From the Harford County Sheriff’s Office:
Nearly six months ago, Eagle 1 first took to the skies to aid the operations of Harford County Sheriff’s Office, and the data thus far shows many success stories.
Since April, Eagle 1 and her crew have assisted in 94 missions; 10 resulting in the apprehension of a suspect, 11 successful in locating a missing person or stolen property, one storm damage assessment, five assists to other agencies and six community events, as well as routine air patrol flights. On twenty-two occasions, Eagle 1 was first on the scene.
The use of Eagle 1 has significantly increased the safety to the Patrol members on the ground, by providing safe cover to responding deputies, maintaining sight of a suspect’s movement while deputies approach, and allowing for patrol deputies and other first responders to safely reduce their speed during a pursuit. During the last six months, the Aviation Unit has been called to:
• Assist patrol for location of wanted suspect
• Locate suicidal subjects
• Locate missing juveniles
• Hold a crime scene perimeter
• Assist patrol with aerial support to apprehend suspects fleeing on dirt bikes
• Locate a suspicious subject
• Provided safe cover for deputies on scene
• Assist in searches after an armed robbery
• Assist in searches for vulnerable adults
• Participate in community events
The use of Eagle 1 has also reduced the amount of time patrol deputies are called from the road to participate in a search. During a recent incident, Patrol deputies had been called several times in reference to suspicious subjects running in and out of a 70 acre cornfield, possibly cultivating marijuana and/or using drugs. Patrol requested Eagle 1’s assistance in clearing the cornfield. TFO’s (Tactical Flight Officers) were able to clear the 70 acres both visually and with thermal, returning all three patrol units to their sectors quickly and efficiently
within 10 minutes.
On August 21, Eagle 1 was called to assist in searching for a suicidal person, who had made homicidal threats, as well. Patrol had initiated the search, but requested assistance because the only description available for the suspect’s vehicle was and “older model, white van”.
With the reality of several white vans in the area, and time being of the essence, Eagle 1 was able to assist and quickly search the surrounding area. They found a white van parked in a suspicious location. TFO’s were able to guide Patrol to the location and provide overhead protection while deputies were able to safely take the suspect into custody, without incident or injury.
Sheriff Bane announced the acquisition of a Bell OH-58 helicopter and the creation of the Harford County Sheriff’s Office Aviation Unit on December 3, 2013. At that time, the Sheriff reported,” initially the Unit will be a part-time unit and will be funded by asset forfeiture monies”. He stressed, “No tax dollars were used to create this unit”.
The Aviation Unit is comprised of two pilots and eight TFO’s. These members are assigned as a secondary assignment, and perform these duties in addition to their primary assignment, never leaving their shift without proper staffing. HCSO Aviation utilizes ANVIS 9 Night Vision Goggles (NVG) for night operations, and pilots are NVG qualified. NVG’s are utilized for safety reasons, as well as it providing the TFO’s with an advantage as they can see people (suspects) moving on the ground at night that would not be able to be seen without NVG’s. It also allows them to see ground units and K9’s.
Sheriff Bane commented, “Creating the Aviation Unit was a necessary step to enhancing our Law Enforcement capabilities and protecting the citizens of Harford County. I am thrilled to see that plan turn into a reality. The seamless implementation of this new unit into our patrol operations is something of which every deputy can be proud.”
As members of the Aviation Unit have been out in the community, they have been humbled by the positive reception. Of the early success, Captain Lee Dunbar, Division Commander for the Special Investigations Unit and the Aviation Unit, commented, “We knew from our research and the relationships we’ve established with other law enforcement aviation units around the country that Eagle 1 would be an asset to our communities, as well as to our deputies and police officers on the ground, and our successes so far have proven that. Law enforcement aviation units have been a proven asset for decades and we’re excited that we can offer this valuable and lifesaving resource to the citizens of Harford County.”
Anyone with questions for the Aviation Unit can join us at one of our upcoming displays or join us on Facebook Live. We will be participating in the following events:
– Sept 27, 10;00 am – 2:00 pm at Holy Communion Lutheran’s Fall Festival (Rt. 152 & Connolly Rd)
– October 11, 10:00 am – 2:00 pm at the Fallston VFC Open House (main house)
– October 12, 10:00 am – 2:00 pm at the Jarrettsville VFC Open House (main house)
– October 16, 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm Question and Answer session on Facebook Live
– October 26, 10:00 am – 2:00 pm at the Southern Precinct Open House
The following photos were taken courtesy of a Baltimore County resident who is an experienced aviator and avid supporter of the Harford County Sheriff’s Office Aviation Unit. They volunteered their personal aircraft and their own time so these aerial photographs could be taken of Eagle 1 while on routine patrol over Harford County.
Can’t wait !!! The comments on this one will go ballistic and soar higher than Eagle 1 can fly. Bring it on Marc A Eaton, Monster and all you hopeless fools !!!
Again can’t wait to laugh !
Looks like a propaganda piece. The Slaegis will love it.
As much as we laugh at the helicopter program, as a county taxpayer and employee of the sheriffs office, I have to say it has become a normal part of life for us. Requests for Eagle 1 have become like asking for K9. When needed, they are there. And they are helping every time. I have only had one out of maybe 25 calls that Eagle 1 hasn’t helped me. Even in the circumstance where the southern end is so busy that I have no back up and Eagle 1 is my only back up, their presence means no one messes with me. Thank you TFO’s and pilots. Be Safe!
Great, but this K9 eats a lot more kibble – in the form of fuel, hazard pay, insurance, maintenance… Where are the 6 month costs? And don’t say it’s paid for with drug money; that money originally went toward something else. So it is still a cost.
I’m not laughing. I’m glad you aren’t getting “messed with” in the “southern end” but what is the new cost.
