From the Bel Air Police Department:
On Saturday, October 11th, 2014 at approximately 2 a.m., Bel Air Police Officers were dispatched to the Bel Air parking garage 16 S. Hickory Ave for a report of a rape. Officers contacted the victim, a 29 year old female adult, who told them that she was confronted by two unknown white males at that location. The victim reported that the suspects forcibly raped her and then left the location. The victim was transported by Bel Air Volunteer Fire Company ambulance to Harford Memorial Hospital for evaluation.
Immediately from the scene of report the investigating officers broadcasted a description of the suspects. Within 5 minutes Bel Air officers located two suspects on Hickory Ave fitting the description provided by the victim. The suspects were detained by officers without incident.
Both suspects were transported to the Bel Air Police Department and later charged with 1st Degree Rape. The suspects are identified as David Eric Corn Jr., w/m age 25, and his brother Ryan Thomas Corn, w/m age 21, who reside in the 1100 block of Pericles Drive, Bel Air, MD.
This investigation is ongoing and anyone with information is urged to contact the Bel Air Police Department Criminal Investigation Division at (410) 638-4500.
Dave says
If they indeed did this, please don’t let them back on the streets anytime soon! Filthy SOBs, thier parents should be disgusted!
nrose says
What they did is completely terrifying and horrifying on every level. They deserve every punishment that is coming to them and then some, but it not fair to blame the parents, when their terrible actions aren’t necessarily a product of their home life. It isn’t right to judge the parents for all you know these boys are estranged from their parents. Blame the source of the actual crime itself. It wouldn’t be fair if you got blamed for a crime someone you associate with committed.
nrose says
Regardless, I’m sure the parents are disgusted and horrified.
Derek Reed says
Verdict in. First brother not guilty. Way to jump to conclusions. Woman lied, typical
D J Frucks says
Hope these guys get their just reward in the big house. Felons don’t like rapists or child molesters. I have a feeling rape might be a daily occurrence in their jail lives.
Derek Reed says
Verdict in. First brother not guilty. Way to jump to conclusions. Woman lied, typical
Tea Bagging It says
These two worthless POS idiots ought to be hung by their balls off of the parking garage. Then cut the rope and let em drop on their head. They better get their cavity stretched out because someone stateside is going to make them their little bitches.
Tea Bagging It says
Oh and your lucky I didn’t catch you because getting arrested would have been the least of our problems.
Derek Reed says
Verdict in. First brother not guilty. Way to jump to conclusions. Woman lied, typical
Teacher Lurker says
Derek Reed says
Verdict in. First brother not guilty. Way to jump to conclusions. Woman lied, typical
Concerned says
Very sorry to hear about this. Sorry that the lie telling bag of garbage Sheriff Bane keeps telling the citizens of Harford County that crime is down to its lowest level sence 1974! Please!!!
SoulCrusher says
Wow, your gonna try to turn this story into a Gahler/Bane debate. You are worthless.
Derek Reed says
Verdict in. First brother not guilty. Way to jump to conclusions. Woman lied, typical
Jodina says
This just makes the fact that our students are walking to school, and that is unnecessary and it could have been one of our female students who this could have happened to. Bring back the busses for the safety of our school children. These two morons that committed this crime are lower than slime. I hope they put these boys away for a long time.
Jeff "Big D" Anhus says
What does this have to do with school busses? Sounds like you have a personal agenda.
I mean, hell, distracted driving could be a reason to cry out for more school busses. Maybe improper timed crosswalks could be an out cry for school busses.
Your comment is pretty odd, but someone will say mine is too. At least I didn’t attempt a poor pathetic attempt at logic, though.
Jodina says
Jeff Angus – We have students that have to walk to school now because they won’t let busses pick them up. These two yo-yo’s raped a woman in the garage, and could have gotten a young female walking alone to school. And yes, I do have an agenda and that is the SAFETY of ALL of our school children. That should be your agenda, also. My comment is not odd, but one of a mother and a grandmother who wants ALL CHILDREN protected from predators such as those two nitwits that raped that young woman. How’s that for logic.
