From the Maryland Liberty Political Action Committee, Inc.:
Mary Ann Lisanti is toxic to Harford County and she has a track record to prove it.
Many times, citizens are forced to make voting decisions based on the campaign promises that the candidates make. Ideally, voters would prefer to have an established voting record that clearly defines a politician’s true character. Democrat candidate for House of Delegates in District 34A, Mary Ann Lisanti, can’t hide from her history as a Harford County Councilor.
Lisanti’s track record can be summed up in two words:
Big Government.
We need your help today to hold this tax-n-spend liberal accountable in one of the most critical districts in the state–click here to chip in.
Instead of decreasing taxes and regulations to create a business friendly environment in Harford County, Lisanti has voted to:
–hand out YOUR money in the form of grants and loans to private, (sometimes foreign) companies in the name of “economic development.”
In fact, Lisanti voted to double the size of “forgivable”(meaning not required to be repaid) loans that Harford County can dole out to businesses.
What does this mean to you and I?
It means that Mary Ann Lisanti is more interested in helping her politically connected friends than she is about supporting Harford County families.
And it’s not just the pockets of big business that Lisanti wants to dump your tax dollars into.
Last month, she introduced a bill in the Harford County Council that would raise the pay of Council Members by a staggering 25%!
When’s the last time you received a 25% raise?
Lisanti was also the only member of the Council to vote against a bill (12-50) that would help protect our private property rights by shielding as many citizens as possible from O’Malley’s “Septic Bill” also known as S.B. 236.
Now Lisanti wants to go to Annapolis and be a rubber stamp for O’Malley’s land grabbing agenda.
And what about socialized medicine?
That’s right, Mary Ann Lisanti supports that too!
As a Harford County Councilor, Lisanti voted FOR Bloomberg-esque big-government programs like the “Healthy Community Planning Board.”
These types of burdens on tax paying citizens are exactly why so many residents are fleeing Maryland for greener pastures.
And when the Campaign for Liberty asked Lisanti whether or not she would vote to end Obamacare implementation in Maryland, guess what she said?
She’s refusing to answer the voters on this issue because she supports Obama’s government run healthcare scheme.
Obamacare is costing families across our state their health insurance and Lisanti doesn’t care.
RIGHT NOW is our time to hold politicians like Mary Ann Lisanti accountable for their views and past votes, will you help today?
Can we in Maryland afford to have another Delegate that will tow the line for the liberals in Annapolis?
O.K., well maybe Lisanti doesn’t agree with voters on the issues, but is she at least responsive to citizen concerns?
The answer is NO.
Lisanti’s failure to stand up for her constituents has come under fire in the past.
In 2011, she sent out a letter saying that she would attend a community meeting that was being held to address concerns about a road project in a local neighborhood.
She never showed up to the meeting.
When contacted by The Bel Air Patch for a comment about her absence, Lisanti was quoted as saying :
“. . . I think their expectations are unrealistic.”
To ask a politician to do their job is unrealistic in Lisanti’s view.
I want you to understand this: if we don’t hold politicians like Lisanti responsible right now, we have nobody but ourselves to blame when these same politicians vote away our liberties in Annapolis.
Will you help Maryland Liberty PAC today by chipping in what you can?
Maryland Liberty PAC will continue to serve the public by publishing voter information pieces to help citizens make informed choices.
As part of our 2014 voter education program we’ve been:
****** Sending calls into districts to hold Establishment Statists accountable
****** Forcing all candidates to take public positions on important issues so that voters know the truth about where they stand
****** Running online ads to identify voters on key issues so that we can communicate with those voters between now and the election
****** Mobilizing the grassroots to door knock and phone bank in their local communities to get the word out to voters on where candidates stand
We’re mobilizing all the volunteers we can, but there’s no hiding the fact that we need financial resources to implement our program.
What happens in the next 2 months will set the game board for the next 4 years.
Won’t you help us late in the game to fight deceitful Statists running for office?
Your support will help us get critical information into District 34A as well as other legislative districts to let voters know where all candidates stand on the issues.
For Liberty,
Bob Willick
Executive Director
Maryland Liberty PAC
P.S. We can’t change things in Maryland if we don’t send a message to candidates and politicians that they must stand up for liberty!
none says
Maryland Liberty PAC, what a bunch of losers. Last time they put Shady McGrady up and he campaigned for lower taxes, while living off the tax dollars collected from all his section 8 housing. Now you put up another tea party want to be.
