”
Maybe the Dems lost because people are (hopefully) waking up to the fact that the Dems have no real message to convey, other than they can only sling shitty negative ads, point fingers and deny truths. Instead of stepping up and admitting they screwed the pooch they play the “it wasn’t our fault” card. I mean, really?!? Christ! You’re even blaming YOUR OWN VOTER BASE for not turning out to vote for your wonderful, utopian, fair-share, gun-free, amnesty-giving, tax-you-out-the-butt delusional world! What a bunch of losers.
Ok, this is hilarious. I can’t even.
People always have to find blame and place it on another’s shoulders. Grow up.
At least the results of this election got the conspiracy theory types to stop going on about their perception of voter fraud.
Sort of balances out the voter suppression conspiracy theory types. No?
I agree with you that the Campaign for Liberty is of a similar political strain as the voter suppression lobby.
That is why I’m glad to see that a moderate Republican has been voted into office in Maryland. It will be fun to watch the extreme left and right squirm for the next four years.
Or it can be argued that Brown was such a weak candidate that he lost even with the help of voter fraud.
That wouldn’t explain why groups were whining about it prior to the election, but it does explain why they mysteriously stopped.
Where is “the professor” at?
He replied to me in late October he would get his jollies off when my canidate lost the governors election, and how Republicans had no chance of winning anything.
I voted for Hogan. What up? Going to admit you were wrong or is that what’s up?
I have been counting the fraudulent ballots that were supposed to be voting for Brown! Clearly the machines must have been tampered. Not really, I never believed that the ballots would be tampered, but you hazard county maniacs wanted everyone to bring DNA samples, placenta proving that you were indeed a born human in the USA as well as written math and English tests. Not really either. Sarcasm is all I have left!. And also that was the post you referred to but you guys take everything to heart.
Hogan and his heroes won the election and I hope he can play the game as well as he talked the game.
I guess I will just have to wait to get my jollies when the republican congress takes over and stops crying about the awful democratic Senate. Obama is about to make illegal immigration DOCUMENTED, I suppose my jollies will have to wait just like good wine, it is better if you wait…
Yo quiero taco bell and green card, biatch!
Letterman’s 10 reasons to vote Democrat
#10. I vote Democrat because I love the fact that I can now marry whatever I want. I’ve decided to marry my German Shepherd.
#9. I vote Democrat because I believe oil companies’ profits of 4% on a gallon of gas are obscene, but the government taxing the same gallon at 15% isn’t.
#8. I vote Democrat because I believe the government will do a better job of spending the money I earn than I would.
#7. I vote Democrat because Freedom of Speech is fine as long as nobody is offended by it.
#6. I vote Democrat because I’m way too irresponsible to own a gun, and I know that my local police are all I need to protect me from murderers and thieves. I am also thankful that we have a 911 service that gets police to your home in order to identify your body after a home invasion.
#5. I vote Democrat because I’m not concerned about millions of babies being aborted so long as we keep all death row inmates alive and comfy.
#4. I vote Democrat because I think illegal aliens have a right to free health care, education, and Social Security benefits, and we should take away Social Security from those who paid into it.
#3. I vote Democrat because I believe that businesses should not be allowed to make profits for themselves. They need to break even and give the rest away to the government for redistribution as the Democrat Party sees fit.
#2. I vote Democrat because I believe liberal judges need to rewrite the Constitution every few days to suit fringe kooks who would never get their agendas past the voters.
… And, the #1 reason I vote Democrat is because I think it’s better to pay $billions$ for oil to people who hate us, but not drill our own because it might upset some endangered beetle, gopher, or fish here in America. We don’t care about the beetles, gophers, or fish in those other countries.
I believe your list was lifted from Allen West.
In the interest of fairness-
Why would anyone vote Republican? Well, here are 10 reasons.
1. You are a bigot
It’s true that not all Republicans are bigots. But if you ARE a bigot, the Republican party will be much more your group than the Democratic party. Remember that there are lots of ways to be a bigot: You could be a racist, a homophobe, an Islamophobe, or lots of other things.
2. You like eating, drinking and breathing poison.
Many Republicans are calling for or voting for shrinking or eliminating agencies that protect us against poison. They seem to think that the corporations will do the right thing, without any pressure from the government. Uh huh. Read The Jungle. Look at the way Monsanto is hiding facts about Round Up. Look at food safety and outbreaks of E. Coli.
