From the Bel Air Police Department:
On Sunday October 19, 2014 @ 7:23pm in the 500 block of Bel Air Road an adult male (57 yoa) pedestrian of Bel Air was walking in the roadway and was struck by a passenger car operated by an adult male of Forest Hill (28 yoa). The pedestrian was transported to University of Maryland Shock Trauma and is currently in stable condition.
At this time there are no charges pending against the driver, investigation preliminarily indicates pedestrian error. There are no know witnesses, neither speed not alcohol appear to be a factor.
If you witnessed this incident, please contact Bel Air Police, Officer First Class Alex McComas at 410-638-4500.
sad to hear about this
but lets look both ways twice before we cross a street next time
Sorry to hear about this mans death, however his death was caused by his own actions. It seems like his mother had excuses for all of the troubles he had during his life. This man needed help long before he was incarcerated. This happened over a year ago but the letter shows up just prior to the early voting. I do not believe that this is an accident.
What the hell are you talking about? What does your comments have to do with a man crossing the street and getting hit? No one died!
I was referring to the letter written about the man who committed suicide in the jail..
Einhorn aren’t you the Jesse Bane wannabe that dresses up as Uncle Tom?
That would be me. Why does Gayler signs say that he is endorsed by the Sheriffs Union when he knows that is not true? He is only endorsed by the jailers union A BIG DIFFERENCE!!!!
OK Einhorn,
Feel free to post your comments to the thread on that article. This article is about someone getting hit in the street.
Mr. Einhorn: Oh, but it IS true…..the Deputy Sheriff’s of the Harford County Correctional Association have, IN FACT, endorsed Mr. Gahler. Mr. Bane only tells people what he wants them to know and absolutely NOTHING about his day-to-day escapades within the confines of the Sheriff’s Office. It is obvious to anybody that reads these posts that the information provided by many Deputies, both active and retired, about the inequities of the Bane administration are true. Then, along come the so-called “Bane-ites and they do nothing except slander Mr. Gahler to try to make him look bad to the citizenry. After reading and inquiring about both men, I have come to the conclusion that there is definitely a hostile work environment within the Sheriff’s Office that is promoted as Mr. Bane and his administration see fit to further their personal agenda. Without a doubt Mr. Bane is probably a “nice guy” in the public’s eye, BUT………
My vote will go to Mr. Gahler and, by the way, he IS the most qualified man in this instance.
Einhole, The Deputies Union funded Jesse Banes 2010 Campaign against Jeff Gahler against the objections of many union members. Didn’t hear you complaining about that. Certainly looks fishy that Union Leadership got some preferred assignments. Didn’t hear anything about that last election Einhole. Please enlighten us. Crickets…..
Phil you are as senile as your friend Jesse. I’m sure he’ll withhold your reward now that you posted your, I mean his, comments under the wrong story. 2 losers
My only reward will be knowing that my family and friends will be safer with Sheriff Bane than with an unqualified retired State Police Officer. A State Police Officer does not have to ;manage a multimillion dollar budget, manage hundreds of officers, work with a county council and work directly with county businesses and citizens. I am told that his highest job was managing the State garage and car pool. I do not know this as fact but others have told me that. Of course someone has to do that but that is no experience for becoming a county sheriff. When he attends campaign meetings he never stays to take questions from the audience. Why is that?? I think Mr. Gahler is a nice person just not qualified to be Sheriff.
Mr. Einhorn: You obviously are swayed by hear-say. To set your train of thought on the right track, Mr. Gahler was the Northeast Regional Commander, involving Carroll, Harford and Cecil Counties and was responsible for a multi-million dollar budget and hundreds of personnel. So, yes, he is qualified and is a 100% supporter of the Constitution, to include the 2nd Amendment, without waiver.
Thank You, Multiple Personality Marc Eaton, for once again turning another article into a Gahler Campaign message. Love the “Uncle Tom” reference, does Gahler know that his campaign manager is a racist?
I was told that following the election that Mr. Gahler was moving to West Virginia. Perhaps he could take you and your buddies with him. I am told that they are hiring at the coal mines.
Einhorn, you posted Gahler’s name as “Gayler” in an attempt to demean Mr. Gahler. Why do you think it is demeaning should be the question asked about your values. I am sure Mr. Bane loves having a homophobic supporter out there making even more false statements about Mr. Gahler.
Sorry, I really did not mean to do that. Apologies to Mr. Gahler. Thanks for calling that to my attention. I wrote the note too quickly.
Einhorn and Finkle?
