From Vicki Seitzinger:
District A taxpayers must examine Council member Guthrie’s record! His slogan, “Champion of the People–For the People”, is sleight of hand for what happens when you’re not paying attention.
Following an initial abstention on executive pay, Mr. Guthrie had a second chance to do right by his constituents when Mr. Craig vetoed the bill and returned it to the council. But Dion voted to override the veto and ensured a $40,000 handout from one elected official to another. Teachers, law enforcement, and those of us in the private sector suffer stagnant wages or worse. Elected officials reach into our pockets for themselves and their friends.
But there’s more to Mr. Guthrie’s preference for the insider over the little guy. He’s given millions of taxpayer dollars to private industry as forgivable loans, otherwise known as gifts. Dion calls this “Economic Development”. I call it government for sale. A quick review of his campaign donors show that his most generous benefactors are those that have business before the council.
Yet, for all his populist bluster, he’s frequently failed residents, most recently regarding the Joppatowne Pool.
Contrast this with Mike Perrone, longtime Harford County resident and Joppatowne High graduate. No insider connections. No donations from developers and business. In fact, Mike refused business contributions and declined financial assistance from political parties. His tenure won’t be tainted by obligations to private interests or establishment politicians. His funds come from the people he intends to represent: YOU.
His finance background provides him with the training to evaluate budgets for waste and duplication. His personal history in Harford County gives him the insight of a neighbor and friend. His community involvement as Director for The Sharing Table speaks volumes regarding his priorities and heart for service.
If you think your council should serve you instead of be served by you, your only choice is Mike Perrone for County Council.
Those of us outside his district will thank you.
Vicki Seitzinger
The only choice for District F voters is Curtis Beulah for County Council. As the founder and president of a family investment firm, he knows how to make Wall Street work for Main Street. Anyone that carefully grows and nurtures a retirement portfolio or 401-K knows exactly what I mean.
Curtis has numerous endorsements:
• Senator Nancy Jacobs
• Dan Bongino Former Secret Service Agent, Congressional Candidate, and nationally known author
• The Sun-Aegis Newspaper
• Member of the Hogan/Rutherford Team
In addition, his campaign is supported by the Harford County Deputy Sheriffs.
Curtis has run a good-natured and fair-minded campaign. Negative comments regarding his opponent will not be found on his literature or in his discourse on the campaign trail. He is truly a gentleman who has learned from life’s difficult trials and refuses to “cast the first stone”.
Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for Mr. Smith, whose recent political ad couldn’t resist a swipe at Mr. Beulah’s honorable profession. It’s unfortunate that so late in the campaign, Mr. Smith has chosen to malign the motives and integrity of his opponent.
Joe Smith is proud of his endorsements. They’re the usual liberal operatives that have been taking this state in the wrong direction for the last eight years. His political allies include those who recently sponsored legislation that gave enormous raises to Harford County politicians. They also proudly promote their efforts to bring the “Rain Tax” to Harford County.
Smith is another big government, tax and spend liberal. It shows in the company he keeps and we can expect more of the same should he be elected to county office.
Interestingly, Joe has deliberately left some items off his resume. Conspicuous by its absence from his list of endorsements was the Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund. By shying away from this important endorsement he insults every hard working, tax-paying LGTB individual that has supported him. Some of them are my friends whose own weddings I have attended and celebrated.
In addition, Smith is a founding member of the Stonewall Democrats of Central Maryland, a gay rights activist organization. These are the kind of groups that gave us the recent ”Bathroom Bill”. This statewide law is so poorly crafted that it allows sexual predators to claim sexual identity confusion, thereby ushering them into the public restrooms of any gender they choose. A pedophile’s dream come true.
Can we expect more of the same should Mr. Smith have a hand in policy making for Harford County?
A political ad describing Mr. Smith as Independent is yet another deception from this candidate. Not so! He is a long time Democrat with deep ties to the party and its establishment elite. Again, we find dishonesty in a man who would lead the county. Perhaps this would explain why no member of any party on the Havre de Grace City Council, or the current Mayor, have supported or endorsed their former colleague.
Don’t believe the election year rhetoric and hype from Joe Smith. His background and supporters tell the whole truth about his liberal style. He will be a tax and spend politician bringing the O’Malley legacy to Harford County.
Again, I urge you to elect the truly Main Street candidate. Mr. Curtis Beulah for County Council District F.
Vicki Seitzinger
Bill says
Why is the Dagger running commentary from a delusional women like this? She is a C4L wing nut and has no credibility.
Vicki Seitzinger says
Excuse me, Mr. Bill. Have you and I met?
Perhaps you would like to challenge the validity of my claims before you challenge the state of my mental health.
Bill says
Vicki evidently you have not asked Mr. Buelah about taking large contributions from the James Run TIF backers. He has already committed his vote.
Vicki Seitzinger says
Bill, Perhaps you could be more specific. Anything like the $1000 from Clark Turner or the $3000 from the Realtors PAC that Joe Smith got? Not that I have anything against development but you brought it up. Besides, these fellas can take contributions from whoever. It’s how they vote that remains to be seen.
If you’re a friend of Mr. Smiths, perhaps you can tell me why he omitted the Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund and the gay rights activist group Stonewall Democrats from his list of endorsements/resume? Why would he do that?
Joppatowne Res says
I’ve spoken to Mr. Beulah about the James Run TIF, he seemed not to be in favor of it at all. It’s prime land, no developer needs special financing like that. I wish Mr. Guthrie would have the same common sense when it comes to finance votes.
hack attack says
This republican tea party administration will destroy hazard county to well, back to our illustrious K party cross burning ways. Perrone? Sounds more like a mafia good old fellow than an able public administrator and Glassman is nothing but a mooch of the public dole for most of his political life. Harford County is about to turn back to the stone age. If they don’t actually govern, I can see the State of Maryland actually revoking our Home rule Charter. For those TP’s uneducated members, if the local govt fails to govern, the State of Maryland can effectively take over and hand over public administration to a designated public official. I am sure Glassman is aware of this, however the other TP cohorts wouldn’t know Home Rule from home run..
William Munny says
Good to see such a tolerant attitude. You are a real knucklehead.