Jeff "Big D" Anhus says
Your comment is odd. You use one news article for your agenda about school busses.
Students have been walking to school for a hundred years, and crime has existed since laws were written.
Joppatowne Resident says
@ Jodina,
Whose child is going to be walking to school at 2am? I really don’t think the rape would have happened in broad daylight.
Bob says
Yes, because a 29 year old woman being attacked in a parking garage at 2 am on a Saturday has so much to do with kids walking to school in the morning.
I’m not sure which is more nonsensical…the idiot bringing Bane into this or you somehow thinking that a crime at 2 am on a Saturday around closing time for all the bars in the area has anything to do with kids walking to school
Jeff "Big D" Anhus says
Its non-sensical for sure, but uts also a growing trend of overall weird Harford County parents.
People are insulted when you tell them to grow a pair and take your kid to school yourself, that’s common sense parental responsibility, all else is secondary.
Harford County School busses aren’t a personalized driveway chauffeur, we should be glad that they even offer school bus transportation.
Nancy says
You all sound like ignorant uneducated people! Number one just because she claims she was raped does not mean she was ! Number two these boys are innocent until proven guilty! Number three what the hell does Jess bane have to do with random acts that may or may not have happen! I don’t think we should bash anyone until we know the facts ! Did they say a rape kit was done and it was determined at rape NO! So until then and its proven just chill!
PeiWei says
We, as the general public, will never know the full details and results of a Rape Kit until trial – and only if the presiding judge permits the release of such information to the media.
Since the brothers are still being held, there must be some good evidence pointing towards their guilt.
Judging by your obviously emotional response, you are either friends / related to / attached to the 2 dirty, scum sucking, degenerate, wasted subjects of this investigation. In response to your post regarding “innocent until proven guilty”, then quite the opposite could be said about the victim.
You are the problem with the glorification of rape in this society, so quick to state that they are innocent and push the blame back to the victim. Typical…
Is your last name, by chance, PelosI? Because then, it would be understandable.
Scott Shaw says
You are the problem with society thinking just because a woman cries rape that she was indeed raped. She had sex with the men then demanded money and when they didn’t pay she got mad. First brother exonerated, second brother’s trial in October
PeiWei says
Thanks for the update as if I missed the previous 15 posted by Mr. Reed.
Still don’t care – they are still “2 dirty, scum sucking, degenerate, wasted subjects”. Innocent this time, but still with a lengthy criminal record.
All the best to you and your family as you welcome them home.
Avalynn says
Well if you look up the suspects names in the judiciary you will see the 8 charges against the brothers. What motive would a 29 yr old woman have to make such accusations? But yes innocent until proven guilty. Feel sorry for the victim.
Scott Shaw says
The only victims are the two man accused of rape. First brother exonerated, 2nd brother’r trial in October
Truth hurts says
Dirt bags is what these guys are! I mean, I’m a grown man and this is upsetting to me! It was 2am and she said they were unknown. I believe her! Look at their facebook pages, David has a baby and somesort of g/f, or he did…he just looks like a criminal, the younger one not so much, but hey David is just showing him the lay of the land. Also one of them just had their car repoed last week… Low life losers!
Jimmysue says
Do you have a link to her facebook page so we can compare?
Scott Shaw says
Actually the woman is a dirtbag for lying. First brother exonerated, 2nd brother’s trial in October. Woman got mad the guys did not giver her $100.
