From the Harford County Sheriff’s Office:
[September 20, 2014, Joppa, MD] At 4:22, this morning, September 20, 2014, deputies were called to the 1000 block of Crimson Tree Court for a report of a shooting.
Upon arrival, deputies found a 35 year old, female, African American victim. The victim reported that she heard the suspects enter her home, and come into the room, before discharging a firearm, injuring the victim. It is unknown at this time, the exact cause of the victim’s injuries. She was transported to a local trauma center for treatment. Two suspects were seen fleeing the residence. One tall, light skinned black male, wearing a grey hooded sweatshirt and a second black male in all dark clothing.
Further investigation is ongoing and no other details are available at this time. Her injuries were considered serious but non-life threatening. Three children were in the home and uninjured. Anyone with information is asked to call Detective Andrew Lane at 410-836-5431. Anonymous qualifying tips submitted to Metro Crime Stoppers leading to an arrest and indictment for a felony crime may be eligible for a cash reward of up to $2,000. Call 1-866-7LOCKUP or text CRIMES (274637). Begin text with MCS then add your tip.
Crimson Tree Court is in Edgewood, behind the Mars shopping center, not in Joppa.
Bane spending too much time with Pressberry, Forwood, Visnaw, Moore, and Mildred Sammy and not enough time on CRIME. May to go Sheriff Bane…
All of this is impossible! Why, the O’Malley gun bill would not allow this to happen – especially with D-James full support.
Oh wait, I just got a D-James Colorful mailer detailing how much she hates O’Malley. Now I’m confused. Let me go pluck the pedals on a flower: she loves him, she loves him not, she loves him, she loves him not.
Methinks D-James lies to get elected.
She is not the only Democrat willing to lie to get back into office. Mr. Gahler offered to withdraw from the race if Bane could prove what he says in this video. Now that is a guy who knows how big of a lie this was from an elected official!
Like republicunts don’t lie? I love the way you partisan bozos just like to point out how each other lies. You are aware that most politicians lie. I mean, they will all say what you want to hear to get back in office. Dems too. But, when a Sheriff Department supports liars year after year, to get convictions, that’s a problem. Jesse Bane has a former task force detective named Sean “the liar” Marston, who now pilots Eagle One. The man has been proven a liar, committed perjury in an application for a search warrant and committed perjury in open court! Bane gives him a new job flying around Harford County in a helicopter using a flir device on your houses. Jesse, Sean does not have the integrity to fly around and not use that flir device legally. He just can’t do it. Jesse, why would you even keep this guy on, knowing he’s committed felonious perjury at least twice, just to get a conviction? You are a disgrace……….
Bane will not stoop that low to gahlers level.
Pardon me, sir, but you should check to learn where the lovely Ms. James’ hyphen is located. It’s M-D James, not M D-James.
I don’t care how she spells her name. I simply use D-James to identify her. Just like it is your business if you think she is lovely. She is plain ole D-James to me… or better Plain-James. How do you like that?
Anybody that sucks up to O’Malley until it’s election time doesn’t warranty my concern about how I spell her name.
Tell me it is not so. More black on black violence. You won’t see Al or J.J. pipe up on this one. Why, because by doing so you have to hold a black person accountable. Won’t happen with those guys. They will just just lay and wait for something that has a racial spin on it. The sad thing is they are not helping black people in the long run. News flash, there are bad peoplle in all races. The sad thing is Al an J.J. won’t acknowledge that.
Well, Edgewood is predominantly black in that area. If you are a thief and all your neighbors are black, you’re probably gonna break into a black persons home. If the woman were white, do you think they wouldn’t have shot her then? You sir, belong in Harford County.
I think you are missing my point there Soul Crusher. From your past posts I don’t wish to get in to a battle of wits with an unarmed man. I am sorry you feel the way you do about Detective Marston. I read between the lines and think that you got caught being a bad person in the past and you want to blame everyone and anyone for your poor decisions. My post was exactly that.”Accountabiltiy”or lack there of being a big problem.
