The following letter was prepared earlier this summer by Harford County Sheriff’s Office Lt. (Ret.) David Betz and distributed to deputies regarding statements made about Betz’s promotion prior to his retirement. The letter was provided to The Dagger for publication via a third party, but its contents were confirmed by Betz as genuine. A clip of the Aug. 28 debate with the statement in question is below, but was not provided by Betz. Emphasis is the author’s.
Tim Impallaria, President
Harford County Deputy Sheriff’s Union P.O. Box 881
Bel Air, MD 21014
August 30, 2014
President Impallaria,
I hope this letter finds you and the deputies of the Sheriff’s Office doing well. I recently was contacted regarding a disturbing comment Sheriff Bane made during the recent Sheriff’s candidate debate held Thursday August 28, 2014. I am frustrated that I have had to take the time to once again dispute the actions of the Sheriff. Unfortunately, I am not willing to idly stand by while Sheriff Bane misleads the women and men of the Sheriff’s Office and community with mistruths focused on the promotional process of early 2012.
I am writing this letter to you hoping that you will distribute it to the union members so they may make an educated decision regarding the integrity and credibility of the candidates for the 2014 Sheriff’s election. I will trust your judgment regarding the method and timeliness of distribution. The specific quote I am referring to is stated below:
“Take a look at the two people, and I don’t want to cast dispersions (I think he meant to say aspersions) on anybody because one of them is in the room. But you know one of them that I promoted I had prior information that he was leaving the agency, to get another job. He got his lieutenant’s rank; within a matter of days he retired from the agency. Maybe the Sheriff knew something that nobody else knew. The Sheriff knew things when nobody else knew when he did what he did. Now, after the promotions were made there was a vacancy that was created for lieutenant and I brought the deputy in and made him lieutenant. And I think it was two days later that he gave me his letter of resignation because he took a job somewhere else. That’s fine, but I will say this, maybe regardless of what I know with the people that are on the list, we’ll just go with whatever the order is…”
Short of signing my name on a letter supporting Mr. Gahler; I have not been involved, nor do I have the desire to be, involved in this election. Unfortunately Sheriff Bane will lead you to believe he is omniscient and had the foresight of my activities before either I, or members of my family knew them. There will be some that see this as vindictiveness or retribution; I assure you I am not interested in mud-slinging, but rather shining the light on what appears to be another fabrication by the Sheriff. Unfortunately for Sheriff Bane, I have kept well documented records and timelines of the promotional process and my impending law suit of 2012. I would like to take this opportunity to outline the facts below and then you and the members can decide about the events and the Sheriff’s claim of prior knowledge.
• 2010 (throughout): I actively supported Steve Bodway and Jeff Gahler in the 2010 election.
• January 21, 2011: The rule of three is instituted.
• February 5, 2011: Transferred from the CAC to patrol as the sergeant’s position was upgraded to a lieutenant. (It should be noted that Sheriff Bane is on record stating the position would not be a lieutenant’s position and I would have to leave if I wanted to be promoted.}
• August 11, 2011: Lieutenant promotional application process announced.
• November 9, 2011: Lieutenant promotional eligibility list released (I was listed as #1).
• December 27, 2011: I was approached by a Sheriff’s Office Major and discussed the promotion eligibility list. The conversation indicated that I had received “the message” and that my performance over the past year on patrol was commendable and favorable reports were received. (Message regarding my political activities) He indicated that the “rumors” of me being skipped for promotion were just that, rumors. He advised that there would be no reason to skip me for promotion and did not believe that the Sheriff would do so. I walked away feeling positive that I would be promoted if there was an opening.
• February 13. 2012: Promotions announced effective February 18, 2012 (I was not promoted).
• February 14, 2012: Retained the Law Offices of Morris L. Fischer, LLC. out of Washington D.C.
• February 15, 2012: I submitted a letter to the Union requesting assistance and support disputing the denial of promotion.
• February 23, 2012: Presented at the Union meeting requesting financial assistance regarding a law suit against the Sheriff.
• March 1, 2012: Grievance submitted by the Law Offices of Morris L. Fischer, LLC. on behalf of this writer.
• March 7, 2012: Grievance “dismissed” by Colonel Carlevaro.
• March 9, 2012: My first application seeking other employment.
• March 19, 2012: Grievance appeal to Colonel Carlevaro submitted by Law Offices of Morris L. Fischer, LLC.