Nancy says
The charges against them are all procedure ! Half of those charges will be dropped in court ! Girls lie too! 2 am why was she alone In bel air ! Maybe she was drunk and things got out of hand ?? Maybe she twisted everything and was drunk, and your judging character by a Facebook page get a life !!! Also a car repo so what economy sucks and times are hard! Like I said before innocent until proven guilty !
gossipgirl says
Even if she were alone in BEL AIR (ha… so dangerous) and even if she were drunk…………. THAT DOESN’T MAKE RAPE JUSTIFIABLE. She’s a GROWN woman for heaven’s sake, why can’t she be out at 2 a.m? This isn’t the 1800’s, women are allowed to walk alone, day and night. David has had several assault charges, a domestic violence charge, a DUI, a disorderly conduct charge and MORE (all on the case search). I think it’s safe to say something happened, maybe she wasn’t raped but they probably did assault her. Yes, innocent until proven guilty but you can’t assume the woman is lying either. Also, you’re claiming everyone is ignorant and uneducated, but you can’t even submit a commit with decent grammar. You should “get a life” and a grammar lesson.
“just chill” there’s only been first degree rape charges against two men in Bel Air… no dig deal.
Bob says
Yes, blame the victim. For all you know she may have been stone sober and was walking to her car in the parking garage and was attacked by these predators.
Yes, the investigation is obviously still ongoing, but BAPD had enough evidence to at least charge these guys with 1st Degree Rape and it takes more than just the story of a victim to support enough probable cause for that charge.
h says
The only evidence necessary to be arrested for rape is a penis. Who ever the guilty party is I hope they get what’s coming to them.
Scott Shaw says
Well, don’t quit your day job because you would be a terrible detective. People like you are truly scary who hear a story and believe it must be true. First brother was exonerated, 2nd brother will be in his October trial
PeiWei says
Yep, you are definitely related to them in some way, shape or form.
“2 am why was she alone In bel air !” Any number of reasons:
1. She was just getting off of work, and returning to her car.
2. She was out with friends, and returning to her car.
3. She was on a date, the date ended, she was returning to her car.
4. She was hungry, parked there to get something to eat nearby, and was returning to her car.
5. Perhaps she was out with friends, was the Designated Driver, and was returning to her car to pick up her drunk friends?
Either way, it appears that all she was doing was returning to her car, and then got jumped by 2 degenerate, ingrates who feed on the helpless.
In turn, what were the 2 idiots doing in the parking garage at 2am? They just had their car repossessed, so they were obviously not there to drive anywhere. More evidence points to “they didn’t have a f*&^ing car, since they were found walking nearby.”
Maybe the 2 men were drunk, and they got out of hand? All signs point to, “THEY WERE UP TO NO GOOD LIKE COMMON STREET THUGS!”
Scott Shaw says
Actually the woman invited them their to have sex. This is why you leave police work to the actual police instead of people like you who come up with nonsense on the internet and think they know what they are talking about. First brother exonerated, 2nd brother’s trial in October
PeiWei says
Scott / Derek / Bill,
Whatever name you are posting under this time; thanks, still don’t care.
“2 dirty, scum sucking, degenerate, wasted subjects”
Scott Shaw says
It’s a scary thing to think people like you can be on a jury
PeiWei says
Not that I condone fascism, or any -ism for that matter. -Ism’s in my opinion are not good. A person should not believe in an -ism, he should believe in himself. I quote John Lennon, “I don’t believe in Beatles, I just believe in me.” Good point there. After all, he was the walrus. I could be the walrus. I’d still have to bum rides off people.
SoulCrusher says
No Scott Shaw, its a scary thing that the Harford County State’s Attorney and the Corrupt Judges of Harford County held this man and his brother WITHOUT BOND for all this time based on a lie. This happens ALL the time in Harford County as the State’s Attorney Office and the Circuit Courts are completely corrupt……..
SoulCrusher says
If what you’re saying is true, then the brother that remains behind bars should be entitled to a NEW bail review, via writ of habeus corpus. At this bail review, the defendant should be released on his own recognizance as both the State’s Attorney Office and the Circuit Court are aware that the charges were fabricated by the supposed victim. In addition, Joseph Cassilly’s corrupt State’s Attorney Office, should seek perjury charges against the supposed victim in this case or at least a false statement charge of some sort. This will not happen because Cassilly lacks both integrity and honor. Instead, Cassilly’s corrupt office has agreed to some sort of Home Detention until the trial and has coerced a waiver of Hicks motion to keep this man in custody. There is absolutely NO GOOD REASON for the defendant to waiver his Hicks rights in this situation…….