I was forced tot take accountability for my crime. However, the search was unconstitutional and illegal. The entire case should have been thrown out. Now, its time for the Terrorists in your county to take accountability for their actions. This isn’t a one way street. Law Enforcement, Judges, the State’s Attorney and his cronies do not have a free pass to break the law and not pay for their actions. Except in Harford County. Why is that? What makes members of your county’s Criminal Justice System seem to think they can break the law, time after time and not receive the penalty for their actions. Its because of corruption. This corruption will come to a head, pop like a pimple and drizzle down the face of the Harford County Justice system in complete and utter disgrace to the culprits involved. You can’t have Justice based on lies. You can’t have Justice teemed with terrorism. We have been fighting terrorism overseas for many years now, its time to end terrorism in Harford County.
You don’t remember this, “In an independent study of the arrests made by Sean Marston of the Harford County Narcotics Task Force in 2010, a stunning 65% of the arrests were African American. In the course of the same study it was determined that all his cases were prosecuted by Christopher Tabone of the Harford County State’s Attorney Office, who accompanied them in all the raids, wearing a Harford County Narcotics Task Force police badge. During the same study, Mr. Tabone’s recommended bail bond amounts to the Harford County Circuit Court, were 75% higher than the recommended bonds for caucasion offenders of the same offenses. The Honorable Judge Angela Eaves, kept these bonds the same even though she is african american herself, as she was the bail review judge for each of these cases. Even more stunning is the fact that a Maryland State Police Officer who was named in a 2005 Racial Profiling Lawsuit by the ACLU, a Mr. Paul J. Quill, accompanied the raid team on each expedition. Even though the outcome for some of these cases have yet to be finalized, the majority of the sentences handed down to black offenders are greater than the white offenders. This is racism disguised as justice and can only be described as persecution of African Americans in Harford County. Harford County’s Narcotics Task Force Team is simply nothing more than a legalized white supremacist organization that is bent on the destruction of the black community of Harford County.”
You are a total nutbag! The States Attorneys do not go on raids, there has been no study unless you smoking pot at a computer with case search is an accurate depiction, and P.Q. is a great dude who has been putting douche bags like you in jail for years but he had nothing to do with your demise. Maybe you have spent too much time watching your favorite show yellow is the new black! Go back to the weed and lay off the hallucinogenics.
There we go, that’s what I wanted to hear. Now, I’m gonna tell Harford County the real truth! I just saved a ton of money by switching my car insurance to Geico………
Its ORANGE is the new black. Man you can’t even quip correctly. How did you ever make it as a cop?
“The honorable Judge Eaves, kept these bonds the same even though she is African American herself” WOW. Are you implying that Court Cases involving Black people should be handled differently by Black Judges. I think you are an idiot. Please don’t let your silly feelings malign the good name of a fine Judge like Judge Eaves. Bottom line…you apparently, from your interaction with Detective Marston, were involved in the trafficing of drugs. Your only complaint is how yo got caught. My word of advise to you there Soul Crusher is there is no hope in dope. Bottom line. Back to Accountability again.
The quotes were taken directly from the Dagger Archives and can be found on the website. Angela Eaves is a corrupt Judge and I’m not implyimg anything but that……….