Bel Air mom. They dont get hazard pay, sorry. Everyother agency does however. Insurance is $7,000 / yr. It is still funded by asset forfeiture. The 6 month cost is the same as it always has been…nothing has changed
“funded by asset forfeiture monies”
and yet in 6 months, none of these are asset forfeiture. Soon the cost will be all taxpayer, for something we never needed. Maybe we should just be thankful that we got a helicopter and not a tank.
I saw something that looked like a tank coming down the Hickory bypass the other day, so that’s covered already.
@ What! What?- You may have made one of the dumbest posts ever. You think that it’s appropriate to use Money Pit 1 as a backup unit? What if someone “messes” with you? Is a TFO from money put 1 going to discharge his taser it firearm at the perps from the air? The money that HCSO will ask for to fund the unit could have gone to you actually having a backup unit with you on the ground.
You sir, have made one of the dumbest comments ever. Countless times helicopters have landed for backup. So money..if you are out and about and you get into a fight with a bad fellow, your radio gets knocked to the ground, you are getting your ass handed to you, and cant call for backup, and the helicopter is overhead…huh..well they can handle that for you. Think outside the box money.
Any agency that uses their aviation unit as a backup unit is clearly dysfunctional. An aviation unit is a support unit not a backup unit.
Can’t Wait, you got your wish. I think it speaks well for the citizens of HC, as well as the deputies. What do you think of this, Marc Eaton? How about you, Mr. Gahler, Mr. Bodway/Mike Welsh.
The problem Monster is that one you are caught lying no one can trust anything else you say. Bane was caught in a whopper of a lie and who really cares about anything he has to say anymore. Bane said Gahler fired 70 troopers and that number was actually zero. How much of the above is also invented or just made up Jesse?
I don’t really care about this whole Eagle 1 issue, but something stood out to me. In the last paragraph it states that the aerial photos were taken “while on routine patrol in Harford County.”
So, things are so bad out there that we have to pay for this thing to just fly around on patrol? Seems to me that’s going to cost quite a bit more than just sending it when and where it’s needed/requested.
Word on the inside is that Bane is already making retirement plans. Bane regrets protecting Fred Visnaw and Marc Forwood and has realized that hiring Chuck Moore and his empty detention center resume was a political blunder. Bane has no regrets about promoting unqualified minorities though.
Man, somebody ask Fred how the deputies are able to sleep with a chopper flying overhead…
You can also see this is not on “routine patrol”. This was a photo opportunity. Look at the neighborhood below – I don’t imagine Todd Lakes or other high-income neighborhoods needing too much air cover.
How about flying a bit over Grempler Way? Too much of a bad PR photo?
This is a carefully developed plan to build up this chopper to make it out to be the greatest. After the election HCSO will ask the county council for funding for Money Pit 1. This chopper will be funded at taxpayer expense in the near future.
It may just help you one day Money man.
Yeah so could my physical backup unit on the ground. But they might just not be available because they were not funded. All the money went to Money Pit 1.
It is also loud and annoying. Flying over Forest Hill around dusk almost every day. Sorry, I don’t want to hear it anymore. This type of surveillance has no place in a free country. Wake up slaves!
The Black Hawks and Chinooks are louder.
The gullible public will buy anything, just look at the frickin’ state situation. I used to think that folks were just too busy to understand how they are getting screwed. Now I know the truth: people in this state are as dumb as stumps.
The copter will suck necessary dollars out of the county that we don’t have. There are only so many forfeitures they can make. Or, we could turn into PA were I read they were confiscating houses because a juvenile had a small bag of weed in his dresser. Or, they could start saying that if you have over a hundred dollars in your wallet, it must be drug money – so they take that.
If the county doesn’t start grabbing folks assets right and left, then taxes will have to skyrocket. Thing is, where is the money for necessary raises for the rank and file sheriff’s department? Where are the raises of the other county workers? They should be ashamed to say we need this and they should be further ashamed to tell us that forfeitures will pay for it – especially considering the ramifications. Either they will raise taxes are start grabbing citizen’s assets.
As populated as this county has become, I feel a helicopter is a necesity in keeping the population safe. This way we know we have a helicopter available and do not have to wait for another jurisdiction to come, and there are times when they are not available.
Jean. You are a Baner. I’ve seen you campaigning for Bane on the corner.
Truth is that other jurisdictions are available more often with their aviation assets than we are with our own asset.
I would feel much safer with a ccw! You are out of your mind if you think this is to keep us “safe” It’s all about keeping us in line.
Send the chopper back to the cornfields to find the sleeping Fred
Forwood. Visnaw. Presberry. Moore. Oh my Bane has lots of explaining to do.
It sure is nice to know that we still have ground units that participate in activities which produce asset forfeiture thus creating the money to fund the helicopter, since the helicopter didn’t participate in any actions that would have produced asset forfeiture.
Nice PR though, as long as don’t read between the lines.
Hey Bane, nice liar you have pictured there in that youth camp picture. Harford County, that pilot standing to the right of the boys wearing orange is a complete and utter liar. He was proven to have committed perjury in an application for a search warrant, so Jesse makes him a pilot! Great idea!
Great story, but answer this question? How much money was confiscated during this period for drug asset seizures?
Now that they can’t do Dog Sniffs no more, probably not too much Marc. I don’t see the preppy punks in the current Task Force being willing to sift through trash again. Damn, Marc, didn’t u used to be a canine handler?
I had a patrol K-9 not a drug dog.
I still don’t understand this whole business about the chopper not costing the taxpayers anything since it’s funded by asset forfeitures. Doesn’t that mean that whatever used to be funded by asset forfeitures now has to be funded by taxpayers? Do they really think that we are that stupid? (Don’t answer that – we know that they do.)