• April 17, 2012: Special Union meeting regarding the request for financial support – held at Fallston Fire Department.
• April 18, 2012: I was contacted by a sergeant who is a friend of mine and of Sheriff Bane. This sergeant contacted me in the late afternoon asking if I would be willing to meet with the Sheriff. I did have a closed door meeting with the Sheriff at approximately 5:00 p.m. the same day and the Sheriff discussed his reasons for not promoting me as well as requesting I drop the law suit. It was agreed that the law suit would be dropped if indeed I was promoted.
• May 1, 2012: Promoted to lieutenant –assigned to training academy.
• June 7, 2012: Received an offer of employment; signed retirement papers; and contacted Captain Galbraith regarding retirement.
• July 1, 2012: Officially retired.
Sheriff’s Bane’s claim of “having prior information that he was leaving the agency” is inaccurate, not possible, and an untruth. The decision to promote the third listed lieutenant, as well as promotions for other ranks, was made in late January or early February 2012. I naïvely believed, especially after the conversation with the unnamed Major above, that I would be promoted and possibly assigned to the Child Advocacy Center, since this was the sole opening and most logical choice based on experience alone.
Unfortunately the day of promotion came and went. My family made a decision, a $10,000 decision, to retain an attorney and pursue the violation of my rights afforded by the U.S. Constitution’s First Amendment and the Maryland Law Enforcement Bill of Rights. It should be noted that there was no commitment at this time from the Union; one should ask why I would spend $10,000 if my plan was to leave the Sheriff’s Office for a second career? This was based solely on my outspoken support of the Sheriff’s opponent in the previous election. As provided to my attorney at the time, all of my previous evaluations were stellar. Prior to the election, Sheriff Bane also considered my abilities to be professional and outstanding; proven by my selection as the Public Information Officer, as well as being selected to attend the Johns Hopkins Police Executive Leadership Program.
My intent was to enter the “DROP” retirement program with my fellow classmates from EL #8; it was not to fully retire from the Sheriff’s Office. I began my search for other employment after it was clear to me and others I trusted, that there was no future for me at the Sheriff’s Office over the next few years. Growing up and living in Harford County my entire life, I always wanted to be a Deputy Sheriff; it was a painful decision, albeit the right one, to retire. However, let me make it clear, it was not until the Sheriff unlawfully skipped me because of my political views that I decided to look elsewhere.
Over the past two years this incident has been mentioned in several articles and comments within local print media channel(s). I have not commented or offered any information pertaining to this incident in hopes to not relive the stressful time Sheriff Bane caused me and my family. The only person that was aware of my job search, after I was not promoted, was my wife; not until March 23, 2012 was my attorney even made aware.
Finally, I made my retirement announcement on June 7th to the County and on June 8th to my classmates of EL #8 at a gathering with my fellow EL #8 classmates the same evening. This was thirty- nine days, not two as stated in the quote above, after I was promoted. On June 12th I met with the Sheriff to personally tell him I was retiring from the Sheriff’s Office. I left this meeting satisfied that we both would move forward and leave the past events behind; again, I naïvely believed the Sheriff would be a man of his word.
President Impallaria, I have all of the above documents, excluding notes from my meeting with Sheriff Bane and the Major, which will prove the timelines, and information. I have left out a lot of other facts pertaining to the law suit I would have, or perhaps should have filed. However, this letter is to address Sheriff Bane’s claim of having “prior” knowledge of my “leaving the agency, to get another job” as his reason for skipping my promotion. In closing, as you and members of the Union(s) read this letter, I encourage you to uphold your own Courage, Honor, and Integrity and respectively voice your beliefs.
God Bless,
(sig) David A. Betz
Lieutenant David Betz (Retired)
LT. Betz, You have shown Bane doing what he does, lying and lying, but you will be the bad guy for pointing it out. WAKE UP PEOPLE! Time for this guy to go!
The DSU should withdraw its support of this guy. Just brings down the credibility of their group. Way to get it right HCCA!!
This letter was on the Union Blog, they had the information before the vote.
Who is “they” Marc Eaton. I knew nothing about this and several other issues. Issues that if they were brought to light may have changed my vote. Issues that may have changed the outcome of the endorsement vote. I don’t randomly just check the union web blog and I should have to. But this letter should have been sent to all members.