OPEN YOUR EYES, you have a serious reality problem. If you ever move out of Harford County, I doubt you’ll go to far without some sort of intervention……
Now, OPEN YOUR EYES and see the truth. The citizens in Harford County deserve to know the truth. Remember this, “Christopher Tabone of the Harford County State’s Attorney Office has been using his influence to obtain lighter sentences for members of his own family involving criminal convictions in his jurisdiction. Anthony Michael Tabone, the relative referred to herein, has escaped justice on at least 4 occassions with the aid of Christopher Tabone’s influence on prosecutors in both Harford County and Baltimore County. The Harford County incidents involve multiple assault charges with the victims being women involving Domestic Violence. Anthony Tabone, has been arrested at least five times and has spent a total of 6 months in jail for all these offenses. This is not acceptable. We cannot allow sentences to be influenced by the corrupt State’s Attorney Office in Harford County any longer. This problem seems to have merit in Harford County especially since the county is known for defining its own aristocratic guidelines involving members of the court, police and anyone related to them. This is why Judge Mimi Cooper has escaped justice for her multiple DWI’s yet received no conviction for her crimes, yet you or I would have received jail time. All the people of Harford County want is equal justice. If I commit a crime, I do the time. Why can’t Harford’s Elite just follow the same rules that apply to the common everyday citizen. This is just one more illegal action committed by Christopher Tabone, Harford County’s Corrupt Assistant State’s Attorney.
Do you remember this? ” The Harford County Narcotics Task Force has been using FLIR devices on private residences in the Edgewood and Aberdeen areas. A FLIR device is actually an infra-red camera that can illustrate images using thermal (heat) radiation. These devices are commonly used to detect Marijuana Grows and Methamphetamine Labs. Legal use of the devices normally are accompanied by a warrant or used to locate someone hiding in a woods or such. Illegal uses are random scans of private residences or scans of any residence not accompanied with a warrant. Recently, Harford County’s Narcotics Task Force has been illegally scanning the Edgewood and Aberdeen corridor using Maryland State Police and Military Helicopters. The official explanation has been training missions, even though recent footage has shown that they are spying on residences and even watching sexual encounters of private residences. This is illegal and has been endorsed by the Harford County Narcotics Task Force, the Maryland State Police and the Harford County State’s Attorney Office as standard operating procedure. Futhermore, I don’t know of any tax paying citizen that wants his or her money thrown away for the illegal probing of that same tax payers residence. Also, the use of Military Helicopters is a blatant misuse of Federal Funds and Military Personnel. The Federal Government has already condemned the use of such devices with warrantless scanning, yet in Harford County it is considered nothing more than business as usual.”
This one is really bad….,”It has become plainly obvious that the Harford County State’s Attorney Office and the Public Defender’s Office are working together to Extort illegal convictions in Harford County. There are over 100 inmates in HCDC, that have been incarcerated without a trial or conviction for over a year. It is the Public Defender’s Office responsibility to protect citizens from this nightmare. They are not filing the notice for a speedy trial allowing Harford County to illegally hold people for over 180 days without a trial. This is done on purpose to allow HCDC and the corporate owners of the jail to illegally receive Federal and State money for each inmate. When a Notice of a Speedy Trail is filed, the State’s Attorney Office files for an administrative postponement, which the Judges are granting without cause, to keep individuals incarcerated and the money flowing in. This is illegal. This is defrauding the State and Federal Government. This is a blatant violation of civil rights and the constitution.”
You have made a series of posts which I take to be quotations, since you have them in quotation marks. However, you never cite the source. Who said all these things?
You can go find them on the website, just like I did………
Actually, all of the quotes are directly off the Dagger. Search for Robinson Racism………..
OPEN YOUR EYES, you have to remember that individuals in the Criminal Justice System have to abide by standards that are “higher” than that expected of your average citizen. They did take that oath. Joseph Cassilly, Harford County’s corrupt State’s Attorney, allows for Law Enforcement, Judges and prosecutors to break the law, knowingly and willingly. Joseph Cassilly, Harford County’s corrupt State’s Attorney, allows for Law Enforcement, Judges and prosecutors to violate the constitution, knowingly and willingly. William Carr, Harford County’s corrupt Administrative Judge, allows this also, knowingly and willingly. Now, tell me about that “personal responsibility” and “accountability for your actions” again……….
Cassily is good at prosecuting deputies that defended themselves in the field. It won’t be forgotten how he went after a deputy after a traffic accident and the scumbag sued the county as well. and then he wonders why is one of the lowest paid prosecutors in the state of Maryland???
Dude, he opened fire on the car and was in no danger……