UPDATE: This hearing has been “postponed indefinitely”, according to the Harford County government website dated September 29, 2014
From Friends of Harford:
Public hearings will be held before the Zoning Hearing Examiner for
CASE NO. 5825: RODGER & STEPHANIE WILLIAMS – 3321 Scarboro Road, Street.
Special exceptions and variances, proposed for the Fifth Election District, 3321 Scarboro Road, Street, by RODGER & STEPHANIE WILLIAMS. Appealed because special exceptions, pursuant to Section 267-88H of the Harford County Code, to operate two separate construction services businesses; a variance to Section 267-88H(1) to allow both construction services uses on a parcel less than 5 acres (1.98 acres existing), and a variance to Section 267-53C(1), Table 53-1, to permit the pole building within the required 40 foot side yard setback (37.5 foot setback proposed), in the Agricultural District, requires approval by the Board of Appeals.
Public Hearing Date/Time: WEDNESDAY, October 1, 2014, AT 6:30 PM
Hearing Location: County Council Chambers (first floor), 212 S. Bond Street, Bel Air.
Project details, including the application sent to the Board of Appeals, can be seen at http://www.harfordcountymd.gov/council/ZoningAds.cfm?dt=2014-10-01
If you wish to testify at this hearing, either for or against the request, contact Ms. Dottie Smith, Zoning hearing Assistant, at djsmith@harfordcountymd.gov or 410-638-3349 for more information.
The People’s Counsel has been established to represent the interests of the public in all matters and proceedings preliminary to, arising out of, or affecting the zoning classification or reclassification of land in the county.
Do you want to know where this fits into the development process? Read A Citizen’s Guide to the Harford County Property Development Process by Friends of Harford.
Dottie Smith says
This hearing has been postponed until further notice.