I was asked to post this on the Union Blog by a Union member who didn’t want to be seen as biased. And I did so. As far as this being sent to all members that should have been done by the President, Vice President or other members of the board. You are asking the wrong person about why this was not done. This should also make you think about the credibility of the Union Administration.
I saw this posted on the blog prior to the union vote (which took place a month later than it should’ve, but that’s a different issue and all the BS about the PAC should’ve been figured out months earlier instead during the time we should’ve been voting on who to endorse.)
Unfortunately, I suspect less than 25% of the union bothers to check it even monthly if they ever log into it because hardly anything is ever posted. Even the meeting minutes are rarely ever posted so there’s not much point in looking at it ever unless you’re bored and have some time to kill.
Dave Thank You for bring this to light, Bane does not deserve a re-election! Your situation along with what he did illegally firing “the female” deputy is a disgrace. Plus, the countless other deputies he boned along the last several years forcing them to retire medically. I to believe that the HCDSU should revoke their support!!
Another great police officer cheated out of his accomplishment by a vindictive man. Thank you Mr. Betz for bringing yet another “untruth” claimed by Sheriff Bane to light. I agree, the President of the DSU needs to respond to this if he wants this endorsement to carry any weight at all. An endorsement gained on lies is unworthy of the men and women who serve in uniform.
Deputies don’t care about other deputies that’s what’s wrong. If they are not being targeted then they could care less about others that are. You also can trust very few people including those that you once considered friends. Sad but true
Time for a county police force. get rid of this political bull.
I don’t see that creating a County Police Department would have any real effect on the current situation. We would still need a Sheriff to oversee those functions that can’t transfer from the Sheriff.
What we really need is someone new as Sheriff. Someone who has integrity and high ethical standards. Our current Sheriff has been exposed several times as having neither of these attributes.
When the top law enforcement officer of our County is willing to be untruthful for his personal gain, then how can the citizens have trust in the entire Office of Sheriff that they are enforcing the law in a fair and impartial manner?
Change is necessary at the top echelons of the HCSO. Only a new Sheriff will make that happen!
A county police force would consolidate all police depts within the county – absorbing some of the cost already borne by the folks living in the incorporated areas. The cost of a police force and a small sheriff’s office to serve papers, etc – would be shared across the entire county. There may be some initial costs – repainting cruisers, etc, whatever but negligible in the long run. We’re too big in Harford County now for the Andy/Barney Mayberry show. The police dept could do the law enforcement job it’s meant to do without this political stuff every 4 years. The people that cry the most to keep the sheriff’s office as is are the one’s trying to make a buck off of it. Get our deputies and their supervisors out of politics.
What do you mean a County Police force ? Isn’t the Harford County Sheriffs Office our Police Force ? Are you saying that sheriffs aren’t real policemen ?
He isn’t implying that at all. He means a professional force with an appointed head that serves at the discretion of the county executive.
The Sheriff’s Office would continue to exist, as it is constitutionally required to do so, but in a much smaller and less politically-charged capacity.
Thank you Keith .
I don’t think taking away people’s vote on their representative in law enforcement is the answer. Do you honestly think agencies with appointed chiefs aren’t political too? If you do, I have some very valuable swampland and some bridges I’d like to sell you. The sheriff and deputies should be expected to keep their political ambitions and preferences out of the work place. Most of them do. As a citizen, I’m glad I’m having the opportunity to read about this and consider the information presented here as I prepare to cast my informed vote. Why would I want to give my vote away in favor of politics that are hidden from public view?
Actually, you hold the County Executive responsible for the actions of a County Police Department. If the Police screw up they answer directly to him. You hire your police chief based on his merits, not his political views. It would not be unusual for a Republican Executive to a Chief of Police that is a registered Democrat, because you hire the best man for the job. Then you are not electing your law enforcement based on political views or motivation. It tends to keep your Law Enforcement honest…….
It sounds to me like there is a very hostile work environment at the Sheriff’s Office. The incumbent Sheriff, as I remember, promised to get rid of the internal politics if he was elected his first term. Well, here it is nearly 8 years later and the internal politics is worse than it ever has been. Yeah, good job Sheriff Bane………NOT!
It also seems to anybody reading the posts that are obviously made by the Deputies that there must be some sort of problem with “control of voting” as to whom the Deputy’s Union will support. In other words, do the Deputies casting their votes truly have a voice in their union voting process without any undue duress? Doesn’t sound like it to me.