Old Skool says
I’d hit it!
Bill says
C4L back at trying to raise money. Anyone foolish enough to give them money should look at state liberty PAC campaign reports where McGrady and Patterson pocket the majority of money in consulting fees. I guess Willick is the new front man.
W.T.F.? says
Maryland Liberty PAC can “pack” one up its collective asses. Mary Ann Lisanti is a damn fine person, Councilwoman and soon to be Delegate. You morons are so off base in so many ways that I won’t take the time to rebut all of the inaccurate statements made by your E.D. (pun intended) Bob Willick.
You do not have enough intelligence to come up with any legit comments. Instead, you resort to the same typical “red meat” language that gets your neanderthal base all fired up. Things like “Big Government”, “Tax and Spend Liberal”, “Obamacare”, “Healthcare Scheme”, etc.
Also, you state that “Now, Lisanti wants to go to Annapolis and be a rubber stamp for O’Malley’s land grabbing agenda”. Really? You DO realize that when Mary Ann Lisanti goes to Annapolis (which she will), she won’t be able to be a “rubber stamp” to anything O’Malley, since Governor O’Malley will be term limited out of office when Mary Ann Lisanti is sworn in. That being said, I guess you assume (or are endorsing) the fact that Anthony Brown will definitely be the next governor of the great state of Maryland (sorry Larry Hogan, I guess these crazy “tea-baggers” don’t really have much confidence in you securing a victory and changing Maryland as per your desires).
Look, Maryland is a fine “blue” state, and many of us like it this way. The way I see it, If you are repulsed by Maryland politics, you have two options:
1.) Try to change it (but use facts, NOT hyperbole, lest you render youselves fringe lackeys).
2.) Move out to another state that suits your political leanings (no matter how anarchy bent you may be).
Number two is my favorite option for most of you, since that option opens up a space for someone else to fill that just MAY be a little bit more open minded and (dare I say) LIBERAL than you are. YEAH!!!! 🙂
John Q Public says
Very well said.
Vinnygret says
He also apparently slept through English class. You “toe the line,” you don’t tow it. “What does this mean to you and I” – no – “to” is a preposition, like between, and takes an object. Such basic errors only serve to highlight his overall rhetorical incompetence.
get a pie hole full says
Gee duder, most of us will have left by the time you sink in the financial shit and have to take a mouthful on the way down. Sure, I will go out and vote because I have to live with my personal decisions. But I hold no delusions that this state is anyway salvageable. With 25% government employees and the rest soon-to-be dreaming deadbeats and gangstas, there is no real wealth left to get the do-ray-me, so sink – get a big ole pie hole full shit. Your utterly stupid attitude strikes me funny already.
I have to laugh when you think you are hurting someone’s feelings by suggesting we leave. Hell yeah! Anybody that can will eventually leave.
RealityBites says
“Obama’s government run healthcare scheme”
Still trying to figure out exactly what part of the United States’ private insurance industry is a scheme run by the government, or a system of “socialized medicine.” This release is just more nonsense from a far-right PAC that hopes their audience are too dumb to know better.
Cdev says
She lost my vote when she pulled the raise crap for part time elected officials.
none says
Cdev, we all know you were never going to vote for her. Stop trying to sound like a hero.
sqausage says
Ahh, more of the same. Multiple people using different names.
pocket says
THEY yell to loud bob! must have struck a nerve!
John Q Public says
Seems Bob may not be wrapped to tight.
Helen says
I will not vote for this woman. I heard her talking at a bar in Havre de Grace bragging about all of the money she gets from steering tax dollars to “non profits”
This lady is a disgrace. and a thief.
none says
WOW, Steering money to non profits. You mean non profits like the Havre de Grace Maritime Museum, Lockhouse, Lighthouse, Stepping Stone or do you mean non profits like the Maryland Liberty Political Action Committee, Inc. or The Campaign for Liberty? I think this fine lady has done a wonderful job supporting her district, unlike you Helen who goes to bars and gossips.
Fred says
If she receives any sort of compensation from these nonprofits for it then what Helen has stated is correct. Does she not receive a large sum of money from the Greenway to do just that? If so how is that libel?
one says
Fine lady? In person she comes off as an arrogant, self centered, narcissistic, pompous ass… sadly that just makes her that much more attractive to liberals. They’re still in love with our incompetent amateur in chief.
