From Harford Campaign for Liberty:
October 28, 2014
7 pm – 9 pm
Knights of Columbus Hall
23 Newport Drive
Forest Hill, MD. 21050
Do you wish you knew more about the candidates running for office in Harford County? How they vote, where their funding comes from, what policies they create for their departments?
Past behavior is sure to inform future action. Join us at our last meeting before the election and have some of these critical questions answered.
How relevant is voter fraud? We’ll share some useful information on how to identify and combat this enemy of liberty
Free Admission
Cash Bar
Children Welcome – Separate Room in Back
Visit our website
Stop by to giet your mind (assuming you have one) filled with biased B.S. (you’ll be glad you did!!) 🙁
A biased statement about attending a biased event…..priceless.
Is this another of those meeting where you tell us all about the bad candidates and who not to vote for and give no information on who you support?
Talk about taking away liberty and giving it to one person—just voted last week and gave an adamant no to County Question B that would add even more key decision and policy-makers at the County Executive’s whim. (making Deputy Director’s appointed and not qualified via the Code process.
Let me ask you this—you want your children’s drinking water supply-both in quality and quantity compromised by a connected political hack, or a qualified professional engineer who must go through an intensive screening process to be interviewed by his peers and the “appointed” Director of Public Works?
Do you want your streets and highways overseen, designed and properly balanced by a professional engineer who goes through a legal qualification transparent process or do you want your roads plastered wherever a developer sees fit to place at taxpayers, not his, expense?
C’Mon man!
This is why we have Code and APF requirements.
Scheming political wanna-be’s with very little intelligence having their egos inflated by some PACs, I’d guess.
It doesn’t matter which party wins or has control-y’all see what happens when you place amateurs/campaign contributors in charge of most things.
Vote no to Question B
Yes, I do wish I knew more FACTS about all candidates. I certainly would not expect facts to be the basis of any presentations at this session.
If they’re from harford co we already know what they are and what they do after work, stop by any sleazy bar where you can suck down booze and argue about a parking spot, there you will find our elites…lol