Just another Gahlernista whining and complaining. Don’t worry boys and girls, the election is only 5 days away. After that (no matter the results), you’ll have 4 more years to do more of the same (whine and complain). 🙂
Thank you for your letter Dave. I’m sure it wasn’t easy to dredge everything up again, but I admire you for your committment to keep people informed of the truth. There are so many stories of how Bane has purposely let deputies down with immoral decisions and taking care of only those that are in his circle of trust. Those that have been taken care of simply sit back and collect a fat paycheck for doing absolutely nothing while other deputies have to pick up the slack because everything is delegated to them by these lazy leeches. The other deputies struggle to make ends meet since they STILL are not earning their base salary thanks to our stellar county council members who are still trying to give themselves raises for their part-time work even after getting assistants to help them with their “work load!” But what does that matter to Bane? He just changes the rules and requirements to promote unqualified, undeserving people into positions of power and then just simply changes them back when it doesn’t benefit his circle of trust or himself anymore.
I am hoping and praying we don’t make the same mistake again re-electing Bane. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. The results are in and they look like crap. Get Bane out of there!
Watched the video and how smug could Bane be? Does the man have any conscious?
He looked awake to me.
LOL! State Police have never had the rule of three and if you watch Gahler’s reaction when Bane is claiming Gahler supported the rule of three you can see he wants to call Bane on yet another lie. What a fool to keep making things up.
Publishing junk like this is why no one takes the Dagger seriously. NO ONE recognizes them as a valid outlet for news in the real world. Keep it classy No wonder Cindy left
And yet here you are reading it…
No, the Dagger is the only one to post anything about Bane. Fact, the Corrections Union sent the endorsement letter to the Slaegis and they would not print it. Others have sent letters to them and they will not print them. 4, 476 people who follow the Dagger on social media will see it to. Once again, defend the liar and attack the person telling the truth. Typical Bane supporter.
Thank you Mr. Betz for your candor. I can’t imagine what your family must have experienced. It’s hard to be in law enforcement, you have an example to set. Mr. Bane just seems to miss the mark over and over.
What happened to the Supervisor Sgt Rafauste who had a stroke on the job and was missing for hours? Bane promised an investigation into this, was that yet another lie? Bane also forced him to retire and he didn’t get an on duty retirement. The union and Bane sat back and watched this happen.
I know if at least 3 deputies forced to retire medically. None of them got a line of duty retirement. Hadn’t heard anything from any of them in a year. The union and the agency could give a shit less about them. I reached out to one of them this week. He said that he feels like no one cares because no one has called him or checked on him in atleast the last 8 months. That’s bullshit WTF is wrong with people he is one of our own. I felt like crap but I will now check on him and the other 2 when I can. If your reading this then this could be you and we have a responsibility as a family to take care of our own.
Mr. Wickwire, step up to the plate and start paying their bills, mortgage, bge, insurance etc., that’s taking care of family.
Let me add, when the snow arrives get over to all three and shovel their driveways and bring milk, bread and toilet paper. You said they were forced to retire for medical reasons, are they wheelchair bound or bedridden? If so I feel bad for them. In all honest you make this guy sound like a baby, no one has checked on me, no one cares, If he does not have a serious illness that stop the wining and be a man. If he does have a serious illness or injury that has totally F’d him than why was he forced to retire? when your that bad off you want to retire.
Hedley- So you are saying that in your opinion each of them need to be wheelchair bound to need our help? Get a life. He told me John Ryan helped set up physical therapy for him. He said John did this on his own without the unions help.
If I had extra money I would help out. Isn’t that what the benevolent fund is there for? Has the union offered to help them?
Again, I just asked for the third time for help for a deputy who was retired medically for money to help him with bills. The board said they saw this person had posted on a social web site some vacation photos so they denied him. The vacation was prior to his retirement and his pay being cut off from the county. He had been getting a check and had no idea he would be terminated before his retirement started. That was in September and he has yet to get any money since. So you are right why does the Union have a benevolent fund. I just sent the last of our money to a medically retired deputy to cover his medication and we are now broke. The Union or the current Sheriff has never asked if they could help our fund out. If anyone wants to help us I will ad the links. So far getting this started has come out of my pocket to get the web site and the 501 c3. It is a shame these guys are retired and forgotten about. We do keep in touch with the benefits coordinator from the county to keep track of medically retired members. If we had the fund the Union does we could do more then pay for medications and Doctor visits. It is not right to serve and be retired and then forgotten.