TOS says
Helan, you may want to read the Daggers TOS before making libelous remarks of illegal activities.
SoulCrusher says
Its not libel if its true. If one other person was with her and heard the same conversation, then its hard to refute. Don’t let people scare you off from telling the truth. I’ve made many statements that could seem to be libelous, however, they are true. Nobody’s coming after me because they know its true. Tell the truth and don’t hold BACK!
Al J Thong says
Soul Crusher
But you can’t be charged with Libel or Slander because to have a mental disorder called Tourette Syndrome.where you blurt out offensive words.
SoulCrusher says
First off, its Mr. SoulCrusher to you. Don’t like the way I talk huh? Too BAD, Learn to Love it because the truth is still the truth no matter how I spit it!
none says
Mr. Sole Cruncher. A person of questionable character ease dropping on a private conversation carries about as much credibility as reading your rants.
SoulCrusher says
Really? That’s the best you got? Let me ask you this, when a disgruntled girlfriend of Donald Sterling, recorded their conversations without his knowledge, was this alright in your book? When police eaves drop on conversations is that all right? When the police monitor your phone without the appropriate warrant, is that OK? See the picture I’m painting? When Joseph Cassilly and his office conceal information that would have a case thrown out, is that OK? When a police officer lies to get a search warrant, is that OK? When the Constitution of the United States is violated in order to convict someone, is that OK with you too? When the Judges of the Harford County Circuit Court use the Bill of Rights to wipe their proverbial a$$, is that OK with you too? Take a closer look and you will see, things aren’t what they seem to be. I hope I’m getting my point across to you……..
SoulCrusher says
Now, for the best questions for you yet. Is a person, or group of people, having a conversation in a bar, a public place, really a private conversation? Is a person, or group of people, having a conversation in a bar, a public place, really eaves dropping when someone else hears it? Or is it just that the people having the conversation, in a public place, with other people around, just an idiot for saying something in that public place that they didn’t want to get heard?
the professor says
Your broad definition of Libel is myopic at best and less than true. Hearsay isn’t allowed in a court of law and you can indeed be sued for it. Freedom of speech is more restricted than gun ownership and economic losses from causing a loss of business, income or deception are punishable in civil court. Let your kid play with the family guns and shoot yourself or someone else and your aren’t held to any standard. Ms. Lisanti works for a non-profit as her full time job and the council only a part-time position. I think she has taken some questionable positions too and I am not happy when she kowtows to Bonifarce or “I care about teachers because I was a teacher” David Craig or Stutty.
SoulCrusher says
In theory, anyone can get sued for any reason. Hell, you can be sued for looking at someone the wrong way! The question is how far will it go in court? Even if the disgraceful Judges of Harford County side with the wrong side, you can appeal it and send it to a real court, outside of their jurisdictional reach. Remember, it only costs $25 to file a suit, or something ridiculous like that. If you get sued, make sure you countersue for at least twice the amount of the plaintiff and for legal/court costs. Most suits fall apart or get settled before they go to trial.
HCPS fan says
Okay. Lets talk about school teachers.
Stomp your feet and shake your fist.
mostly blue, I think I am says
Raise property taxes to the constant yield and bring in the needed funds to pay all owed steps and COLA’s. Hazzard Co has gotten away selling positions on the fact that this county is so great but it is cheap and the taxpayer could give a rats butt about anything other than their pocket.
squasage says
Keep changing your name, huh? Make it look like multiple people are commentimg when your timestamps are minutes apart.
mostly blah bro says
you dumb nuts are making the professor/mostly blue or mostly junk a rock dagger star. Stop making inane comments about others here as you probably post under different names as well. Come to think of it, about 6 persons can be attributed the bulk of the posts on this unregulated piece of internet junk board.
Raise taxes and help the economy says
No. Have – soon to be – Gov Brown insist that the state legislature take the cap off the property tax rate. Raise the property taxes by at least 10% and give all state employees a 20% bump. Good for the economy and it will motivate all the freeloaders to get the hell out of our state. I am sick of those Todd Lake types and their mansions. We need an ‘Occupy Lake’ movement or something.
Don’t want no job lock. Don’t want no job lock… Don’t want no job either – unless it’s a government job.
the professor says
I am not mostly blue, I am all blue:)