From the Harford County Sheriff’s Office:
[November 9, 2014 Edgewood, MD] — At 11:00 am on Sunday November 9, 2014 Harford County Sheriff’s Office Deputies apprehended Ivan Enrique Molina Bustamante without incident. He has been transported to the Criminal Investigation Division for questioning.
The 39 year old female victim is now out of surgery and in stable condition. Notification of next of kin is still pending at this time.
What a shame this illustrious State no longer has the death penalty. The suspect in this case is a great candidate for it. Thanks again politicians for your elite know better than the masses policies.
The death penalty doesn’t work. I was innocent but am still deader than disco.
Thanks Texas.
Guess he is going to be staying at the Harford Hilton for some time. Too bad there aren’t any real deputies that work at the detention center. Only real deputies patrol the county. I’m sure I could get an “amen” from the Deputy Sheriff’s Union on that one. He may have been in custody, with the deputy, for a couple of hours, but the deputies, at the jail, have to deal with him 24/7! Oh and guess who backed the future sheriff? So get in your patrol cars and patrol the county and make it look like you are the only one that matters. Glad he was caught and its a shame that we don’t have the death penalty in the state.
Maybe he will commit suicide so you can blame Bane again instead of the Correctional Deputies.
Ummm…since when are we not on the same side? I really hope this is not a majority view in the DC, because most patrol deputies do not look down on the DC staff. Most of us have a lot of respect for them. Titles don’t mean anything buddy. People call me officer and trooper all the time and ask me when I’ll “promote” to the state police or FBI, but I don’t care and it doesn’t bother me. It’s what you do that matters, not what people refer to you.
I agree with you and it matters what the “deputy, officer, etc” acts like more then titles, but there are some out there that just consider jail guards to be uneducated, can’t find a job, want to have authority over the less fortunate. The job is tough enough without some, on the same side, thinking the DC is less of a deputy. Doesn’t help when the Deputy Sheriff Union President puts out a county wide letter and says that they are the real deputies and that is what the people see. How many LE would work in conditions at the jail. As Sheriff-Elect Gahler said, the badge says Deputy Sheriff. There are different classifications, but one badge. This guy who killed and stabbed people is going to be locked up for a long time. If the judicial system doesn’t let him out. So, I agree with you completely. Just wish others thought the same way as you or stop putting down the DC.
Betcha he’s an undocumented knifer, doing the knifings citizens will not do. After all, our citizen scum usually knife other citizen scum.
Thanks to “The Dagger” for keeping us posted on developments.
My husband is a federal police officer and who cares about titles, he killed a 15 year old girl that was friends with our daughter its a horrible crim…..
And for the record most police officers (no matter the level) have nothing by respect for those those in the correction system its a hard job!
Your husband should turn himself in.
I think she was referring to the guy who was just arrested…….
I have read the comments from the first story line to the next. Everyone is talking about race, politicians and the police. Who cares a poor 15 year old was killed. Get over yourself. RIP
Wow so many ignorant comments! So because his Hispanic his undocumented? That makes a lot of sense doesn’t it? In my opinion the death penalty does nothing but cut your sufferings shorter…while as if his not penalized with the death penalty, he’ll sit behind a cell and think about what he did for the rest of his life.
The worst this bum can get is life in prison. In a few years the Md Court of Appeals will let him out because his lawyer had a cold or some other stupid reason and he will join the hundreds of other murders, rapists and thugs who just got released.
Have no fear, Cassilly himself will prosecute the trial and the defendant will get a light sentence and be out in under five years.
This guy had a PBJ for assault just this past Sept. Who knows what he did as a youth?! Just goes to show it’s more a problem with the Judicial system than with the police. These judges don’t put anyone away until they kill; and some not even then..
Guess he is going to get a public defender and make a deal to plead guilty and get 7 years in DOC with a large portion of the sentence being suspended. Oh and while he is waiting for trial, he will be held at the DC and get all the benefits of the mental health unit. He will be treated with respect and given programs that make him a better person. All the while, the DC staff will have no say in what he gets and doesn’t. The liberals will make sure he is treated with dignity. What about the victim? I’m sure he totally disregarded the dignity of the victim. There are people, in society, that commit, allegedly, crimes because they are bad people. Not everyone has a mental illness and deserve being in a special unit or a break on their sentence. I’m sure the people that supported another murderer, at the jail, will not be jumping on the bandwagon and making sure he gets his suspended sentence. My sympathy goes out to the victim and her family. We need to take a step back and start making sure criminals start paying for crimes instead of getting a few years in jail and now they are cured…..Yeah OK