That is correct John Ryan took care of that for him.
Mr. Wickwire, I watched the two candidates running for Union President before I was banned from the member side of the web page. Both candidates agreed it was not the Union responsibility to keep up with medically retired members. This is why we started our fund. We keep up with the medically retired guys and help when we can. We just don’t have the money the Union has. This Union has lost its way.
Mr. Wickwire. I have asked the Union for help with three medically retired Deputies. All three requests were denied. Two under the prior President and one under the new President. They are right, you are just gone and forgotten.
On November 4th the voters of Harford county will hold Bane accountable for his actions. Betz held himself and others to high standards and left a lasting impression on the Sheriffs Office of what a true and genuine leader looks like. Unfortunately the bane supporters have been brainwashed into thinking that Bane can do no wrong…iTs a shame that some voters didn’t see it sooner…
So this letter was written and received at the end of august and Impallaria releases it to the Dagger the 30th of October. Sounds to me like it was held for full effect without leaving a chance for rebuttal – and you all believe Gahler is any less calculating? Really?
I believe Mr. Cahil stated above that the letter was sent earlier this year to the union president for distribution to the member Deputies and has subsequently been sent to the Dagger by a third party. I assume he means that it was not sent by the union president. More likely it was sent by one of the member deputies. Mr. Cahill went further to state that he verified the contents with Mr. Betz.
As I understand it, Dave’s letter was originally dated Aug. 30, after the debate, and was directed specifically at union members. I can’t speak to where or when it appeared after that–until last week, when it came to us with the request that we publish it for mass consumption.
Because it came through a third party, I felt it necessary to run it past Dave himself to make sure none of the contents were altered. He said they weren’t and gave us his blessing to run it.
And that all happened in time to release thursday before an election, again ironic timing. There’s zero doubt it was calculated for a specific date to leave zero chance for rebuttal. Betz even says it himself in the letter that he would leave release and timing up to those he sent letter to. Betz seemed satisfied after closed door meeting and conspicuously left out the reason he was given in that meeting for why he wasn’t promoted. I understand everyone here has made their mind up but this (on Gahler side) is an incredibly negative campaign. I would’ve far rather heard what changes he would make beside “Jesse is a bad man”. This just continue to prove my point that neither side of this race has clean hands. Half of the cases you discuss are one sided. The medical retiree marc refers to above was a BS medical retirement and everyone who worked with him knew it. He also works another job so the woe is me story doesn’t fly. I have true empathy for real medical retirements but that- wasn’t. The female deputy that was fired broke a rule. She was in uniform discussing who to vote for when campaigning in uniform is unallowed. Perhaps it’s an extreme of the rule, but again the majority of those that work with her did not disagree nor were up in arms about her departure. So let’s at least be transparent about entire situations. If all Gahler can say is that Jesse is bad, I have no use for him. Tell me your plan to fight for raises, tell me your plan for staffing, tell me how you will fight county council for funds to actually use the new jail building. You know stuff that matters.
You seem to feel that Sheriff Bane should have impunity when it comes to making statements that are false or misleading.
What has happened on several occasions is that Bane makes statements and Gahler calls into question those statements.
You then want to label Gahler as a person who only wants to point out negative things about Sheriff Bane. As far as you are concerned Bane can just say anything and the voting public should just let it slide. No need to address what Bane says, after all that would be negative campaigning.
Gahler, for his part, has offered on more than one occasion to withdraw from the race for Sheriff if Bane could prove the lies he has stated regarding Gahler. Bane, for his part has never offered any proof to substantiate his statements as true.
So, here we are again with substantive information from Mr. Betz, that a statement Bane made in a debate with Gahler regarding Mr. Betz, is a lie. You don’t offer any proof that Bane didn’t lie, rather you question the timing of the information release.
Round and round we go. Bane lies, Gahler calles him on the lie, and all of the Bane supporters scream “negative campaigning” for Gahler pointing out the lie.
No I don’t feel Bane is unicorns and rainbows. That’s also not been my argument from the beginning. My argument is you all act like Gahler is the next coming of Jesus and he shows signs of being no better. I believe it is a mistake to ignore that.
Sheriff Bane accepted campaign donations from Total Urgent Care and additional donations from the provider/owners wife. Total urgent care got the Sheriffs Office contract to administer fit for duty exams and random urine tests. Major conflict of interest and how can deputies that were found unfit and forced to retire trust that finding.