Bob says
Wow Nancy. I guess your friends of the pieces of garbage. Why was she alone in bel air at 2am? Does that mean it’s ok to get raped if your alone? At a bar? You are an idiot!
sam says
Another fine product of Harford county public schools.
Hedley Lamarr says
According to Maryland Judiciary David Corn is a very nice boy
TheSpoiler says
I am sure he was trying to turn his life around
? says
I would have thought the acoustics from the parking garage would have a scream of terror carry all the way to the police office.
seriously? says
Victims are often threatened with further violence if they make any noise or resist. We don’t have all the information yet, but your comment is ill-informed.
Gg says
They were also charged with false imprionment….. So I’m sure she attempted to yell then was threatened.
Shirley says
The article says the perps were caught within 5 min. Obviously someone saw or heard something. KUDOS to the BAPD for getting these scumbags off the street asap. To Nancy… You are a fruitcake. What century are you living in? I bet your tune would change if this happened to you or your daughter/lived one. You should be ashamed of yourself.
Bobbyjoe says
Both the garage and the police dept are on Hickory Ave about a block apart. Probably the only thing easier for the BAPD would be if they raped her in the lobby…..
Think about it.
TheSpoiler says
I’m sure Mom is proud
Billy Bob says
Where they brothers or brothas?
The Mad Punter says
WBAL posted their mug shots – you can decide:
D J Frucks says
Not brothas, but yes brothers!! Guess while people commit rapes too? We should watch all these white people as they commit most rapes or serial killings… Guess the girl must be white because if she was black then it would have been her fault..
Gooter says
Blah, Blah, Blah…take a look at every other mugshot on the Dagger…then decide.
watcher says
No, if she was black we would have this on national news with Jackson and Sharpton calling for the resignation of the entire police department and of course we would have had a riot last night.
Kharn says
We could have had a riot?
Damn, I could use a new TV and some sneakers. Nothing says justice like free stuff.
Gossiping says
I certainly hope this isn’t another case of Treon Harris. Nothing like a little after doing the brother sex train some guilt takes over. and it’s so easy to cry I didn’t say yes……
Anyone remember the duke lacrosse rape? Yea she’s doing a hard 14 years in the federal pen.
Oh well her day in court will come and I hope she is right.
Helen Hunt says
Why was she taken to Harford Memorial by the bel air police dept?
This makes no sense.
Avalynn says
Harford memorial has what’s called Safe Nurses. That’s probably why she was taken there. I really think no negative things should be said about either victim or the supposed rapists. Just lets see what happens in the courts
Helen Hunt says
She could have walked to upper chesapeake.
Avalynn says
And you can walk yourself of the side of the kings and queens seat you heartless woman.
A nurse says
Helen Hunt,
Like the other people stated…….Harford Memorial has SAFE nurses that are specially trained to work with sexual assualt victims, complete forensic exams and collect evidence. Harford is where they do the exam. Mercy Hospital downtown is also another facility that SAFE nurses work out of. It makes total sense to transport the poor woman to HMH. Stop questioning procedure unless you know what the hell you’re talking about.
Not a Nurse says
Don’t tell what people to do, fpul mouthed loser.
Jeff "Big D" Anhus says
Why are a large percentage of Nurses overweight?
A Second Career Nurse says
As a second career nurse with a masters degree and a practitioner, i dont think you can limit obesity to nurses when it is a national epidemic. Go to the mall any saturday and take note of all the folks who are overweight, obese, or morbidly obese. I went to Hopkins and I can assure you that 99% of my colleagues were extremely fit women and men. The face if nursing has changed dramatically and as the need for more health care is needed, you will be seeing more advanced practice nurses as practitioners, many who will be treating weigjt-related illnesses.
Clueless says
Why did you feel the need to mention your education, etc.?
People always do that. You could have typed your wall of text without that. This is the internet, everyone has am advanced degree or three and makes $400,000 a year.
