From Joe Voskuhl:
At the October 21, 2014 candidates forum sponsored by the Harford County NAACP, every candidate for County Council and County Executive pledged to find ways to reduce Government waste. They all pledged to find ways to honor the contractual raises for the teachers, deputies, and county employees.
Since the beginning of my campaign for School Board District C, I have proposed working with the County Executive and County Council to make the School Board spending more efficient. The savings made by increasing the efficiency of the school system can be used to fund teacher raises.
I promise to work with the other members of the Harford County Board of Education and other elected officials to find ways to spend funds in a more efficient manner, rein in wasteful spending and remove red tape. I also promise to hold our elected officials accountable for the promises they made to reduce wasteful government spending.
Joe Voskuhl
School Board Candidate District C
I think he’s a Steelers fan. Just sayin.
How about getting rid of all your assistants and your bloated administrative budget within the county council and THAT would be a great start. The county council positions were never meant to be a big bureaucracy – supposed to be part time positions and over the years has morphed into anything BUT a check and balance for the executive branch. Shameful.
I’ve already heard about organized sickouts next year. This county is killing education and the “leaders” are as inept as they come.
Teachers don’t have the balls to do that, especially when they fearmonger about their job. Plus, get 5 of them in the room together and they all disagree with one another.
The county has gotcha’, row, row, row, row.
Harford County Public Schools is just a place for starry eyed college grads to get a 41,000 a year starter job, get experience, and move on to something else.
Hasn’t the personeel reports shown that?
There is an otter in the building…I mean udder…no wait that’s odder…OK, my secretary knows how to spell odor but I can’t. He is so JV.
Who’s Voskuhl kidding. Give raises by being more efficient. No details of course. Just like he was as an administrator – All talk and no action.
Mr. Voskuhl: please share how much money will need to be found in order to fund raises. is efficiency alone going to be enough?
Next year Falston High gets a new HVAC system to the tune of $18 million. Now as a perspective to build the entire youths benefit new school is budgeted for 42 million. I’ll guarantee there is enough waste in both of those projects to fund the salary raises.
You are probably correct but unfortunately, the money comes out of a fund that cannot be used for personnel and salaries. Too bad, huh — and very dumb. How about if we scrap the idea of the new Havre de Grace High School and put that money together with the savings from these two projects and lobby for flexibility in spending. I was driving by HGH not too long ago and wondered why in the world we are replacing this school. It’s such a terrible waste of money when the funds could be spent on so many other needed things. But then I realized…I’m in Harford County and the politicos have their little empires to build.
Miss Gulch,
Have you ever attended HDG High or ever been inside? That place which I am proud to have attended for 3 years is a complete dump. The county prison is more fit for education than a depressing collection of corridors, hallways and rooms more fit for a mental institution. It doesn’t inspire learning or achievement specially when you have near brand new schools in most of the county. I am surprised that it took a fit from the CE to even consider it. Fact is the old Edgewood high school was in better shape than Havre de Grace as well. Making it a middle/high school will fit the needs of the city and will ensure that Aberdeen won’t be overcrowded either. The county has only built one additional high/middle school at Patterson Mill and replacing the existing high schools with new schools in their respective areas seems to be the most logical option. No need to redistrict and move kids from their natural geography and keeps communities intact as they were. Before you go about questioning why something is being built, you should at least go there and have lunch at their cafeteria and hope the pipes don[t burst asbestos.. Place is a complete dump..
If they would maintain the equipment, the equipment would last, all of your county vehicles are down at the wawa and in residential neighborhoods, look at truck #72 in a residential neighborhood. stealing tax dollars. Im calling the state comptroller.
I am all for efficiency and spending money wisely, however what does the state comptroller have to do with it?? The comptroller collects taxes and is part of the Board of Public Works. If you know of fraud or illegal used of school assets, you can report that or at least bring a light to it. Making stupid accusations or ranting about Wawa sightings proves nothing. People driving trucks or cars can stop and get something to eat as much as anyone else.
get rid of the waste!
Ive been there and I’ve seen it. I also graduated from Bel Air High when it was a dump’s dump so no sympathy here. And I learned just fine. Now is not the time to make any more lavish expenditures.
Two ways for the county to reduce waste is first set up a reporting system with a bonus program. Unfortunately this will increase harford counties unemployment and flood the market with unquaified ex county employees.
Second would be to subcontract out services to private industry.
Those teachers and employees left could be the best paid in the state.