Actually a County Police Department would eliminate the politics of the office of sheriff for the largest and most important part of the force, law enforcement. Sure you will still elect a Sheriff and he will be responsible for a small, but less important mission, of serving the public. He would provide the security of the court house and serve summonses. The County Police Chief, who would be appointed by the County Executive, would be in charge of the law enforcement aspect. Police Officers and associated ranks, investigators, crime prevention, drug enforcement anf so on. This would remove the politics and allow for a more open and free dialog with a police chief without any fear of political retaliation. But before we get a county police lets give our deputies what they want and deserve… new leadership,
A police commissioner answers directly to a politician so how much less political do you think a police commissioner will be exactly? I’m sure the county would be much happier having a good ol’ boy appointed by Craig the democrat in republicans clothing than someone they elected directly. And why in the world would a free and democratic society ever want to willingly give away the power to elect one of its leaders to the government?
Getting back to the point of this article, Bane has sounded great throughout this election to everyone except the people like Lt. Betz and those of us that know how many of the things he has said are lies.
Bane has nothing to worry about. 3/4 of the commenter on the Dagger are from the same small group. Good thing most of them don’t live in Harford County and can’t vote for their crybaby want to be sheriff.
You will soon know if your statement is correct. Personally, I believe you are going to be surprised at the election outcome. I, along with many others I know will be voting for Gahler or have already done so.
The subject of this article is just one of the many reasons I am voting that way. Our Sheriff has lost his way and new leadership is needed.
Word is the Bane wins 51,000 to 41,000. Major polling org is never wrong.
Wow, you guys only have 92,000 voters up there? I thought Harford County had 250,000 people…..
Soul Crusher, its called voter turn out. Judging from your misinformed posts, you need to do some homework. You have diarrhea of the mouth…
Jona Miller doesn’t even exist in the state of Maryland according to the Accurint Databases………
Aaahhhh, Moderation Marc, once again. I should’ve known…
You guys are so far into the minutia no one has a clue what you are complaining about.
What is the real issue here? Gahler said Banes shoe was untied and Bane said it wasn’t so clearly everyone should vote for Gahler.
This has spiraled down into a Gahler/Eaton internet joke and it’s too bad neither one of them realize it.
Two large election campaign postcards came in the mail today which gave me a chuckle. The one from Bane showed that major crime was down in homicide, rape, robbery and burglary, while the one from Gahler showed that crime was up in homicide, rape, robbery, and larceny.
Reading the fine print, Bane’s is based on the Harford Count Sheriff’s Office Uniform Crime Report and compares the half-year of January through June, 2014 versus the same period in 2013, while Gahler’s is based on the Maryland Uniform Crime Report but doesn’t state a time period for the comparison. My guess is that both camps picked time periods that yielded the results they wanted.
Republican officer, you may have just made the second dumbest comment ever left on an article relating to the sheriffs office right behind everything soul crusher and Marc Eaton have ever said (which are all clearly tied for the dumbest). I hope that you are about as republican as the liars posting “another republican for Bane” signs, because I would be embarrassed to share political affiliation with you.
Well you really did show me up with hard hitting facts.
Is the rest of your life indicative of your public failure here?
Everything the SoulCrusher states is true. Your Courts are corrupt. Your State’s Attorney Office is corrupt and I’ve never I’ve never had dealings with ANY Harford County Sheriff’s Office that can tell the truth. Don’t bring me into your little police squabbles, I’m just watching and laughing at the complete and utter idiocy displayed right here in response to this article……..
ANYONE, Christ you got me going and I can’t even type straight…..
But, since you did mention the Crusher of Heads, Holes and Souls……..Is electing Gahler going to make the Deputies of the Harford County Sheriff’s Office tell the truth? Will it prevent the petty bitchering, oh sorry, bickering within the big blue bubble? Will the Detention Center finally get a leader with a Peter? Will Marc ever get Gahler’s house clean after Jeff makes him his head Cleaning Lady? Will the people of Harford County be safer? Or better yet, will they feel safer? Will the Detention Center ever open its expanded Sections? Will Eagle One fly over Harford County with that FLIR device and not break the law? Will the SoulCrusher ever SHUT UP?!? The answer to all of these questions is NO, Uh uh, nada, negative, no way……You get the picture.