I hope he has good insurance to pay for the damages to the car. Next time stay on the sidewalk and wear bright clothes when it’s dark.
The number of idiots encountered standing in the center turn lane of rt1 between 24 and main street amazes me. What really makes me wonder is those who are looking the wrong way.
Huh? This individual, according to article, is/was in stable condition. How did he wind up in jail and dead?
F.L. Einhorn is a geriatric cronie of Bane’s. He’s very confused just like his buddy. He apparently wanted to help his friend Jessie by posting something to deflect criticism away from Bane, but his dementia kicked in and it ended up on this thread. He writes rambling letters to the editor of the Aegis too.
Hi Lenny, I hope you liked my letter to the Aegis this morning.
Nobody reads that old fish wrap anymore.
I guess you don’t expect their endorsement tomorrow.
When you know that the Deputy Sheriffs endorsed Jesse Bane why don’t your people remove those ficticious stickers from your yard signs? You are lying to the people. What kind of Sheriff would a person be if he plants lies to get elected?
What fictitious stickers are your referring to? What does the sticker say?
The stickers say endorsed by deputy sheriffs inferring an endorsement from deputies union which you know is not true.
Gahler had more deputies, corrections and LE, vote his way. You are a complete fool who makes completely false and foolish comments.
If that were true Gahler would have their endorsement. Get your facts straight. He has the endorsement of the jailers union but not the hundreds of deputies. You know this if you know anything about the officers. It is obvious that the deputies do not want a sheriff who is not qualified and would have to learn on the job.This job is too important to give to an ex state police officer.
You are lying or just wrong again. Call L. Baner and see how many total votes went to Gahler. More than to Bane. Time for a change and your goofy acts will have to play elsewhere.
Be careful, you could be sued for slander. Jesse is a nice guy, I would have you in court.
Bane is a liar. Take me to court.
Einhorn, How much money did the Deuties Union spend on Jesse Bane’s Campaign in 2010, $60,000 – $70,000. How did Jesse Bane pay back Union Leadership, great assignments? Certainly all deputies don’t support Bane but their union dues were used to keep union bosses in nice propped up positions. You should be ashamed of yourself Einhorn.
Bane is a lying clown. When Bane was called out on the union funding he acted like he didn’t know anything about it. Why doesn’t Bane pay back the union? How come Einhorn? Sheriff Jesse Bane is no more than a common thief.
Watch Bane lie right here Philly Eyesore:
I hope you are not a police officer. If you are afraid to use your name you would probably be afraid to defend a citizen if it was necessary.
Is that the Woolworth Sleepy Fred?
Can someone explain how a pedestrian being struck in the Bel Air Police jurisdiction is somehow related to the Sheriff race and the ongoing dispute with the Union ???
Bad enough we have to read all the crap on articles that actually pertain to the Sheriff race, but do we have to read it on every topic posted by the Dagger. Why does the Dagger allow this.
I will be glad when the election is over, but the they will just continue to complain about the other side until the next election. If I was Bane and Gahler I would be embarrassed by some of my so called supporters
Comments regarding the Sheriff’s race have nothing to do with this article. As you know, anyone can post comments using several names, and this appears to be the case regarding the race for Sheriff. I would suspect that several people who continue to comment regarding the Sheriff’s race really could care less about the outcome. They just enjoy utilizing their time posting ugly comments on the Dagger.
I have talked with Deputies regarding the Sheriff election, and though they are reluctant to talk about their feelings they, in the end, indicated it was their opinion that a change in Sheriff was needed.
Hi Gary, I have talked to some deputies also and the ones I have met like working for the Sheriff. When you have a couple of hundred people you will always get different opinions. But, the majority counts at the end. I will be glad when the race is over and Mr. Gahler can go back to West Virginia and be happy. I am told that is what he intends to do.
Einhorn, How much money did the Deuties Union spend on Jesse Bane’s Campaign in 2010, $60,000 – $70,000. How did Jesse Bane pay back Union Leadership, great assignments? Certainly all deputies don’t support Bane but their union dues were used to keep union bosses in nice propped up positions. You should be ashamed of yourself Einhorn.
Bane is a lying clown. When Bane was called out on the union funding he acted like he didn’t know anything about it. Why doesn’t Bane pay back the union? How come Einhorn? Sheriff Jesse Bane is no more than a common thief.
When unions give politicians money for their campaign that money is a grant not a loan. This is legal and most unions have done this for years to support a candidate. The money they spend to help someone in an election has been going on for years. They are supporting the person they want in office.
