From Harford County Public Schools:
October 27, 2014
The Board of Education of Harford County met for an open business meeting at 6:30pm in the Board Room of the A. A. Roberty Building and took the following actions and received the following presentations:
Board Comments
Public Comment
– Ryan Burbey, HCEA: Commend Superintendent and team for developing November Professional Development. Workplace issues are nearly as important as salary issues. We don’t know future funding, so we need to convince government to put more money in schools; but we have to work with what they have to make teachers the number one priority for HCPS.
– Jean Burnham, CCES: Teacher celebrating other teachers at CCES and the school community. Pre-K teacher’s classroom was recently used as model classroom. 2nd grade team will host new 2nd grade teachers in early November. These experiences help CCES teachers teach each other to reach their true potential. Their families have contributed over $10,000 as of today that will help their PTA.
– Kathleen Mader, HDHS: Teacher thanking Mr. Frisch and Mr. Thornton.
– Lora Pangratz: Thank the school system for honoring her father, Mr. Bill Seccurro with HTHS courtyard naming. Encourage the use of Mr. Seccurro’s slogan, “Pride Inside” for all current educators and HCPS as a whole.
– Maureen Wesner, FAMS: Teacher thanking Mr. Frisch and Mr. Thornton
– Erin Chojnacki, NHMS: Teacher (and former HCPS student) thanking Mr. Frisch and Mr. Thornton
Old Business: Consent Agenda
– Affirmation of Monthly Contracts
– Minutes of Previous Board Meeting: October 13, 2014
– Contract Award: Department of Special Education Contracts for Related Service Providers
– Contract Award: Havre de Grace Middle/High Replacement School Quality Control Testing Services and Subsurface Exploration and Geotechnical Engineering Services
New Business: Presentations
– Presentation on November Professional Learning Conference by Ms. Jackie Tarbert and Ms. Rebecca Gault
– Annual Report of the Citizen Advisory Committees
– Gifted and Talented Education, by Dr. Peter Carpenter and Ms. Pam Deem-Hergan
– Career and Technology Education, Ms. Susan Garrett and Ms. Patrice Ricciardi
– Family Life Education, Ms. Susan Garrett, Mrs. Jennifer Budelis and Mrs. Ginny Popiolek
– Safety and Security, by Mr. Bob Benedetto and Mr. Mark Stillwagon
– Special Education, by Dr. Susan Austin, Dawn Markovic and Rorrie Fortier
Superintendent’s Report
– The YBES groundbreaking ceremony was wonderful- a lot of people were involved in the success and event. It was wonderful to see the children’s faces! Congratulations to Mr. Seccurro and thank you to HTHS for the reception and ceremony they hosted for Mr. Seccurro’s Construction Courtyard dedication- it was a wonderful event.
The next Board of Education business meeting will be held Monday, November 10, 2014 at 6:30pm. All Board meetings are held in the A. A. Roberty Building. To access all future meeting dates and agendas, log onto the school system website at
Hey Burbey – The teachers should never be the number one priority. The CHILDREN should be.
Your are right – most of us are fed up in Harford with all the attacks on public education, teachers and small town values. Get my drift?
I’m sure the children will be well served in Harford County when the board doesn’t fund salaries yet again, resulting in several hundred great teachers leaving the system. Property values in Harford County will sink like a rock when the school system begins to crumble.