Im getting a job?
Dave Betz was one of the finest people to ever wear the agency star. Anyone who has worked with him knows he personifies the meaning of the word integrity. Bane let his ego, power and vindictive nature force Dave into doing what he had to do. Now Bane is paying the price. Thank you, brother in blue, for not forgetting about those who are still here.
Lenny the fact that you believe your opinion carries any weight proves this is a non issue. And yet another ploy to get people to not vote for Gahler but against Bane.
You sir are part of the joke.
Dave Betz was one of the finest people to ever wear the agency star. Anyone who has worked with him knows he personifies the meaning of the word integrity.
Sure he does, if “integrity personified” includes hooking up with a fellow deputy’s wife and almost loosing your job…. but I guess no one remembers that….. But many in the camp are also that way it seems a theme
You and Bane must get your “facts” from the same source…
How tacky can you get?! Almost four years later, you’re still personally smearing Mr. Betz?
You can’t have It both ways. You can’t tout someone as full of integrity knowing full well they’ve exhibited actions less than what integrity entails. Since when is truth considered a smear if it is in fact truth.
Oh my word – I almost spit out my drink from laughing when I read this comment. Really – I guess this doesn’t apply to Bane? “Since when is truth considered a smear tactic if it is fact truth?” How about when the Sheriff lies and then is called on it – then its a smear tactic – right? Hypocrisy much?
It’s painfully obvious to an outsider of the HCSD, that politics and in-fighting are rampant. It’s time to hit the refresh button!
this has nothing to do with Betz – but how much money is being blown on this election just to let Jesse keep his fat cat job or give his pay check to Jeff. Baltimore county has had a police commissioner for years, for years – and mostly, mostly – smooth sailing. Nothing is 100%, but it’s got to be better than what the HCSO has turned into.
Somebody wake me up for the election. I’ll pick up Forwood, Pressberry, and Moore up on the way.
How low can you go? I just received a robo call from former hasbeen Sheriff Kunkle supporting the crybaby..
Oops, I’m sorry. I sound like a worried fool there. Might be about to lose my job next week.
You just sound like a fool, that’s all.
According to the Bane supporters on here no one reads the Dagger or pays attention to the Dagger. If this is true why are so many of you on here constantly banging on Gahler supporters? Why bang on me if no one pays attention? In my experience with people if they are scared or being backed into a corner they fight back and react in anger. Like name calling and other childish things. I am still waiting on one person to dispute any fact put on here about Bane. One person defend the lie on this thread.
Ask Bane about the way he lied to Cpl Cavanaugh, Dfc Keplin and myself when the issue of compensation to K-9 handlers came up. It was a federal law. All three of us went to a lawyer, Wayne Norman and asked his advice on this matter. We agreed to meet with Sheriff Mele on this and give them the opportunity to comply with it before taking any action. Unfortunately our meeting was with Bane. Cpl Cavanaugh who started this thing presented the law to then Major Bane and HR Director Joe Ramaca. Bane looked at us and said it was clear and we would start receiving the pay on the next check. Several months go by with no money so we had our lawyer send a letter to the Sheriff asking why it was not being taken care of and we would be thinking of filing a law suit. When I came into roll call my Lt told me Bane wanted to see me and I know what it was about so I took Cpl Gary Vernon with me. When I sat down Bane tossed the letter at me in his arrogant way and asked me what this was about? I told him you agreed to pay us but you have not done so and we are proceeding with the law suit. Bane looked at Ramaca and stated “did we ever agree to paying this”? Ramaca said no. I looked at Bane and said I guess there is nothing more to talk about. Myself and Cpl Vernon walked out of the office. Several weeks later we finally started getting the compensation. You don’t forget meetings like this. So if you want to know why I dislike Banes behavior this is just one story of why. Integrity and lying do not go together. No wonder people don’t trust police when you have the Sheriff acting like this. It is shameful that people who work with him and see his actions will stand behind him and support him. Time for a change, 8 years and Bane has promised he will not change the way he does things. I believe him, more vindictive behavior and going after those who dare stand up against him. I think Harford County can do better the Bane.
I peed on marcs leg frequently. He deserved it.
I still loved you Max, you were a good partner. RIP Buddy.
