From the Harford County Sheriff’s Office:
On September 16, 2014, at 5:59 pm, deputies were called to the 1800 block of Pulaski Highway for a shooting that occurred behind the businesses, near the playground on Brookside Drive.
The victim was transported by ground to a regional trauma center by Joppa Magnolia VFC in serious but stable condition, suffering from multiple gunshot wounds.
Investigating detectives have charged two suspects in the shooting, Lloyd Richard Barnes, IV from Edgewood and Tyrell Reginald Hairston, of Baltimore. Mr. Barnes was taken into custody on Friday, September 19, 2014 and is currently being held at the Harford County Detention Center, with no bail. Mr. Hairston is still at large and deputies are looking for any information that could lead to his location and apprehension.
Anyone with information is asked to call the Sheriff’s Office Criminal Investigation Division at 410-836-5442; or Anonymous qualifying tips submitted to Metro Crime Stoppers leading to an arrest and indictment for these felony crimes may be eligible for a cash reward of up to $2,000. Call 1-866-7LOCKUP or Text CRIMES(274637). Begin text with MCS then add your tip.
More Bane Crime, Instead of focusing on crime, Bane focusing on problems he has caused; Forwood, Visnaw, Pressberry, Detention Center Deaths and huge civil liabilities, Unqualified appointments, Moore, and so and so on. Move forward come election time…
Bane Crime? This incident doesn’t have anything to do with Bane. Look, I don’t like him either, but I’m not going to consider a shooting in Edgewood Bane Crime. He may be many things, but he didn’t tell those boys to go shoot someone! Election rhetoric is crazy. Concentrate on making Cassilly go away and maybe you’ll see these people put away for longer……….
You’re right, Bane didn’t tell those boys to go shoot someone. All Bane has done is tell us crime is down significantly in Harford County and that includes Edgewood. Uh…… right!! I mean, who ya gonna believe……… Bane, or all of the articles and press releases you read about crime in Harford County.
the perp looks happy – scary.
Bane crime? stupid partisan bull.
The first clown that gets arrested when Gahler is top dog – we’ll call it Jeffie-baby crime.
Then when the next super law dude knocks of Gahler because we’re sick of him, we’ll call it super dude crime.
Who cares if a prisoner dies in the detention center. Good ridence to bad rubish. Bane will be there there next four years because noone want a cry baby as the sherriff.
Hello “none says”: Where is your dignity for life citizen? All inmates at HCDC that have died under the watch of Sheriff Bane, have not been guilty of a death sentence. Most of them were there for very “MINOR” incidents such as traffic court or mistakenly trespassing and should not have died. They deserved better than what happened to them. The problem is that the Harford County citizens are NOT aware of the facts that led to all of these deaths. How can you judge the loss of the victim’s coping skills when you don’t know what pushed them to that point? Intelligently, you can’t! If Sheriff Bane is spending too much time attempting to take a good look at the cracks in that system that he created, then it’s a long overdue process for him. He is responsible for the health and welfare of ALL inmates and staff — it’s his job. The Sheriff is suppose to oversee all programs there; including the services provided by Med Com. He plainly did not due his job there and was found to be very lacking in his diligence and job description; unfortunately, the result was unnecessary death of human beings. The fact that you refer to those suicides as “bad rubbish” (not rubish) indicates your lack of intelligence and compassion for humanity — you only shame yourself. HCDC is in drastic need of a qualified, experienced Warden — that can not be said enough times! I encourage you to take a closer look at the problems at HCDC, talk to their staff — and change your misinformed attitude.
I think I would pick a different play ground to play if I saw those two guys using the merry-go round~ Scarey looking!
The guy on the second pic looks pretty normal. What do U find scary about him?
Soul Crusher You sound like a pathetic little Erkle look alike that hides behind his key board waiting for the next entitlement. Get out of Dodge while you can. The times a comin when you are not gonna stand a chance.
Them there sounds like fightin’ words, R U threatening me ESSAY? Look, I’m sure you’re a dorky, punk a$$ed redneck. If U ran into me, it would feel like I ran into U. So please, go find another GOAT to have sex with, then go home and kiss UR wife with those lips…….
Soul Crusher. Bring it on you pos. oh that’s right y’all can’t do anything on your own. You either need a group a thugs or an ag like holder to get it done for ya. Do us all a favor n stay away from the white women.
You incompetent moron. I am white. Probably whiter than u A$$hole! I am as Irish as the sun is bright. I am not party affiliated in any way shape or form. Most importantly, I don’t need anybody to back me up. So, take your inbred hillbilly threats somewhere else, pinhead.
I think it is scarey that he is still wanted, & it is possible he may have moved to the sliding board or swings!~
Becky watch out for the soul crusher. He seems to be sexually sensitive. Sounds like he has problems.
Wow, looks like the law finally caught up with Soul Crusher
Yeah, I know, you think that I look like the one with the red eyes and dreads. Like that guy could read and write, yet alone type. You see, here I was trying to behave again and then a redneck sheep raper like Cheese Patrol just has to come and mess with the tranquility. Hey Cheese, I hope your daughter dates one of these guys, its what U deserve………
Soul crusher you Irish black drunk. Have another drink and go hit your potato.