From the Harford County Health Department:
BEL AIR, MD, September 25, 2014 – With the announcement on September 25th by the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DHMH) of the first confirmed case of the EV-D68 enterovirus in Maryland, the Harford County Health Department recommends taking precautions against the illness.
Enteroviruses, very common viruses of which there are more than 100 types, occur mostly in the summer and fall. They are transmitted through close contact with infected people and an estimated 10 to 15 million enterovirus infections occur in the United States each year. Although most people infected with enteroviruses have no symptoms or only mild symptoms, some infections can be serious. Infants, children, and teenagers are most likely to get infected with enteroviruses and become sick. Less common than infections with other enteroviruses, EV- D68 has been identified in Maryland previously but had not been confirmed in 2014 until Wednesday.
The most commonly reported symptoms include respiratory symptoms, especially wheezing, with or without fever. More severe cases can result in low oxygen levels and respiratory distress. Most severe cases include children with underlying respiratory disease, like asthma, but some children without asthma diagnosis have presented with wheezing.
Harford County Health Officer, Ms. Susan Kelly, states, “Now that a case of the virus has been confirmed in Maryland, it is important to respond appropriately. Experience shows that simple prevention measures all of us can take will minimize the spread of illness.”
The Harford County Health Department joins DHMH and the national Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in providing families with the following recommendations as a precaution against infection and illness:
• Wash hands with soap and water.
• Cover coughs and sneezes.
• Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth.
• Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands.
• Disinfect frequently touched surfaces, such as toys and doorknobs, especially if someone is sick.
• Stay home if sick.
• Avoiding close contact or sharing of cups and eating utensils with those sick with respiratory illness.
• Provide special attention to children with asthma.
• .Stay up-to-date on vaccinations, especially influenza vaccine, to reduce respiratory illness
Public health officials continue to work with schools and other institutions that monitor student health and activity, while they continue conducting surveillance on the spread and impact of this virus.
For more information about the EV-D68 enterovirus and to access a helpful “Frequently Asked Questions” visit or contact the Health Department.
send the illegals home?
Stop sending us illegal aliens. They dont even screen them for heath issues. Or is that the whole point?
I missed the part in the article where they tell us where it was found in Maryland. Wouldn’t you think that kind of information ought to be in the story? Why aren’t they telling us??
Did you read the FIRST sentence of the article? The sentence that says “With the annoucement by DHMH of the FIRST CONFIRMED CASE OF THE EV-D 68 ENTEROVIRUS…” (emphasis mine) I don’t see how they could be any clearer?
There is one clearing house in Baltimore and one in a surrounding county… at least I believe it was published so.
This and the upcoming Ebola outbreak will be blamed on the Teaparty for not passing amnesty. Because there was a few promised pennies for more border security to come later.
Craig, I agree with you completely. A few weeks ago, I was in the Phoenix airport waiting for my flight due to return to BWI at midnight. Suddenly, 15 Hispanic boys, about 14-16 walked in with four American handlers. The boys were silent, not even speaking with each other. None of them had shoelaces so it was clear the handlers didn’t trust them and thought them a security risk.
Two boys had medical bracelets and one was clearly sick, with a worsening dry cough. The loser who was the head handler did nothing to treat him or render any assistance. I take it back, he pulled a napkin from his pocket to give the boy.
After confirming they were border intruders, I asked one of the handlers why they weren’t ashamed of themselves for participating in the foreign invasion of our nation.
That got me on their watch list. Tough.
I notified the Airline and also posted it on a web forum. By the time we landed, someone else on the forum notified the media. Fox45 was there to film the sneak attack on Baltimore. That got me some more comments and dirty looks from the handlers. Bummer.
So, when you wonder how this virus is growing, think of our friends Barack, Marty and Anthony as they sneak their “New Americans” in under cover of darkness.
Check the headline on the Drudge Report. We are also told that we are paranoid about that. Just workplace violence. Watch how much coverage that gets from ABC, CBS and NBC.
There are at least 20 million in this country we know little to nothing about. We are told that they are all hard workers doing jobs we will not do. We are told we are racist, homophobes and just outright bigots against all good social advances. We are told these things not because anybody really believes it, but because they hope to shut us up.
If you seriously think that immigrants are the source of all our physiological ills, no wonder people are getting sick. You’re more worried about some imaginary virus boogeyman instead of washing your hands and getting vaccinated. Speaking of which, I wonder if there is a vaccination against irrational paranoia?
