From Harford County Public Schools:
October 13, 2014
The Board of Education of Harford County met for an open business meeting at 6:30pm in the Board Room of the A. A. Roberty Building and took the following actions and received the following presentations:
Board Comments
Public Comment- due to the number of comments, please review the video available online
Old Business: Consent Agenda
– Minutes of Previous Board Meeting: September 22, 2014
– Contract Award: Chiller Replacement for Aberdeen Middle School
– Contract Award: On-Call Plumbing Services
– Contract Award: Language Laboratory System at Aberdeen High School
New Business: Action Items
– Presentation and Decision on Board Policy Report Cards and Marking System Policy 04-0023-000 by Patrick P. Spicer, Esq., Dr. Susan Brown, Mr. Joseph Schmitz, Mr. Stephen Lentowski, Dr. Kevin Ensor, Mr. Matthew Payne, Mr. Phillip Snyder
– Presentation on Recommended Board Policies presented by Patrick P. Spicer, Esq.
– Involvement of Students in Fund-Raising Activities Policy 06-0014-000
– School Store Policy 06-0015-000
– School Pictures Policy 06-0016-000
– Collection of Funds From Students Policy 06-0017-000
– Other Fund-Raising Activities Policy 06-0018-000
– Handling the Sale of Merchandise to Students Policy 06-0019-000
– Student Obligation for Lost and/or Damaged Property Policy 06-002-000
– Vendor Sales to Student Proposed New Policy 06-0032-000
– Decision on Wi-Fi Network Infrastructure and Equipment presented by Mr. Drew Moore
New Business: Presentations
– Presentation on Quarterly Financial Report for the Period Ending June 30, 2014 by Mr. Jim Jewell
– Presentation on Harford County Public Schools 2014 Compensation Study Results Report by Mrs. Jean Mantegna and Mr. Howard Kutcher
Superintendent’s Report
– Thanks to all that have participated in the public input sessions. We appreciate the input.
The next Board of Education business meeting will be held Monday, October 27, 2014 at 6:30pm. All Board meetings are held in the A. A. Roberty Building. To access all future meeting dates and agendas, log onto the school system website at
Our teachers make 11% less on average?
Yep, and the gap widens every year. Any wonder why the county started the year without enough warm bodies to fill positions?
Same tactic that broke the auto industry. Unions go after one auto company, break it and then go to the others and declare that they under pay. Same old, Same old.
If the other counties want to continue down the road to insolvency, let them. Their crappy test scores are no better than Harford County crappy test scores.
On the other hand, if you want to fire a ton of lazy bureaucrats to give them a performance raise for non performance, fine.
Giving a 50% boost in GPA to a C student in an AP class seems a little out of the ordinary. Shouldn’t the boost be a percentage increase rather than a flat increase? Such as using a 125% multiplier rather than simply adding 1? An A would then be worth 5, a B 3.75, and a C 2.5, vs 4, 3, and 2 respectively.
Every parent needs to look at the compensation study. As a teacher gains experience, the incentive grows to go to a different county. Keep in mind, this data is based in last year (missing 4 steps). The pay difference is greater now that we’ve missed 5 steps.
Teachers aren’t missing anything. Each budget dictates what they get. There is no progressive contract on raises or steps, period. Waving this old, tired piece of baloney about a contract is ignored because it isn’t true. It just makes you all look stupid.
Just say you deserve more. I guess you can’t because the fruits of your labors are poor.
I’d say that they are missing about 11%.
Funny how our teachers are making 11% less than others around the state, and there are so few comments. I wonder how many comments there would be if our students were scoring 11% less on their tests than other students around the state. Would that also be completely acceptable?
They’re all bad. So what.
It’s so true. Publish that teachers are compensated 11% less than other counties, silent acceptance. Publish that they want a contracted step, then they are ugly union thugs and we need to fire them all.
Boy, this old. They don’t have a contracted step. Otherwise they would be in court. No wonder the students need remedial work. Teachers don’t even understand what a contract is.
What do we have here? It looks like another teacher bashing weed in the field of civil Dagger discourse. Might be time to break out my container of pesticide. I may wait to see if it becomes invasive first.
I wonder how many teachers smoke weed?
I wonder how many teabillies grow and smoke weed?
I watch those shows and they be both making shine and growing weed in those hills. I think they put some of that seng in their tea.
Troweling out the truth smites a might, eh? Alliterations for their own sake do not a point make – nor do adolescent metaphors.
Ouch! Please more? Just like fish rising to the chum – you have arrived. Let the cheap thrills begin. However, your lack of intellect will soon make the game a bit boring.