Oh, I’m really jealous. Yeah, medical care is changing, no one can afford it, most people will lie on all those forms you have to fill out to get a flu shot about your personal histpry and cookie cutter medical chains are popping up everywhere.
Hank says
All rape victims in Harford County go to Harford Memorial for the SAFE exam. It doesn’t matter if it happened in the ER of UCMC, she’d still end up at Harford memorial for the SAFE exam.
bob says
Helen Hunt. Rape victims do not go to upper Chesapeake. they are taken to Harford Memorial. Even if they would have taken her to UC they would have then taken her to Harford Memorial.
D J Frucks says
Wouldn’t expect nothing but the lowest of the low for Hazzard County red necks. If one of ours gets touched, we are at fault the same as when cop shoots a kid with his arms up or another with skittles and tea? Not much has changed in “merica. Still the same old good old boys taking care of each other.
Social Expert says
When people feel insulted based on their experience, they always “come back” with some sort of reply about their personal history. Examples, “I got a degree in” .. “I have been doing this for …”
Its really odd behavior, and amplifies more on the internet.
I really don’t know why people in general have to prove anything, especially on the internet. Weird if you ask me. No one cares about you, and they just wanted to see you waste your time and replying about nothing.
Social Expert says
By the way, this is my third career. Everyday I have to decide if I’m going to drive my beamer, lotus or Ferrari.
Momof2 says
Why is it that whenever there is a story on here about something tragic happening all the freaks come out?? This is not a story about which hospital she should have gone to or what degree some people hold! This is a story about an innocent victim being sexually assaulted by two disgusting pieces of trash. Also it is a reminder that we as women always need to be vigilant and careful and cannot take our safety for granted. There are creeps and animals like these two everywhere and even though you should be able to go wherever you want anytime of the day and not be concerned about things like this happening this is the world we live in. My thoughts are with this young woman whose life is forever changed by this horrible act. Her body will heal much faster than her mind will. To the those who make moronic comments on here you should be ashamed. Get a life!
Jeff "Big D" Anhus says
Wow, are you that butt hurt? Hey, let me teach you some common sense. Don’t read comments you don’t like.
Do you mouth off at everything else you don’t personally approve of in life?
Funny thing is, no one called anyone else but a freak but you. Why is that?
Funny thing again, no one else told anyone else to get a life but you. Why is that?
Scott Shaw says
Actually it’s a story about a skanky female who had sex with two men in a parking garage and got mad they didn’t give her $100. First brother was exonerated and 2nd brother most likely will be in October. But, hey keep fighting the fight
PeiWei says
Still don’t care.
“2 dirty, scum sucking, degenerate, wasted subjects”
Marilyn Monroe says
I would like to see the victims rap sheet.
Maryland Manrow says
How do you make a hormone?
Don’t pay her.
Marilyn Monroe says
If applicable.
Fred Difstiffle says
“Mom of2” donus a favor, don’t call names and tell people what they should do. You sound like a great parent (sarcasm)
Do what you do best, drive around ‘Bel Air’ in your foreign made kid hauler, sippin a d’fancy pumpkin spice latte while you race to that chicken fast food restaurant everyone in Harford County has to go to because they thinks its better than McDonalds. Don’t forget to take a #selfie and “update status” every hour because we all care.
Drive safe, I know them important Bel air mommas are always getting intonfender benders. Please drive and not talk or “text” on the phone.
Spud says
Yeah, that’s right super master degree Nurse. We are really impressed.
You’re right, health care is changing. Better get on the bandwagon and get one of those specialized busy body jobs.
The more private practice independent MDs get absorbed into big, chain mega medical centers the more people are going to bullshit, and lie on all those data mining insurance and chain medical company questionaires.
Don’t know why anyone needs personal history and other “social” questions asked when you get a tetnus shot, no one is there for what those questions ask so no reason to answer.
Hey, will there be a fart smelling nurse to diagnose my burrito and salsa night?