From Joe Voskuhl:
As the school year begins, the fiscal crisis enters its fifth year. We have been on the wrong track and have been on this track for sometime now. Teachers continue to leave Harford County for other school systems. These teachers are some of our best. We need to address the fiscal crisis now. We can no longer delay. We need to make the school system more efficient by addressing flat enrollment and the underutilization of schools. The Board of Education needs to work with the County Government to coordinate the budget process. The Board can no longer simply accept the superintendent’s budget recommendations. Board members must take a more active role in the decision making process. For too long the school Board has simply demanded funding from the County Government, without any regard for the fiscal realities we all face.
I am prepared to work for these changes we so desperately need. I am not running for the School Board as a stepping stone to other elected offices. If elected, I will serve only one term of four years. My opponent has been on the Board for eight years and wants to serve four more. We do not need career politicans and we do not need career School Board members. If you cannot make a difference in four years, you are not the right person for the job. If you think the status quo is just fine and that taxpayers, students, and teachers are being well served, then by all means vote for my opponent. However, if you think we deserve better and its time for a change, vote for me.
Joe Voskuhl
School Board Candidate, District C
Good luck Joe but don’t expect much from a system that rewards bloat, waste and lack of responsibility.
Our teachers could be some of the best paid but the money is wasted by those who could care less about harford county children getting a great education.
lets go waste some money at wawa!
Hickory WAWA would be a good place for hm to get to meet and greet the facility workers.
I do not know Mr. Voskuhl. His decades of experience in education logically make him a viable candidate for the Board.
I wonder, however, what the teachers under his direction during his years as principal at BAHS think about his candidacy. Do they regard him as the champion of education and of teachers that he claims.
As a teacher who worked under Joe. .. and currently working with the present administration. ..I fully support him in his effort to affect change to the current climate if HIPS.
Things are bad! ..people who don’t see that are short sighted .
The board and central office administration need to see this. Joe might be able to point out some thing s that the current board members are ignorant of …ir are just choosing not you see.
Voskuhl was a hands-off administrator who knew little about instruction unless it had something to do with football or other athletics. If it didn’t make him look good, it was of no use to him. He does know everything-just ask him. We will not work together with others if they disagree with him.
he was with the trades guy at Einstein bagels for 3 hours fixing the refregirator
Joe is a good man with a good heart. He let the experts be experts and allowed the strengths of his faculty shine through while offering support. Personable, hardworking and dedicated to the cause, I fully support Joe! Best of luck! We need changes!!!
Known Joe for years, its all about Joe and how he can further himself or his family.
So Riven how will straightening out the messed up HCPS help Joe and his family?
If you do not answer we shall assume you are clueless.
That’s easy. His daughter teaches at Aberdeen High School. I wonder where she’ll end up if he is elected to the school board.
How does one get preferential treatment for their children by serving in this elected position?
Will she be suddenly moving up the steps of union employment others can’t?
You chose not to believe that even in local public entities people get preferred treatment based on a relation on someone higher up the ladder?
You typically don’t end an accusation with a question mark.
Are you a product of HCPS?
Do you have something specifically to add?
Well, I am your daddy. That’s what I’d like to add.
You don’t think “strings” can, will, and/are pulled for preferential treatment?
Dont really care if you think HCPS is a beacon of moral turptidue, all that matters is how paperwork is written up and by who.
? HCPS is fraught with nepotism. Do your own investigation. Joe just wants to get his piece like others.
Was the question too difficult to answer?
Perhaps you didn’t understand the question.Lets try again.
So Riven how will straightening out the messed up HCPS help Joe and his family?
I guess you are too stupid to understand so I’ll point it out to you Joe wants to advance the career of his daughter (see previous posts) that’s nepotism in case you don’t get it, as he tried at Patterson Mill. Answer me this sunshine, what has Joe done to clean up the mess? Joe creates messes he has no desire to clean them up.
There is a strange otter in the building…no, I mean udder…no, wait odder…okay, I got it now…odor. Voskuhl is a big dummy.
Unfortunately, Mrs. Canavan is already telling teachers at school that there will not be raises next year. The county is putting all the available monies into building new schools and not salary increases. I just read that the sheriff’s office will be getting a step increase of 2300. As a teacher, I am dismayed. No one in the infancy of their career should consider staying in this county. Teachers need the support of the PTAs and our families. Speak up. Teachers deserve better. The children of Harford County deserve better.
Joe is not a team player unless it’s a football team. The new BAHS building was the “legacy” he was so intent on leaving with no regard to or input from anyone other than the athletes and the town in regards to the auditorium (and then begrudgingly). Teachers and other school leaders were not consulted on decisions for teaching areas. Space designated for academic areas were shifted to the athletic department. Thousands of dollars in furniture, equipment and supplies were lost when they were thrown out in the demolition of the old building despite the objections of teachers. If you want a Board of Education that will work TOGETHER for change, Joe would not be a good choice.
I think my comment was one of the earliest in this string and set the tone for a good while. As a voter in his district who needed some insight, I asked what teachers thought about Mr.Voskuhl’s performance. I notice that the HC Teachers Group failed to recommend him. After 3+ weeks of comments, my sense is that he’s a jock-oriented, resume-feeder who has difficulty dealing with persons whose ideas differ from his own. Sounds like H/C’s delegation in Annapolis
Would Dagger Readers, especially those who know Mr. Voskuhl from his days as an administrator, say my “take” is accurate?
BTW I had heard about Voskuhl’s refusal to allow teachers, etc. to remove anything in the building despite the fact that everything was going to be demolished? What’s with that?