“Boy, this old.” Maybe you should have paid attention in English class. Just goes to show how ignorant some posters to this website’s forum really are. Enjoying World of Warcraft in your Mom’s basement? You’re a joke.
Didn’t really need a verb – just a question mark. Teach school much? Are you the resident grammarian? The self appointed sot who goes after typos when you get kicked in the gonads?
Can’t defend the contract bullshite can you?
Wow – you really told him. I like the planned poor spelling in the comment. Nice touch!
LOL, sounds like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Geez. Attacking someone for attacking someone. Hypocritical? Can’t wait to see your next tirade. Amusing actually.
Spelling mistakes aren’t a crime, but teachers kneeling down between cars in the parking lot to take a puff from the weed pipe is.
Or is it? Maryland decriminalized weed, how does that pertain to school?
Speaking of potential criminal activity – Sounds like somebody has been lurking and stalking individuals in the school parking lot. Hmm? How creepy is that?
I haven’t been into any parking lots. It was a general (ignorant) comment.
You dont think any school teachers smoke weed?
Does HCPS even do a pre employment drug test? We all know they don’t (can’t afford) to test their employees randomly once a year.
In the year 2009, I went to a Bel Air bar to have a few drinks with my teacher friend, he brought a long a coworker.
I forget how the conversation started, but he mentioned he was never drug tested prior to employment. His coworker also admitted the same.
He no longer works at HCPS, but his coworker might, I’m not sure.
He told me he was going to work there until something better came along.
@Spud dud & Big mouth – Recently, I went out to a meeting at church with over twenty other adults most of which are parents and good Republicans who are involved with youth programs. The subject of drug testing never came up nor would I expect it to. So you two support more government intrusion than already exists in the Big Brother State of Maryland? We already had enough of this crap and finally just elected a Republican governor. Soon you’ll be advocating recording cell phone calls and registering all our firearms. Maybe, you should consider peddling your government knows best snake oil somewhere else and move on across the pond?
What does politics have to do with the hiring process of a local county government job?
Church youth group has no comparison to a county government application process. Fill out an online application and see for yourself about your “intrusion.”
We don’t agree politically, but I feel what your saying.
They don’t drug test at all! no pre employment, No Nothing
I agree with Notest, Big Tone, Spud, Hot and Ace. Why not require a DNA sample and then GPS chip everybody in this country? We need to secure our borders and protect the homeland against the threats from within and outside. The results of this midterm election have provided us an opportunity to act now.
Spying in parking lots, drug testing, DNA samples, GPS chips, attacking the weight challenged ……….. all this sounds way wacko to me. Is there a full moon out to night?
Why resort to name calling, though? I didn’t do that.
You are also putting your own agenda onto my comments, I simply told a story.
Let me guess, middle aged, overweight, white male? Make sure you get to Wal Mart for Black Friday, I heard tin foil will be 75 percent off, freak.
Are you hating on the weight challenged?
@BT Some of us can’t afford shopping at all of those specialty boutiques that you probably hang out in. You probably use that diamond card or pay all cash too. Just a liberal elitest!
Don’t let Glen know. I better get down there first!
Big Tone,
Your crude retort will only encourage my less refined brethren to respond in an even more intolerant fashion. However, your rush to involve government is rather suspect. In terms of government, I would suggest less is usually the preferred option.
Rush to involve government?
There are lots of jobs, private and public government sector that require drug screening.
You do not want the best employment lawful tools and methods of hiring the best teacher canidate? It starts with honesty and personal integrity, and it ends with cost effective background investigation’s and tools.
You seem to be a bit of a one hit wonder. I myself wonder if you have even bothered to measure what might be lost against what you see as a “cost effective tool”. Since you seem to champion the government placebo, I would suspect any more time devoted to discourse would be wastefully spent. However, I am sure others on this thread, in a less tactful manner, would be glad to point out the flaws in your thought process.
I support drug testing for employees of all school’s.
Extra step to take the trash out.
I smell a Fed.
@Oscar Probably more like a RINO, but you never know
Teahillbillies, I love the Democrats. Why on Earth is politics in this matter? Bubbas want to go there?
Talk about registering your firearms? Face it, Maryland’s own state constitution has nothing mirroring to the 2nd Amendment of the COTUS.
States right’s? You’re free to move somewhere else. Here, our state law decides whats best and firearm ownership is not included.
I find it hilarious when the teabillies eat there own especially over what level of a police state they want in the county. This stuff is priceless.