Sleeping Fred it time for you to wake up and smell the roses. You are supporting the wrong candidate and that leads to frustration. I am hoping for Mr. Gahlers’s sake that he isn’t spending too much of his own wealth in a losing cause. He should have learned better four years ago. That was his best chance before Sheriff Bane did so much more for Harford County citizens and got the helicopter from the Federal Government that the Maryland State Police asked the Sheriff to get. Why is Mr. Gahler against the helicopter when it did not cost the taxpayers any money and is funded by money received from criminals? His judgement in this matter shows that he is not qualified to be Sheriff.
Yeah that’s right the Helicopter doesn’t cost a thing. Einhorn, you are the reason people like Barrack Obama and Anthony Brown get elected – STUPIDITY.
Sorry, I did this by mistake. I am new to the daggar. I am replying to the lies being told about our Sheriff who is doing a great job for our county residents.
Phil, You are a homophobic who is not telling the truth. IE…you are lying. Take me to court.
boot bane you remind me of 6 year old kids who just call people names. Why don’t you learn to write like an adult?
Boot bane you don’t even use your name, why do you hide your name? Not proud of what you are writing????
Einhorn, you homophobe, you just cost Bane the gay vote. Grow a pair.
Welcome to the internet.
How do we know anyone’s name is “real”? What does that prove? You’re on the internet, getting hot and bothered and constantly hitting the reply button.
Again, if you knew someone’s actual Christian born name, what do you get out of it otherwise you would not?
If someone’s comment is unvalidated in yiur opinon because they didn’t use a Christian born name, then stop replying to it. Freak.
Why don’t you write like an adult instead of calling people names. You write like a 3rd grader when you do that. There is so much garbage and so many lies about our Sheriff on this blog I just want people to see the truth.
Phil they can’t use a real name because your buddy Jesse Bane is a vindictive man. He is a smart fella though, you know by making Eddie Hopkins colonel for the old timers vote and by keeping/promoting Major Pressberry for the black vote
Any manager with any sense would promote people he/she can count on. Who would promote someone that they don’t feel competent and trustworthy? Eddie Hopkins was a great choice because he is clearly qualified, I assume the same for the lady but I don’t know her. You don’t promote people that you don’t trust. Management 101!!!!
@ Phil Einhorn- Did Jesse Bane help you get that traffic light at Gateway and Boulton Street. You know the one you were such an advocate for. Did Bane do this as a favor for all your Uncle Sam help?
I never discussed the light with Jesse. That was a decision made by the town council.Jesse would have had no input to that decision.
Einhorn, Answer the questions. Why doesn’t Jesse Bane return the Union Money he has been using for his campaign?
The same Town Council that Eddie Hopkins was mayor of at the time? How ironic
You should be writing mystery novels. Do you dream these things up??
The comment box says ” Name * ”
One can logically conclude it means any name, if you have a hard on believing it implies your real Christian born name than that’s your agenda
It is so easy to be critical and say stupid things when you are too embarrassed to use your name. I would guess that some people use more than one ficticious name to look like more people agree with them. This is a cowards way of saying things. I am proud of what I say and don’t hide who I am.
Cool story, bro. No one cares about you, or what you have to “say.”
Phil staying at a holiday inn and dressing up as uncle sammy doesn’t qualify you as resident expert of The HCSO?
Lenny, just for the record I have never been in the Harford County Jail but I was a detention officer in Phoenix, Arizona for Sheriff Joe Arpio..This jail consisted of many buildings and tents and we also on rare occasions had a suicide even when we were required to look at every inmate once every 20 minutes.Also don’t think that my support for Sheriff Bane has anything to do with any position as I am 77 and not looking for work.
Einhorn, Answer the questions, Forwood, Visnaw, Pressberry, Moore, Jesse Bane Integrity?
Phillip Einhorn- ask Jesse about a Sgt who had a stroke on duty who was forced to retire. Ask him about how that Sgt didn’t get a line of duty retirement. Ask him what he did to try and help that Sgt get a line of duty retirement. Ask him how long this Sgt was missing before he was found. Ask him what changed to help prevent this from happening again.
Retirements are governed by law and contracts. The union exists to help it’s members when necessary. You waste too much energy looking for problems. If you stop the negativeity you will live longer and be happier. Life is too short to stay confrontational. No charge for the good advice, I hope you take it.
Einhorn, Sounds like you are one of those Hope and Change Cheese Heads. Look where that has led us. A pretender in the office of president. Barry Sorento…
No argument about the White House. Wow, we agree on something. Now if I could convince you that Jesse Bane is a good person and a good sheriff we could really be getting somewhere.