Sheriff Kunkle was an outstanding Sheriff and has more integrity in his little finger then Bane does in his entire body. Typical Bane supporter, attacking a good Sheriff. If Bane was a decent man do you think Sheriff Kunkle would be making those calls for him instead? Who is making Bane’s robo calls, the many people who have been caught lying or had integrity issues? Forwood, Visnaw and the list goes on.
There isn’t an ounce of integrity in the entire Harford County Sheriff’s Office lame brain. You know its true. Everyone does, the petty bickering on this particular article’s comments proves my point.
Only four more days till Marc crawls back under his rock till the next election.
We will see.
I have not been under a rock since 2010. You need to keep up.
Agreed, you have been a pooper scooper and a pipe cleaner since 2010. Don’t mess with Marc or the $hit will totally hit the fan……
From the Sheriff’s Office web site. Does Sheriff Bane abide by this?
We are responsible for our conduct, both professionally and personally. We are honest, fair, and strong of character. We hold ourselves accountable to the highest standards of ethical conduct and endeavor to be role models for others.
Yes — lying, cheating and stealing. That’s accountability for you. As for Dave Betz, I worked with him while he was at the CAC and I thought he was a smart, wonderful, dedicated professional. Through the years I have worked with a number of folks from the Sheriff’s office, and by far, Dave Betz was head and shoulders above. I was saddened to hear what happened to Dave and wish he would have sued. Dirty politics is rampant in Harford County and I am so sick of it. I wish Dave and his family well as he can hold his head high and I hope never looks back to podunk Harford County. Like Dave, I was raised in Harford County and I am embarrassed and ashamed of what it has become.
I am still waiting on the documentation on the 70 Troopers that Gahler had fired. You offer documentation but it never appears. Guess you can’t produce what does not exist. Thats right the people who support you are not concerned with a little thing like the truth.
To all of you who were more than kind with your comments: thank you, you have no idea what it has meant to me and how I miss all of you.
I have not said one ill word against Bane or his administration since I left. I did not engage in the Bane blasting; and short of signing my name to a letter of support for Gahler; whom I fully support, I have not commented nor responded to any of the claims against Bane. Not until Bane himself brought me back into this because of his lies regarding my choice to retire did I feel it necessary to dispute his fabricated “facts.” It was my intention for my letter to be distributed in late August to the deputies so they could make an informed decision, nothing more. Recently I was asked permission to have it posted on the Dagger and after great debate, I agreed. I wrestled with this because I figured someone would attack me personally since my facts could not be disputed. As predicted, there are a couple who did just that while hiding behind the mask of alias names.
The attention, and your anger, should not be focused towards me; I am not running for Sheriff; after all, I haven’t lived in the county for over two years. Yes, I indeed have made some very bad decisions in my life, which I would be willing to bet that you have as well. The one you mentioned was well over twenty (20) years ago. But I am sure you will mention more if this too makes you mad. Only by the grace of God was I given a second chance, forgiven, and made something of my career. I apologized, took my lumps that I deserved for my actions, and learned from those regrettable mistakes. Again, I would be willing to bet those who have attacked me personally, so my entire family can read about it, have also made some bad choices in their lives as well. I am not proud about some of my poor decisions and choices I have made; but I have never lied about someone else to further my position. Nor have I printed anything about any of you in order to discredit or hurt you personally. Those of you who know me know I am not the same person I was twenty years ago, and again, I bet you aren’t either.
I don’t think Bane is perfect nor do I believe Gahler is perfect. I am willing to bet both have made poor choices in their lives as well; just as I and many on here have done. And, all of us will probably continue to make poor decisions here and there. What matters is how we respond to and learn from our poor decisions and how we make amends to those we have hurt. What should come into question is when we, or someone else, continues to make the same mistakes or continues to tell lies that we should question integrity or their motives.
Finally, save your energy from personally attacking those on this blog and research what is being said by those who want to lead your county. For those of you who have or will personally attack me because of either the letter or this post; please think twice and if it is something I have done to you, or you would just like to catch up and talk, please leave me your contact information so I can call you.
What a classy response to some classless people!
I have a promotion for bane and all his pathetic legal gang with guns….but you have to be there while I’m taking a shit to receive it.
omg, I feel bad about this comment. it sounds so crude and rude, but ya know after further reflection and remembrance, yes why wouldn’t I just shit on you? the hcso shit on me. you can best believe that when the feds come down on carr and marsden and the hcso and any persons profiting from all this trash, I will be there….thank u soul crusher, u give us hope