Corporations exist to make money. They will do so any way they can. The government needs to stop them from doing so in ways that hurt people.
3. You think the rich don’t have enough money
The idea that giving more money to rich people (via tax breaks) will help poor people is nonsensical and has been shown wrong time and again in history. Huge tax breaks for the rich (a la George Bush) don’t work.
4. You don’t support our veterans
The Iraq and Afghanistan Veteran’s Association (IAVA) rates every member of congress on how well they support our veterans. In the Senate, 9 people got A or A+: All were Democrats. 30 got D or F: 29 Republicans and one Democrat. More on this
5. You like big deficits
Since the end of WW II the ratio of debt to GDP for the nation has gone down in 9 administrations (3 Republican and 6 Democratic) and up in 7 administrations (6 Republican and 1 Democratic). The largest increases by this measure were GW Bush’s 2nd term; GHW Bush, and Reagan’s first term. The largest decreases were the three terms right after the end of WWII (Truman and Eisenhower). The last decrease under a Republican was in Eisenhower’s 2nd term
6. You don’t believe in free speech.
The American Civil Liberties Union is the premier defender of our civil liberties, including the right to free speech. That’s free speech for EVERYONE; from Nazis to Marxists to Fred Phelps to anyone else. They rate politicians, including governors, senators and representatives. 12 people got a 100 rating: All were Democrats. 65 people got a score of less than 10: All were Republicans. Only 6 Democrats got a score under 50 (Joe Donnelly, Michael Ross, Collin Peterson, Joseph Shuler, Mark Critz and David Boren). Only 2 Republicans got scores over 50 (Olympia Snowe and Mark Kirk) Full list
7. You like big government
The Republicans like to claim they are against big government. It’s a lie. They only object when government helps people. But they are supporters of the Patriot Act; they want the government to say who you can marry; they want the government to forbid abortion; they want the government to be able to spy on you without restraint. Unfortunately, many Democrats agree with them on some of these, but to find opposition to these big government ideas, you have to look to the Democrats.
8. You want government to hurt people, but not help them
This is really just a summation of some other points.
9. You are greedy, short sighted and rich
You really have to be all three for this to work.
If you’re rich but not short-sighted, you know that, in the long run, when there is huge income inequality, it leads to things like stock market crashes and revolution, and everyone loses. In a revolution, it is often the rich who lose most.
If you’re rich but not greedy, you recognize that helping others is a good thing, and that the government assuring that people have a safety net is a good thing as well.
10. You like torture
The Democrats don’t exactly shine here, but the Republicans are much worse. It was, after all, Dick Cheney who bragged in his memoir about being a war criminal. It was Don Rumsfeld who opined that a problem in Abu Ghraib was that they weren’t torturing prisoners enough. And it is mostly Democrats who have objected to torture.
Torture is wrong. It’s also stupid. It doesn’t work. People who are tortured will say ANYTHING (true or not) that they thing their torturers want to hear.
Best thing I have read in the Dagger since I first saw it online. Excellent analysis, especially the part about about the deficits. The Republicans talk about “tax and spend” Democrats. But the Republicans maynot tax, yet they certainly continue to spend and run up the deficits. That war against Iraq ran into the trillions. I’ve never understood how the Republicans captured the imagination of people who are not wealthy. I can understand a wealthy Republican, but I can’t understand a middle class one. I will be eagerly awaiting Mr.Hogan to fulfill his election night promise to reduce all the taxes O’Malley imposed. I’ll be looking for a return to a 5% sales tax, lower tolls on all Md roads.
While Still balancing the budget, Not raiding the Transportation Trust fund (which is now an amendment to the Constitution), getting ride of the Rain Tax and still cleaning the bay while maintaining all the things government is supposed to do!
If you Democrats could read, you would see that I credit David Letterman for his list. I don’t even know who Allen West is.
Who watches David Letterman? Jimmy Fallon is way better…..
Seriously, 2/3 of the voters stayed home. They threw up their hands and surrendered.
Funny no recognition for Dulaney-James? Wasn’t she running as Democrat. Oh that’s right your still butt hurt over the ass kicking you took in The Primary