Here comes the ‘Oh you just hate this and you just hate that’ – I know this works come election time, but why do some of you come out with the same old wide smear brush every time somebody makes a comment that reflects on your ‘re-conquista’ of the country?
I’m not saying that I know that’s what the kid had, however, when I see these illegals being given free plane rides and two were obviously sick enough to be wearing medical bracelets, yet also being snuck into town at midnight, it’s not paranoia. What it does tell us is that we need to be diligent.
Viruses such as this are very uncommon in the US, there have also been reports of clusters of them in areas where there are also large clusters of illegals.
Could that be causative? Don’t know. Does it bear looking into or should we just ignore it and go on sucking our lollipops and riding our unicorns through the pretty blue sky. Then we can just believe everything our Government Masters tell us.
Sorry, I prefer a healthy dose of skepticism.
The Health Department is finally addressing a public health issue relevant to a real threat to the health and wellbeing of lical citizens. A little late, but glad the put this vital information out.
Illegals are responsible for Ebola too? I thought they came from Mexico, not Africa. Bunch of racist morons will blame everything on undocumented immigrants. My neighbor hates foreigners because his wife left him for one, and he told me that illegal immigration is responsible for his wife leaving!!!
That’s because your neighbor lives in an world of his own. Most racists can figure out a way to blame just about any problem in the world on a minority or gender. You have to wonder, were they taught this or is this just the product of some sort of mental illness or handicap. Just remember, its much easier for him to blame than accept that he might have the problem.
No, you are wrong. A huge number come from Honduras as well as the Middle East and Africa. Getting to Mexico first is a guarantee into the US. To ignore the fact that a huge number of border crossers are under 18 with serious illnesses is to ignore what even the government is willing to admit. They commonly have TB, Scabies and many undiagnosed illnesses. You open border freaks ignore everything until it personally bites you in the butt – and maybe not even then.
Freak boy,
Scabies? TB? Are you a doctor? Are you able to diagnose that they are sick, illegal and they had a free plane ticket, plus they may have Ebola?? I think you need to have your brain examined!
I could call you uninformed. But with your blatant denial of the information already released by the border patrol (TB and Scabies abound) – I will call you both ignorant and stupid, while having zero compassion for your own citizens. Homeland security is supplying airfare to the illegal youths to get to their longer distance destinations – and many of those are quite ill.
Soon, we will be getting chikungunya, the ‘virus of pain’ – called so because it contorts the joints in agony. Texas and Florida victims (our citizens) have already contracted it without every traveling to Central America.
But hey! If you don’t love illegals more that your own citizens, then you are mean, selfish and a racist. At least that is what the politicians and their lickspittles say.
Say there DJ, how about that workplace violence in Oklahoma! Bet you’re buddy up on that too.
Freak did you just say? “Say there DJ, how about that workplace violence in Oklahoma! Bet you’re buddy up on that too.” WTF does that mean? Try making sense and speaking English first! I believe the deranged individual was American and an Islam convert. Your level of paranoid thinking borders on clinical intervention. You equate an American converting to Islam to a foreign person–not American, but guess what he is American and somehow this has something to do with Mexico and the border and Ebola? Now all begins to make sense. I think you need to take your meds and call your therapist…
DJ all the leftest way,
No there duder, just following the leftest assessment on everything. Radical Islam is not an American thing. All good little Trotskyites make excuses for all this crap, so I figured you were a workplace violence fan rather than fight terrorism… after all, we have our quota of burger-flippers, cherry-pickers and busboys. I figure you would want more border crossers filling out all the other categories.
There have been plenty of other Americans killing people in workplaces, elementary schools, malls, theaters. Not to mention, serial killers whom cannibalize victims, commit all kinds of inhuman acts. Some of these are Christians, non-Christians, atheist and all other kinds of religious bents. Don’t know that you can really classify workplace violence as terrorism but in some cases you probably can. What is your point? It seems pretty silly to me to point out crimes committed by other religions as if all other religions do not have the stain of sin among them?
Get real, if a right wing Teaparty and militia guy had done this with a website hawking beheading of his enemies, you would be screaming. In fact ABC, CBS and NBC would be running this story non stop until election day. Congress would come back in special session with new anti militia laws and a dozen new gun bills just for the fun of it.
You are an inch thick and a mile wide – you don’t fool a single person. Radical Islam is a huge world problem – that is unless you see a political purpose to ignore it.
I read through all these comments with the usual Dagger themes of hate, blame, and social/political nastiness and realized I had completely forgotten what the article was about.